909 resultados para areas and volumes


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This paper tests one of the fundamental assumptions of regional policy makers over the last 20 years. Western governments, in seeking to attract internationally mobile capital have spent significant sums of public money on subsidies and grants. This is justified on the basis that the social returns to FDI are significantly greater than the private returns, due to productivity or technology spillovers from inward investors to domestic industry. However, this paper generates some estimates of these spillovers for both assisted areas and non-assisted areas in the UK, and questions the size of these social returns, arguing that productivity spillovers do not occur in regions where significant inward investment incentives are available.


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The vacuolation (spongiform change) and prion protein (PrP) deposition were quantified in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum of 11 patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). The density of the vacuolation, averaged over patients, was greatest in the occipital cortex and cerebellum and least in the dentate gyrus. The degree of PrP deposition was similar in the different cortical areas and in the cerebellum but significantly lower in the hippocampus and absent in the dentate gyrus. There were no significant differences in the extent of the vacuolation and PrP deposition in the upper and lower cortical laminae. Vacuolation and PrP deposition in the upper cortex were both positively correlated with corresponding levels in the lower cortex. In addition, in the parietal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus, the density of the vacuolation was positively correlated with the level of PrP deposition but no such correlations were observed in the remaining areas studied. This quantitative study suggested that: (1) the pathological changes were most severe in the occipital cortex and cerebellum, while the hippocampus was least affected, (2) the pathological changes affect the upper and lower cortical laminae, and (3) the degree of correlation between the density of the vacuolation and PrP deposition may be dependent on brain region.


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This paper addresses the question of how just-in-time can be implemented within high variety manufacture. To illustrate some of the principles in relation to the high variety-low volume situation the case of a computer manufacturer is considered in detail. For contrast the paper also considers the case of the manufacture of highly-configured four wheel drive vehicles where both variety and volumes are high. The most important issue in high variety/low volume production is that JIT operation should be seen in terms of the tactical holding of inventory in upstream buffers within the supply chain so that value is not added to work in progress prematurely. Tactical buffers ensure that service levels are maintained and the risk of stock-outs is minimized. In high variety/high volume production schedule integrity is the key factor, unreliable schedules being a major inhibitor to the introduction of JIT.


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The adsorption of nonionic surface active agents of polyoxyethylene glycol monoethers of n hexadecanols on polystyrene latex and nonionic cellulose polymers of hydroxyethyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose on polystyrene latex and ibuprofen drug particles have been studied. The adsorbed layer thicknesses were determined by means of microelectrophoretic and viscometric methods. The conformation of the adsorbed molecules at the solid-liquid interface was deduced from the molecular areas and the adsorbed layer thicknesses. Comparison of the adsorption results obtained from polystyrene latex and ibuprofen particles was made to explain the conformation difference between these two adsorbates. Sedimentation volumes and redispersibility values were the main criteria used to evaluate suspension stability. At low concentrations of surface active agents, hard caked suspensions were found, probably due to the attraction between the uncoated areas or, the mutual adsorption of the adsorbed molecules on the bare surface of the particles in the sediment. At high concentrations of hydroxypropyl cellulose and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, heavily caked sediments were attributed to network structure formation by the adsorbed molecules. An attempt was made to relate the characteristics of the suspensions to the potential energy of interaction curves. Generally, the agreement between theory and experiment was good, but for hydroxyethyl cellulose-ibuprofen systems discrepancies were found. Experimental studies showed that hydroxyethyl cellulose flocculated polystyrene latex over a rather wide range of concentrations; similarly, hydroxyethyl cellulose-ibuprofen suspensions were also flocculated. Therefore, it ls suggested that a term to account for flocculation energy of the polymer should be added to the total energy of interaction. A rheometric method was employed to study the flocculation energy of the polymer.


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The confusion over the concept of accessibility in transport planning and the deficiencies of existing accessibility indices are examined by developing a conceptual framework of accessibility with a fundamental distinction being drawn between the, often conflicting, theoretical and practical dimensions. The theoretical validity of alternative indices is assessed with reference to the problems and assumptions implicit in defining, measuring, valuing and aggregating the variables and components comprising accessibility. The major deficiencies of existing indices are identified as the inability of indices to take account of the potential to link trips between more than one activity location and the level of assumptions implicit in valuing and aggregating accessibility information. In this context, it is argued that accessibility information is more appropriately expressed on a comparative basis in the form of a profile rather than as a composite single-unit index and that the present confines of accessibility measurement must be extended in line with current developments in disaggregate travel and activity modelling. The sensitivity of accessibility levels to the use of alternative value judgements, alternative forms and levels of aggregation and the inclusion of information on the potential to link trips is examined by undertaking a case study. Accessibility profiles are developed for 23 zones in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham showing the accessibility of the elderly to post offices and grocers. In a practical context, the profiles assist in identifying areas and individuals with relatively poor accessibility. The incidence and nature of linked trip-making and its significance and implications for accessibility measurement are explored further by analysing the results of a survey of the elderly's travel patterns. It is concluded that future accessibility analysis should be undertaken at a disaggregate level, taking account of the potential opportunity available from nonhome as well as home origins.


