998 resultados para balanço NH4 :NO3-
The ongoing depletion of fossil fuels and the severe consequences of the greenhouse effect make the development of alternative energy systems crucially important. While hydrogen is, in principle, a promising alternative, releasing nothing but energy and pure water. Hydrogen storage is complicated and no completely viable technique has been proposed so far. This work is concerned with the study of one potential alternative to pure hydrogen: ammonia, and more specifically its storage in solids. Ammonia, NH3, can be regarded as a chemical hydrogen carrier with the advantages of strongly reduced flammability and explosiveness as compared to hydrogen. Furthermore, ammine metal salts presented here as promising ammonia stores easily store up to 50 wt.-% ammonia, giving them a volumetric energy density comparable to natural gas. The model system NiX2–NH3 ( X = Cl, Br, I) is studied thoroughly with respect to ammine salt formation, thermal decomposition, air stability and structural effects. The system CuX2–NH3 ( X = Cl, Br) has an adverse thermal decomposition behaviour, making it impractical for use as an ammonia store. This system is, however, most interesting from a structural point of view and some work concerning the study of the structural behaviour of this system is presented. Finally, close chemical relatives to the metal ammine halides, the metal ammine nitrates are studied. They exhibit interesting anion arrangements, which is an impressive showcase for the combination of diffraction and spectroscopic information. The characterisation techniques in this thesis range from powder diffraction over single crystal diffraction, spectroscopy, computational modelling, thermal analyses to gravimetric uptake experiments. Further highlights are the structure solutions and refinements from powder data of (NH4)2[NiCl4(H2O)(NH3)] and Ni(NH3)2(NO3)2, the combination of crystallographic and chemical information for the elucidation of the (NH4)2[NiCl4(H2O)(NH3)] formation reaction and the growth of single crystals under ammonia flow, a technique allowing the first documented successful growth and single crystal diffraction measurement for [Cu(NH3)6]Cl2.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Microbiana, 2016.
Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Lodo de esgoto contém teores elevados de N orgânico. Se for aplicado em quantidade excessiva em solos, há risco de poluição de águas subsuperficiais com nitrato, produto da mineralização do N. Por essa razão, um dos critérios agronômicos para a determinação da taxa máxima de aplicação do lodo de esgoto é a quantidade de N mineral que será disponibilizada às culturas. Neste trabalho, são apresentados os resultados relativos à lixiviação de N mineralizado em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico incubado durante 224 dias com dois tipos de lodo de esgoto anaeróbios, um de origem urbana (Franca, SP) e outro com presença de despejos industriais (Barueri, SP). Cada lodo de esgoto foi aplicado em quatro doses, contendo 0,13, 0,3, 0,5 e 1,0 g kg-1 de N orgânico. Essa quantidade de substrato mineralizável foi equivalente a 5, 11, 22 e 43 t ha-1 de lodo de Franca, e a 8, 15, 31 e 61 t ha-1 de lodo de Barueri. O experimento foi conduzido em colunas de percolação, sob temperatura de 25 a 28 °C em laboratório, fazendo-se lixiviações com solução extratora de KCl 0,01 mol L-1. Foram determinadas as quantidades de N mineral (N-NH4 + e N-NO3 - + N-NO2 - ) extraídas nos percolados em doze épocas. Houve correlação significativa entre as quantidades aplicadas de N na forma orgânica e as quantidades de N mineralizadas durante a incubação nos dois tipos de lodo avaliados. O potencial de mineralização estimado pelo modelo exponencial simples foi de 73 mg kg-1 de N no solo sem aplicação de lodo, e aumentou de 107 para 224 mg kg-1 e de 132 para 364 mg kg-1 nos tratamentos com o lodo de esgoto de Franca e de Barueri, respectivamente. A fração de mineralização potencial do N orgânico dos dois tipos de lodo de esgoto decresceu com o aumento das doses aplicadas: 26, 25, 21 e 14 % para o de Franca, e 43, 39, 34 e 27 % para o de Barueri. Em consequência, o potencial de lixiviação de N no Latossolo aumentou de 46 para 207 % com as doses do lodo de Franca, e de 81 para 399 % com as doses do lodo de Barueri.
