999 resultados para coeficiente de carga cinética
When a bolted joint is loaded in tension with dynamically, part of this load is absorbed by the bolt and rest is absorbed by the joint material. What determines the portion that is to absorbed by the bolt is the joint stiffness factor. This factor influences the tension which corresponds to pre-load and the safety factor for fatigue failure, thus being an important factor in the design of bolted joints. In this work, three methods of calculating the stiffness factor are compared through a spreadsheet in Excel software. The ratio of initial pre-load and the safety factor for fatigue failure depending on the stiffness factor graph is generated. The calculations for each method show results with a small difference. It is therefore recommended that each project case is analyzed, and depending on its conditions and the range of stiffness values, the more or less rigid method about the safety factor for fatigue failure is chosen. In general, the approximation method provides consistent results and can be easily calculated
The use of rainwater for non-potable purposes generates a reduction in the consumption of treated water, however, this reduction is not observed in the generation of wastewater, as this is independent of the water source. In Brazil, the pricing on the services of collection and treatment of sewage, in general, is based on the coefficient of return of the sewage disposal system, which has a relation sewer / water proportional to the consumption of treated water measured at the consumer unit. The use of rainwater originating from utilization systems infer on the coefficient, underestimating the volume of wastewater generated. Therefore, this study presents a methodology for setting the coefficient of return. Different roof areas, reservoir volumes and rates of water consumption situations were simulated. The behavior of adjustment of the coefficient of return were also analyzed for the average area per capita roof (m² / inhabitant) of Rio Claro - SP. As a result, it can be seen that the adjustment of the coefficient of return is directly proportional to the increase of the roof areas and the volumes of reservoirs, and inversely proportional to the total water demand. The corrected coefficient of return showed the minimum value of 0.83 and a maximum value of 1.45, this variation corresponds to the maximum ratio between the demands of total water and rainwater, since the exploitation of rain water should be used only for non-potable uses, according to NBR 15527 / 07. To the municipality of Rio Claro - SP was noted an adjustment of the coefficient of return ranging from 0.99 to 6.61
Load transportation in brazilian territory is made difficult by a deficient highway network, result of low maintenance and lack of government supervision. The problem aggravates when we consider the transportation of indivisible loads, mainly because the brazilian highways are not prepared for such task and few companies in Brazil have the necessary equipment suited for this kind of transport. In this dissertation it will be shown the analysis of a specific equipment to transport overweight indivisible loads, called hydraulic modular multi axle trailer. From an existing project (RB.04LE-01), manufactured and homologated in Brazil, it has been studied how the components in this trailer work so it could have been possible to elaborate a new model (RB.04LE-02), with two main objectives: reduction of costs and weight with subsequent increase in the liquid load for roadway transportation. The trailer’s components analyses were made utilizing the theory of fatigue strength of materials and finite element method with the von Misses criteria for a more safety when realizing the calculations
The increasing demand for productivity and quality in companies has converged to a common point: reducing costs. In this context the present work aims at the development of a mechanical press which is designed for pressing polar hydrogenerators coils with salient pole in field facilitating the assembly of the poles in the plant, as well as reforms especially in hydrogenerators, reducing significantly the transport costs. With security in mind as well as reduced costs, a study was made of the materials to be used as it was applied a methodology for calculating the correct choice of safety factor to be used in the device. Through mechanical calculations were dimensioned critical items of the device as the diameter of the rods as well as the minimum thickness of the base of the device must have so that it does not break threaded shear in the region by applying the total load of traction on the risers implementation of the pressing. All compression loading device will be through the application of torque on the nuts of bolts in this way was defined by calculations the required torque for each nut so that you can reach the pressure specified in the design specifies. The modeling of the device was made using the INVENTOR™ program in conjunction with the program ANSYS ™. These programs have created designs in three dimensions, assembly and simulation of stress analysis in components of the device
A pesquisa de novas substâncias com atividade anti-Candida é importante devido à ocorrência de resistência por parte de algumas destas espécies aos antifúngicos usuais. Araújo e colaboradores (2009) comprovaram a atividade antifúngica do extrato de Syngonanthus nitens e torna-se relevante a proposta de formulações e o estudo destas. