895 resultados para cardiac valvular prostheses


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Objetivo: Caracterizar a los pacientes que recibieron ventilación mecánica en las unidades de cuidado intensivo (UCI) de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá entre los años 2009 y 2013. Metodología: Se analizó una cohorte retrospectiva de los pacientes en UCI que requirieron soporte ventilatorio mecánico al ingreso a la unidad independientemente de la causa. Resultados: La media de edad de los pacientes fue 63,83 años; el diagnóstico más frecuente de ingreso fue revascularización miocárdica, seguido por neumonía y recambio valvular aórtico; en el 43% de los casos la causa de la falla fue el estado postoperatorio. Los modos ventilatorios más frecuentemente utilizados fueron SIMV (27,5%) y ventilación asistida controlada (26,12%). El 50% de los pacientes fueron ventilados con PEEP < 6 cmH2O. La mortalidad bruta fue del 15%. 22% de los pacientes tuvieron estancia prolongada en UCI. Se aplicó protocolo de retiro de ventilación mecánica en el 77% de los pacientes. La duración de la ventilación mecánica es mayor a medida que aumenta la edad del paciente entre los 60 y los 80 años. La mortalidad es cercana al 50% alrededor de los 50 años y mayor a 80% después de los 80 años. El soporte ventilatorio por cinco o más días aumentó la mortalidad a 80% o más. Discusión y Conclusiones: Estos resultados son comparables a los encontrados en estudios previos. Este estudio puede ser considerado como el primer paso para generar un registro adecuado de la ventilación de la mecánica de las unidades de cuidado intensivo del país.


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Introducción: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son la causa de muerte más frecuente en el mundo desarrollado, la mayoría de éstas se relacionan con alteraciones de las arterias coronarias, sin embargo un subgrupo de pacientes presentan como causa de isquemia cardiaca alteraciones estructurales. Material y métodos: Estudio Descriptivo. Se utilizó la base de datos recolectada en un servicio de hemodinamia de Bogotá durante dos años. Se aplicaron criterios de inclusión y exclusión y se determinaron cuatro grupos etáreos, a todos los pacientes se les practicó cateterismo cardiaco diagnóstico. Las variables analizadas fueron: diagnóstico de referencia, antecedentes y resultados del cateterismo incluyendo presencia de anomalías estructurales como las valvulopatias, el origen anómalo de las coronarias y los puentes miocárdicos. Para el análisis descriptivo se utilizó reporte de prevalencias y para el análisis de asociaciones se utilizaron tablas de contingencia y el estadístico de prueba Chi cuadrado, no se realizó análisis multivariado debido a que no se encontraron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas. Resultados: La edad promedio de los pacientes fue de 62 años (DS= 10,5), la representación del género masculino fue del 61,7%, la prevalencia de angina estable fue del 61,6%, los 3 antecedentes más prevalentes fueron: hipertensión arterial (41,4%), la hiperlipidemia (19,1%) y la Diabetes Mellitus (17,7%). La prevalencia de las alteraciones estructurales en la población de estudio de manera general fue del 12,9%, y su distribución por tipo fue: 1,4% para puentes miocárdicos, 0,7% para origen anómalo de las arterias coronarias y 10,8% de enfermedad valvular. Conclusiones: Se encontró una asociación entre los antecedentes médicos y la presencia de valvulopatias cardiacas. Se evidenció que el género no tiene relación con la presencia de alteraciones cardíacas a pesar de la mayor participación de hombres en la población de estudio. Las limitantes de este estudio se relacionaron con el tamaño de muestra, debido a la baja prevalencia de las anomalías estructurales medidas.