Doze imagens Landsat 8 foram usadas em conjunto com uma rede de onze de estações agrometeorológicas para a modelagem em larga escala de indicadores do balanço hídrico nos agrosecossistemas da bacia hidrográfica do Submédio São Francisco, compostos por vegetação natural e culturas irrigadas. O algoritmo SAFER foi usado para a obtenção da evapotranspiração (ET), a qual foi usada em conjunto com dados de precipitação (P) interpolados. Para a classificação da vegetação e caracterização dos indicadores, o algoritmo SUREAL foi aplicado na determinação da resistência da superfície (rs) sendo valores limites de rs usados na separação em culturas agrícolas e espécies da Caatinga. Nas condições naturais mais úmidas do início do ano, as taxas de evapotranspiração na vegetação natural foram em torno de 30% daquelas para culturas irrigadas, enquanto que nas mais secas estas ficaram em torno de 6%. Considerando-se todo o ano, as culturas irrigadas consumiram cinco vezes mais água que as espécies da Caatinga, uma quantidade extra de 870 mm ano-1. Maiores cautelas com relação ao manejo de irrigação devem ser tomadas no período climaticamente mais seco do ano, devido ao aumento da retirada da água do Rio São Francisco, criando maiores possibilidades de conflitos entre os setores agrícolas e outros usuários da água.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2016.
The integrated culture of seaweed and aquatic animals is an ancient practice in Asian countries. The expansion of this practice to western countries is consequence of the recognition of this system as a sustainable alternative that allows economical diversification and mitigation of environmental impacts generated by effluents of aquaculture. This study evaluated the growth of the seaweed Gracilaria caudata and of the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei in monoculture (shrimps) and integrated culture (shrimps and algae) systems, and accessed the effect of the seaweed in the water quality. There were two treatments in the experiment: monoculture (shrimps) and integrated culture (shrimps/ algae). The organisms were cultured in 6 aquaria (10L) filled with seawater (35.0±0.0 PSU and 28.1±0.4°C) for 28 days. The nutrients of water (PO43-, NH4+, NO2-, NO3- and DIN), the biomass and the relative growth rate (RGR, % day-1) of seaweed and shrimps were measured weekly. The parameters pH, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen were measured daily. The concentration of NH4+ in integrated culture (62.8±25.2µM) was lower (Mann-Whitney p<0.001) than in monoculture (85.6±24.3µM). The mean of PO4- in monoculture (10.4±4.6µM) was markedly higher (Mann-Whitney; p=0.024) than that in integrated culture (8.7±4.1µM). The level of dissolved oxygen in integrated culture (6.0±0.6mg/L) was higher (t-Student; P=0.014) than that in shrimp monoculture (5.8±0.6mg/L). The mean values of the parameters pH, NO2-, NO3- and DIN were 7.5±0.2, 10.1±12.2µM, 24.5±3.2µM and 120.17±30.76µM in monoculture, and 7.5±0.2, 10.5±13.2µM, 27.4±3.5µM and 100.76±49.59µM in integrated culture. There were not differences in these parameters between treatments. The biomass and RGR of seaweed reached 15.0±1.9g and 7.4±2.8% day-1 at the end of the experiment. The performance of shrimp was favorable in monoculture (1.5±0.8g; 5.7±1.6% dia-1) and in integrated culture (1.5±0.7g; 5.2±1.2% dia-1), and the rate of survival was 100% in both treatments. The tolerance and favorable performance of Gracilaria caudata suggest that this seaweed might be integrated into shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) culture systems
The objective of this study was to examine the growth of Gracilaria cervicornis cultured in a shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) pond and to determine the absorption efficiency and the kinetics parameters (Vmax, Ks e Vmax:Ks) of this macroalgae for the nutrients N-NO3-, N-NH4+ and P-PO4-3, aiming at its use as bioremediatory of eutrophicated environments. For this study, two experiments (field and laboratory) were developed. In the field study, the seaweed was examined in relation to the growth and the biomass. In the laboratory experiment, the absorption efficiency of G. cervicornis was measured through the monitoring of the concentration of the three nutrients (N-NO3-, N-NH4+ e P-PO4-3) during 5 hours and the kinetic parameters were determined through the formula of Michaelis-Menten. The results obtained in this study demonstrated that G. cervicornis benefited from the available nutrients in the pond, increasing 52.4% of its biomass value after 30 days of culture. It was evidenced that the variability of the biomass could be explained through the salinity, availability of light (transparency and solid particle in suspension) and concentration of N-NO3- in the environment. In the laboratory experiment, the highest absorption efficiency was found in the treatments with low concentration (5 µmol.L-1), being evidenced a reduction of up to 85,3%, 97,5% and 81,2% of N-NH4+, N-NO3- and P-PO43-, respectively. Regarding the kinetic parameters, G. cervicornis presented better ability in absorbing N-NH4+ in high concentrations (Vmax = 158,5 µmol g-1 dry wt h-1) and P-PO43- in low concentrations (Ks = 5 µmol.L-1 e Vmax:Ks = 10,3). The results of this study show that G. cervicornis could be cultivated in shrimp ponds, presents a good capacity of absorption for the tested nutrients and is a promising candidate for biorremediation in shrimp pond effluent
