914 resultados para box constraints


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We perform an analysis of the electroweak precision observables in the Lee-Wick Standard Model. The most stringent restrictions come from the S and T parameters that receive important tree level and one loop contributions. In general the model predicts a large positive S and a negative T. To reproduce the electroweak data, if all the Lee-Wick masses are of the same order, the Lee-Wick scale is of order 5 TeV. We show that it is possible to find some regions in the parameter space with a fermionic state as light as 2.4-3.5 TeV, at the price of rising all the other masses to be larger than 5-8 TeV. To obtain a light Higgs with such heavy resonances a fine-tuning of order a few per cent, at least, is needed. We also propose a simple extension of the model including a fourth generation of Standard Model fermions with their Lee-Wick partners. We show that in this case it is possible to pass the electroweak constraints with Lee-Wick fermionic masses of order 0.4-1.5 TeV and Lee-Wick gauge masses of order 3 TeV.


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In the present work, the effects of spatial constraints on the efficiency of task execution in systems underlain by geographical complex networks are investigated, where the probability of connection decreases with the distance between the nodes. The investigation considers several configurations of the parameters defining the network connectivity, and the Barabasi-Albert network model is also considered for comparisons. The results show that the effect of connectivity is significant only for shorter tasks, the locality of connection simplied by the spatial constraints reduces efficiency, and the addition of edges can improve the efficiency of the execution, although with increasing locality of the connections the improvement is small.


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The whole Valle Fertil-La Huerta section appears as a calc-alkaline plutonic suite typical of a destructive plate margin. New Sr and Nd isotopic whole-rock data and published whole-rock geochemistry suggest that the less-evolved intermediate (dioritic) rocks can be derived by magmatic differentiation, mainly by hornblende + plagioclase +/- Fe-Ti oxide fractional crystallization, from mafic (gabbroic) igneous precursors. Closed-system differentiation, however, cannot produce the typical intermediate (tonalitic) and silicic (granodioritic) plutonic rocks, which requires a preponderant contribution of crustal components. Intermediate and silicic plutonic rocks from Valle Fertil-La Huerta section have formed in a plate subduction setting where the thermal and material input of mantle-derived magmas promoted fusion of fertile metasedimentary rocks and favored mixing of gabbroic or dioritic magmas with crustal granitic melts. Magma mixing is observable in the field and evident in variations of chemical elemental parameters and isotopic ratios, revealing that hybridization coupled with fractionation of magmas took place in the crust. Consideration of the whole-rock geochemical and isotopic data in the context of the Famatinian-Puna magmatic belt as a whole demonstrates that the petrologic model postulated for the Sierra Valle Fertil-La Huerta section has the potential to explain the generation of plutonic and volcanic rocks across the Early Ordovician paleoarc from central and northwestern Argentina. As the petrologic model does not require the intervention of old Precambrian continental crust, the nature of the basement on which thick accretionary turbiditic sequences were deposited remains a puzzling aspect. Discussion in this paper provides insights into the nature of magmatic source rocks and mechanisms of magma generation in Cordilleran-type volcano-plutonic arcs of destructive plate margins. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Guarguaraz Complex, in western Argentina, comprises a metasedimentary assemblage, associated with mafic sills and ultramafic bodies intruded by basaltic dikes, which are interpreted as Ordovician dismembered ophiolites. Two kinds of dikes are recognized, a group associated with the metasediments and the other ophiolite-related. Both have N-MORB signatures, with epsilon(Nd) between +3.5 and +8.2, indicating a depleted source, and Grenville model ages between 0.99 and 1.62 Ga. A whole-rock Sm-Nd isochron yielded an age of 655 +/- 76 Ma for these mafic rocks, which is compatible with cianobacteria and acritarchae recognized in the clastic metasedimentary platform sequences, that indicate a Neoproterozoic (Vendian)-Cambrian age of deposition. The Guarguaraz metasedimentary-ophiolitic complex represents, therefore, a remnant of an oceanic basin developed to the west of the Grenville-aged Cuyania terrane during the Neoproterozoic. The southernmost extension of these metasedimentary sequences in Cordon del Portillo might represent part of this platform and not fragments of the Chilenia terrane. An extensional event related to the fragmentation of Rodinia is represented by the mafic and ultramafic rocks. The Devonian docking of Chilenia emplaced remnants of ocean floor and slices of the Cuyania terrane (Las Yaretas Gneisses) in tectonic contact with the Neoproterozoic metasediments, marking the Devonian western border of Gondwana. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel global optimization method based on an Augmented Lagrangian framework is introduced for continuous constrained nonlinear optimization problems. At each outer iteration k the method requires the epsilon(k)-global minimization of the Augmented Lagrangian with simple constraints, where epsilon(k) -> epsilon. Global convergence to an epsilon-global minimizer of the original problem is proved. The subproblems are solved using the alpha BB method. Numerical experiments are presented.


