962 resultados para dynamic response parameters


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We present a fast, high-throughput method for characterizing the motility of microorganisms in 3D based on standard imaging microscopy. Instead of tracking individual cells, we analyse the spatio-temporal fluctuations of the intensity in the sample from time-lapse images and obtain the intermediate scattering function (ISF) of the system. We demonstrate our method on two different types of microorganisms: bacteria, both smooth swimming (run only) and wild type (run and tumble) Escherichia coli, and the bi-flagellate alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. We validate the methodology using computer simulations and particle tracking. From the ISF, we are able to extract (i) for E. coli: the swimming speed distribution, the fraction of motile cells and the diffusivity, and (ii) for C. reinhardtii: the swimming speed distribution, the amplitude and frequency of the oscillatory dynamics. In both cases, the motility parameters are averaged over \approx 10^4 cells and obtained in a few minutes.


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The efficiency and overall quality of a laser cutting operation is highly dependent on the assist gas parameters. The desire to cut thicker material has led to the observation of small process operating windows for thicker sections. The gas jet delivery and subsequent dynamical behaviour have significant effects on the cutting operation as the sample thickness increases. To date, few workers have examined the dynamical behaviour of the gas jet. This paper examines the characteristics of oxygen gas jets during CO2 laser cutting of steel. Particular emphasis is placed on the mass transfer effects that are operating within the kerf. Oxygen concentration levels within a model kerf are measured for various laser cutting set-ups. The results show a substantial reduction in oxygen concentration within the kerf. A system for oxygen concentration maintenance is described and cutting results from this system are compared with conventional techniques for cutting steels in the range 10 to 20mm thick. A theoretical analysis of turbulent mass transfer within a kerf is presented and compared with experiment.


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This paper presents a novel, three-dimensional, single-pile model, formulated in the wavenumber domain and adapted to account for boundary conditions using the superposition of loading cases. The pile is modelled as a column in axial vibration, and a Euler-Bernoulli beam in lateral vibration. The surrounding soil is treated as a viscoelastic continuum. The response of the pile is presented in terms of the stiffness and damping coefficients, and also the magnitude and phase of the pile-head frequency-response function. Comparison with existing models shows that excellent agreement is observed between this model, a boundary-element formulation, and an elastic-continuum-type formulation. This three-dimensional model has an accuracy equivalent to a 3D boundary-element model, and a runtime similar to a 2D plane-strain analytical model. Analysis of the response of the single pile illustrates a difference in axial and lateral vibration behaviour; the displacement along the pile is relatively invariant under axial loads, but in lateral vibration the pile exhibits localised deformations. This implies that a plane-strain assumption is valid for axial loadings and only at higher frequencies for lateral loadings. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The quasi-static and dynamic responses of laminated beams of equal areal mass, made from monolithic CFRP and Ultra high molecular weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE), have been measured. The end-clamped beams were impacted at mid-span by metal foam projectiles to simulate localised blast loading. The effect of clamping geometry on the response was investigated by comparing the response of beams bolted into the supports with the response of beams whose ends were wrapped around the supports. The effect of laminate shear strength upon the static and dynamic responses was investigated by testing two grades of each of the CFRP and UHMWPE beams: (i) CFRP beams with a cured matrix and uncured matrix, and (ii) UHMWPE laminates with matrices of two different shear strengths. Quasi-static stretch-bend tests indicated that the load carrying capacity of the UHWMPE beams exceeds that of the CFRP beams, increases with diminishing shear strength of matrix, and increases when the ends are wrapped rather than through-bolted. The dynamic deformation mode of the beams is qualitatively different from that observed in the quasi-static stretch-bend tests. In the dynamic case, travelling hinges emanate from the impact location and propagate towards the supports; the beams finally fail by tensile fibre fracture at the supports. The UHMWPE beams outperform the CFRP beams in terms of a lower mid-span deflection for a given impulse, and a higher failure impulse. Also, the maximum attainable impulse increases with decreasing shear strength for both the UHMWPE and CFRP beams. The ranking of the beams for load carrying capacity in the quasi-static stretch-bend tests is identical to that for failure impulse in the impact tests. Thus, the static tests can be used to gauge the relative dynamic performances of the beams. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Submarine landslides pose considerable hazards to coastal communities and offshore structures. The difficulty and cost of obtaining undisturbed samples of offshore soils for determining material properties required for slope stability analyses contribute to the complexity of the problem. There are significant advantages in using a simplified model for the seismic response of submarine slopes, compatible with the limited amount of information that can be realistically gathered, but still able to capture the key elements of clay behavior. This paper illustrates the process of parameter determination and calibration of the SIMPLE DSS model, developed for the study of seismic triggering of submarine slope instabilities. The selection of parameters and predictions of monotonic and cyclic simple shear response are carried out for Boston Blue Clay, a marine clay extensively studied and with a large experimental database available in the literature. The results show that the simplified model is able to reproduce the important trends in the response of the soil, especially in accounting for the effect of the slope.