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi a avaliação da liberação, permeação e retenção na mucosa vaginal in vitro de formulação (creme) contendo o extrato de Syngonanthus nitens, em comparação com outra formulação proposta (gel), para averiguar qual das formulações apresenta mais vantagens para o tratamento da candidíase. Foi validado um método analítico para quantificação do extrato de S. nitens por espectrofotômetro UV-VIS utilizando o padrão luteolina. Os parâmetros analíticos utilizados para avaliar a credibilidade do método analítico foram: seletividade e especificidade, linearidade, limite de quantificação, precisão, exatidão e robustez. O método analítico proposto mostrou-se satisfatório: apresentou seletividade e especificidade; linearidade (os pontos obtidos nas concentrações de 5 a 30 µg/mL apresentaram-se lineares e com um ótimo coeficiente de correlação linear: 0,99996); precisão e exatidão; robustez; e o limite de quantificação foi de 0,5 µg/mL, com coeficiente de variação menor que 5%. Além disso, foram realizados testes de estabilidade preliminar e estudos reológicos, e a formulação creme apresentou resultados adequados para o uso proposto e também apresentou estabilidade. Os ensaios de liberação demonstraram que ambas as formulações apresentam cinética de liberação conforme o modelo de Higuchi, ou seja, a velocidade de liberação do fármaco da matriz do sistema se dá por difusão controlada. Os resultados mostram que as duas formulações apresentam perfil de liberação muito... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Indivíduos imunocomprometidos possuem maior risco de desenvolver linfomas associados ao EBV. A detecção desse vírus em sangue periférico e a determinação de sua carga viral podem ter importância na evolução clínica de indivíduos portadores do HIV. Foram avaliadas 156 amostras de pacientes HIVpositivos pela reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (qPCR) para detecção e quantificação da carga viral do EBV. 123/156 (78,8%) casos apresentaram carga viral detectável para o EBV, sendo que a carga viral média foi de 6,9x10-3 cópias de EBV/célula. Foi detectada elevada carga viral do EBV em indivíduos com falha terapêutica ou sem HAART (p =0,0076), em coinfectados pelos EBVs 1 e 2 (p=0,0205), em pacientes com altas cargas de HIV (rho=0,27614, p=0,0005) e longos períodos de infecção pelo HIV (rho= 0,24164, p =0,0026) e os que apresentavam altos níveis de linfócitos T CD8 + (rho=0,19286, p =0,0159). A amplificação do gene EBNA-2 para realização da tipagem viral foi possível em 95/123 (77,2%) amostras, das quais 72 (75,8%) revelaram infecção pelo EBV-1, 9 (9,5%) pelo EBV-2 e 14 (14,7%) apresentavam coinfecção entre os EBVs 1 e 2. Esses dados estão de acordo com a literatura visto que o tipo 1 é predominante em países ocidentais e 70,0% da coorte era composta por indivíduos caucasianos e heterossexuais. A maioria dos pacientes que apresentaram coinfecção pelos EBVs 1 e 2 tiveram contagem de linfócitos T CD4 + entre 200 e 499 células/μL de sangue segundo classificação CDC (p =0,0272). Quanto a analise do gene BNLF-1, a amplificação foi possível em 99/123 (80,5%). Desses 50/99 (50,5%) apresentavam a deleção de 30pb no gene, enquanto 49/99 (49,5%) não a possuíam. Em conjunto, os resultados obtidos evidenciam deterioração do sistema imunitário, caracterizada...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This work deals with the thermal load study of a fictitious aircraft as well as scaling, in terms of the airflow and temperature of the air conditioning system, for heating and cooling of the its internal environment, aiming the thermal comfort of occupants. The first part is presented the techniques and methods utilized for modeling different heat exchanges that occur in the aircraft and then allowed to calculate the total heat load and the airflow and temperature necessary to comply with the requirements of the thermal comfort. Techniques to determine the basic parameters, as convection coefficient and global coefficient of heat exchange, are also presented. The work aims to develop a program, using a computational tool, to automate the calculations so that facilitate this study. It also allows to be used for other airplanes just changing parameters and the control variables related to the specific project. Finally the program performs calculations for a fictitious airplane, to analyze its functionality and the influence of parameters involved in the temperature controls. The program allowed analyzing the sensitivity of portions of the thermal load and the corresponding parameters of influence, as well as the scaling of the air conditioning in terms of airflow and temperature. It was considered, despite the simplifications, a good approximation to the actual values and then can be used in development of the other airplanes
In the current decade, inter modal transport is widely discussed. In Brazil road transport is used in excess whereas there could be more focus and investment towards water transport. Water transport presents many benefits like being low cost and low maintenance. Sea and river ports today aren't capable of supporting Brazil's transport needs. Therefore, with this obstacle, this paper consists of an attempt of modeling and simulation of the process of unloading grain cargo from trucks, through simulation with ProModel software, to verify the necessity of installing more tumblers at the cargo unloading station in Porto Murtinho, MS
Comissionamento de turbinas hidráulicas: ensaios de faixa operativa, índex, test e rejeição de carga
With growing electricty demand, the importance of generation through hydropower, a renewable energy source, it’s of great importance. This demand derives from the country’s growth, as well as events that will occur in the coming years. The commission has a crucial role before the entry into operation of hydroelectric plant, sice, ensures a good operation of hydraulic and electrical systems, as well as the safety of the installation. This paper is a case study, commissioning in a PCH in especially the most important tests, such as range operation, índex tes and load rejection. In these trials we can get a Idea of the actual behavior of the unit, as well as future operation maneuvers, and evidence of real efficiency
In the eld of synthetical materials, often called in the literature as organic/molecular conductors or charge-transfer salts, the most prominient examples are the quasi onedimensional systems (TMTTF)2X and (TMTSF)2X, where TMTTF, TMTSF and X refers to tetrametiltetratiafuvaline, tetrametiltetraselenafuvaline and a monovalent anion (X = PF6
