852 resultados para femtosecond laser pulse


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Dynamics of excited m-dichlorobenzene is investigated in real time by femtosecond pump-probe method, combined with time-of-flight mass spectrometric detection in a supersonic molecular beam. The yields of the parent ion and daughter ion C6H4CI+ are examined as a function of the delay between the 270 and 810 nm femtosecond laser pulses, respectively. The lifetime of the first singlet excited state S-1 of m-dichlorobenzene is measured. The origin of this daughter ion C6H4CI+ is discussed. The ladder mechanism is proposed to form the fragment ion. In addition, our experimental results exhibit a rapid damped sinusoidal oscillation over intermediate time delays, which is due to quantum beat effects.


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A novel long-lasting phosphor CdSiO3:Mn2+ is reported in this paper. The Mn2+-doped CdSiO3 phosphor emits orange light with CIE chromaticity coordinates x = 0.5814 and y = 0.4139 under 254 nm UV light excitation. In the emission spectrum of 1% Mn2+-doped CdSiO3 phosphor, there is a broad emission band centered at 575 nm which can be attributed to the,pin-forbidden transition of the d-orbital electron associated with the Mn2+ ion. The phosphorescence can be seen by the naked eyes in the dark clearly even after the 254 nm UV irradiation have been removed for about 1 h. The mechanism of the origin of the long-lasting phosphorescence was discussed using the thermoluminescence curves.


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We reported, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, the Sm3+ -doped yttriurn oxysulfide phosphors has reddish orange long-lasting phosphorescence. The phosphor show prominent luminescence in reddish orange due to the electronic transitions of (4)G(5/2) --> H-6(J) (J = 5/2, 7/2, 9/2), the afterglow color of this type of phosphors is a mixture of the three above mentioned electronic transition emissions and have a little different when the concentration of the Sm3+ dopant changes. Synthesis procedure of the Sm3+-yttrium oxysulfide reddish orange phosphor through the flux fusion method with binary flux compositions was presented. The synthesized phosphors were analyzed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) to interpret the structural characterization. The XRD analysis result reveal that the Y2O2S:Sm3+ phosphor synthesized with a binary flux composition containing (S and Na2CO3 at a ratio of 1: 1 at 30 wt.% of total raw material) at 1050degreesC for 3 h was in single-phase. Luminescence properties of the Y2O2S:Sm3+ long-lasting phosphor was analyzed by measuring the excitation spectra, emission spectra and afterglow decay curve. The mechanism of the strong afterglow from Y2O2S:Sm3+ was also discussed in this paper.


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A series of novel indigo light emitting long-lasting phosphors CdSiO3: RE3+ (RE = Y, La, Gd, Lu) was prepared by the conventional high-temperature solid-state method. The XRD, photoluminescence (PL) spectra and afterglow intensity decay were used to characterize the synthesized phosphors. These phosphors emitted indigo light and showed long-lasting phosphorescence. The phosphorescence can be seen with the naked eye in the dark clearly even after the 254-nm UV irradiation have been removed for more than 30 min.


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Multi-color LLP phenomenon was observed in Mn2+-doped ZnO-B2O3-SiO2 glassceramics after the irradiation of a UV lamp at room temperature. Transparent ZnO-B2O3-SiO2 glass emitted reddish LLP while opaque glass-ceramics prepared by the glass sample after heat treatment emitted yellowish or greenish LLP. The change of the phosphorescence is due to the alteration of co-ordination state of Mn2+. The phosphorescence of the samples was seen in the dark with naked eyes even 12 h after the irradiation with a UV lamp (lambda(max) = 254 nm) for 30 min. Based on the approximative t(-1) decay law of the phosphorescence, we suggest that the LLP is attributed to the thermally assisted electron-hole recombination.


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Supercontinua generated in microstructure fiber can exhibit significant excess amplitude noise. We present experimental and numerical studies of the origins of this excess noise and its dependence on the input laser pulse parameters.


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Broadband noise on supercontinuum spectra generated in microstructure fiber is shown to lead to amplitude fluctuations as large as 50% for certain input laser pulse parameters. We study this noise using both experimental measurements and numerical simulations with a generalized stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equation, finding good quantitative agreement over a range of input-pulse energies and chirp values. This noise is shown to arise from nonlinear amplification of two quantum noise inputs: the input-pulse shot noise and the spontaneous Raman scattering down the fiber.


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The vibrational wavepacket revival of a basic quantum system is demonstrated experimentally. Using few-cycle laser pulse technology, pump and probe imaging of the vibrational motion of D+2 molecules is conducted, and together with a quantum-mechanical simulation of the excited wavepacket motion, the vibrational revival phenomenon has been characterised. The simulation shows good correlation with the temporal motion and structural features obtained from the data, relaying fundamental information on this diatomic system.