The challenge for wastewater professionals is to design and operate treatment processes that support human well being and are environmentally sensitive throughout the life-cycle. This research focuses on one technology for small-scale wastewater treatment: the vertical flow constructed wetland (VFCW), which is herein investigated for the capacity to remove ammonium and nitrate nitrogen from wastewater. Hydraulic regime and presence/absence of vegetation are the basis for a three-phase bench scale experiment to determine oxygen transfer and nitrogen fate in VFCWs. Results show that 90% NH4+-N removal is achieved in aerobic downflow columns, 60% NO3--N removal occurs in anaerobic upflow columns, and 60% removal of total nitrogen can be achieved in downflow-upflow in-series. The experimental results are studied further using a variably saturated flow and reactive transport model, which allows a mechanistic explanation of the fate and transport of oxygen and nitrogen. The model clarifies the mechanisms of oxygen transport and nitrogen consumption, and clarifies the need for readily biodegradable COD for denitrification. A VFCW is then compared to a horizontal flow constructed wetland (HFCW) for life cycle environmental impacts. High areal emissions of greenhouse gases from VFCWs compared to HFCWs are the driver for the study. The assessment shows that because a VFCW is only 25% of the volume of an HFCW designed for the same treatment quality, the VFCW has only 25-30% of HFCW impacts over 12 impact categories and 3 damage categories. Results show that impacts could be reduced by design improvements. Design recommendations are downflow wetlands for nitrification, upflow wetlands for denitrification, series wetlands for total nitrogen removal, hydraulic load of 142 L/m2d, 30 cm downflow wetland depth, 1.0 m upflow wetland depth, recycle, vegetation and medium-grained sand. These improvements will optimize nitrogen removal, minimize gaseous emissions, and reduce wetland material requirements, thus reducing environmental impact without sacrificing wastewater treatment quality.
Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) is widely used for culinary purposes throughout Mediterranean region, and the interest in this plant increased due to it being a source of bio-protective compounds, such as fatty acids and antioxidants. However, the use of purslane could be limited by accumulation of high levels of compounds harmful to human health, such as nitrate and oxalic acid. The main objective of present study was to evaluate the influence of nitrogen fertilization on growth and yield parameters and on nitrate and oxalic acid concentrations in leaves and stems. Plants of golden-leafed purslane of sativa subspecies were grown in styro-foam boxes with substrate and fertilized two times per week during four weeks with ammonium-nitrate solution (16.9% NO3--N and 17.6% NH4+-N), for testing of four nitrogen levels (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha-1). Plant growth, yield, nitrate and oxalic acid concentrations were significantly affected by nitrogen application. The best quantity/quality ratio was achieved at fertilization level of 60 kg N ha-1, which gave a yield of 5.1 kg m-2 FW, while nitrate concentration was 48.98 and 43.90 mg g-1 DW in leaf and stem, respectively, and oxalic acid concentration was 1.27 and 0.55 mg g-1 DW, in leaf and stem, respectively: values which are not harmful for consumer health.
The high antioxidant activity of purslane, Portulaca oleracea L., gives it a high nutritional and functional value. The commercial production of purslane has increased in Portugal, making it necessary to know the effects of inputs, mainly nitrogen, on the antioxidant activity. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the influence of nitrogen application on purslane antioxidant activity. The experiment was carried out with for treatments: 30, 60 and 90 kg/ha of nitrogen. Plants of golden-leaf purslane were grown in Styrofoam-boxes filled with substrate and fertigated two times per week, over four weeks with ammonium nitrate solution (16.9% NO3-N and 16.7 NH4+-N). The increase in the nitrogen level decreased the water-soluble proteins content. However the ascorbate, phenols content as well as antioxidant activity measured by FRAP method was not affected by nitrogen level. Plants shoot antioxidant activity, measured by DPPH method decreased significantly in the treatment with 90 kg N/ha (26.20 g/g gallic acid). On the other hand, plant shoot antioxidant activity mediated by peroxidases was higher in treatment 30 kg N/ha (0.459 µmol min-1/mg prot.). Application of 60 kg N/ha allowed a vigorous plant growth without disturb its antioxidants and conservation properties.
O balanço hídrico climatológico é fundamental para se conhecer a disponibilidade de água no solo, e consequentemente, saber a época correta de implantação das culturas em campo, para que as mesmas não sofram déficit hídrico. Assim, com este trabalho objetivou-se apresentar o balanço hídrico climatológico para o município de Bom Jesus, Sul do Estado do Piauí e com isso, identificar e quantificar os meses com deficiência hídrica no solo.