975 resultados para ammonium formate


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Two simple, rapid and accurate methods for the determination of bupropion hydrochloride (BUP) in pure and in pharmaceutical preparations are described. Both methods are based on the measurement of the chloride of its hydrochloride. In the titrimetric method, the chloride content of bupropion hydrochloride is determined by titrating with mercury(II)nitrate using diphenylcarbazone-bromophenol blue as indicator. Titrimetric method is applicable over a range 2-20 mg of BUP and the reaction stoichiometry is found to be 2:1 (BUP: Hg(NO3)2). The spectrophotometric method involves the addition of a measured excess of mercury(II) nitrate reagent in formate buffer to the drug, and after ensuring the reaction had gone to completion, the unreacted mercury(II) is treated with a fixed amount of diphenylcarbazone, and absorbance measured at 515 nm. The absorbance is found to decrease linearly with increasing concentration of BUP and the calibration curve is linear over 1.0-15.0 µg mL-1 BUP. The proposed methods were successfully applied to the determination of BUP in commercially available dosage forms with good accuracy and precision, and without detectable interference by excipients. The accuracy was further ascertained by placebo blank and synthetic mixture analyses and also by recovery experiments via standard-addition procedure.


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A new spectrophotometric method is proposed for the assay of ranitidine hydrochloride (RNH) in bulk drug and in its dosage forms using ceric ammonium sulphate (CAS) and two dyes, malachite (MAG) green and crystal violet (CV) as reagents. The method involves the addition of a known excess of ceric ammonium sulphate to ranitidine hydrochloride in acid medium, followed by the determination of unreacted CAS by reacting with a fixed amount of malachite green or crystal violet and measuring the absorbance at 615 or 582 nm respectively against the reagent blank. The Beer's law is obeyed in the concentration range of 0.4-8.0 µg/ ml of ranitidine hydrochloride (RNH) for RNH-MAG system and 0.2-1.6µg/ml of ranitidine hydrochloride for RNH-CV system. The molar Absorptivity, Sandell's sensitivity for each system were calculated. The method has been successfully applied to the determination of ranitidine hydrochloride in pure and dosage forms.


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Saostettua karbonaattia voidaan käyttää useiden eri teollisuuksien tuotteissa. Pääosin saostettua kalsiumkarbonaattia kuitenkin käytetään paperin, maalien, muovien sekä elintarviketuotteiden täyteaineena. Koska monet käyttökohteet vaativat saostetulta kalsiumkarbonaatilta tiettyjä puhtausvaatimuksia, sen koostumuksen tutkiminen on suuren kiinnostuksen kohteena. Työn perimmäisenä tarkoituksena on ollut määrittää saostetun kalsiumkarbonaatin kemiallinen koostumus ja selvittää, vaikuttavatko materiaalin kemiallisfysikaalinen modifiointi sen ominaisuuksiin. Kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään yleisesti kalsiumkarbonaattimateriaaleja, saostetun kalsiumkarbonaatin valmistusmenetelmiä ja vastaavanlaisen materiaalin esikäsittelymenetelmiä. Lisäksi tarkastellaan erilaisia analyysimenetelmiä, joita voidaan käyttää kiinteiden epäorgaanisten tai mineraalinäytteiden kemiallisen koostumuksen sekä fysikaalisten ja kemiallisten reaktioiden määrittämiseen. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin käsittelemättömiä saostettuja kalsiumkarbonaattinäytteiden ominaisuuksia ja kemiallista koostumusta erilaisilla alkuaine-, ioni-/spesies- sekä pyrolyysimittauksilla. Näytteitä modifioitiin lämmityksen ja jauhatuksen avulla. Modifioinnin vaikutusta näytteiden kemiallisiin koostumuksiin tutkittiin vertailemalla tuloksia käsittelemättömien näytteiden antamiin tuloksiin. Tutkimus osoitti, että näytteiden lämpökäsittelyllä ei ollut lähes ollenkaan vaikutusta näytteiden kemialliseen koostumukseen. Toisin osoitti näytteiden jauhatus, joka laski ammoniumin pitoisuutta näytteissä. Laitetekniikkaa käytettäessä kapillaarielektroforeesi, ionikromatografi, ICP-AES ja SEM (FTIR) antoivat luotettavinta tietoa näytteiden kemiallisista koostumuksista. Näytteiden fysikaalisia ja kemiallisia reaktioita voitiin havainnollistaa parhaiten käyttäen STA-QMS -laitetta.


