929 resultados para conceptions of teaching and learning


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A preocupação central desta pesquisa foi compreendermos quais os saberes docentes que o professor de EJA mobiliza na organização do seu trabalho em sala de aula e a relevância desses saberes no cotidiano do aluno de Escolas Estaduais da cidade de Garanhuns, Pernambuco, Brasil. A pesquisa foi conduzida com 100 discentes da EJA que estudam em quatro escolas da referida cidade e com oito docentes que lecionam nas referidas Instituições. Procedeu-se à aplicação de um questionário validado e adaptado aos discentes e uma entrevista semi-estruturada aos docentes dessa modalidade. A análise dos dados quantitativos foi realizada por meio do programa SPSS; enquanto a análise dos dados qualitativos foi orientada pela análise de discurso. Os resultados evidenciaram a falta de formação profissional específica dos docentes para trabalhar com a EJA, bem como a necessidade de uma política educacional voltada para essa modalidade de ensino, visto que, apesar de a maioria dos professores recorrerem aos diferentes saberes adquiridos em sua trajetória, a educação de jovens e adultos ainda expressa um reflexo de exclusão e ideologia apresentando bastante dificuldade. Assim, sugere-se que muito se tem a evoluir para que toda a potencialidade utilizada a favor do ensino de jovens e adultos obtenha sucesso, tanto para construção das práticas pedagógicas de seus docentes quanto para a facilitação do processo de ensino-aprendizagem com os alunos.


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A escola é uma organização cuja missão se traduz no aperfeiçoamento das práticas pedagógicas e na melhoria da qualidade do ensino e da aprendizagem (Lima, 2008) muito embora se veja confrontada diariamente com vários desafios de ordem política, social, económica e ideológica que obrigam todos os agentes educativos a encontrar formas para os ultrapassar (Nóvoa, 2009). Atualmente, o sucesso dos mega agrupamentos recentemente criados pela tutela emerge como um enorme desafio quanto à organização e nova dinâmica da escola como instituição, realçando o papel fundamental dos promotores e harmonizadores da mudança que constituem os órgãos de gestão e nomeadamente os de gestão intermédia, representados pelos coordenadores dos departamentos curriculares. Com efeito, é a eles que cabe o difícil e delicado papel de unir realidades diferentes coordenando-as, orientando-as e harmonizando-as respeitando simultaneamente as diferentes ambições e expetativas dos alunos quanto ao seu futuro, as culturas escolares e os professores que de um momento para o outro são obrigados a adaptarem-se a contextos sociais ainda mais heterogéneos. Desta forma, a tarefa dos coordenadores de departamento vê-se substancialmente acrescida e dificultada não só pelo aumento do número de docentes que constitui o departamento mas, mais ainda pela explosão das diferenças que surgem entre os vários docentes, as suas práticas e o universo de alunos do mega agrupamento que se deve constituir numa única comunidade escolar (Sergiovanni, 2004). No intuito de realçar o papel dos coordenadores na promoção da integração das duas escolas e na implementação da efetiva colaboração entre coordenadores e grupos disciplinares, objetivo geral deste trabalho, é proposta uma ação de formação na modalidade de projeto. Esta proposta resulta da análise das entrevistas realizadas aos coordenadores do mega departamento de Matemática e Ciências Experimentais do mega agrupamento onde a autora deste estudo exerce funções, e através das quais se procurava responder à questão: qual o papel dos coordenadores na promoção de integração das duas escolas e na implementação da efetiva colaboração entre os coordenadores e grupos disciplinares.


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Biological evolution is part of the syllabi for Biology and Science in Swedish upper secondary school. In the syllabi, evolution is not only presented as a topic in Biology courses, but is also regarded as a unifying theme. The teacher has a fundamental role in deciding how the national curriculum is translated into the educational situation. This thesis investigates teachers’ accounts of their teaching of evolution in Swedish upper secondary school, describing their understandings of the purpose of teaching and learning evolution as part of biology education. The thesis is based on interviews of teachers teaching the course Biology A, which is compulsory as dictated by the Natural Science Program. The interviews were supplemented with questionnaires. The interviews were orientated towards questions about selection of course content and the reasons for choosing this content. The interviews were focused on teachers experiences based on their own practice. Two aspects of content were examined: (1) the scientific content taught in terms of themes and (2) the socializing value-laden aspects, such as priorities taken by the teachers and the teachers´ overarching aims.   The results showed that teachers described different teaching contents with regard to values, even when the core content of themes was similar. Four different selective traditions for choosing content were identified among teachers. The results are discussed in relation to the context and conditions that the teachers identify as influential on the content chosen. Teachers’ interactions with their students as well as their world views are important for their selection and adjustment of content. There are also indications that teachers’ personal views about purposes are important for selecting the teaching content.


