942 resultados para corner kick


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The book deals with behavior of phosphorus and its concentration in oceanic phosphorites. The major stages of marine geochemical cycle of phosphorus including its supply to sedimentary basins, precipitation from sea water, distribution and speciation in bottom sediments, diagenetic redistribution, and relation to other elements are under consideration. Formation of recent phosphorites as a culmination of phosphate accumulation in marine and oceanic sediments is examined. Distribution, structure, mineral and chemical compositions of major phosphorite deposits of various age on continental margins, as well as on submarine plateaus, uplifts and seamounts and some islands are described. A summary of trace element abundances in oceanic phosphorites is presented. Problems of phosphorite origin are discussed.


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This study examines the seed dispersal spectrum of the tropical dry forests of Southern Ecuador, in an effort to contribute to the knowledge of the complex dynamics of tropical dry forests. Seed dispersal spectrum was described for a total number of 160 species. Relationships of dispersal syndromes with plant growth form and climatic seasonality were explored. For a subset of 97 species, we determined whether dispersal spectrum changes when species abundance, in addition to species number, is taken into account. The same subset was used to relate dispersal syndromes with the environmental conditions. Zoochorous species dominated in the studied community. When considering the individual abundance of each species, however, anemochory was the prevalent dispersal syndrome. We found a significant difference in the frequency of dispersal syndromes among plant growth forms, with epizoochory only occurring in shrub species. The dispersal spectrum was dependent on climatic seasonality. The largest proportion of anemochorous species fructified during the dry season, while zoochorous diaspores dominated during the rainy season. A fourth-corner analysis indicated that the seed dispersal spectrum of Southern Ecuador dry forests is controlled by environmental conditions such as annual precipitation, annual temperature range or topography. Our results suggest that spatio-temporal changes in the environmental conditions may affect important ecological processes for dispersal. Thus, the predominance of one syndrome or another may depend on the spatial variation of environmental conditions.


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The aim of this study was to examine the acute effects of endurance exercise on jumping and kicking performance in young soccer players. Twenty-one top-class young soccer players (16.10.2 years) performed a countermovement jump test and a maximal instep soccer kick test before and after running for 20 min on a treadmill at 80% of their individual maximum heart rate. Two force platforms were used to obtain the following parameters during the countermovement jump: jump height, maximum power, maximum power relative to body mass, maximum vertical ground reaction force, maximum vertical ground reaction force relative to body mass, and maximum vertical ground reaction force applied to each leg. Maximum vertical ground reaction force and maximum vertical ground reaction force relative to body mass applied to the support leg during the kicks were also calculated with a force platform. The kicking motion was recorded using a three-dimensional motion-capture system. Maximum velocity of the ball, maximum linear velocity of the toe, ankle, knee and hip, and linear velocity of the toe at ball contact during the kicks were calculated. Non-significant differences were found in the parameters measured during the countermovement jump and the maximal instep soccer kick test before and after running, suggesting that the jumping and kicking performances of top-class young soccer players were not significantly affected after 20 min treadmill running at 80% of their individual maximum heart rate.


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Linear three-dimensional modal instability of steady laminar two-dimensional states developing in a lid-driven cavity of isosceles triangular cross-section is investigated theoretically and experimentally for the case in which the equal sides form a rectangular corner. An asymmetric steady two-dimensional motion is driven by the steady motion of one of the equal sides. If the side moves away from the rectangular corner, a stationary three-dimensional instability is found. If the motion is directed towards the corner, the instability is oscillatory. The respective critical Reynolds numbers are identified both theoretically and experimentally. The neutral curves pertinent to the two configurations and the properties of the respective leading eigenmodes are documented and analogies to instabilities in rectangular lid-driven cavities are discussed.