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The Phase Response Curve (PRC) has proven a useful tool for the reduction of complex oscillator models. It is also an information often experimentally available to the biologist. This paper introduces a numerical tool based on the sensitivity analysis of the PRC to adapt initial model parameters in order to match a particular PRC shape. We illustrate the approach on a simple biochemical model of circadian oscillator. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper discusses road damage caused by heavy commercial vehicles. Chapter 1 presents some important terminology and a brief historical review of road construction and vehicle-road interaction, from ancient times to the present day. The main types of vehicle-generated road damage, and the methods that are used by pavement engineers to analyze them are discussed in Chapter 2. Attention is also given to the main features of the response of road surfaces to vehicle loads and mathematical models that have been developed to predict road response. Chapter 3 reviews the effects on road damage of vehicle features which can be studied without consideration of vehicle dynamics. These include gross vehicle weight, axle and tire configurations, tire contact conditions and static load sharing in axle group suspensions. The dynamic tire forces generated by heavy vehicles are examined in Chapter 4. The discussion includes their simulation and measurement, their principal characteristics, the effects of tires and suspension design on dynamic forces, and the potential benefits of using advanced suspensions for minimizing dynamic tire forces. Chapter 5 discusses methods for estimating the effects of dynamic tire forces on road damage. The two main approaches are either to examine the statistics of the forces themselves; or to calculate the response of a pavement model to the forces, and to calculate the resulting wear using a material damage model. The issues involved in assessing vehicles for 'road friendliness' are discussed in Chapter 6. Possible assessment methods include measuring strains in an instrumented pavement traversed by the vehicle, measuring dynamic tire forces, or measuring vehicle parameters such as the 'natural frequency' and 'damping ratio'. Each of these measurements involves different assumptions and analysis methods for converting the results into some measure of road damage. Chapter 7 includes a summary of the main conclusions of the paper and recommendations for tire and suspension design, road design and construction, and for vehicle regulations.


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The study of random dynamic systems usually requires the definition of an ensemble of structures and the solution of the eigenproblem for each member of the ensemble. If the process is carried out using a conventional numerical approach, the computational cost becomes prohibitive for complex systems. In this work, an alternative numerical method is proposed. The results for the response statistics are compared with values obtained from a detailed stochastic FE analysis of plates. The proposed method seems to capture the statistical behaviour of the response with a reduced computational cost.