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This paper investigates the learning behaviour, learning environment and learning outcomes of Hong Kong Chinese students enrolled on an Australian university's Bachelor of Business degree course taught by visiting Australian lecturers in Hong Kong. The Chinese students are task-focused and passive learners. They do not demonstrate creative thinking, critical analysis or risk taking in problem solving, and appear to focus on surface-level rote learning. Semi-structured interviews with students and lecturers identified the changes experienced in learning behaviour and teaching strategies. By applying a teaching and learning value chain developed by Radbourne in 2001 and using Biggs's 3P culturally modified model of teaching and learning, new teaching strategies were developed to ensure that the Chinese Hong Kong students graduated with the capabilities required to be effective in the global workplace. (Contains 2 figures and 1 table.)


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This paper poses the question, what impact have student evaluations (SE’s) of teaching had on the improvement in teaching in Australian tertiary education. The paper proposes to assess the effectiveness of SE’s through an investigations of the ways in which have been used in Australian tertiary education over the last 20 years or so. Three approaches are discussed: a) quality assurance - student evaluations used to ensure the quality of the learning environment in which learning takes place; b) quality improvement - student evaluations used as a diagnostic tool for individual teaching staff; and c) student feedback – student evaluations used to provide prospective and current students with information to help inform their choices and expectations. The discussions reviews some of the research and known practise in Australian universities. It concludes that SE’s have had a profound impact on pedagological understandings of tertiary education by placing the student at centre stage of teaching and learning. However it suggests that we do not know how SE’s have impacted on teaching effectiveness and improvement. The paper concludes by recommending further research to define critical success factors, a better understanding of how to make the student feedback and evaluation tools and mechanisms more approachable and meaningful for students, and an assessment of the ‘survey industry’ as a sustainable enterprise.


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Dr Marcia Devlin is an educational psychologist and Professor of Higher Education Research at Deakin University. Marcia has a broad and extensive publication record in the scholarship of teaching and learning that incorporates academic development, student learning support and the use of information and communication technologies in teaching and learning.  She writes regularly for The Age and Campus Review newspapers.


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Dr Marcia Devlin is an educational psychologist and Professor of Higher Education Research at Deakin University. Marcia has a broad and extensive publication record in the scholarship of teaching and learning that incorporates academic development, student learning support and the use of information and communication technologies in teaching and learning. She writes regularly for The Age and Campus Review newspapers.


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This volume--the first to bring together research on sociocultural aspects of mathematics education--presents contemporary and international perspectives on social justice and equity issues that impact mathematics education. In particular, it highlights the importance of three interacting and powerful factors--gender, social, and cultural dimensions. Sociocultural Research on Mathematics Education: An International Perspective is distinguished in several ways:

* It is research based. Chapters report on significant research projects; present a comprehensive and critical summary of the research findings; and offer a critical discussion of research methods and theoretical perspectives undertaken in the area.
* It is future oriented, presenting recommendations for practice and policy and identifying areas for further research.
* It deals with all aspects of formal and informal mathematics education and applications and all levels of formal schooling.

As the context of mathematics education rapidly changes-- with an increased demand for mathematically literate citizenship; an increased awareness of issues of equity, inclusivity, and accountability; and increased efforts for globalization of curriculum development and research-- questions are being raised more than ever before about the problems of teaching and learning mathematics from a non-cognitive science perspective. This book contributes significantly to addressing such issues and answering such questions. It is especially relevant for researchers, graduate students, and policymakers in the field of mathematics education.


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Technology in classrooms has brought opportunities to develop new ways of teaching and learning, as well as new ways of thinking and communicating. The author describes a lesson which aimed to have the grade four children in the class construct on the computer screen images of rectangles. The lesson provided the opportunity to learn about some powerful generalisations about rectangles as well to learn about their geometric and algebraic understandings.


