963 resultados para cyber security, securitization, information technology, U.S CYBERCOM


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The thesis proposes a multi-constraint one-to-many bilateral e-Trade negotiation framework. It deploys mobile agents in negotiation, considers trading competition between vendors and search space, efficiently manages the risk of losing top utility offers that expire before the negotiation deadline, accurately evaluates offers, and truly maintains the security of negotiation data.


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Mobile learning is considered to be an advanced stage of E-learning. Mobile devices supported learning provides teaching materials anytime, anywhere, and eliminates space and time constraints for learners. Mobile devices-supported learning includes all portable devices such as mobile phones, PDAs, tablet PCs, and e-books. This paper aims to investigate the issue from a different perspective. Firstly, we consider how many novice programmers have personal mobile devices and what type of mobile devices they are using (PDA, tablet PC, e-book). Secondly, we consider whether the Buraimi University College (Oman) Information Technology infrastructure supports mobile learning. Thirdly we consider students' behavior and attitude towards mobile devices supported teaching materials. For this purpose, the survey method will be used as a research tool to collect responses from 1st year students enrolled in introductory programming courses at the Information Technology department of Buraimi University College. This paper also describes a set of findings which helps instructors to take steps to promote mobile learning for novice programmers.


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 In anticipation of helping students mature from passive to more active learners while engaging with the issues and concepts surrounding computer security, a student generated Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) learning strategy was designed and deployed as a replacement for an assessment task that was previously based on students providing solutions to a series of short-answer questions. To determine whether there was any educational value in students generating their own MCQs students were required to design MCQs. Prior to undertaking this assessment activity each participant completed a pre-test which consisted of 45 MCQs based on the topics of the assessment. Following the assessment activity the participants completed a post-test which consisted of the same MCQs as the pre-test. The pre and post test results as well as the post test and assessment activity results were tested for statistical significance. The results indicated that having students generate their own MCQs as a method of assessment did not have a negative effect on the learning experience. By providing a framework to the students based on the literature to support their engagement with the learning material, we believe the creation of well-structured MCQs resulted in a more advanced understanding of the relationships between the concepts of the learning material as compared with plainly answering a series of short-answer questions from a textbook. Further study is required to determine to what degree this learning strategy encouraged a deeper approach to learning.


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This thesis analyses software programs in the context of their similarity to other software programs. Applications proposed and implemented include detecting malicious software and discovering security vulnerabilities.


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An open research question in malware detection is how to accurately and reliably distinguish a malware program from a benign one, running on the same machine. In contrast to code signatures, which are commonly used in commercial protection software, signatures derived from system calls have the potential to form the basis of a much more flexible defense mechanism. However, the performance degradation caused by monitoring systems calls could adversely impact the machine. In this paper we report our experimental experience in implementing API hooking to capture sequences of API calls. The loading time often common programs was benchmarked with three different settings: plain, computer with antivirus and computer with API hook. Results suggest that the performance of this technique is sufficient to provide a viable approach to distinguishing between benign and malware code execution


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 Dr. Wen's research includes modelling the propagation dynamics of malicious information, exposing the most influential people and source identification of epidemics in social networks. His research is beneficial to both academia and industry in the field of Internet social networks.


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Mobile agents are expected to run in partially unknown and untrustworthy environments. They transport from one host to another host through insecure channels and may execute on non-trusted hosts. Thus, they are vulnerable to direct security attacks of intruders and non-trusted hosts. The security of information the agents collect is a fundamental requirement for a trusted implementation of electronic business applications and trade negotiations. This chapter discusses the security protocols presented in the literature that aim to secure the data mobile agents gather while searching the Internet, and identifies the security flaws revealed in the protocols. The protocols are analyzed with respect to the security properties, and the security flaws are identified. Two recent promising protocols that fulfill the various security properties are described. The chapter also introduces common notations used in describing security protocols and describes the security properties of the data that mobile agents gather.


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 This thesis analyses and examines the challenges of aggregation of sensitive data and data querying on aggregated data at cloud server. This thesis also delineates applications of aggregation of sensitive medical data in several application scenarios, and tests privatization techniques to assist in improving the strength of privacy and utility.


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 The thesis proposed four novel algorithms of information discovery for Multidimensional Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) that can significantly increase network lifetime and minimize query processing latency, resulting in quality of service improvements that are of immense benefit to Multidimensional Autonomous WSNs are deployed in complex environments (e.g., mission-critical applications).


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 My research is to exploit side information into advanced Bayesian nonparametric models. We have developed some novel models for data clustering and medical data analysis and also have made our methods scalable for large-scale data. I have published my research in several journal and conference papers.


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This article outlines many different ways of using technology to better link academic librarians and faculty, focusing particularly on how the appropriate use of technology in Acquisitions can improve the image of the library. The article presents a comprehensive overview of how technologies can be used to make Acquisitions not just a book purchasing department, but a department that works proactively to impress consituents, helping to make the library a central and prestigious part of the campus community. While the article's primary focus is on academic libraries, much of the discussion is also applicable to other types of libraries.


