961 resultados para ex-ante welfare analysis
The aim of this study was to examine the way Australian air traffic controllers manage their airspace. Fourteen controllers ranging from 7 to 30 years experience were sampled from the Brisbane air traffic control centre. All had previously been endorsed for en route radar sectors. Five static pictures varying in workload level (low, medium and high) were presented to participants. Controllers were asked to work through the scenarios and describe aloud how they would resolve any potential conflicts between the aircraft. Following this controllers were asked a set of probe questions based on the critical decision method, to extract further information about the way they manage their airspace. A content analysis was used to assess patterns in the way controllers scan, strategies used in conflict detection and conflict resolution and the effect of workload on strategy choice. Findings revealed that controllers use specific strategies (such as working in a left to right scan or prioritising levels) when managing their airspace. Further analyses are still planned however a model based on the processes controllers used to resolve conflicts has been developed and will be presented as a summary of the results.
Recently, goal orientation, a mental framework for understanding how individuals approach learning and achievement situadons, has emerged as an important predictor of performance. This study addressed the effects of domain-specific avoid and prove orientations on performance from the betweenand within-person levels of analysis. One hundred and three participants performed thirty trials of an airtraffic control task. Domain-specific avoid and prove orientations were measured before each trial to assess the effects of changes in goal orientadon on changes in performance (i.e. within-person relationships). Average levels of avoid and prove orientations were calculated to assess the effect of goal orientation on overall performance (i.e. between-person relationships). Findings from the between-person level of analysis revealed that high prove-orientated individuals performed better than low proveorientated individuals. Results also revealed that average goal orientation levels moderated the withinperson relationships. The effect of changes in avoid orientation on changes in performance was stronger for low versus high avoid-oriented individuals while the effect of changes in prove orientadon on changes in performances was stronger for low versus highprove oriented individuals. Implications of these findings are considered.
Alcoholism results in changes in the human brain which reinforce the cycle of craving and dependency, and these changes are manifest in the pattern of expression of mRNA and proteins in key cells and brain areas. Long-term alcohol abuse also results in damage to selected regions of the cortex. We have used cDNA microarrays to show that less than 1% of mRNA transcripts differ signifi cantly between cases and controls in the susceptible area and that the expression profi le of a subset of these transcripts is suffi cient to distinguish alcohol abusers from controls. In addition, we have utilized a 2D gel proteomics based approach to determine the identity of proteins in the superior frontal cortex (SFC) of the human brain that show differential expression in controls and long term alcohol abusers. Overall, 182 proteins differed by the criterion of > 2-fold between case and control samples. Of these, 139 showed signifi cantly lower expression in alcoholics, 35 showed signifi cantly higher expression, and 8 were new or had disappeared. To date 63 proteins have been identifi ed. The expression of one family of proteins, the synucleins, has been further characterized using Real Time PCR and Western Blotting. The expression of alpha-synuclein mRNA was signifi cantly lower in the SFC of alcoholics compared with the same area in controls (P = 0.01) whereas no such difference in expression was found in the motor cortex. The expression of beta- and gamma- synuclein were not signifi cantly different between alcoholics and controls. In contrast, the pattern of alphasynuclein protein expression differs from that of the corresponding RNA transcript. Because of the key role of synaptic proteins in the pathogenesis of alcoholism, we are developing 2-D DIGE based techniques to quantify expression changes in synaptosomes prepared from the SFC of controls and alcoholics.
The neurotoxicity of aluminium chloride was assessed in maleWistar albino rats. Rats were treated with aluminium chloride dissolved in distilled water at a dose of 300 mg/kg body weight daily by oral gavage (1 ml) for 45 days. Controls were treated with distilled water only. Animals were sacrificed and different brain regions were dissected. GFAP analysis was carried out by Western blotting using mouse anti-GFAP monoclonal antibody (Pharmingen: 60311D) at 1:1000. Blots were developed with HRP-linked goat anti-mouse secondary antibody and quantified by densitometry.