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Introducción: La valvuloplastía aórtica con balón (VAB) es el procedimiento de elección para el manejo de La estenosis valvular aórtica en pediatría. La mortalidad y la supervivencia libre de reintervenciones no han sido evaluadas en Colombia. Objetivo: Determinar la sobrevida global y los factores asociados de reintervención valvular aórtica (RVA) en los pacientes tratados con VAB en la Fundación Cardio infantil – Instituto de Cardiología entre febrero del 2005 y marzo del 2013. Métodos: estudio estudio analítico de cohorte Resultados: Se evaluaron 69 VAB. La edad promedio de realización fue de 74,89 meses. La relación hombre: mujer de 4:1. Un 30,5% de los pacientes tenían malformaciones cardiacas asociadas. Se presentaron complicaciones en 13% de las VAB. La presión sistólica del ventrículo izquierdo presento una reducción promedio de un 63,6%. Se siguieron el 81,2% de las VAB, encontrando a los 9 años de seguimiento, supervivencia de 89,2% y necesidad de RVA en 14,2% de las VAB, siendo más frecuentes en VAB con gradiente post-VAB mayor de 35 mmhg (p= 0.005), con un RR de 6.6. Los otros factores no mostraron relaciones estadísticamente significativas (edad, morfología valvular, malformaciones asociadas, insuficiencia aórtica post-VAB). Conclusiones: La VAB es eficaz en el manejo de la EVA congénita, con una mortalidad y supervivencia libre de RVA similares a las encontradas en estudios previamente publicados. El gradiente post VAB mayor de 35 mm hg fue el único factor de riesgo que se correlacionó con la supervivencia libre de RVA.


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El EuroSCORE II es una de las escalas más empleadas como predictor de riesgo de mortalidad en los servicios de cirugía cardiovascular. Esta ha sido validada en diferentes hospitales alrededor del mundo demostrando una adecuada capacidad de discriminación. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el valor predictivo de la escala de riesgo EuroSCORE II en los pacientes sometidos a Cirugía Cardiovascular en una institución de cuarto nivel de Bogotá. Metodología: Estudio de prueba diagnóstica observacional y retrospectivo de la cohorte de pacientes en una institución de cuarto nivel durante los años 2012 a 2014. Se realizó el cálculo del EuroSCORE II para cada paciente, comparando la mortalidad predicha versus la observada, de forma global y por grupo de riesgo. Resultados: Del total de la población que tuvo intervención cardiaca mayor en una institución de cuarto nivel en la cohorte estudiada se presentaron 58 casos de muerte en los treinta días posteriores a la intervención, que corresponde al 7,46%. La mortalidad esperada calculada con el EuroSCORE II fue del 9,26%, lo cual indica un buen poder de predicción para esta población. Por otro lado, la curva ROC evidencia con un valor de 0.757 del área bajo la curva, que el modelo El EuroSCORE II es un buen modelo predictivo con un adecuado valor de discriminación. Se evidenció que las variables estado crítico preoperatorio y función del ventrículo izquierdo tienen mayor peso estadístico en nuestra población objeto, con una significancia del 0,001, seguido de infarto agudo de miocardio, sexo y peso de la intervención con una significancia del 0,01. Adicionalmente, el Euroscore II tiene mejor valor predictivo cuando se realiza un solo procedimiento o revascularización, en comparación a cuando se realiza procedimientos mixtos. Se recomienda realizar un estudio multicéntrico donde se incluyan pacientes con diferentes características demográficas