A presença de parasitas, que podem afetar inúmeros aspectos da biologia de seus hospedeiros, possivelmente levando a uma queda em seu desempenho. Entretanto, ao longo do estabelecimento da associação parasita-hospedeiro, alterações na fisiologia e morfologia deste último podem representar mecanismos compensatórios para os danos causados pelos parasitas. Sendo assim, carga parasitária deve ser um importante determinante do valor adaptativo (fitness) do hospedeiro. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estabelecer possíveis correlações entre carga parasitária, massas de diversos órgãos e desempenho locomotor no sapo-cururu, Rhinella ictericus (Anura: Bufonidae). O desempenho locomotor dos indivíduos capturados de R. ictericus foi medido através do uso de uma pista circular de madeira. Durante um período de 10 minutos, os animais foram forçados a manter desempenho locomotor constante e a distância total percorrida foi corrigida para o comprimento rostro-cloacal. Depois das medidas de desempenho locomotor, os órgãos internos foram dissecados, tendo seus parasitas contabilizados. As massas de todos os órgãos escalaram positivamente com a massa corpórea. O número de parasitas nos pulmões e o índice corpóreo também se mostraram positivamente relacionados à variação em massa corpórea. Indivíduos com maior carga parasitária intestinal foram também aqueles que apresentaram um maior número total de parasitas, sugerindo a existência de variação individual na susceptibilidade a diferentes parasitas. O desempenho locomotor foi negativamente associado à carga parasitária total, demonstrando um efeito deletério causado pelos parasitas ao hospedeiro em um aspecto crucial de sua história de vida. Hospedeiros com maior carga parasitária pulmonar apresentaram maior massa intestinal e renal, sugerindo possíveis mecanismos compensatórios dos possíveis danos causados pelos parasitas
Due to greater productivity in the auto industry and the high competition in the current market, employees are required to perform repeated movements and often, with short intervals of rest. This daily exposure causes muscle tension and overloads occasional, thus creating problems and psychosocial stress. Currently companies are concerned with the welfare of the employee, where the main focus is product quality and life of the worker, thus justifying such a study. Therefore , this technical work to assist the master's thesis of graduate student Daniel Rodriguez , was developed with the objective is to analyze , develop, design and construct a coupled to a load cell device simulating a stitcher to be used in an industry the posts stapling upholstery of seats . Are the stages of design and construction detailed in this work and its positive results in relation to the technical part of the study
With the increasing demand for electricity, the retraining of transmission lines is necessary despite environmental restrictions and crossings in densely populated areas to build new transmission and distribution lines. Solution is reuse the existent cables, replacing the old conductor cables for new cables with higher capacity power transmission, and control of sag installed. The increasing demand for electrical power has increased the electric current on the wires and therefore, it must bear out temperatures of 150°C or more, without the risk of the increasing sag beyond the established limits. In the case of long crossings or densely populated areas, sag is due to high weight of the cable on clearance. The cable type determines the weight, sag, height and the towers dimensions, which are the items that most influence the investment of the transmission line. Hence, to reduce both cost of investment and maintenance of the line, the use of a lighter cable can reduce both number and the height of the towers, with financial return on short and long term. Therefore, in order to increase the amount of transmitted energy and reduce the number of built towers and sag, is recommended in the current work substitute the current core material (steel or aluminium) for alternatives alloys or new materials, in this case a composite, which has low density, elevated stiffness (elasticity module), thus apply the pultruded carbon fiber with epoxy resin as matrix systems and perform the study of the kinetics of degradation by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), according to their respective standards
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Sabe-se que a desnutrição protéica fetal/neonatal pode predispor à resistência à insulina e à síndrome metabólica após recuperação nutricional. O treinamento físico, por sua vez, melhora a tolerância à glicose e a sensibilidade à insulina, além de exercer efeitos benéficos ao crescimento somático. Por outro lado, faltam informações quanto à habilidade de organismos desnutridos muito jovens para a realização do exercício. Modelos animais podem auxiliar a investigação desta questão, uma vez que o estudo em humanos apresenta limitações. Alimentação de ratos com dietas isocalóricas com baixo teor protéico é um modelo de desnutrição bastante utilizado para simular a desnutrição humana. Assim sendo, o presente estudo foi delineado para avaliar a cinética de lactato sanguíneo durante uma sessão de natação de ratos recém desmamados submetidos à restrição protéica fetal/neonatal. Foram avaliados dois grupos de animais recém-desmamados (21 dias, machos), contendo 8 animais em cada um: Normoprotéico (NP), crias de ratas alimentados com dieta normoprotéica (AIN 93G, 17% caseína) durante a gestação e a lactação e Hipoprotéico (HP):crias de ratas alimentados com dieta normoprotéica (6% caseína) durante a gestação e a lactação. Foram analisados peso ao nascer, concentrações séricas de proteínas totais e albumina dos recém-nascidos assim como ao desmame. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste t de student não pareado, sendo o nível de significância pré-estabelecido em 5%. Quando se avaliou os animais recémnascidos observou-se que a restrição protéica neonatal foi eficaz na instalação do quadro de desnutrição visto menores valores referente ao peso corporal, proteínas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)