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Tässä työssä on käsitelty ammoniumkloridia Porvoon ja Naantalin jalostamoiden vetyverkoissa. Tietoa ammoniumkloridin aiheuttamista ongelmista ja niihin vaikuttavista tekijöistä on kerätty ja niiden pohjalta on pyritty löytämään keinoja, joilla ongelmaa voidaan vähentää tai poistaa. Kirjallisuusosassa on käsitelty ammoniumkloridia, sen aiheuttamaa korroosiota ja materiaalien ammoniumkloridikestävyyttä. Lisäksi kirjallisuusosassa on käsitelty ammoniumkloridin muodostumiseen tarvittavan vetykloridin määritysmenetelmiä sekä ammonium- ja kloridi-ionien määritysmenetelmiä. Työn soveltavassa osassa kerättiin tietoa ammoniumkloridin aiheuttamista ongelmista ja ammoniumkloridin muodostumiseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Lisäksi Porvoon jalostamolla suoritettiin mittauksia, joilla määritettiin ammoniakki- ja vetykloridipitoisuuksia vetyvirroista. Tulosten perusteella saatiin käsitys jalostamon ammoniumkloridiongelman nykytilanteesta ja tutkittiin ammoniumkloridia muodostavien ammoniakin ja vetykloridin lähteitä. Lisäksi keinoja vähentää ammoniumkloridin muodostumista tunnistettiin.


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Phosphorus and nitrogen cause eutrophication of water bodies, causing severe damage to the ecosystem. Eutrophication of the waters causes oxygen depletion, which in turn increases fish mortality, releasing toxins in waters. The released toxins can cause damage to animals and humans, which is the reason in many countries to set emission limits for waste water. Nutrients exist naturally, but due to human activities there is high nutrient leaching to water bodies. Human activity is one of the main reasons to the eutrophication. The aim of this thesis was to estimate the suitability of different water treatment options for Yara Finland’s fertilizer plant’s process waters in Siilinjärvi. The fertilizer plant process waters are high concentrate and especially nitrogen concentrations are high, which bring challenge to the treatment. At the theoretical part was investigated conventional and as well advanced wastewater treatment methods like reverse osmosis, adsorption and ion exchange. Beside different treatment methods corporate environmental requirements, responsibility and strategies were researched. At the empirical part of the thesis the goal was to find out possibil-ities to intensify the efficiency of purification at lamella clarifier with chemical precipitation. In addition possibility to use already existing chemical purifying plant for process waters was estimated. As a result of the research Yara has a possibility to intensify lamella clarifier’s action by addi-tion of calcium hydroxide and thus to obtain the phosphorus and fluorine to precipitate out of the water. But in practice this would be too expensive. It is possible to eliminate nitrogen compounds by adsorption or ammonia stripping, both methods requires additional testing. It is possible to process waters in chemical purifying plant, if ammonium nitrogen has been reduced before. Reverse osmosis is possible to exploit for the phosphoric acid plant’s waters.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the uniformity of distribution coefficient (UDC) and coefficient of variation (CV) of a familiar set of irrigation, classifying it the ASAE standard. The irrigation and fertigation are determined by two methods the KELLER & KARMELI and DENÍCULI . The two experiments were subjected to varying pressures: 12, 14, 16 and 18 kPa, in a completely randomized design of twenty samples composed of flows with three replications. Urea, potassium chloride (KCl) and ammonium phosphate (MAP) were the elements used for fertigation. The system consisted of a 200 L tank, which supplied another container of 30 L, it was moved vertically to control the pressure. The data was statistically compared between treatments for each methodology. In fertigation the best pressure was 16 kPa and was classified as "excellent" for UDC (91.03%) and "marginal" for C.V. (7.47%). For the irrigation treatment, the best pressure was 16 kPa rated "excellent" for UDC (91.2%) and "marginal" for C.V. (7.68%). The DENÍCULI et al. (1980) methodology proved more reliable for the evaluation of drip systems. It was observed that this set has good uniformity of distribution, but with great variability in flows.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the nitrogen fertilization in the form of swine deep bed in the properties of a quartz-sand neosol. The organic compound used was the deep bed made with rice hulls, from a commercial swine finishing system farm. Deep bed samples have been collected at various points in the installation in order to obtain a representative composite sample which has been fractionated in a 2.0 mm sieve and submitted to a 50-day maturation period. Then, agronomic value analyses were done. The experimental design was completely randomized. The treatments consisted of 0; 75; 150 and 300 mg dm-3 of N doses of deep bed as well as an additional treatment with ammonium sulfate at a 150 mg dm-3 of N. The experimental period in the greenhouse was 45 days, where the soil was cultivated with maize. After the experiment completion, further soil properties analyses were done. From the results, it was noted that the organic fertilization with deep bed provided a significant increase in the levels of potassium, in the sum of the bases, in the effective CEC, in the CEC at pH 7.0 and in the percentage of saturation.


