921 resultados para cholinesterase inhibitor
Background: The metastatic disease rather than the primary tumor itself is responsible for death in most solid tumors, including breast cancer. The role of matrix metalloproteinases ( MMPs), tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs) and Reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs ( RECK) in the metastatic process has previously been established. However, in all published studies only a limited number of MMPs/MMP inhibitors was analyzed in a limited number of cell lines. Here, we propose a more comprehensive approach by analyzing the expression levels of several MMPs (MMP-2, MMP-9 and MMP-14) and MMP inhibitors (TIMP-1, TIMP-2 and RECK) in different models ( five human breast cancer cell lines, 72 primary breast tumors and 30 adjacent normal tissues). Methods: We analyzed the expression levels of MMP-2, MMP-9 and MMP-14 and their inhibitors (TIMP-1, TIMP-2 and RECK) by quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) in five human breast cancer cell lines presenting increased invasiveness and metastatic potential, 72 primary breast tumors and 30 adjacent normal tissues. Moreover, the role of cell-extracellular matrix elements interactions in the regulation of expression and activity of MMPs and their inhibitors was analyzed by culturing these cell lines on plastic or on artificial ECM (Matrigel). Results: The results demonstrated that MMPs mRNA expression levels displayed a positive and statistically significant correlation with the transcriptional expression levels of their inhibitors both in the cell line models and in the tumor tissue samples. Furthermore, the expression of all MMP inhibitors was modulated by cell-Matrigel contact only in highly invasive and metastatic cell lines. The enzyme/inhibitor balance at the transcriptional level significantly favors the enzyme which is more evident in tumor than in adjacent non-tumor tissue samples. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the expression of MMPs and their inhibitors, at least at the transcriptional level, might be regulated by common factors and signaling pathways. Therefore, the multi-factorial analysis of these molecules could provide new and independent prognostic information contributing to the determination of more adequate therapy strategies for each patient.`
A cyanobacterial mat colonizing the leaves of Eucalyptus grandis was determined to be responsible for serious damage affecting the growth and development of whole plants under the clonal hybrid nursery conditions. The dominant cyanobacterial species was isolated in BG-11 medium lacking a source of combined nitrogen and identified by cell morphology characters and molecular phylogenetic analysis (16S rRNA gene and cpcBA-IGS sequences). The isolated strain represents a novel species of the genus Brasilonema and is designated Brasilonema octagenarum strain UFV-E1. Thin sections of E. grandis leaves analyzed by light and electron microscopy showed that the B. octagenarum UFV-E1 filaments penetrate into the leaf mesophyll. The depth of infection and the mechanism by which the cyanobacterium invades leaf tissue were not determined. A major consequence of colonization by this cyanobacterium is a reduction in photosynthesis in the host since the cyanobacterial mats decrease the amount of light incident on leaf surfaces. Moreover, the cyanobacteria also interfere with stomatal gas exchange, decreasing CO2 assimilation. To our knowledge, this is the first report of an epiphytic cyanobacterial species causing damage to E. grandis leaves.
Angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) is recognized as one of the main effector molecules involved in blood pressure regulation. In the last few years some polymorphisms of ACE such as the insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism have been described, but their physiologic relevance is poorly understood. In addition, few studies investigated if the specific activity of ACE domain is related to the I/D polymorphism and if it can affect other systems. The aim of this study was to establish a biochemical and functional characterization of the I/D polymorphism and correlate this with the corresponding ACE activity. For this purpose, 119 male brazilian army recruits were genotyped and their ACE plasma activities evaluated from the C- and N-terminal catalytic domains using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) peptides, specific for the C-domain (Abz-LFK(Dnp)OH), N-domain (Abz-SDK(Dnp)P-OH) and both C- and N-domains (Abz-FRK(Dnp)P-OH). Plasma kallikrein activity was measured using Z-Phe-Arg-AMC as substrate and inhibited by selective plasma kallikrein inhibitor (PKSI). Some physiological parameters previously described related to the I/D polymorphism such as handgrip strength, blood pressure, heart rate and BMI were also evaluated. The genotype distribution was II n = 27, ID n = 64 and DD n = 28. Total plasma ACE activity of both domains in II individuals was significantly lower in comparison to ID and DD. This pattern was also observed for C- and N-domain activities. Difference between ID and DD subjects was observed only with the N-domain specific substrate. Blood pressure, heart rate, handgrip strength and BMI were similar among the genotypes. This polymorphism also affected the plasma kallikrein activity and DD group presents high activity level. Thus, our data demonstrate that the I/D ACE polymorphism affects differently both ACE domains without effects on handgrip strength. Moreover, this polymorphism influences the kallikrein-kinin system of normotensive individuals. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work was undertaken to provide further insight into the role of mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) in skeletal muscle regeneration, focusing on myofiber size recovery. Rats were treated or not with rapamycin, an mTORC1 inhibitor. Soleus muscles were then subjected to cryolesion and analyzed 1, 10, and 21 days later. A decrease in soleus myofiber cross-section area on post-cryolesion days 10 and 21 was accentuated by rapamycin, which was also effective in reducing protein synthesis in these freeze-injured muscles. The incidence of proliferating satellite cells during regeneration was unaltered by rapamycin, although immunolabeling for neonatal myosin heavy chain (MHC) was weaker in cryolesion+rapamycin muscles than in cryolesion-only muscles. In addition, the decline in tetanic contraction of freeze-injured muscles was accentuated by rapamycin. This study indicates that mTORC1 plays a key role in the recovery of muscle mass and the differentiation of regenerating myofibers, independently of necrosis and satellite cell proliferation mechanisms. Muscle Nerve 42: 778-787,2010
Protein kinase C beta II (PKC beta II) levels increase in the myocardium of patients with end-stage heart failure (HF). Also targeted overexpression of PKC beta II in the myocardium of mice leads to dilated cardiomyopathy associated with inflammation, fibrosis and myocardial dysfunction. These reports suggest a deleterious role of PKC beta II in HF development. Using a post-myocardial infarction (MI) model of HF in rats, we determined the benefit of chronic inhibition of PKC beta II on the progression of HF over a period of 6 weeks after the onset of symptoms and the cellular basis for these effects. Four weeks after MI, rats with HF signs that were treated for 6 weeks with the PKC beta II selective inhibitor (beta IIV5-3 conjugated to TAT(47-57) carrier peptide) (3 mg/kg/day) showed improved fractional shortening (from 21% to 35%) compared to control (TAT(47-57) carrier peptide alone). Formalin-fixed mid-ventricle tissue sections stained with picrosirius red, haematoxylin and eosin and toluidine blue dyes exhibited a 150% decrease in collagen deposition, a two-fold decrease in inflammation and a 30% reduction in mast cell degranulation, respectively, in rat hearts treated with the selective PKC beta II inhibitor. Further, a 90% decrease in active TGF beta 1 and a significant reduction in SMAD2/3 phosphorylation indicated that the selective inhibition of PKC beta II attenuates cardiac remodelling mediated by the TGF-SMAD signalling pathway. Therefore, sustained selective inhibition of PKC beta II in a post-MI HF rat model improves cardiac function and is associated with inhibition of pathological myocardial remodelling.