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Ruthenium is one of the poorest catalysts for CO oxidation under normal conditions (low or medium O coverage and normal temperature). However, a recent study [Science 285, 1042 (1999)] reveals that, under femtosecond laser irradiation, CO2 can be formed on the Ru surface, and the reaction follows an electron-mediated mechanism. We carried out density functional theory calculations to investigate CO oxidation via an electron-mediated mechanism on Ru(0001). By comparison to the reaction under normal conditions, following features emerge in the electron-mediated mechanism: (i) more reaction channels are open; (ii) the reaction barrier is significantly lowered. The physical origins for these novel features have been analyzed. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The compression of a finite extent Gaussian laser pulse in collisional plasma is investigated. An analytical model is employed to describe the spatiotemporal evolution of a laser pulse propagating through the plasma medium. The pulse geometry is modeled via an appropriate ansatz which takes into account both beam radius (in space) and pulse width (in time). Compression and self-focusing are taken into account via appropriated group velocity dispersion and nonlinearity terms. The competition among the collisional nonlinearity in the plasma and the effect of divergence due to diffraction is pointed out and investigated numerically. Our results suggest that laser pulse compression and intensity localization is enhanced by plasma collisionality. In specific, a pulse width compression by an order of magnitude approximately is observed, for typical collisional laser plasma parameters, along with a significant increase in the intensity.


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The localized deposition of the energy of a laser pulse, as it ablates a solid target, introduces high thermal pressure gradients in the plasma. The thermal expansion of this laser-heated plasma into the ambient medium (ionized residual gas) triggers the formation of non-linear structures in the collisionless plasma. Here an electron-proton plasma is modelled with a particle-in-cell simulation to reproduce aspects of this plasma expansion. A jump is introduced in the thermal pressure of the plasma, across which the otherwise spatially uniform temperature and density change by a factor of 100. The electrons from the hot plasma expand into the cold one and the charge imbalance drags a beam of cold electrons into the hot plasma. This double layer reduces the electron temperature gradient. The presence of the low-pressure plasma modifies the proton dynamics compared with the plasma expansion into a vacuum. The jump in the thermal pressure develops into a primary shock. The fast protons, which move from the hot into the cold plasma in the form of a beam, give rise to the formation of phase space holes in the electron and proton distributions. The proton phase space holes develop into a secondary shock that thermalizes the beam.


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The interaction of an ultraintense laser pulse with a conical target is studied by means of numerical particle-in-cell simulations in the context of fast ignition. The divergence of the fast electron beam generated at the tip of the cone has been shown to be a crucial parameter for the efficient coupling of the ignition laser pulse to the precompressed fusion pellet. In this paper, we demonstrate that a focused hot electron beam is produced at the cone tip, provided that electron currents flowing along the surfaces of the cone sidewalls are efficiently generated. The influence of various interaction parameters over the formation of these wall currents is investigated. It is found that the strength of the electron flows is enhanced for high laser intensities, low density targets, and steep density gradients inside the cone. The hot electron energy distribution obeys a power law for energies of up to a few MeV, with the addition of a high-energy Maxwellian tail.


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Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements in the solid state of the bis complex of tris(1-pyrazolyl)-methane with Fe(II), [Fe(tpm)2](ClO4)2, suggest the existence of singlet-quintet spin crossover with the singlet isomer largely favored at room temperature. In acetonitrile solution, measurement of the absorption spectrum as a function of temperature reveals a spin equilibrium with the quintet population varying from ca. 6% at 233 K to ca. 30% at 295 K. When the complex in solution is irradiated with a laser pulse at wavelengths within the ligand field absorption band of the singlet isomer, ground-state depletion occurs within the pulse duration followed by fast recovery to the original absorbance level with a time constant of 25 +/- 5ns. The recovery time is virtually independent of temperature over the range +23 to -43-degrees-C, but the signal:noise ratio of the transient signals increases with decreasing temperature. The effect was observable at several monitoring wavelengths spanning the LF and MLCT absorption regions of the complex but only when the irradiation wavelength fell within the LF absorption region. Irradiation within the MLCT band produced no effect other than that of laser pulse scatter. The observations are interpreted in terms of photoperturbation of the singlet-quintet spin state equilibrium, which in this case occurs solely through excitation in the ligand field absorption region of the complex and is the first reported instance of this type for a spin-crossover complex in solution.


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Amplification of spontaneous emission at 23.6 nm has been studied in a Ge plasma heated by a 1 TW, 1.06 mum wavelength, laser pulse. The exponent of the axial gain reached 21 in a geometry with Fresnel number less-than-or-equal-to 1. Two plasma columns were produced by irradiation of slab targets up to a combined length of 3.6 cm. A narrow band XUV mirror allowed double pass amplification. Saturation of ASE output at 23.6 nm was observed as a change from exponential to linear growth of the output with plasma length. Further evidence of the effect was provided by a decline in the ratio of the output at 23.6 nm to that at 23.2 nm from approximately 1.6: 1 to approximately 0.5: 1, the latter being the theoretically predicted value for saturated operation. The onset of saturation at gL almost-equal-to 15 is consistent with model calculations. The beam divergence was about 8x diffraction limited with a brightness estimated at almost-equal-to 10(14) W/cm2/ster.


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The use of counterpropagating laser pulses to suppress high harmonic generation (HHG) is investigated experimentally for pulses polarized parallel or perpendicular to the driving laser pulse. It is shown for the first time that perpendicularly polarized pulses can suppress HHG. The intensity of the counterpropagating pulse required for harmonic suppression is found to be much larger for perpendicular polarization than for parallel polarization, in good agreement with simple models of the harmonic suppression. These results have applications to quasi-phase-matching of HHG with trains of counterpropagating pulses. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America.