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The objective this study has been the selection of lipase productor microorganism, for removal of oils and grease, in the pre-treatment of biodiesel wastewater washing. For this, analyses of the physicist-chemistries characteristics had been made with the wastewater of the biodiesel washing, and then it had been isolated and chosen, by means of determinations of the lipase activity. Following, it was made a test of fat biodegradation, in the conditions: pH (5.95), temperature (35 ºC), rotation (180 rpm) and ammonium sulfate as nitrogen source (3 g L-1) and establishing as variable the two microorganism preselected and the time (24; 48; 72; 96 and 120 h). The biodiesel purification wastewater had presented high potential of environmental impact, presenting a concentration of O of 6.76 g L-1. From the six isolated microbiological cultures, two microorganisms (A and B) had been selected, with enzymatic index of 0.56 and 0.57, respectively. The treatment of the wastewater using the isolated microorganism (Klebsiella oxytoca) had 80% of the fatty removal in 48 h.


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The goal of this study was to evaluate the nitrogen fertilization as deep litter for pigs in order to produce biomass and accumulate nutrients by the corn. A deep litter made of rice husk as organic compound, from a commercial pig farm during finishing phase, was used. After three consecutive batches of pigs, the deep litter was subjected to a maturation period of 50 days, and samples of this material were taken for analysis of agronomic value. The experimental design was completely randomized with five replicates. The treatments consisted of doses of 0, 75, 150 and 300mg dm-3 of N of deep litter, as well as an additional treatment with ammonium sulfate, with a dosage of 150mg dm-3 of N. After 45 days, corn plants were harvested in order to evaluate the total dry weight and nutrient concentrations of their aerial parts. Dry matter increases were found with more application of deep litter. Regarding control fertilization, the use of increasing dosages of deep litter allowed accumulation of K, reduced the availability of P, Ca, Mg, Zn and B and did not alter the concentrations of N, Cu, Fe and Mn.