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El proyecto tiene como objetivo realizar el diseo de la cimentacin de Torre Reforma. Torre Reforma se ubica en Av. Paseo de la Reforma No. 483, en la esquina con Rio Elba, en la ciudad de Mxico. Dicha ubicacin geotcnicamente corresponde a lo que se conoce como la Zona de Lago. La superficie construida ser de 2780 m2 y el edificio contar con una altura de 244 m y un total de 57 plantas. Por debajo del nivel de calle el edificio constar de 10 niveles de stano destinados a aparcamiento. Partiendo de los parmetros geotcnicos del terreno, el proyecto consistir en calcular una parte de la cimentacin empleada en este edificio. Este proyecto se podr utilizar como gua para realizar cimentaciones parecidas para otros edificios. ABSTRACT The objective of this Project is to make the design of the foundation of Torre Reforma. Torre Reforma is located in Av. Paseo de la Reforma No. 483, on the corner with Ro Elba in Mxico City. Geotechnically this location corresponds to what it is known as la Zona del Lago or Lake Zone. The constructed area is of 2780 m2 and the building will have a height of 244 m and a total of 57 floors. Below street level the building will include ten basement levels for parking. Based on the geotechnical parameters of the site, the project will consist in calculating a part of the foundation used in this building. This project will be able to be used as a guide for future projects of foundations of buildings in similar conditions.


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This paper investigates the effective width of reinforced concrete flat slab structures subjected to seismic loading on the basis of dynamic shaking table tests. The study is focussed on the behavior of corner slab? column connections with structural steel I- or channel-shaped sections (shearheads) as shear punching reinforcement. To this end, a 1/2 scale test model consisting of a flat slab supported on four box-type steel columns was subjected to several seismic simulations of increasing intensity. It is found from the test results that the effective width tends to increase with the intensity of the seismic simulation, and this increase is limited by the degradation of adherence between reinforcing steel and concrete induced by the strain reversals caused by the earthquake. Also, significant differences are found between the effective width obtained from the tests and the values predicted by formula proposed in the literature. These differences are attributed to the stiffening effect provided by the steel profiles that constitute the punching shear reinforcement.


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The drag-flick is more efficient than hits or pushes when a penalty corner situation is in effect in field hockey. Previous research has studied the biomechanical pattern of the drag-flick, trying to find the cues for an optimal performance. On the other hand, some other studies have examined the most effective visual pick-up of relevant information in shots and goalkeeper anticipation. The aim of this study was to analyse the individual differences in the drag-flick pattern in order to provide relevant information for goalkeepers. One female skilled drag-flicker participated in the study. A VICON optoelectronic sy stem (Oxford Metrics, Oxford, UK) was used to capture the drag-flicks with six cameras. The results showed that the main significant differences between right and left shots (p<0.05) in the stick angles, stick minimum angular velocity and front foot-ball distance were when the front foot heel contacted the floor(T1) and at the minimum velocity of the stick, before the dragging action (T3). The findings showed that the most relevant information might be picked up at the ball-and-stick location before the dragging action.


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The penalty corner is one of the most important goal plays in field hockey. The drag-flick is used less by women than men in a penalty corner. The aim of this study was to describe training-induced changes in the drag-flick technique in female field hockey players. Four female players participated in the study. The VICON optoelectronic system (Oxford Metrics, Oxford, UK) measured the kinematic parameters of the drag-flick with six cameras sampling at 250 Hz, prior to and after training. Fifteen shots were captured for each subject. A Wilcoxon test assessed the differences between pre-training and post-training parameters. Two players received specific training twice a week for 8 weeks; the other two players did not train. The proposed drills improved the position of the stick at the beginning of the shot (p<0.05), the total distance of the shot (p<0.05)and the rotation radius at ball release (p<0.01). It was noted that all players had lost speed of the previous run. Further studies should include a larger sample, in order to provide more information on field hockey performance.


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In the recent years the missing fourth component, the memristor, was successfully synthesized. However, the mathematical complexity and variety of the models behind this component, in addition to the existence of convergence problems in the simulations, make the design of memristor-based applications long and difficult. In this work we present a memristor model characterization framework which supports the automated generation of subcircuit files. The proposed environment allows the designer to choose and parameterize the memristor model that best suits for a given application. The framework carries out characterizing simulations in order to study the possible non-convergence problems, solving the dependence on the simulation conditions and guaranteeing the functionality and performance of the design. Additionally, the occurrence of undesirable effects related to PVT variations is also taken into account. By performing a Monte Carlo or a corner analysis, the designer is aware of the safety margins which assure the correct device operation.