Nitric oxide (NO) plays a key role in body temperature (Tb) regulation of mammals, acting on the brain to stimulate heat loss. Regarding birds, the putative participation of NO in the maintenance of Tb in thermoneutrality or during heat stress and the site of its action (periphery or brain) is unknown. Thus, we tested if NO participates in the maintenance of chicks` Tb in those conditions. We investigated the effect of intramuscular (im; 25, 50, 100 mg/kg) or intracerebroventricular (icv; 22.5, 45, 90, 180 mu g/animal) injections of the non selective NO synthase inhibitor L-NAME on Tb of 5-day-old chicks at thermoneutral zone (TNZ; 31-32 degrees C) and under heat stress (37 degrees C for 5-6 h). We also verified plasma and diencephalic nitrite/nitrate levels in non-injected chicks under both conditions. At TNZ, 100 mg/kg (im) or 45,90,180 mu g (icv) of L-NAME decreased Tb. A significant correlation between Tb and diencephalic, but not plasma, nitrite/nitrate levels was observed. Heat stress-induced hyperthermia was inhibited by all tested doses of L-NAME (im and icv). Tb was correlated neither with plasma nor with diencephalic nitrite/nitrate levels during heat stress. These results indicate the involvement of brain NO in the maintenance of Tb of chicks, an opposite action of that observed in mammals, and may modulate hyperthermia. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The present study investigated the role of ROS (reactive oxygen species) and COX (cyclooxygenase) in ethanol-induced contraction and elevation of [Ca(2+)](i) (intracellular [Ca(2+)]). Vascular reactivity experiments, using standard muscle bath procedures, showed that ethanol (1-800 mmol/l) induced contraction in endothelium-intact (EC(50): 306 +/- 34 mmol/l) and endothelium-denuded (EC(50): 180 +/- 40 mmol/l) rat aortic rings. Endothelial removal enhanced ethanol-induced contraction. Preincubation of intact rings with L-NAME [N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester; non-selective NOS (NO synthase) inhibitor, 100 mu mol/l], 7-nitroindazole [selective nNOS (neuronal NOS) inhibitor, 100 mu mol/l], oxyhaemoglobin (NO scavenger, 10 mu mol/l) and ODQ (selective inhibitor of guanylate cyclase enzyme, 1 mu mol/l) increased ethanol-induced contraction. Tiron [O(2)(-) (superoxide anion) scavenger, 1 mmol/l] and catalase (H(2)O(2) scavenger, 300 units/ml) reduced ethanol-induced contraction to a similar extent in both endothelium-intact and denuded rings. Similarly, indomethacin (non-selective COX inhibitor, 10 mu mol/l), SC560 (selective COX- I inhibitor, 1 mu mol/l), AH6809 [PGF(2 alpha) (prostaglandin F(2 alpha))] receptor antagonist, 10 mu mol/l] or SQ29584 [PGH(2)(prostaglandin H(2))/TXA(2) (thromboxane A(2)) receptor antagonist, 3 mu mol/l] inhibited ethanol-induced contraction in aortic rings with and without intact endothelium. In cultured aortic VSMCs (vascular smooth muscle cells), ethanol stimulated generation of O(2)(-) and H(2)O(2). Ethanol induced a transient increase in [Ca(2+)](i), which was significantly inhibited in VSMCs pre-exposed to tiron or indomethacin. Our data suggest that ethanol induces vasoconstriction via redox-sensitive and COX-dependent pathways, probably through direct effects on ROS production and Ca(2+) signalling. These findings identify putative molecular mechanisms whereby ethanol, at high concentrations, influences vascular reactivity. Whether similar phenomena occur in vivo at lower concentrations of ethanol remains unclear.
This study aimed at evaluating biomarkers, individual and population responses in the native Chironomus xanthus to assess the toxicity of pesticide-contaminated sediments from the Monjolinho River (Southeast Brazil). We measured cholinesterase (ChE) and glutathione S-transferase activities (GST), as biomarkers and survival, individual growth and adult emergence, as individual performances. There was no response of the ChE activity and a tendency to decreased GST activity in contaminated sites, but this was generally not statistically significant. Therefore, there was no association of the biomarker responses with exposure to sediment containing pesticides. In contrast, ash free dry mass was significantly increased and male emergence was decreased in C. xanthus exposed to the same sediments. In conclusion, the selected biomarkers were not sensitive and specific enough to detect and anticipate effects of pesticide contamination at the levels measured in the study area. Nevertheless, individual performances alterations pointed to potential pollution problems and possible ecological consequences. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The characterization of a coffee gene encoding a protein similar to miraculin-like proteins, which are members of the plant Kunitz serine trypsin inhibitor (STI) family of proteinase inhibitors (PIs), is described. PIs are important proteins in plant defence against insects and in the regulation of proteolysis during plant development. This gene has high identity with the Richadella dulcifica taste-modifying protein miraculin and with the tomato protein LeMir; and was named as CoMir (Coffea miraculin). Structural protein modelling indicated that CoMir had structural similarities with the Kunitz STI proteins, but suggested specific folding structures. CoMir was up-regulated after coffee leaf miner (Leucoptera coffella) oviposition in resistant plants of a progeny derived from crosses between C. racemosa (resistant) and C. arabica (susceptible). Interestingly, this gene was down-regulated during coffee leaf miner herbivory in susceptible plants. CoMir expression was up-regulated after abscisic acid application and wounding stress and was prominent during the early stages of flower and fruit development. In situ hybridization revealed that CoMir transcripts accumulated in the anther tissues that display programmed cell death (tapetum, endothecium and stomium) and in the metaxylem vessels of the petals, stigma and leaves. In addition, the recombinant protein CoMir shows inhibitory activity against trypsin. According to the present results CoMir may act in proteolytic regulation during coffee development and in the defence against L. coffeella. The similarity of CoMir with other Kunitz STI proteins and the role of CoMir in plant development and plant stress are discussed.