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A Estenose Pulmonar (EP) é uma doença cardíaca congénita (DCC) caracterizada por obstrução dinâmica ou fixa do trato de saída do ventrículo direito. A EP vem referida como sendo a terceira DCC mais diagnosticada no cão, havendo, no entanto estudos mais recentes classificam-na como a segunda mais comum ou até a primeira. A forma de EP mais comum é a valvular, provando-se ter uma base hereditária poligénica em beagles e pensando-se ter um caracter autossómico recessivo em golden retrievers. As raças mais afetadas pela EP são o bulldog inglês, bulldog francês, boxer, pitbull, schnautzer entre outras. A maioria dos indivíduos afetados por esta condição não apresenta sinais clínicos, sendo a maioria dos indivíduos com EP descobertos pela presença de um sopro e conseguinte investigação. Cerca de 35% dos cães com EP severa demonstram intolerância ao exercício, sincope ou ascite. O sopro detetado à auscultação é sistólico de ejeção crescendo-decrescendo com ponto de máxima intensidade na base esquerda radiando dorsalmente. A ecocardiografia é um método expedito na deteção e caracterização da gravidade da doença. O prognóstico depende da gravidade da lesão e se o individuo está ou não assintomático na altura da apresentação. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a EP numa população canina exposta a ecocardiografia no Hospital Veterinário do Porto (HVP). Neste estudo fez-se uma análise retrospetiva das alterações cardiovasculares diagnosticadas a cães no serviço de ecocardiografia do HVP, entre Março de 2003 e Fevereiro de 2012. Foram sujeitos a ecocardiografia neste período 808 cães, 715 dos quais com alterações cardiovasculares, a prevalência de DCC’s foi de 13.8%. A EP foi a segunda DCC mais diagnosticada nesta população de animais (2.80%), surgindo em 20 dos 99 cães com DCCs (20.2%). A forma de EP mais diagnosticada foi a valvular. As raças Boxer, Terranova, Dogue argentino e Fila brasileiro apresentam um maior risco relativo de terem EP. Não se verificou a existência de uma relação estatística significativa entre o sexo e a EP, quer considerando a amostra completa, quer separando por raça. A instauração de programas e normas de rastreio de EP em reprodutores, em Portugal, permitirá diminuir a incidência da doença e ter uma verdadeira noção da prevalência desta doença na população canina.


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BACKGROUND: Mammalian cardiac myocytes withdraw from the cell cycle during post-natal development, resulting in a non-proliferating, fully differentiated adult phenotype that is unable to repair damage to the myocardium, such as occurs following a myocardial infarction. We and others previously have shown that forced expression of certain cell cycle molecules in adult cardiac myocytes can promote cell cycle progression and division in these cells. The mitotic serine/threonine kinase, Polo-like kinase-1 (Plk1), is known to phosphorylate and activate a number of mitotic targets, including Cdc2/Cyclin B1, and to promote cell division. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The mammalian Plk family are all differentially regulated during the development of rat cardiac myocytes, with Plk1 showing the most dramatic decrease in both mRNA, protein and activity in the adult. We determined the potential of Plk1 to induce cell cycle progression and division in cultured rat cardiac myocytes. A persistent and progressive loss of Plk1 expression was observed during myocyte development that correlated with the withdrawal of adult rat cardiac myocytes from the cell cycle. Interestingly, when Plk1 was over-expressed in cardiac myocytes by adenovirus infection, it was not able to promote cell cycle progression, as determined by cell number and percent binucleation. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that, in contrast to Cdc2/Cyclin B1 over-expression, the forced expression of Plk1 in adult cardiac myocytes is not sufficient to induce cell division and myocardial repair.


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A mathematical model is presented to understand heat transfer processes during the cooling and re-warming of patients during cardiac surgery. Our compartmental model is able to account for many of the qualitative features observed in the cooling of various regions of the body including the central core containing the majority of organs, the rectal region containing the intestines and the outer peripheral region of skin and muscle. In particular, we focus on the issue of afterdrop: a drop in core temperature following patient re-warming, which can lead to serious post-operative complications. Model results for a typical cooling and re-warming procedure during surgery are in qualitative agreement with experimental data in producing the afterdrop effect and the observed dynamical variation in temperature between the core, rectal and peripheral regions. The influence of heat transfer processes and the volume of each compartmental region on the afterdrop effect is discussed. We find that excess fat on the peripheral and rectal regions leads to an increase in the afterdrop effect. Our model predicts that, by allowing constant re-warming after the core temperature has been raised, the afterdrop effect will be reduced.