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Las plantas industriales de exploracin y produccin de petrleo y gas disponen de numerosos sistemas de comunicacin que permiten el correcto funcionamiento de los procesos que tienen lugar en ella as como la seguridad de la propia planta. Para el presente Proyecto Fin de Carrera se ha llevado a cabo el diseo del sistema de megafona PAGA (Public Address and General Alarm) y del circuito cerrado de televisin (CCTV) en la unidad de procesos Hydrocrcaker encargada del craqueo de hidrgeno. Partiendo de los requisitos definidos por las especificaciones corporativas de los grupos petroleros para ambos sistemas, PAGA y CCTV, se han expuesto los principios tericos sobre los que se fundamenta cada uno de ellos y las pautas a seguir para el diseo y demostracin del buen funcionamiento a partir de software especfico. Se ha empleado las siguientes herramientas software: EASE para la simulacin acstica, PSpice para la simulacin elctrica de las etapas de amplificacin en la megafona; y JVSG para el diseo de CCTV. La sonorizacin tanto de las unidades como del resto de instalaciones interiores ha de garantizar la inteligibilidad de los mensajes transmitidos. La realizacin de una simulacin acstica permite conocer cmo va a ser el comportamiento de la megafona sin necesidad de instalar el sistema, lo cual es muy til para este tipo de proyectos cuya ingeniera se realiza previamente a la construccin de la planta. Adems se comprueba el correcto diseo de las etapas de amplificacin basadas en lneas de alta impedancia o de tensin constante (100 V). El circuito cerrado de televisin (CCTV) garantiza la transmisin de seales visuales de todos los accesos a las instalaciones y unidades de la planta as como la visin en tiempo real del correcto funcionamiento de los procesos qumicos llevados a cabo en la refinera. El sistema dispone de puestos de control remoto para el manejo y gestin de las cmaras desplegadas; y de un sistema de almacenamiento de las grabaciones en discos duros (RAID-5) a travs de una red SAN (Storage Area Network). Se especifican las diferentes fases de un proyecto de ingeniera en el sector de E&P de hidrocarburos entre las que se destaca: propuesta y adquisicin, reunin de arranque (KOM, Kick Off Meeting), estudio in situ (Site Survey), plan de proyecto, diseo y documentacin, procedimientos de pruebas, instalacin, puesta en marcha y aceptaciones del sistema. Se opta por utilizar terminologa inglesa dado al mbito global del sector. En la ltima parte del proyecto se presenta un presupuesto aproximado de los materiales empleados en el diseo de PAGA y CCTV. ABSTRACT. Integrated communications for Oil and Gas allows reducing risks, improving productivity, reducing costs, and countering threats to safety and security. Both PAGA system (Public Address and General Alarm) and Closed Circuit Television have been designed for this project in order to ensure a reliable security of an oil refinery. Based on the requirements defined by corporate specifications for both systems (PAGA and CCTV), theoretical principles have been presented as well as the guidelines for the design and demonstration of a reliable design. The following software has been used: EASE for acoustic simulation; PSpice for simulation of the megaphony amplification loops; and JVSG tool for CCTV design. Acoustic for both the units and the other indoor facilities must ensure intelligibility of the transmitted messages. An acoustic simulation allows us to know how will be the performance of the PAGA system without installing loudspeakers, which is very useful for this type of project whose engineering is performed prior to the construction of the plant. Furthermore, it has been verified the correct design of the amplifier stages based on high impedance lines or constant voltage (100 V). Closed circuit television (CCTV) ensures the transmission of visual signals of all access to facilities as well as real-time view of the proper functioning of chemical processes carried out at the refinery. The system has remote control stations for the handling and management of deployed cameras. It is also included a storage system of the recordings on hard drives (RAID - 5) through a SAN (Storage Area Network). Phases of an engineering project in Oil and Gas are defined in the current project. It includes: proposal and acquisition, kick-off meeting (KOM), Site Survey, project plan, design and documentation, testing procedures (SAT and FAT), installation, commissioning and acceptance of the systems. Finally, it has been presented an estimate budget of the materials used in the design of PAGA and CCTV.


