997 resultados para drug tolerability


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INTRODUCTION: Transdermal drug delivery offers a number of advantages for the patient, not only due to its non-invasive and convenient nature, but also due to factors such as avoidance of first-pass metabolism and prevention of gastrointestinal degradation. It has been demonstrated that microneedles (MNs) can increase the number of compounds amenable to transdermal delivery by penetrating the skin's protective barrier, the stratum corneum, and creating a pathway for drug permeation to the dermal tissue below.

AREAS COVERED: MNs have been extensively investigated for drug and vaccine delivery. The different types of MN arrays and their delivery capabilities are discussed in terms of drugs, including biopharmaceutics and vaccines. Patient usage and effects on the skin are also considered.

EXPERT OPINION: MN research and development is now at the stage where commercialisation is a viable possibility. There are a number of long-term safety questions relating to patient usage which will need to be addressed moving forward. Regulatory guidance is awaited to direct the scale-up of the manufacturing process alongside provision of clearer patient instruction for safe and effective use of MN devices.


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This research book covers the major aspects relating to the use of novel delivery systems in enhancing both transdermal and intradermal drug delivery. It provides a review of transdermal and intradermal drug delivery, including the history of the field and the various methods employed to produce delivery systems from different materials such as device design, construction and evaluation, so as to provide a sound background to the use of novel systems in enhanced delivery applications.

Furthermore, it presents in-depth analyses of recent developments in this exponentially growing field, with a focus on microneedle arrays, needle-free injections, nanoparticulate systems and peptide-carrier-type systems. It also covers conventional physical enhancement strategies, such as tape-stripping, sonophoresis, iontophoresis, electroporation and thermal/suction/laser ablation Discussions about the penetration of the stratum corneum by the various novel strategies highlight the importance of the application method. Comprehensive and critical reviews of transdermal and intradermal delivery research using such systems focus on the outcomes of in vivoanimal and human studies. The book includes laboratory, clinical and commercial case studies featuring safety and patient acceptability studies carried out to date, and depicts a growing area for use of these novel systems is in intradermal vaccine delivery. The final chapters review recent patents in this field and describe the work ongoing in industry.


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A strong link between drug use and homelessness has long since been documented in the international literature. However, much of the research has concentrated on the direction of the relationship between drug use and homelessness, seeking to establish drug use as a cause or consequence of homelessness, with far less attention to the intersection of drug and homeless ‘careers’. This paper examines the drug and homeless pathways of young people who are participants in a qualitative longitudinal study of homeless youth in Dublin, Ireland. The findings highlight downward drug transitions as associated with exiting homelessness and continued or escalated consumption as associated with remaining homeless. Analyses of the meanings young people attach to drug use over time reveal the importance of housing as an enabler to engaging with treatment and as assisting the process of becoming and remaining drug free. Young people who remained homeless did not accept their situations, as ‘acculturation’ accounts would suggest; rather, they aspired to changing their situations. However, they also face strong barriers to accessing housing which in turn hamper their efforts to address the matter of their drug use. The implications for how the homeless/drug use ‘nexus’ is conceptualised and understood, as well as implications for policy, are discussed.


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Ophthalmic drug delivery system is very interesting and challenging due to the normal physiologically factor of eyes which reduces the bioavailability of ocular products. The development of a new ophthalmic dosage forms with the existing drugs to improve efficacy and bioavailability including better patients' compliance and convenience has become trend in the most pharmaceutical industries. The present review encompasses various conventional and novel ocular drug delivery systems, methods of preparation, characterization, recent researches carried out. Furthermore, the information on various commercially available in situ gel preparations and the existing patents of in situ drug delivery systems i.e. in situ gel formation of pectin, in situ gel for therapeutic use, medical uses of in situ formed gels and in situ gelling systems as sustained delivery for front of eye also covered in this review.


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Preclinical toxicity testing in animal models is a cornerstone of the drug development process, yet it is often unable to predict adverse effects and tolerability issues in human subjects. Species-specific responses to investigational drugs have led researchers to utilize human tissues and cells to better estimate human toxicity. Unfortunately, human cell-derived models are imperfect because toxicity is assessed in isolation, removed from the normal physiologic microenvironment. Microphysiological modeling often referred to as 'organ-on-a-chip' or 'human-on-a-chip' places human tissue into a microfluidic system that mimics the complexity of human in vivo physiology, thereby allowing for toxicity testing on several cell types, tissues, and organs within a more biologically relevant environment. Here we describe important concepts when developing a repro-on-a-chip model. The development of female and male reproductive microfluidic systems is critical to sex-based in vitro toxicity and drug testing. This review addresses the biological and physiological aspects of the male and female reproductive systems in vivo and what should be considered when designing a microphysiological human-on-a-chip model. Additionally, interactions between the reproductive tract and other systems are explored, focusing on the impact of factors and hormones produced by the reproductive tract and disease pathophysiology.