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The response of back-supported buffer plates comprising a solid face sheet and foam core backing impacted by a column of high velocity particles (sand slug) is investigated via a lumped parameter model and coupled discrete/continuum simulations. The buffer plate is either resting on (unattached) or attached to a rigid stationary foundation. The lumped parameter model is used to construct maps of the regimes of behaviour with axes of the ratio of the height of the sand slug to core thickness and the normalised core strength. Four regimes of behaviour are identified based on whether the core compression ends prior to the densification of the sand slug or vice versa. Coupled discrete/continuum simulations are also reported and compared with the lumped parameter model. While the model predicted regimes of behaviour are in excellent agreement with numerical simulations, the lumped parameter model is unable to predict the momentum transmitted to the supports as it neglects the role of elasticity in both the buffer plate and the sand slug. The numerical calculations show that the momentum transfer is minimised for intermediate values of the core strength when the so-called "soft-catch" mechanism is in play. In this regime the bounce-back of the sand slug is minimised which reduces the momentum transfer. However, in this regime, the impulse reduction is small (less than 10% of that transferred to a rigid structure). For high values of the core strength, the response of the buffer plate resembles a rigid plate with nearly no impulse mitigation while at low values of core strength, a slap event occurs when the face sheet impinges against the foundation due to full densification of the foam core. This slap event results in a significant enhancement of the momentum transfer to the foundation. The results demonstrate that appropriately designed buffer plates have potential as impulse mitigators in landmine loading situations. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Endothelial filopodia play key roles in guiding the tubular sprouting during angiogenesis. However, their dynamic morphological characteristics, with the associated implications in cell motility, have been subjected to limited investigations. In this work, the interaction between endothelial cells and extracellular matrix fibrils was recapitulated in vitro, where a specific focus was paid to derive the key morphological parameters to define the dynamics of filopodium-like protrusion during cell motility. Based on one-dimensional gelatin fibrils patterned by near-field electrospinning (NFES), we study the response of endothelial cells (EA.hy926) under normal culture or ROCK inhibition. It is shown that the behaviour of temporal protrusion length versus cell motility can be divided into distinct modes. Persistent migration was found to be one of the modes which permitted cell displacement for over 300 μm at a speed of approximately 1 μm min-1. ROCK inhibition resulted in abnormally long protrusions and diminished the persistent migration, but dramatically increased the speeds of protrusion extension and retraction. Finally, we also report the breakage of protrusion during cell motility, and examine its phenotypic behaviours. © 2014 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.


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Roll-to-roll (R2R) gravure exhibits significant advantages such as high precision and throughput for the printing of photoactive and conductive materials and the fabrication of flexible organic electronics such as organic photovoltaics (OPVs). Since the photoactive layer is the core of the OPV, it is important to investigate and finally control the process parameters and mechanisms that define the film morphology in a R2R process. The scope of this work is to study the effect of the R2R gravure printing and drying process on the nanomorphology and nanostructure of the photoactive P3HT:PCBM thin films printed on PEDOT:PSS electrodes towards the fabrication of indium tin oxide (ITO)-free flexible OPVs. In order to achieve this, P3HT:PCBM blends of different concentration were R2R printed under various speeds on the PEDOT:PSS layers. Due to the limited drying time during the rolling, an amount of solvent remains in the P3HT:PCBM films and the slow-drying process takes place which leads to the vertical and lateral phase separation, according to the Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Atomic Force Microscopy analysis. The enhanced slow-drying leads to stronger phase separation, larger P3HT crystallites according to the Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction data and to weaker mechanical response as it was shown by the nanoindentation creep. However, in the surface of the films the P3HT crystallization is controlled by the impinged hot air during the drying, where the more the drying time the larger the surface P3HT crystallites. The integration of the printed P3HT:PCBM and PEDOT:PSS layers in an OPV device underlined the feasibility of fabricating ITO-free flexible OPVs by R2R gravure processes. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The low speed impact responses of simply-supported and clamped sandwich beams with corrugated and Y-frame cores have been measured in a drop-weight apparatus at 5 m s-1. The AISI 304 stainless steel sandwich beams comprised two identical face sheets and represented 1:20 scale versions of ship hull designs. No significant rate effects were observed at impact speeds representative of ship collisions: the drop-weight responses were comparable to the ones measured quasi-statically. Moreover, the corrugated and Y-frame core beams had similar performances. Three-dimensional finite element (FE) models simulated the experiments and were in good agreement with the measurements. The simulations demonstrated correctly that the sandwich beams collapsed by core indentation under both quasi-static loading and in the drop-weight experiments. These FE models were then used to investigate the sensitivity of impact response to (i) velocity, over a wider range of velocities than achievable with the drop-weight apparatus, and (ii) the presence of the back face sheet. The dynamic responses of sandwich beams with both front and back face sheets were found to be within 20% of the quasi-static responses for speeds less than approximately 5 m s-1. This suggests that quasi-static considerations are adequate to model the collision of a sandwich ship hull. By contrast, beams without a back face collapsed by Brazier buckling under quasi-static loading conditions, and by core indentation at a loading velocity of 5 m s-1. Thus, dynamic considerations are needed in ship hull designs that do not employ a back face. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the present paper, highly porous fibre networks made of 316L fibres, with different fibre volume fractions, are characterized in terms of network architecture, elastic constants and fracture energies. Elastic constants are measured using quasi-static mechanical and modal vibration testing, yielding local and globally averaged properties, respectively. Differences between quasi-static and dynamic elastic constants are attributed to through-thickness shear effects. Regardless of the method employed, networks show signs of material inhomogeneity at high fibre densities, in agreement with X-ray nanotomography results. Strong auxetic (or negative Poisson's ratio) behaviour is observed in the through-thickness direction, which is attributed to fibre kinking induced during processing. Measured fracture energies are compared with model predictions incorporating information about in-plane fibre orientation distribution, fibre volume fraction and single fibre work of fracture. Experimental values are broadly consistent with model predictions, based on the assumption that this energy is primarily associated with plastic deformation of individual fibres within a process zone of the same order as the inter-joint spacing. © 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc. All rights reserved.