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Since the epoch-making "memoir" of Saint-Venant in 1855 the torsion of prismatic and cilindrical bars has reduced to a mathematical problem: the calculation of an analytical function satisfying prescribed boundary values. For over one century, till the first applications of the F.E.M. to the problem, the only possibility of study in irregularly shaped domains was the beatiful, but limitated, theory of complex function analysis, several functional approaches and the finite difference method. Nevertheless in 1963 Jaswon published an interestingpaper which was nearly lost between the splendid F. E.M. boom. The method was extended by Rizzo to more complicated problems and definitively incorporated to the scientific community background through several lecture-notes of Cruse recently published, but widely circulated during past years. The work of several researches has shown the tremendous possibilities of the method which is today a recognized alternative to the well established F .E. procedure. In fact, the first comprehensive attempt to cover the method, has been recently published in textbook form. This paper is a contribution to the implementation of a difficulty which arises if the isoparametric elements concept is applicated to plane potential problems with sharp corners in the boundary domain. In previous works, these problems was avoided using two principal approximations: equating the fluxes round the corner or establishing a binode element (in fact, truncating the corner). The first approximation distortes heavily the solution in thecorner neighbourhood, and a great amount of element is neccesary to reduce its influence. The second is better suited but the price payed is increasing the size of the system of equations to be solved. In this paper an alternative formulation, consistent with the shape function chosen in the isoparametric representation, is presented. For ease of comprehension the formulation has been limited to the linear element. Nevertheless its extension to more refined elements is straight forward. Also a direct procedure for the assembling of the equations is presented in an attempt to reduce the in-core computer requirements.


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A single-family house in a conventional suburb on the outskirts of Valdemoro, Madrid, is sited on a lot measuring 15 x 21 meters, on a corner with two street facades. = Una vivienda unifamiliar en una urbanizacin convencional en las afueras de Valdemoro Madrid. La parcela es de 15 x 21 m, en esquina y con dos fachadas a la calle.


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In order to reduce costs and time while improving quality, durability and sustainability in structural concrete constructions, a widely used material nowadays, special care must be taken in some crucial phases of the project and execution, including the structure design and calculation, the dosage, dumping and curing of concrete: another important aspect is the proper design and execution of assembly plans and construction details. The framework, a name designating the whole reinforcement bars cage already assembled as shown in the drawings, can be made up of several components and implies higher or lower industrialization degree. The framework costs constitute about one third of the price per cubic meter placed in concrete works. The best solutions from all points of view are clearly those involving an easier processing to achieve the same goal, and consequently carrying a high degree of industrialization, meaning quality and safety in the work. This thesis aims to provide an indepth analysis of a relatively new type of anchoring by plate known as headed reinforcement bars, which can potentially replace standard or L-shaped hooks, improving the cleaning of construction details and enabling a faster, more flexible, and therefore a more economical assembly. A literature review on the topic and an overview of typical applications is provided, followed by some examples of specific applications in real projects. Since a strict theoretical formulation used to provide the design plate dimensions has not yet been put forward, an equation is proposed for the side-face blowout strength of the anchorage, based on the capacity of concrete to carry concentrated loads in cases in which no transverse reinforcement is provided. The correlation of the calculated ultimate load with experimental results available in the literature is given. Besides, the proposed formulation can be expanded to cases in which a certain development length is available: using a software for nonlinear finite element analysis oriented to the study of reinforced concrete, numerical tests on the bond-bearing interaction are performed. The thesis ends with a testing of eight corner joints subjected to a closing moment, held in the Structures Laboratory of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, aiming to check whether the design of such plates as stated is adequate for these elements and whether an element with plate-anchored reinforcement is equivalent to one with a traditional construction detail.