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Separate physiological mechanisms which respond to spatial and temporal stimulation have been identified in the visual system. Some pathological conditions may selectively affect these mechanisms, offering a unique opportunity to investigate how psychophysical and electrophysiological tests reflect these visual processes, and thus enhance the use of the tests in clinical diagnosis. Amblyopia and optical blur were studied, representing spatial visual defects of neural and optical origin, respectively. Selective defects of the visual pathways were also studied - optic neuritis which affects the optic nerve, and dementia of the Alzheimer type in which the higher association areas are believed to be affected, but the primary projections spared. Seventy control subjects from 10 to 79 years of age were investigated. This provided material for an additional study of the effect of age on the psychophysical and electrophysiological responses. Spatial processing was measured by visual acuity, the contrast sensitivity function, or spatial modulation transfer function (MTF), and the pattern reversal and pattern onset-offset visual evoked potential (VEP). Temporal, or luminance, processing was measured by the de Lange curve, or temporal MTF, and the flash VEP. The pattern VEP was shown to reflect the integrity of the optic nerve, geniculo striate pathway and primary projections, and was related to high temporal frequency processing. The individual components of the flash VEP differed in their characteristics. The results suggested that the P2 component reflects the function of the higher association areas and is related to low temporal frequency processing, while the Pl component reflects the primary projection areas. The combination of a delayed flash P2 component and a normal latency pattern VEP appears to be specific to dementia of the Alzheimer type and represents an important diagnostic test for this condition.


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Information technology is at the centre of today’s business environment. The increasing importance of e-commerce and the integration of information systems in all areas of a business means it is crucial for managers to understand and implement IS (information systems). This major text, now in its second edition, provides the skills and knowledge necessary to choose the right systems, and to develop and manage them effectively. Business Information Systems: Technology, Development and Management assumes no prior knowledge of IS or IT, and emphasises the importance of IS to management decision making. It takes a 3 part structure: Part One covers hardware and software technologies; Part Two looks at information systems analysis and design; and Part Three describes the strategic management of IS. This successful format allows each section to be studied alongside individual modules, and enables students to focus clearly on specific areas and use the book for more than one course. This book is suitable for college students, undergraduate degree and postgraduate students taking courses with modules in the practical IT skills of selection, implementation, management and use of BIS. The practical sections are also of use to managers in industry involved in the development and use of IS.


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What does it mean to be white and working class in modern Britain? The Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s studies of traditionally white estates in Bradford, London, Coventry and Birmingham are part of a growing body of research into ‘white identities’. This paper: • identifies common findings from JRF research into traditionally white estates, in the context of other similar work; • suggests how issues of white identity can be better understood and makes recommendations for policy and practice. Key points: • Profound economic and social change has increased isolation and fear in traditionally white estates. Residents often claim that things were better in the past. • ‘Estatism’ refers to specific social dynamics associated with council estates and prejudice towards residents based on where they live. This can result in lowered self-esteem and reluctance to participate in community campaigns. • People on traditionally white estates often feel they are not listened to by outside agencies. Consultations can raise hopes but ultimately reinforce disengagement. Initiatives to ensure equality have become associated with political correctness (‘PC’). • White working-class people feel they are bound by values of hard work, reciprocity and support. They are frustrated by the closure and lack of access to community facilities. The social class system simultaneously disadvantages the working class while giving advantage to other classes. • There is a strong desire for allocation of resources to be fair, with a widespread perception that minorities are given preference. Blaming incomers for decline is common, with the target of blame differing between sites. Participants did not want to be considered racist and felt that labelling ideas as racist prevents discussion. Similarly, the term ‘PC’ can also be used to shut down debate. • Recommendations include community-twinning, new ways of accessing local authorities, involvement from the private sector in disadvantaged areas and local panels to define and develop the ‘Big Society’. Initiatives aimed solely at white working-class people are unlikely to be successful.