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Growth of the post- natal mammalian heart occurs primarily by cardiac myocyte hypertrophy. Previously, we and others have shown that a partial re- activation of the cell cycle machinery occurs in myocytes undergoing hypertrophy such that cells progress through the G(1)/ S transition. In this study, we have examined the regulation of the E2F family of transcription factors that are crucial for the G(1)/ S phase transition during normal cardiac development and the development of myocyte hypertrophy in the rat. Thus, mRNA and protein levels of E2F- 1, 3, and 4 and DP- 1 and DP- 2 were down- regulated during development to undetectable levels in adult myocytes. Interestingly, E2F- 5 protein levels were substantially up- regulated during development. In contrast, an induction of E2F- 1, 3, and 4 and the DP- 1 protein was observed during the development of myocyte hypertrophy in neonatal myocytes treated with serum or phenylephrine, whereas the protein levels of E2F- 5 were decreased with serum stimulation. E2F activity, as measured by a cyclin E promoter luciferase assay and E2F- DNA binding activity, increased significantly during the development of hypertrophy with serum and phenylephrine compared with non- stimulated cells. Inhibiting E2F activity with a specific peptide that blocks E2F- DP heterodimerization prevented the induction of hypertrophic markers ( atrial natriuretic factor and brain natriuretic peptide) in response to serum and phenylephrine, reduced the increase in myocyte size, and inhibited protein synthesis in stimulated cells. Thus, we have shown that the inhibition of E2F function prevents the development of hypertrophy. Targeting E2F function might be a useful approach for treating diseases that cause pathophysiological hypertrophic growth.


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Previous studies have shown that "Mudanpi", a Chinese herbal medicine, has a significant cardioprotective effect against myocardial ischaemia. Based on these findings we hypothesised that paeonol, the main component of Mudanpi, might have an effect on the cellular electrophysiology of cardiac ventricular myocytes. The effects of paeonol on the action potential and ion channels of cardiac ventricular myocytes were studied using the standard whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. Ventricular myocytes were isolated from the hearts of adult guinea-pig by enzymic dispersion. The myocytes were continuously perfused with various experimental solutions at room temperature and paeonol applied in the perfusate. Action potentials and membrane currents were recorded using both current and voltage clamp modes of the patch-clamp technique. Paeonol, at concentrations 160 mu M and 640 mu M, decreased the action potential upstroke phase, an action associated with the blockade of the voltage-gated, fast sodium channel. The effects of paeonol on both action potential and Na+ current were concentration dependent. Paeonol had a high affinity for inactivated sodium channels. Paeonol also shortened the action potential duration, in a manner not associated with the blockade of the calcium current, or the enhancement of potassium currents. These findings suggest that paeonol, and therefore Mudanpi, may possess antiarrhythmic activity, which may confer its cardioprotective effects. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Historically, commercial hand prosthesis have adopted a low level of innovation mainly due to the strict conditions such a system must undergo. The difficult feedback to the prosthesis user has limited the functional range of commercial systems. Nevertheless, the use of advanced sensors in combination with performing hand mechanisms and microcontrollers could lead to more natural and functional prototypes. The Oxford and Manus intelligent hand prostheses are examples of innovative approaches. This paper compares and contrasts the technological solutions implemented in both systems to address the design conditions.


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The precise role of cell cycle-dependent molecules in controlling the switch from cardiac myocyte hyperplasia to hypertrophy remains to be determined. We report that loss of p27(KIP1) in the mouse results in a significant increase in heart size and in the total number of cardiac myocytes. In comparison to p27(KIP1)+/+ myocytes, the percentage of neonatal p27(KIP1)-/- myocytes in S phase was increased significantly, concomitant with a significant decrease in the percentage of G(0)/G(1) cells. The expressions of proliferating cell nuclear antigen, G(1)/S and G(2)/M phase-acting cyclins, and cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) were upregulated significantly in ventricular tissue obtained from early neonatal p27(KIP1)-/- mice, concomitant with a substantial decrease in the expressions of G(1) phase-acting cyclins and CDKs. Furthermore, mRNA expressions of the embryonic genes atrial natriuretic factor and alpha-skeletal actin were detectable at significant levels in neonatal and adult p27(KIP1)-/- mouse hearts but were undetectable in p27(KIP1)+/+ hearts. In addition, loss of p27(KIP1) was not compensated for by the upregulation of other CDK inhibitors. Thus, the loss of p27(KIP1) results in prolonged proliferation of the mouse cardiac myocyte and perturbation of myocyte hypertrophy.