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This study is made as a part of the Chembaltic (Risks of Maritime Transportation of Chemicals in Baltic Sea) project which gathers information on the chemicals transported in the Baltic Sea. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of handling volumes of liquid bulk chemicals (including liquefied gases) in the Baltic Sea ports and to find out what the most transported liquid bulk chemicals in the Baltic Sea are. Oil and oil products are also viewed in this study but only in a general level. Oils and oil products may also include chemical-related substances (e.g. certain bio-fuels which belong to MARPOL annex II category) in some cargo statistics. Chemicals in packaged form are excluded from the study. Most of the facts about the transport volumes of chemicals presented in this study are based on secondary written sources of Scandinavian, Russian, Baltic and international origin. Furthermore, statistical sources, academic journals, periodicals, newspapers and in later years also different homepages on the Internet have been used as sources of information. Chemical handling volumes in Finnish ports were examined in more detail by using a nationwide vessel traffic system called PortNet. Many previous studies have shown that the Baltic Sea ports are annually handling more than 11 million tonnes of liquid chemicals transported in bulk. Based on this study, it appears that the number may be even higher. The liquid bulk chemicals account for approximately 4 % of the total amount of liquid bulk cargoes handled in the Baltic Sea ports. Most of the liquid bulk chemicals are handled in Finnish and Swedish ports and their proportion of all liquid chemicals handled in the Baltic Sea is altogether over 50 %. The most handled chemicals in the Baltic Sea ports are methanol, sodium hydroxide solution, ammonia, sulphuric and phosphoric acid, pentanes, aromatic free solvents, xylenes, methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and ethanol and ethanol solutions. All of these chemicals are handled at least hundred thousand tonnes or some of them even over 1 million tonnes per year, but since chemical-specific data from all the Baltic Sea countries is not available, the exact tonnages could not be calculated in this study. In addition to these above-mentioned chemicals, there are also other high volume chemicals handled in the Baltic Sea ports (e.g. ethylene, propane and butane) but exact tonnes are missing. Furthermore, high amounts of liquid fertilisers, such as solution of urea and ammonium nitrate in water, are transported in the Baltic Sea. The results of the study can be considered indicative. Updated information about transported chemicals in the Baltic Sea is the first step in the risk assessment of the chemicals. The chemical-specific transportation data help to target hazard or e.g. grounding/collision risk evaluations to chemicals that are handled most or have significant environmental hazard potential. Data gathered in this study will be used as background information in later stages of the Chembaltic project when the risks of the chemicals transported in the Baltic Sea are assessed to highlight the chemicals that require special attention from an environmental point of view in potential marine accident situations in the Baltic Sea area.