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The discourses that dominate schooling and education are complicit in, and circulate reductionist and bounded understandings of social relationships (Lather, 2004; MacLure, 2003; Atkinson, 2003a). Those deeply implicated in these  relationships understand that the pragmatic discourses of teaching and learning do little to elucidate or generate understandings about pedagogy that recognise the complex and contingent. There is a need for research that gives account of the experience of learning to teach without abetting the neoliberal accountability discourses in teacher education. This paper unfolds to the reader one practitioner researcher’s ways to come to know living pedagogy (Aoki, Low & Palulis, 2001) and research through the possibilities of epistolary in pedagogical enquiry.


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The World Wide Web has had an impact on many areas of teaching and learning. Mathematics teaching however has only recently begun to utilise and develop this educational resource. This paper outlines a research program, which aims to uncover the extent the Internet, in particular the World Wide Web, is being used for High School mathematics education. The program includes searching out discernible Web-based teaching strategies and examining their impact on mathematics teaching and learning attitudes and achievements. Of particular interest is the extent to which deployment of the Web in mathematics teaching might increase student interest in mathematics. The first step in this
process is to develop a preliminary typology of mathematical elements on the Web. The nature of these elements, their categorisation and their possible roles in the teaching and learning of mathematics are discussed.


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After a decade of rapid expansion in Australian higher education, student numbers have grown considerably in many courses and subjects, especially at the undergraduate level.
Larger class sizes pose significant teaching challenges, not least in the assessment of student learning. Perhaps most troubling, large classes may limit the amount of feedback provided to students.
In response to the pressures and challenges of assessing larger groups of students, academic staff are responding through:
• greater attention to the communication of clear assessment criteria to students;
• the development and use of marking guides to be used by teaching and assessing teams;
• the increasing use of various forms of exemplars to guide student efforts — as well as to guide marking and grading — including the modelling of discipline-based thinking, writing and performance; and
• the continuous refinement and dissemination of assessment policy and practice in relation to large student groups.
The issue of workload is central in any decisions about assessment of large classes for it is a serious one for students and staff alike. Staff teaching large student groups invariably undertake an informal, qualitative weighing-up of the efficiency of assessment tasks vis-à-vis their educational effectiveness.
There is little doubt that establishing an effective assessment program — developing criteria, guides, exemplars and models; discussing and refining them and communicating them to students and other staff — will have an initial negative impact on workload for staff with coordinating responsibilities.
However, this preparatory work is likely to lead to three gains. The first is a reduction in the time required for marking due to a higher quality of student submission. The second is a resolution of some of the potential issues likely when many staff are involved in marking and grading, through a streamlining of marking and grading practices. Finally, the availability of clear, transparent criteria and examples of work will contribute positively to the overall quality of teaching and learning.


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For the past 30 years, beginning with the seminal work of Herbert Marsh in Australia and New Zealand, institutions of higher education have developed internal practices and procedures to collect and analyse student evaluations of teaching and learning. However, the question remains: has this development resulted in the achievement of institutional goals that maximise learning across all teaching contexts? As is the case in many other countries, a recent review of Australian national student evaluation data failed to conclude that student evaluations have improved overall teaching. However, these data have made student perceptions of teaching and learning more salient in the minds of tertiary educators. Certainly, teaching staff are aware of the impacts of student evaluations on informed decision-making, such as the continuation or discontinuation of courses, and on their promotion processes. This paper will review student evaluation practices according to criteria used in change theories, such as the transtheoretical change model (TTM). TTM construes organisational change as a process involving progress through a series of five stages: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. This paper will focus on organisational and behavioural outcomes that can be linked to the use of student data. It will recommend strategies for better aligning evaluation results to the stages of change.


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Forensic Psychology is a recognised and important sub-specialty of the Psychology discipline. However, after an expansion in the number of training places that were offered when programmes were first developed, recent years have seen these diminish in response to changes in university policies, resulting from reformulated Federal government funding models. In this article, we argue that it is important for the future of specialist areas of professional psychology to not only articulate the core skills and competencies that are associated with specialist practice but also to develop unique and distinctive approaches to teaching and learning signature pedagogies. Based on the premise that forensic psychological practice is, indeed, a distinctive activity that requires different skills and, importantly, different ways of thinking about the work from other areas of professional psychology, it is suggested that professional training in this area should aim to develop a signature pedagogy which combines methods of teaching and learning that have been developed in legal training programmes with principles of problem-based learning.