863 resultados para camera motion
The main purpose of robot calibration is the correction of the possible errors in the robot parameters. This paper presents a method for a kinematic calibration of a parallel robot that is equipped with one camera in hand. In order to preserve the mechanical configuration of the robot, the camera is utilized to acquire incremental positions of the end effector from a spherical object that is fixed in the word reference frame. The positions of the end effector are related to incremental positions of resolvers of the motors of the robot, and a kinematic model of the robot is used to find a new group of parameters which minimizes errors in the kinematic equations. Additionally, properties of the spherical object and intrinsic camera parameters are utilized to model the projection of the object in the image and improving spatial measurements. Finally, the robotic system is designed to carry out tracking tasks and the calibration of the robot is validated by means of integrating the errors of the visual controller.
In this paper, we seek to expand the use of direct methods in real-time applications by proposing a vision-based strategy for pose estimation of aerial vehicles. The vast majority of approaches make use of features to estimate motion. Conversely, the strategy we propose is based on a MR (Multi-Resolution) implementation of an image registration technique (Inverse Compositional Image Alignment ICIA) using direct methods. An on-board camera in a downwards-looking configuration, and the assumption of planar scenes, are the bases of the algorithm. The motion between frames (rotation and translation) is recovered by decomposing the frame-to-frame homography obtained by the ICIA algorithm applied to a patch that covers around the 80% of the image. When the visual estimation is required (e.g. GPS drop-out), this motion is integrated with the previous known estimation of the vehicles' state, obtained from the on-board sensors (GPS/IMU), and the subsequent estimations are based only on the vision-based motion estimations. The proposed strategy is tested with real flight data in representative stages of a flight: cruise, landing, and take-off, being two of those stages considered critical: take-off and landing. The performance of the pose estimation strategy is analyzed by comparing it with the GPS/IMU estimations. Results show correlation between the visual estimation obtained with the MR-ICIA and the GPS/IMU data, that demonstrate that the visual estimation can be used to provide a good approximation of the vehicle's state when it is required (e.g. GPS drop-outs). In terms of performance, the proposed strategy is able to maintain an estimation of the vehicle's state for more than one minute, at real-time frame rates based, only on visual information.
In this paper we present a scalable software architecture for on-line multi-camera video processing, that guarantees a good trade off between computational power, scalability and flexibility. The software system is modular and its main blocks are the Processing Units (PUs), and the Central Unit. The Central Unit works as a supervisor of the running PUs and each PU manages the acquisition phase and the processing phase. Furthermore, an approach to easily parallelize the desired processing application has been presented. In this paper, as case study, we apply the proposed software architecture to a multi-camera system in order to efficiently manage multiple 2D object detection modules in a real-time scenario. System performance has been evaluated under different load conditions such as number of cameras and image sizes. The results show that the software architecture scales well with the number of camera and can easily works with different image formats respecting the real time constraints. Moreover, the parallelization approach can be used in order to speed up the processing tasks with a low level of overhead
In this paper we present an adaptive multi-camera system for real time object detection able to efficiently adjust the computational requirements of video processing blocks to the available processing power and the activity of the scene. The system is based on a two level adaptation strategy that works at local and at global level. Object detection is based on a Gaussian mixtures model background subtraction algorithm. Results show that the system can efficiently adapt the algorithm parameters without a significant loss in the detection accuracy.
In this paper, we consider a scenario where 3D scenes are modeled through a View+Depth representation. This representation is to be used at the rendering side to generate synthetic views for free viewpoint video. The encoding of both type of data (view and depth) is carried out using two H.264/AVC encoders. In this scenario we address the reduction of the encoding complexity of depth data. Firstly, an analysis of the Mode Decision and Motion Estimation processes has been conducted for both view and depth sequences, in order to capture the correlation between them. Taking advantage of this correlation, we propose a fast mode decision and motion estimation algorithm for the depth encoding. Results show that the proposed algorithm reduces the computational burden with a negligible loss in terms of quality of the rendered synthetic views. Quality measurements have been conducted using the Video Quality Metric.
Here an inertial sensor-based monitoring system for measuring and analyzing upper limb movements is presented. The final goal is the integration of this motion-tracking device within a portable rehabilitation system for brain injury patients. A set of four inertial sensors mounted on a special garment worn by the patient provides the quaternions representing the patient upper limb’s orientation in space. A kinematic model is built to estimate 3D upper limb motion for accurate therapeutic evaluation. The human upper limb is represented as a kinematic chain of rigid bodies with three joints and six degrees of freedom. Validation of the system has been performed by co-registration of movements with a commercial optoelectronic tracking system. Successful results are shown that exhibit a high correlation among signals provided by both devices and obtained at the Institut Guttmann Neurorehabilitation Hospital.