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Sequestration of carbon dioxide in mineral rocks, also known as CO2 Capture and Mineralization (CCM), is considered to have a huge potential in stabilizing anthropogenic CO2 emissions. One of the CCM routes is the ex situ indirect gas/sold carbonation of reactive materials, such as Mg(OH)2, produced from abundantly available Mg-silicate rocks. The gas/solid carbonation method is intensively researched at Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU ), Finland because it is energetically attractive and utilizes the exothermic chemistry of Mg(OH)2 carbonation. In this thesis, a method for producing Mg(OH)2 from Mg-silicate rocks for CCM was investigated, and the process efficiency, energy and environmental impact assessed. The Mg(OH)2 process studied here was first proposed in 2008 in a Master’s Thesis by the author. At that time the process was applied to only one Mg-silicate rock (Finnish serpentinite from the Hitura nickel mine site of Finn Nickel) and the optimum process conversions, energy and environmental performance were not known. Producing Mg(OH)2 from Mg-silicate rocks involves a two-staged process of Mg extraction and Mg(OH)2 precipitation. The first stage extracts Mg and other cations by reacting pulverized serpentinite or olivine rocks with ammonium sulfate (AS) salt at 400 - 550 oC (preferably < 450 oC). In the second stage, ammonia solution reacts with the cations (extracted from the first stage after they are leached in water) to form mainly FeOOH, high purity Mg(OH)2 and aqueous (dissolved) AS. The Mg(OH)2 process described here is closed loop in nature; gaseous ammonia and water vapour are produced from the extraction stage, recovered and used as reagent for the precipitation stage. The AS reagent is thereafter recovered after the precipitation stage. The Mg extraction stage, being the conversion-determining and the most energy-intensive step of the entire CCM process chain, received a prominent attention in this study. The extraction behavior and reactivity of different rocks types (serpentinite and olivine rocks) from different locations worldwide (Australia, Finland, Lithuania, Norway and Portugal) was tested. Also, parametric evaluation was carried out to determine the optimal reaction temperature, time and chemical reagent (AS). Effects of reactor types and configuration, mixing and scale-up possibilities were also studied. The Mg(OH)2 produced can be used to convert CO2 to thermodynamically stable and environmentally benign magnesium carbonate. Therefore, the process energy and life cycle environmental performance of the ÅAU CCM technique that first produces Mg(OH)2 and the carbonates in a pressurized fluidized bed (FB) were assessed. The life cycle energy and environmental assessment approach applied in this thesis is motivated by the fact that the CCM technology should in itself offer a solution to what is both an energy and environmental problem. Results obtained in this study show that different Mg-silicate rocks react differently; olivine rocks being far less reactive than serpentinite rocks. In summary, the reactivity of Mg-silicate rocks is a function of both the chemical and physical properties of rocks. Reaction temperature and time remain important parameters to consider in process design and operation. Heat transfer properties of the reactor determine the temperature at which maximum Mg extraction is obtained. Also, an increase in reaction temperature leads to an increase in the extent of extraction, reaching a maximum yield at different temperatures depending on the reaction time. Process energy requirement for producing Mg(OH)2 from a hypothetical case of an iron-free serpentine rock is 3.62 GJ/t-CO2. This value can increase by 16 - 68% depending on the type of iron compound (FeO, Fe2O3 or Fe3O4) in the mineral. This suggests that the benefit from the potential use of FeOOH as an iron ore feedstock in iron and steelmaking should be determined by considering the energy, cost and emissions associated with the FeOOH by-product. AS recovery through crystallization is the second most energy intensive unit operation after the extraction reaction. However, the choice of mechanical vapor recompression (MVR) over the “simple evaporation” crystallization method has a potential energy savings of 15.2 GJ/t-CO2 (84 % savings). Integrating the Mg(OH)2 production method and the gas/solid carbonation process could provide up to an 25% energy offset to the CCM process energy requirements. Life cycle inventory assessment (LCIA) results show that for every ton of CO2 mineralized, the ÅAU CCM process avoids 430 - 480 kg CO2. The Mg(OH)2 process studied in this thesis has many promising features. Even at the current high energy and environmental burden, producing Mg(OH)2 from Mg-silicates can play a significant role in advancing CCM processes. However, dedicated future research and development (R&D) have potential to significantly improve the Mg(OH)2 process performance.


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The epidemiology, clinical picture and pathology of an outbreak of urolithiasis in cattle in southern Brazil are described. The disease occurred in August 1999 in a feedlot beef cattle herd. Five out of 1,100 castrated steers were affected. Clinical signs included colic and ventral abdominal distension. White, sand-grain-like mineral deposits precipitated on the preputial hairs. Affected cattle died spontaneously 24-48 hrs after the onset of the clinical signs. Only one animal recovered after perineal urethrostomy. Necropsy findings included calculi blocking the urethral lumen of the distal portion of the penile sigmoid flexure, urinary bladder rupture with leakage of urine into the abdominal cavity and secondary fibrinous peritonitis. Daily water intake was low since water sources were scarce and not readily available. The animals were fed rations high in grains and received limited amounts of roughage. Biochemical analysis revealed that the calculi were composed of ammonium phosphate. A calcium-phosphorus imbalance (0.4:0.6) was detected in the feedlot ration. For the outbreak, it is suggested that contributing factors to urolith formation include insufficient fiber ingestion, low water intake and high dietary levels of phosphorus. No additional cases were observed in that feedlot after preventive measures were established. Similar dietary mismanagement in fattening steers has been associated with obstructive urolithiasis in feedlot beef cattle in other countries.