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The rocking response of structures subjected to strong ground motions is a problem of 'several scales'. While small structures are sensitive to acceleration pulses acting successively, large structures are more significantly affected by coherent low frequency components of ground motion. As a result, the rocking response of large structures is more stable and orderly, allowing effective isolation from the ground without imminent danger of overturning. This paper aims to characterize and predict the maximum rocking response of large and flexible structures to earthquakes using an idealized structural model. To achieve this, the maximum rocking demand caused by different earthquake records was evaluated using several ground motion intensity measures. Pulse-type records which typically have high peak ground velocity and lower frequency content caused large rocking amplitudes, whereas non-pulse type records caused random rocking motion confined to small rocking amplitudes. Coherent velocity pulses were therefore identified as the primary cause of significant rocking motion. Using a suite of pulse-type ground motions, it was observed that idealized wavelets fitted to velocity pulses can adequately describe the rocking response of large structures. Further, a parametric analysis demonstrates that pulse shape parameters affect the maximum rocking response significantly. Based on these two findings, a probabilistic analysis method is proposed for estimating the maximum rocking demand to pulse-type earthquakes. The dimensionless demand maps, produced using these methods, have predictive power in the near-field provided that pulse period and amplitude can be estimated a priori. Use of this method within a probabilistic seismic demand analysis framework is briefly discussed. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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To elucidate the role of phenotype in stress-tolerant bloom-forming cyanobacterium Microcystis, two phenotypes of M. aeruginosa-unicellular and colonial strains were selected to investigate how they responded to copper stress. Flow cytometry (FCM) examination indicated that the percents of viable cells in unicellular and colonial Microcystis were 1.92-2.83% and 72.3-97.51%, respectively, under 0.25 mg l(-1) copper sulfate treatment for 24 h. Upon exposure to 0.25 mg l(-1) copper sulfate, the activities of antioxidative enzyme, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), were significantly increased in colonial Microcystis compared to unicellular Microcystis. Meanwhile, the values of the photosynthetic parameters (F-v/F-m, ETRmax and oxygen evolution rate) decreased more rapidly in unicellular Microcystis than in colonial Microcystis. The results indicate that colonial Microcystis has a higher endurance to copper than unicellular Microcystis. This suggests that the efficient treatment concentration of copper sulfate as algaecides will be dependent on the phenotypes of Microcystis. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.