Fruit-set in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) depends on gibberellins and auxins (GAs). Here, we show, using the cv MicroTom, that application of N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA; an inhibitor of auxin transport) to unpollinated ovaries induced parthenocarpic fruit-set, associated with an increase of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) content, and that this effect was negated by paclobutrazol (an inhibitor of GA biosynthesis). NPA-induced ovaries contained higher content of GA(1) (an active GA) and transcripts of GA biosynthetic genes (SlCPS, SlGA20ox1, and -2). Interestingly, application of NPA to pollinated ovaries prevented their growth, potentially due to supraoptimal IAA accumulation. Plant decapitation and inhibition of auxin transport by NPA from the apical shoot also induced parthenocarpic fruit growth of unpollinated ovaries. Application of IAA to the severed stump negated the plant decapitation effect, indicating that the apical shoot prevents unpollinated ovary growth through IAA transport. Parthenocarpic fruit growth induced by plant decapitation was associated with high levels of GA(1) and was counteracted by paclobutrazol treatment. Plant decapitation also produced changes in transcript levels of genes encoding enzymes of GA biosynthesis (SlCPS and SlGA20ox1) in the ovary, quite similar to those found in NPA-induced fruits. All these results suggest that auxin can have opposing effects on fruit-set, either inducing (when accumulated in the ovary) or repressing (when transported from the apical shoot) that process, and that GAs act as mediators in both cases. The effect of NPA application and decapitation on fruit-set induction was also observed in MicroTom lines bearing introgressed DWARF and SELF-PRUNING wild-type alleles.
Hormones are likely to be important factors modulating the light-dependent anthocyanin accumulation. Here we analyzed anthocyanin contents in hypocotyls of near isogenic Micro-Tom (MT) tomato lines carrying hormone and phytochrome mutations, as single and double-mutant combinations. In order to recapitulate mutant phenotype, exogenous hormone applications were also performed Anthocyanin accumulation was promoted by exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) and inhibited by gibberellin (GA), in accordance to the reduced anthocyanin contents measured in ABA-deficient (notabills) and GA-constitutive response (procera) mutants. Exogenous cytokinin also enhanced anthocyanin levels in MT hypocotyls. Although auxin-insensitive chageotropica mutant exhibited higher anthocyanin contents, pharmacological approaches employing exogenous auxin and a transport inhibitor did not support a direct role of the hormone in anthocyanin accumulation Analysis of mutants exhibiting increased ethylene production (epwastic) or reduced sensitivity (Never ripe), together with pharmacological data obtained from plants treated with the hormone, indicated a limited role for ethylene in anthocyanin contents. Phytochrome-deficiency (aurea) and hormone double-mutant combinations exhibited phenotypes suggesting additive or synergistic interactions, but not fully espistatic ones, in the control of anthocyanin levels in tomato hypocotyls. Our results indicate that phytochrome-mediated anthocyanin accumulation in tomato hypocotyls is modulated by distinct hormone classes via both shared and independent pathways. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved
Given the susceptibility of tomato plants to pests, the aim of the present study was to understand how hormones are involved in the formation of tomato natural defences against insect herbivory. Tomato hormone mutants, previously introgressed into the same genetic background of reference, were screened for alterations in trichome densities and allelochemical content. Ethylene, gibberellin, and auxin mutants indirectly showed alteration in trichome density, through effects on epidermal cell area. However, brassinosteroids (BRs) and jasmonates (JAs) directly affected trichome density and allelochemical content, and in an opposite fashion. The BR-deficient mutant dpy showed enhanced pubescence, zingiberene biosynthesis, and proteinase inhibitor expression; the opposite was observed for the JA-insensitive jai1-1 mutant. The dpyxjai1-1 double mutant showed that jai1-1 is epistatic to dpy, indicating that BR acts upstream of the JA signalling pathway. Herbivory tests with the poliphagous insect Spodoptera frugiperda and the tomato pest Tuta absoluta clearly confirmed the importance of the JA-BR interaction in defence against herbivory. The study underscores the importance of hormonal interactions on relevant agricultural traits and raises a novel biological mechanism in tomato that may differ from the BR and JA interaction already suggested for Arabidopsis.