INTRODUCTION: The EVA (Endoscopic Video Analysis) tracking system a new tracking system for extracting motions of laparoscopic instruments based on non-obtrusive video tracking was developed. The feasibility of using EVA in laparoscopic settings has been tested in a box trainer setup. METHODS: EVA makes use of an algorithm that employs information of the laparoscopic instrument's shaft edges in the image, the instrument's insertion point, and the camera's optical centre to track the 3D position of the instrument tip. A validation study of EVA comprised a comparison of the measurements achieved with EVA and the TrEndo tracking system. To this end, 42 participants (16 novices, 22 residents, and 4 experts) were asked to perform a peg transfer task in a box trainer. Ten motion-based metrics were used to assess their performance. RESULTS: Construct validation of the EVA has been obtained for seven motion-based metrics. Concurrent validation revealed that there is a strong correlation between the results obtained by EVA and the TrEndo for metrics such as path length (p=0,97), average speed (p=0,94) or economy of volume (p=0,85), proving the viability of EVA. CONCLUSIONS: EVA has been successfully used in the training setup showing potential of endoscopic video analysis to assess laparoscopic psychomotor skills. The results encourage further implementation of video tracking in training setups and in image guided surgery.
INTRODUCTION: Motion metrics have become an important source of information when addressing the assessment of surgical expertise. However, their direct relationship with the different surgical skills has not been fully explored. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relevance of motion-related metrics in the evaluation processes of basic psychomotor laparoscopic skills, as well as their correlation with the different abilities sought to measure. METHODS: A framework for task definition and metric analysis is proposed. An explorative survey was first conducted with a board of experts to identify metrics to assess basic psychomotor skills. Based on the output of that survey, three novel tasks for surgical assessment were designed. Face and construct validation study was performed, with focus on motion-related metrics. Tasks were performed by 42 participants (16 novices, 22 residents and 4 experts). Movements of the laparoscopic instruments were registered with the TrEndo tracking system and analyzed. RESULTS: Time, path length and depth showed construct validity for all three tasks. Motion smoothness and idle time also showed validity for tasks involving bi-manual coordination and tasks requiring a more tactical approach respectively. Additionally, motion smoothness and average speed showed a high internal consistency, proving them to be the most task-independent of all the metrics analyzed. CONCLUSION: Motion metrics are complementary and valid for assessing basic psychomotor skills, and their relevance depends on the skill being evaluated. A larger clinical implementation, combined with quality performance information, will give more insight on the relevance of the results shown in this study.
The nonlinear streamwise growth of a spanwise periodic array of steady streaks in a flat plate boundary layer is numerically computed using the well known Reduced Navier-Stokes formulation. It is found that the flow configuration changes substantially when the amplitude of the streaks grows and the nonlinear effects come into play. The transversal motion (in the wall normal-spanwise plane), which is normally not considered, becomes non-negligible in the nonlinear regime, and it strongly distorts the streamwise velocity profiles, which end up being quite different from those predicted by the linear theory. We analyze in detail the resulting flow patterns for the nonlinearly saturated streaks, and compare them with available experimental results.
Dislocation mobility —the relation between applied stress and dislocation velocity—is an important property to model the mechanical behavior of structural materials. These mobilities reflect the interaction between the dislocation core and the host lattice and, thus, atomistic resolution is required to capture its details. Because the mobility function is multiparametric, its computation is often highly demanding in terms of computational requirements. Optimizing how tractions are applied can be greatly advantageous in accelerating convergence and reducing the overall computational cost of the simulations. In this paper we perform molecular dynamics simulations of ½ 〈1 1 1〉 screw dislocation motion in tungsten using step and linear time functions for applying external stress. We find that linear functions over time scales of the order of 10–20 ps reduce fluctuations and speed up convergence to the steady-state velocity value by up to a factor of two.