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Electrocoagulation is a process in which wastewater is treated under electrical current. Coagulant is formed during the process through the metal anode dissolution to respective ions which react with hydroxyl ions released in cathode. These metal hydroxides form complexes with pollutant ions. Pollutants are removed among metal hydroxide precipitates. This study was concentrated on describing chemistry and device structures in which electrochemical treatment operations are based on. Studied pollutants were nitrogen compounds, sulphate, trivalent and pentavalent arsenic, heavy metals, phosphate, fluoride, chloride, and bromide. In experimental part, removal of ammonium, nitrate, and sulphate during electrochemical treatment was studied separately. Main objective of this study was to find suitable metal plate material for ammonium, nitrate, and sulphate removal, respectively. Also other parameters such as pH of solution, concentration of pollutant and sodium chloride, and current density were optimized. According to this study the most suitable material for ammonium and sulphate removal by electrochemical treatment was stainless steel. Respectively, iron was the optimum material for nitrate removal. Rise in the pH of solution at the final stage of electrochemical treatment of ammonium, nitrate, and sulphate was detected. Conductivities of solutions decreased during ammonium removal in electrochemical processes. When nitrate and sulphate were removed electrochemically conductivities of solutions increased. Concentrations of residual metals in electrochemically treated solutions were not significant. Based on this study electrochemical treatment processes are recommended to be used in treatment of industrial wastewaters. Treatment conditions should be optimized for each wastewater matrix.


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To verify the occurrence of caseous lymphadenitis in sheep and goats on farms of Pernambuco, Brazil, and in animals slaughtered in two Brazilian cities (Petrolina/PE and Juazeiro/BA), and to characterize the susceptibility profile of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis to disinfectants and antimicrobials, and its relationship with biofilm production were the objectives of this study. 398 samples were tested for sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs, disinfectants, and biofilm production. Among the 108 samples collected on the properties, 75% were positive for C. pseudotuberculosis. Slaughterhouse samples indicated an occurrence of caseous lymphadenitis in 15.66% and 6.31% for animals slaughtered in Petrolina and Juazeiro respectively. With respect to antimicrobials, the sensitivity obtained was 100% for florfenicol and tetracycline; 99.25% for enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and lincomycin; 98.99% for cephalothin; 98.74% for norfloxacin and sulfazotrim; 97.74% for gentamicin; 94.22% for ampicillin; 91.71% for amoxicillin; 91.21% for penicillin G; 89.19% for neomycin and 0% for novobiocin. In analyzes with disinfectants, the efficiency for chlorhexidine was 100%, 97.20% for quaternary ammonium, 87.40% for chlorine and 84.40% for iodine. 75% of the isolates were weak or non-biofilm producers. For the consolidated biofilm, found that iodine decreased biofilm formation in 13 isolates and quaternary ammonia in 11 isolates. The reduction of the biofilm formation was observed for iodine and quaternary ammonium in consolidated biofilm formation in 33% and 28% of the isolates, respectively. The results of this study highlight the importance of establishing measures to prevent and control the disease.


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Ammonia can be used as a pH controller in chloride-based metal recovery processes. In chloride conditions, ammonia reacts to ammonium chloride which can be regenerated back to ammonia with lime. Although the regeneration process itself has been known for a long time, the concentrations, non-reacting species, conditions, and even goals are different when comparing the ammonia regeneration process in different industries. The main objective of this thesis was to study the phenomena, equipment, and challenges in ammonia regeneration in the nickel process and to make a preliminary process design. The study concentrated on the regeneration and recovery units. The thesis was made by process simulation and laboratory tests using the current processes as initial information. The results were combined from all of the information obtained during the studies to provide a total process solution, which can be used as a basis when designing an ammonia regeneration process to be used in industry. In particular, it was possible to determine ammonia recovery with a stripping column and the achievement of the desired ammonia water product within the scope of this thesis. The required mass flows and process conditions were also determined. The possible challenges and solutions or further studies to overcome them were provided as well to ease the prediction and design of the ammonia regeneration process in the future. On the basis of the results of this thesis, the ammonia regeneration process can be developed further and implemented in the nickel chloride leaching process.