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Academic libraries are faced with a daunting series of challenges brought on by the digital revolution. In an era when millions of books, articles, images, and videos available instantaneously via the web, libraries across all institutional types are experiencing declining demand for their traditional services, built around the storage and dissemination of physical resources. At the same time, new demand for digital information services and collaborative learning spaces promise new areas of opportunity and engagement with patrons. A rapid and orderly transition to “the library of the future” requires difficult trade-offs, however, as no institution can afford to continue expanding both its commitment to comprehensive, local print collections as well as new investments in staff, technology, and renovations. This report illustrates how progressive academic libraries are evolving in response to these challenges, providing case studies and best practices in managing library space, staff, and resources.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar se o Sistema de Gestão Logística e Patrimonial (SLP) desenvolvido pela Administração Nacional do SESC, atende às necessidades de suas Administrações Regionais, apontando elementos positivos e negativos. Envolvendo as áreas de logística de suprimentos, logística interna e gestão de bens móveis pennanentes, o estudo teve também como objetivo estabelecer metodologia de avaliação, visto que não se encontrou caso similar aplicado em organizações prestadoras de serviços. A metodologia tratou de aspectos gerais relacionados a maior significância das atividades de recursos humanos, a eficiência das tarefas e a qualidade e segurança das infonnações, tudo resultado da utilização de tecnologia de infonnação. De fonna mais específica, a metodologia tratou de pontos focais das áreas que compõem o estudo: infonnação, cadastro, processamento, monitoramento, recebimento e planejamento. Incluiu-se ainda no método, avaliação sobre a necessidade de desenvolvimento de módulo de logística de distribuição no SLP. Os resultados do estudo evidenciaram que o SLP atende às necessidades das Administrações Regionais do SESC, que a necessidade de desenvolvimento do módulo de logística de distribuição deve ser melhor analisada e que a metodologia se mostrou viável e deve ser motivo de novas pesquisas em organizações prestadoras de serviços, inclusive no SESC, visto que o modelo gera impactos no gerenciamento da atividade logística e patrimonial.


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A difusão das doutrinas de gerenciamento orientadas para resultados no Brasil tem levado as organizações públicas a realizarem investimentos relevantes em tecnologia da informação como um componente de transparência para as ações governamentais e como suporte para a tomada de decisões pelos gestores públicos. O uso intensivo da informática em um mundo cada vez mais interconectado expõe a administração pública a novos tipos de ameaças e vulnerabilidades. Nesse contexto, as entidades de fiscalização devem ampliar sua forma de atuação, realizando controles mais rigorosos por meio de técnicas próprias de auditorias de tecnologia da informação, que visam assegurar a integridade e segurança dos dados que trafegam pelas redes e sistemas de informação. O objetivo da presente pesquisa consistiu em identificar as principais impropriedades associadas ao uso da informática nas administrações municipais sob a jurisdição do TCE-RJ, por meio do estudo de caso de sua experiência na realização de auditorias operacionais em tecnologia da informação. A pesquisa foi realizada com base na literatura e na análise dos achados das auditorias de sistemas, mostrando que este tipo de auditoria tem contribuído para tornar a gestão pública municipal mais eficiente, eficaz e transparente.


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A crescente utilização de recursos de informática e comunicação nas empresas, visando modernização, agilidade, redução de custos e outros, tem trazido diversos benefícios, mas tem também se tornado um enorme problema para o planeta. A quantidade de lixo eletrônico (e-waste) gerada pelos equipamentos de informática e comunicação tem dobrado a cada cinco anos, se tornando um dos principais focos de atenção nos últimos anos. O volume de lixo eletrônico gerado pelo descarte de equipamentos de informática e comunicação (TIC), já ultrapassa a marca de 50 milhões de toneladas por ano, o que equivale a oito vezes a produção total de resíduos da cidade de São Paulo. O mercado brasileiro total de eletrônicos é considerado o quinto do mundo, depois da China, Estados Unidos, Japão e Rússia. A produção total de lixo eletrônico no Brasil em 2011 foi de um milhão de toneladas e a parte referente a equipamentos de TIC foi estimada em 98 mil toneladas. Frente a este contexto este estudo visa contribuir para a expansão do conhecimento na gestão verde da cadeia de suprimentos (GSCM) aplicado à realidade empresarial brasileira de TIC. Especificamente pretende-se identificar quais fatores influenciam o processo de adoção e aplicação da gestão verde de TIC, em grandes empresas usuárias de TIC no Brasil, a partir dos modelos propostos por Molla (2008) e Molla e Coopers (2008). Desta forma buscou-se responder ao seguinte problema de pesquisa: quais fatores influenciam grandes empresas usuárias de tecnologia da informação e comunicação (TIC) no Brasil na adoção de conceitos de gestão de verde? Para isto, foi realizado estudo de caso em seis grandes empresas, todas lideres em seus setores, representando grandes áreas de serviços e manufatura. Como resultado final, foi proposto um novo modelo analítico, que pareceu mais adequado ao setor de serviços. O estudo também identificou que na gestão verde de TIC empresas manufatureiras tem prioridades diferentes das de serviço. Muitas vezes seus desafios operacionais são mais críticos em relação à sustentabilidade, que a gestão verde de TIC em si. Por outro lado, o estudo dos serviços prestados pelo setor público apesar dos grandes orçamentos anuais, apontou restrições quanto aos aspectos legais e deficiência de qualificação e capacitação de seus colaboradores como fatores limitantes para a implantação de programas de gestão verde mais abrangentes.