Proteinase inhibitors (PI) are present in plant tissues, especially in seeds, and act as a defense mechanism against herbivores and pathogens. Serine PI from soybean such as Bowman-Birk (BBPI) and Kunitz have been used to enhance resistance of sugarcane varieties to the sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), the major pest of this crop. The use of these genetically-modified plants (GM) expressing PI requires knowledge of its sustainability and environmental safety, determining the stability of the introduced characteristic and its effects on non-target organisms. The objective of this study was to evaluate direct effects of ingestion of semi-purified and purified soybean PI and GM sugarcane plants on the soil-dwelling mite Scheloribates praeincisus (Berlese) (Acari: Oribatida). This mite is abundant in agricultural soils and participates in the process of organic matter decomposition; for this reason it will be exposed to PI by feeding on GM plant debris. Eggs of S. praeincisus were isolated and after larvae emerged, immatures were fed milled sugarcane leaves added to semi-purified or purified PI (Kunitz and BBPI) or immatures were fed GM sugarcane varieties expressing Kunitz and BBPI type PI or the untransformed near isogenic parental line variety as a control. Developmental time (larva-adult) and survival of S. praeincisus was evaluated. Neither Kunitz nor BBPI affected S. praeincisus survival. On the other hand, ingestion of semi-purified and purified Kunitz inhibitor diminished duration of S. praeincisus immature stages. Ingestion of GM senescent leaves did not have an effect on S. praeincisus immature developmental time and survival, compared to ingestion of leaves from the isogenic parental plants. These results indicate that cultivation of these transgenic sugarcane plants is safe for the non-target species S. praeincisus.
In this study, the production of prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) and up-regulation in cyclooxygenase (COX) pathway induced by a phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)), myotoxin-III (MT-III), purified from Bothrops asper snake venom, in isolated neutrophils were investigated. The arachidonic acid (AA) production and the participation of intracellular PLA(2)s (cytosolic PLA(2) and Ca(2+)-independent PLA(2)) in these events were also evaluated. MT-III induced COX-2, but not COX-1 gene and protein expression in neutrophils and increased PGE(2) levels. Pretreatment of neutrophils with COX-2 and COX-1 inhibitors reduced PGE(2) production induced by MT-III. Arachidonyl trifluoromethyl ketone (AACOCF(3)), an intracellular PLA(2) inhibitor, but not bromoenol lactone (BEL), an iPLA(2) inhibitor, suppressed the MT-III-induced AA and PGE(2) release. In conclusion, MT-III directly stimulates neutrophils inducing COX-2 mRNA and protein expression followed by production of PGE(2). COX-2 isoform is preeminent over COX-1 for production of PGE(2) stimulated by MT-III. PGE(2) and AA release by MT-III probably is related to cPLA(2) activation. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Foods provide essential and bioactive compounds with health-promoting properties such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and hypocholesterolemic activities, which have been related to vitamins A, C, and E and phenolic compounds such as flavonoids. Therefore, the aim of this work was to identify potential sources of bioactive compounds through the determination of flavonoids and ellagic acid contents and the in vitro antioxidant capacity and alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase inhibitory activities of Brazilian native fruits and commercial frozen pulps. Camu-camu, cambuci, uxi, and tucuma and commercial frozen pulps of cambuci, cagaita, coquinho azedo, and araca presented the highest antioxidant capacities. Cambuci and cagaita exhibited the highest alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase inhibitory activities. Quercetin and kaempferol derivatives were the main flavonoids present in most of the samples. Ellagic acid was detected only in umbu, camu-camu, cagaita, araca, and cambuci. According to the results, native Brazilian fruits can be considered as excellent sources of bioactive compounds.