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Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) is synthesised as an inactive precursor protein; this is cleaved to produce the mature peptide and a latency associated protein (LAP), which remains associated with the mature peptide until activation by LAP degradation. Isoform specific antibodies raised against the LAPs for TGF-β2and -β3were used to determine the myocardial levels of LAP (activatable TGF-β) and full length precursor (inactive TGF-β) forms during post-natal development in the rat. TGF-β2was present predominantly as the precursor in 2 day old myocardium. There was an age-dependent shift from precursor protein to LAP between 2 and 28 days. A corresponding increase in the level of mature (activatable) TGF-β2was found. TGF-β3was detected in significant quantities only as LAP. However, a four-fold increase in the expression of TGF-β3LAP was observed between 2 and 28 days. The substantial increases in activatable forms of TGF-β2and -β3that occur in myocardium during the first 28 days of life in the rat support a role for these proteins in post-natal cardiac development.


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We examined Na+–H+exchanger isoform 1 (NHE-1) mRNA expression in ventricular myocardium and its correlation with sarcolemmal NHE activity in isolated ventricular myocytes, during postnatal development in the rat. The expression of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) mRNA did not change in ventricular myocardium between 2 and 42 days after birth. Therefore, at seven time points within that age range, GAPDH expression was used to normalize NHE-1 mRNA levels, as determined by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis. There was a progressive five-fold reduction in NHE-1 mRNA expression in ventricular myocardium from 2 days to 42 days of age. As an index of NHE activity, acid efflux rates (JH) were determined in single neonatal (2–4-day-old) and adult (42-day-old) ventricular myocytes (n=16/group) loaded with the pH fluoroprobe carboxy-seminaphthorhodafluor-1. In HEPES-buffered medium, basal intracellular pH (pHi) was similar at 7.28±0.02 in neonatal and 7.31±0.02 in adult myocytes, but intrinsic buffering power was lower in the former age group. The rate at which pHirecovered from a similar acid load was significantly greater in neonatal than in adult myocytes (0.36±0.07v0.16±0.02 pH units/min at pHi=6.8). This was reflected by a significantly greaterJH(22±4v9±1 pmol/cm2/s at pHi=6.8), indicating greater sarcolemmal NHE activity in neonatal myocytes. The concomitant reductions in tissue NHE-1 mRNA expression and sarcolemmal NHE activity suggest that myocardial NHE-1 is subject to regulation at the mRNA level during postnatal development.


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Like most other cells in the body, foetal and neonatal cardiac myocytes are able to divide and proliferate. However, the ability of these cells to undergo cell division decreases progressively during development such that adult myocytes are unable to divide. A major problem arising from this inability of adult cardiac myocytes to proliferate is that the mature heart is unable to regenerate new myocardial tissue following severe injury, e.g. infarction, which can lead to compromised cardiac pump function and even death. Studies in proliferating cells have identified a group of genes and proteins that controls cell division. These proteins include cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and CDK inhibitors (CDKIs), which interact with each other to form complexes that are essential for controlling normal cell cycle progression. A variety of other proteins, e.g. the retinoblastoma protein (pRb) and members of the E2F family of transcription factors, also can interact with, and modulate the activities of, these complexes. Despite the major role that these proteins play in other cell types, little was known until recently about their existence and activities in immature (proliferating) or mature (non-proliferating) cardiac myocytes. The reason(s) why cardiac myocytes lose their ability to divide during development remains unknown, but if strategies were developed to understand the mechanisms underlying cardiac myocyte growth, it could open up new avenues for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. In this article, we shall review the function of the cell cycle machinery and outline some of our recent findings pertaining to the involvement of the cell cycle in modulating cardiac myocyte growth and hypertrophy.