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Slow release drugs must be manufactured to meet target specifications with respect to dissolution curve profiles. In this paper we consider the problem of identifying the drivers of dissolution curve variability of a drug from historical manufacturing data. Several data sources are considered: raw material parameters, coating data, loss on drying and pellet size statistics. The methodology employed is to develop predictive models using LASSO, a powerful machine learning algorithm for regression with high-dimensional datasets. LASSO provides sparse solutions facilitating the identification of the most important causes of variability in the drug fabrication process. The proposed methodology is illustrated using manufacturing data for a slow release drug.


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The rationale for identifying drug targets within helminth neuromuscular signalling systems is based on the premise that adequate nerve and muscle function is essential for many of the key behavioural determinants of helminth parasitism, including sensory perception/host location, invasion, locomotion/orientation, attachment, feeding and reproduction. This premise is validated by the tendency of current anthelmintics to act on classical neurotransmitter-gated ion channels present on helminth nerve and/or muscle, yielding therapeutic endpoints associated with paralysis and/or death. Supplementary to classical neurotransmitters, helminth nervous systems are peptide-rich and encompass associated biosynthetic and signal transduction components - putative drug targets that remain to be exploited by anthelmintic chemotherapy. At this time, no neuropeptide system-targeting lead compounds have been reported, and given that our basic knowledge of neuropeptide biology in parasitic helminths remains inadequate, the short-term prospects for such drugs remain poor. Here, we review current knowledge of neuropeptide signalling in Nematoda and Platyhelminthes, and highlight a suite of 19 protein families that yield deleterious phenotypes in helminth reverse genetics screens. We suggest that orthologues of some of these peptidergic signalling components represent appealing therapeutic targets in parasitic helminths.


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In this study thermodynamically stable dispersions of amorphous quinine, a model BCS class 2 therapeutic agent, within an amorphous polymeric platform (HPC), termed a solid-in-solid dispersion, were produced using hot melt extrusion. Characterisation of the pre-extrudates and extrudates was performed using hyper-differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and Raman spectroscopy. Water uptake by the raw materials was determined using dynamic vapour sorption (DVS) analysis. Furthermore, the presence or absence of crystalline drug following storage at 25 °C/60% relative humidity and 40 °C/75% relative humidity in a sealed glass jar, and at 40 °C/75% relative humidity in an open glass jar for 3 months was determined using PXRD. Amorphous quinine was generated in situ during extrusion from both quinine base (5%, 10%, 20% w/w drug loading) and from quinine hydrochloride (5%, 10% w/w drug loading) and remained thermodynamically stable as a solid-in-solid dispersion within the HPC extrudates. When processed with HPC, quinine hydrochloride (20% w/w) was converted to amorphous quinine hydrochloride. Whilst stable for up to 3 months when stored under sealed conditions, this amorphous form was unstable, resulting in recrystallisation of the hydrochloride salt following storage for 1 month at 40 °C/75% relative humidity in an open glass jar. The behaviour of the amorphous quinine hydrochloride (20% w/w) HPC extrudate was related, at least in part, to the lower stability and the hygroscopic properties of this amorphous form.


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The formulation of BCS Class II drugs as amorphous solid dispersions has been shown to provide advantages with respect to improving the aqueous solubility of these compounds. While hot melt extrusion (HME) and spray drying (SD) are among the most common methods for the production of amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs), the high temperatures often required for HME can restrict the processing of thermally labile drugs, while the use of toxic organic solvents during SD can impact on end-product toxicity. In this study, we investigated the potential of supercritical fluid impregnation (SFI) using carbon dioxide as an alternative process for ASD production of a model poorly water-soluble drug, indomethacin (INM). In doing so, we produced ASDs without the use of organic solvents and at temperatures considerably lower than those required for HME. Previous studies have concentrated on the characterization of ASDs produced using HME or SFI but have not considered both processes together. Dispersions were manufactured using two different polymers, Soluplus and polyvinylpyrrolidone K15 using both SFI and HME and characterized for drug morphology, homogeneity, presence of drug-polymer interactions, glass transition temperature, amorphous stability of the drug within the formulation, and nonsink drug release to measure the ability of each formulation to create a supersaturated drug solution. Fully amorphous dispersions were successfully produced at 50% w/w drug loading using HME and 30% w/w drug loading using SFI. For both polymers, formulations containing 50% w/w INM, manufactured via SFI, contained the drug in the γ-crystalline form. Interestingly, there were lower levels of crystallinity in PVP dispersions relative to SOL. FTIR was used to probe for the presence of drug-polymer interactions within both polymer systems. For PVP systems, the nature of these interactions depended upon processing method; however, for Soluplus formulations this was not the case. The area under the dissolution curve (AUC) was used as a measure of the time during which a supersaturated concentration could be maintained, and for all systems, SFI formulations performed better than similar HME formulations.