Images acquired during free breathing using first-pass gadolinium-enhanced myocardial perfusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exhibit a quasiperiodic motion pattern that needs to be compensated for if a further automatic analysis of the perfusion is to be executed. In this work, we present a method to compensate this movement by combining independent component analysis (ICA) and image registration: First, we use ICA and a time?frequency analysis to identify the motion and separate it from the intensity change induced by the contrast agent. Then, synthetic reference images are created by recombining all the independent components but the one related to the motion. Therefore, the resulting image series does not exhibit motion and its images have intensities similar to those of their original counterparts. Motion compensation is then achieved by using a multi-pass image registration procedure. We tested our method on 39 image series acquired from 13 patients, covering the basal, mid and apical areas of the left heart ventricle and consisting of 58 perfusion images each. We validated our method by comparing manually tracked intensity profiles of the myocardial sections to automatically generated ones before and after registration of 13 patient data sets (39 distinct slices). We compared linear, non-linear, and combined ICA based registration approaches and previously published motion compensation schemes. Considering run-time and accuracy, a two-step ICA based motion compensation scheme that first optimizes a translation and then for non-linear transformation performed best and achieves registration of the whole series in 32 ± 12 s on a recent workstation. The proposed scheme improves the Pearsons correlation coefficient between manually and automatically obtained time?intensity curves from .84 ± .19 before registration to .96 ± .06 after registration
This paper presents a new hazard-consistent ground motion characterization of the Itoiz dam site, located in Northern Spain. Firstly, we propose a methodology with different approximation levels to the expected ground motion at the dam site. Secondly, we apply this methodology taking into account the particular characteristics of the site and of the dam. Hazard calculations were performed following the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment method using a logic tree, which accounts for different seismic source zonings and different ground-motion attenuation relationships. The study was done in terms of peak ground acceleration and several spectral accelerations of periods coinciding with the fundamental vibration periods of the dam. In order to estimate these ground motions we consider two different dam conditions: when the dam is empty (T = 0.1 s) and when it is filled with water to its maximum capacity (T = 0.22 s). Additionally, seismic hazard analysis is done for two return periods: 975 years, related to the project earthquake, and 4,975 years, identified with an extreme event. Soil conditions were also taken into account at the site of the dam. Through the proposed methodology we deal with different forms of characterizing ground motion at the study site. In a first step, we obtain the uniform hazard response spectra for the two return periods. In a second step, a disaggregation analysis is done in order to obtain the controlling earthquakes that can affect the dam. Subsequently, we characterize the ground motion at the dam site in terms of specific response spectra for target motions defined by the expected values SA (T) of T = 0.1 and 0.22 s for the return periods of 975 and 4,975 years, respectively. Finally, synthetic acceleration time histories for earthquake events matching the controlling parameters are generated using the discrete wave-number method and subsequently analyzed. Because of the short relative distances between the controlling earthquakes and the dam site we considered finite sources in these computations. We conclude that directivity effects should be taken into account as an important variable in this kind of studies for ground motion characteristics.
The area of Human-Machine Interface is growing fast due to its high importance in all technological systems. The basic idea behind designing human-machine interfaces is to enrich the communication with the technology in a natural and easy way. Gesture interfaces are a good example of transparent interfaces. Such interfaces must identify properly the action the user wants to perform, so the proper gesture recognition is of the highest importance. However, most of the systems based on gesture recognition use complex methods requiring high-resource devices. In this work, we propose to model gestures capturing their temporal properties, which significantly reduce storage requirements, and use clustering techniques, namely self-organizing maps and unsupervised genetic algorithm, for their classification. We further propose to train a certain number of algorithms with different parameters and combine their decision using majority voting in order to decrease the false positive rate. The main advantage of the approach is its simplicity, which enables the implementation using devices with limited resources, and therefore low cost. The testing results demonstrate its high potential.
The nonlinear streamwise growth of a spanwise periodic array of steady streaks in a flat plate boundary layer is numerically computed using the well known Reduced Navier- Stokes formulation. It is found that the flow configuration changes substantially when the amplitude of the streaks grows and the nonlinear effects come into play. The transversal motion (in the wall normal-spanwise plane), which is normally not considered, becomes non-negligible in the nonlinear regime, and it strongly distorts the streamwise velocity profiles, which end up being quite different from those predicted by the linear theory. We analyze in detail the resulting flow patterns for the nonlinearly saturated streaks, and compare them with available experimental results.
Laparoscopic instrument tracking systems are an essential component in image-guided interventions and offer new possibilities to improve and automate objective assessment methods of surgical skills. In this study we present our system design to apply a third generation optical pose tracker (Micron- Tracker®) to laparoscopic practice. A technical evaluation of this design is performed in order to analyze its accuracy in computing the laparoscopic instrument tip position. Results show a stable fluctuation error over the entire analyzed workspace. The relative position errors are 1.776±1.675 mm, 1.817±1.762 mm, 1.854±1.740 mm, 2.455±2.164 mm, 2.545±2.496 mm, 2.764±2.342 mm, 2.512±2.493 mm for distances of 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and 350 mm, respectively. The accumulated distance error increases with the measured distance. The instrument inclination covered by the system is high, from 90 to 7.5 degrees. The system reports a low positional accuracy for the instrument tip.