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A Nonlinear Programming algorithm that converges to second-order stationary points is introduced in this paper. The main tool is a second-order negative-curvature method for box-constrained minimization of a certain class of functions that do not possess continuous second derivatives. This method is used to define an Augmented Lagrangian algorithm of PHR (Powell-Hestenes-Rockafellar) type. Convergence proofs under weak constraint qualifications are given. Numerical examples showing that the new method converges to second-order stationary points in situations in which first-order methods fail are exhibited.


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Calculations of local influence curvatures and leverage have been well developed when the parameters are unrestricted. In this article, we discuss the assessment of local influence and leverage under linear equality parameter constraints with extensions to inequality constraints. Using a penalized quadratic function we express the normal curvature of local influence for arbitrary perturbation schemes and the generalized leverage matrix in interpretable forms, which depend on restricted and unrestricted components. The results are quite general and can be applied in various statistical models. In particular, we derive the normal curvature under three useful perturbation schemes for generalized linear models. Four illustrative examples are analyzed by the methodology developed in the article.


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Arbetet består av en närläsning av karaktären Kurt Hummel i tv-serien Glee med fokus på stereotyper för homosexuella män, och hur Kurt förhåller sig till dem stereotyperna. Studien är gjord utifrån ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv och visar att Kurt i viss mån framställs stereotypt i seriens tidigare avsnitt, men att han efter hand uppvisar ett djup och komplexitet som man inte ofta ser hos homosexuella karaktärer på tv.


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The context of this report and the IRIDIA laboratory are described in the preface. Evolutionary Robotics and the box-pushing task are presented in the introduction.The building of a test system supporting Evolutionary Robotics experiments is then detailed. This system is made of a robot simulator and a Genetic Algorithm. It is used to explore the possibility of evolving box-pushing behaviours. The bootstrapping problem is explained, and a novel approach for dealing with it is proposed, with results presented.Finally, ideas for extending this approach are presented in the conclusion.


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På den svenska marknaden står bag-in-box-vin för över 50 procent av allt vin som säljs och Sverige är det land där bag-in-boxen fått starkast fäste i världen (Fremin, 2012). Det gör att bag-in-box-förpackningen är en stor och betydelsefull produkt för vintillverkare och att ha kunskap om säljande design är viktigt för grafiska formgivare samt övriga involverade företag. Den föreliggande studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka designfaktorer på bagin- box-förpackningar som påverkar konsumenternas val av vin i Sverige. Studien innefattade en visuell kartläggning som ämnade ge en överblick av utbudet på ett Systembolag. Detta genomfördes för att skapa en grund till den webbaserade enkätundersökningen som genomfördes under våren 2015. Resultaten visade att majoriteten av respondenterna valde vin baserat på förpackningens utseende och ansåg att de påverkades främst av färg, typsnitt, illustrationer och varumärken. Resultaten visade också att ju högre vinkunskap konsumenterna hade desto mindre påverkade designen deras val. Kvinnor och män hade generellt olika åsikter angående hur stor påverkan de olika designfaktorerna hade vid valet av bag-in-box-vin. Denna studie är endast ett avstamp till ett ämne som innefattar många påverkande faktorer. Det betyder att mer forskning krävs inom ämnet innan helt sanningsenliga resultat kan fastställas.


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Although the need to make health services more accessible to persons who have migrated has been identified, knowledge about health-promotion programs (HPPs) from the perspective of older persons born abroad is lacking. This study explores the design experiences and content implemented in an adapted version of a group-based HPP developed in a researcher-community partnership. Fourteen persons aged 70-83 years or older who had migrated to Sweden from Finland or the Balkan Peninsula were included. A grounded theory approach guided the data collection and analysis. The findings showed how participants and personnel jointly helped raise awareness. The participants experienced three key processes that could open doors to awareness: enabling community, providing opportunities to understand and be understood, and confirming human values and abilities. Depending on how the HPP content and design are being shaped by the group, the key processes could both inhibit or encourage opening doors to awareness. Therefore, this study provides key insights into how to enable health by deepening the understanding of how the exchange of health-promoting messages is experienced to be facilitated or hindered. This study adds to the scientific knowledge base of how the design and content of HPP may support and recognize the capabilities of persons aging in the context of migration.