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This study critically discusses findings from a research project involving four European countries. The project had two main aims. The first was to develop a systematic procedure for assessing the balance between knowledge and competencies acquired in higher, further and vocational education and the specific needs of the labor market. The second aim was to develop and test a set of meta-level quality indicators aimed at evaluating the linkages between education and employment. The project was designed to address the lack of employer input concerning the requirements of business graduates for successful workplace performance and the need for more specific industry-driven feedback to guide administrative heads at universities and personnel at quality assurance agencies in curriculum development and revision. Approach: The project was distinctive in that it combined different partners from higher education, vocational training, industry and quality assurance. Project partners designed and implemented an innovative approach, based on literature review, qualitative interviews and surveys in the four countries, in order to identify and confirm key knowledge and competency requirements. This study presents this step-by-step approach, as well as survey findings from a sample of 900 business graduates and employers. In addition, it introduces two Partial Least Squares (PLS) path models for predicting satisfaction with work performance and satisfaction with business education. Results: Survey findings revealed that employers were not very confident regarding business graduates’ abilities in key knowledge areas and in key generic competencies. In subsequent analysis, these graduate abilities were tested and identified as important predictors of employers’ satisfaction with graduates’ work performance. Conclusion: The industry-driven approach introduced in this study can serve as a guide to assist different types of educational institutions to better align study programs with changing labor market requirements. Recommendations for curriculum improvement are discussed.


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Objective. Evaluate the characteristics of a cohort of Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) students upon entry and examine any associations between entry qualifications, type of school attended, socioeconomic deprivation, age and academic performance in the MPharm programme. Methods. A retrospective cohort analysis of data recorded on Aston University’s central database for each individual exiting the MPharm programme during the five year period 2005-6 – 2009-10 (n=644). Results. Entrants were disproportionately drawn from socioeconomically deprived areas and independent (private) schools. Achievement prior to admission was related to the type of school attended but not to deprivation. Performance on the programme was not related to type of school or deprivation but was strongly correlated with prior achievements. Conclusions. Prior achievement is the most important predictor of performance on the MPharm programme but the superior prior achievement of independent school pupils is not seen at the point of graduation. This may have implications for admissions policies.


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In the last decade, researchers in the social sciences have increasingly adopted neuroscientific techniques, with the consequent rise of research inspired by neuroscience in disciplines such as economics, marketing, decision sciences, and leadership. In 2007, we introduced the term organizational cognitive neuroscience (OCN), in an attempt to clearly demarcate research carried out in these many areas, and provide an overarching paradigm for research utilizing cognitive neuroscientific methods, theories, and concepts, within the organizational and business research fields. Here we will revisit and further refine the OCN paradigm, and define an approach where we feel the marriage of organizational theory and neuroscience will return even greater dividends in the future and that is within the field of clinical practice.


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Multiscale systems that are characterized by a great range of spatial–temporal scales arise widely in many scientific domains. These range from the study of protein conformational dynamics to multiphase processes in, for example, granular media or haemodynamics, and from nuclear reactor physics to astrophysics. Despite the diversity in subject areas and terminology, there are many common challenges in multiscale modelling, including validation and design of tools for programming and executing multiscale simulations. This Theme Issue seeks to establish common frameworks for theoretical modelling, computing and validation, and to help practical applications to benefit from the modelling results. This Theme Issue has been inspired by discussions held during two recent workshops in 2013: ‘Multiscale modelling and simulation’ at the Lorentz Center, Leiden (http://www.lorentzcenter.nl/lc/web/2013/569/info.php3?wsid=569&venue=Snellius), and ‘Multiscale systems: linking quantum chemistry, molecular dynamics and microfluidic hydrodynamics’ at the Royal Society Kavli Centre. The objective of both meetings was to identify common approaches for dealing with multiscale problems across different applications in fluid and soft matter systems. This was achieved by bringing together experts from several diverse communities.


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The article introduces a research framework for analysing the external dimension of EU Justice and Home Affairs after the Lisbon Treaty. The dynamics of expansion and diversification, discernable for both the EU policy-making and the scholarly work dedicated to it, are at the centre of the article and constitute a common reference point for the present Special Issue. These dynamics have been triggered through deliberate decisions of involved policy-makers as well as through unintended spillover effects from other policy areas and/or decisions. The article also engages with the theoretically informed literature on the subject, which struggles with the definition of what this dimension actually constitutes, as well as how to best capture the practices of this field.We take stock of the scholarly debates by comparing the diverse approaches and discussing how much they complement each other and/or present different dimensions of a single ‘policy universe’.


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The role of support from teachers on the academic and emotional adjustment of a ethnically and economically diverse sample of adolescents was examined. Analyses were conducted on data from a larger study examining social networks across the transition to junior high school. Participants in the current study included 694 African-American, Hispanic-American and European-American students in grades 6 and 8 from public elementary schools in South Florida. Some of these schools are located in economically distressed areas and some are in middle income areas. Children were interviewed, and information on teacher social support resources, school stressors, risk and academic and emotional adjustment was obtained. Several significant findings emerged from the analyses. First, overall teacher support was a significant predictor of a wide range of academic and emotional adjustment outcomes. Second, teacher support compensated for low peer support on teacher rated behavior problems. Third, teacher support interacted with school stress to predict depressed affect and self esteem. Fourth, teacher support interacted with low ecological risk conditions to predict feelings of loneliness. ^