937 resultados para ambulatory arterial blood pressure monitoring
The aim of this study was to identify hypertension (HT) in karate competitors (KCs) in high intensity exercise. Values were compared with an exercise control group (EC). The 84 subjects were randomly divided into two groups: KC and EC. Resting blood pressure (BP) was measured the day before and immediately precompetition. A further three measurements were taken postexercise for all subjects at 1-, 2-, and 8- minute intervals. At rest, day one, mean BP of KC was 134/84 ± 3/2 mmHg vs. EC, 124/72 ± 1/2 mmHg and on day 2, was 141/79 ± 3/2 mmHg vs. EC, 125/72 ± 1/2 mmHg, respectively. Eight minutes postcompetition, BP of KCs was 140/77 ± 2/1 mmHg vs. EC 135/75 ± 2/1 mmHg. High blood pressure (HBP) was recorded in 60.5% of KCs on day 2, and essential HT that required medical therapy was subsequently diagnosed in 5% of KCs. Five percent of EC also had HBP, but subsequent medical examination reported normal values.
An 85-year-old male was hospitalized because of deterioration of his general condition and infection of the tracheostoma. He had had laryngectomy, bilateral neck dissection and radiation therapy for a laryngeal carcinoma 5 years earlier. Despite a good recovery, he could not get up because of a new onset of postural symptoms (dizziness, lightheadedness, collapse). Late onset of baroreflex failure and autonomic nervous system failure were diagnosed. Volatility of blood pressure (supine hypertension, upright hypotension) was treated with NaCl supplement during the day and a short-acting antihypertensive (clonidine) at night. With this regimen, the patient could walk without support.
Amphetamine enhances recovery after experimental ischaemia and has shown promise in small clinical trials when combined with motor or sensory stimulation. Amphetamine, a sympathomimetic, might have haemodynamic effects in stroke patients, although limited data have been published. Subjects were recruited 3-30 days post ischaemic stroke into a phase II randomised (1:1), double blind, placebo-controlled trial. Subjects received dexamphetamine (5mg initially, then 10mg for 10 subsequent doses with 3 or 4 day separations) or placebo in addition to inpatient physiotherapy. Recovery was assessed by motor scales (Fugl-Meyer, FM), and functional scales (Barthel index, BI and modified Rankin score, mRS). Peripheral blood pressure (BP), central haemodynamics and middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity were assessed before, and 90 minutes after, the first 2 doses. 33 subjects were recruited, age 33-88 (mean 71) years, males 52%, 4-30 (median 15) days post stroke to inclusion. 16 patients were randomised to placebo and 17 amphetamine. Amphetamine did not improve motor function at 90 days; mean (standard deviation) FM 37.6 (27.6) vs. control 35.2 (27.8) (p=0.81). Functional outcome (BI, mRS) did not differ between treatment groups. Peripheral and central systolic BP, and heart rate, were 11.2 mmHg (p=0.03), 9.5 mmHg (p=0.04) and 7 beats/minute (p=0.02) higher respectively with amphetamine, compared with control. A non-significant reduction in myocardial perfusion (Buckberg Index) was seen with amphetamine. Other cardiac and cerebral haemodynamics were unaffected. Amphetamine did not improve motor impairment or function after ischaemic stroke but did significantly increase BP and heart rate without altering cerebral haemodynamics.
Hypertension (HTN) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases including stroke, coronary heart disease (CHD), chronic renal failure, peripheral vascular disease, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure and premature death. The prevalence of HTN in Scotland is very high and although a high proportion of the patients receive antihypertensive medications, blood pressure (BP) control is very low. Recommendations for starting a specific antihypertensive class have been debated between various guidelines over the years. Some guidelines and HTN studies have preferred to start with a combination of an antihypertensive class instead of using a single therapy, and they have found greater BP reductions with combination therapies than with monotherapy. However, it has been shown in several clinical trials that 20% to 35% of hypertensive patients could not achieve the target BP, even though they received more than three antihypertensive medications. Several factors were found to affect BP control. Adherence and persistence were considered as the factors contributing the most to uncontrolled hypertension. Other factors such as age, sex, body mass index (BMI), alcohol intake, baseline systolic BP (SBP), and the communication between physicians and patients have been shown to be associated with uncontrolled BP and resistant hypertension. Persistence, adherence and compliance are interchangeable terms and have been used in the literature to describe a patient’s behaviour with their antihypertensive drugs and prescriptions. The methods used to determine persistence and adherence, as well as the inclusion and exclusion criteria, vary between persistence and adherence studies. The prevalence of persistence and adherence have varied between these studies, and were determined to be high in some studies and low in others. The initiation of a specific antihypertensive class has frequently been associated with an increase or decrease in adherence and persistence. The tolerability and efficacy of the initial antihypertensive class have been the most common methods of explaining this association. There are also many factors that suggest a relationship with adherence and persistence. Some factors in previous studies, such as age, were frequently associated with adherence and persistence. On the other hand, relationships with certain factors have varied between the studies. The associations of age, sex, alcohol use, smoking, baseline systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP), the presence of comorbidities, an increase in the number of pills and the relationship between patients and physicians with adherence and persistence have been the most commonly investigated factors. Most studies have defined persistence in terms of a patient still taking medication after a period of time. A medication possession ratio (MPR) ≥ 80 has been used to define compliance. Either of these terminologies, or both, have been used to estimate adherence. In this study, I used the same definition for persistence to identify patients who have continued with their initial treatment, and used persistence and MPR to define patients who adhered to their initial treatment. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of persistence and adherence in Scotland. Also, factors that could have had an effect on persistence and adherence were studied. The number of antihypertensive drugs taken by patients during the study and factors that led to an increase in patients being on a combination therapy were also evaluated. The prevalence of resistance and BP control were determined by taking the BP after the last drug had been taken by persistent patients during five follow-up studies. The relationship of factors such as age, sex, BMI, alcohol use, smoking, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), and albumin levels with BP reductions for each antihypertensive class were determined. Information Services Division (ISD) data, which includes all antihypertensive drugs, were collected from pharmacies in Scotland and linked to the Glasgow Blood Pressure Clinic (GBPC) database. This database also includes demographic characteristics, BP readings and clinical results for all patients attending the GBPC. The case notes for patients who attended the GBPC were reviewed and all new antihypertensive drugs that were prescribed between visits, BP before and after taking drugs, and any changes in the hypertensive drugs were recorded. A total of 4,232 hypertensive patients were included in the first study. The first study showed that angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) and beta-blockers (BB) were the most prescribed antihypertensive classes between 2004 and 2013. Calcium channel blockers (CCB), thiazide diuretics and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) followed ACEI and BB as the most prescribed drugs during the same period. The prescription trend of the antihypertensive class has changed over the years with an increase in prescriptions for ACEI and ARB and a decrease in prescriptions for BB and diuretics. I observed a difference in antihypertensive class prescriptions by age, sex, SBP and BMI. For example, CCB, thiazide diuretics and alpha-blockers were more likely to be prescribed to older patients, while ACEI, ARB or BB were more commonly prescribed for younger patients. In a second study, 4,232 and 3,149 hypertensive patients were included to investigate the prevalence of persistence in the Scottish population in 1- and 5-year studies, respectively. The prevalence of persistence in the 1-year study was 72.9%, while it was only 62.8% in the 5-year study. Those patients taking ARB and ACEI showed high rates of persistence and those taking diuretics and alpha blockers had low rates of persistence. The association of persistence with clinical characteristics was also investigated. Younger patients were more likely to totally stop their treatment before restarting their treatment with other antihypertensive drugs. Furthermore, patients who had high SBP tended to be non-persistent. In a third study, 3,085 and 1,979 patients who persisted with their treatment were included. In the first part of the study, MPR was calculated, and patients with an MPR ≥ 80 were considered as adherent. Adherence rates were 29.9% and 23.4% in the 1- and 5-year studies, respectively. Patients who initiated the study with ACEI were more likely to adhere to their treatments. However, patients who initiated the study with thiazide diuretics were less likely to adhere to their treatments. Sex, age and BMI were different between the adherence and non-adherence groups. Age was an independent factor affecting adherence rates during both the 1- and 5-year studies with older patients being more likely to be adherent. In the second part of the study, pharmacy databases were checked with patients' case notes to compare antihypertensive drugs that were collected from the pharmacy with the antihypertensive prescription given during the patient’s clinical visit. While 78.6% of the antihypertensive drugs were collected between clinical visits, 21.4% were not collected. Patients who had more days to see the doctor in the subsequent visit were more likely to not collect their prescriptions. In a fourth study, 3,085 and 1,979 persistent patients were included to calculate the number of antihypertensive classes that were added to the initial drug during the 1-year and 5-year studies, respectively. Patients who continued with treatment as a monotherapy and who needed a combination therapy were investigated during the 1- and 5-year studies. In all, 55.8% used antihypertensive drugs as a monotherapy and 44.2% used them as a combination therapy during the 1-year study. While 28.2% of patients continued with treatment without the required additional therapy, 71.8% of the patients needed additional therapy. In all, 20.8% and 46.5% of patients required three different antihypertensive classes or more during the 1-year and 5-year studies, respectively. Patients who started with ACEI, ARB and BB were more likely to continue as monotherapy and less likely to need two more antihypertensive drugs compared with those who started with alpha-blockers, non-thiazide diuretics and CCB. Older ages, high BMI levels, high SBP and high alcohol intake were independent factors that led to an increase in the probability of patients taking combination therapies. In the first part of the final study, BPs were recorded after the last drug had been taken during the 5 year study. There were 815 persistent patients who were assigned for this purpose. Of these, 39% had taken one, two or three antihypertensive classes and had controlled BP (controlled hypertension [HTN]), 29% of them took one or two antihypertensive classes and had uncontrolled BP (uncontrolled HTN), and 32% of the patients took three antihypertensive classes or more and had uncontrolled BP (resistant HTN). The initiation of an antihypertensive drug and the factors affecting BP pressure were compared between the resistant and controlled HTN groups. Patients who initiated the study with ACEI were less likely to be resistant compared with those who started with alpha blockers and non-thiazide diuretics. Older patients, and high BMI tended to result in resistant HTN. In the second part of study, BP responses for patients who initiated the study with ACEI, ARB, BB, CCB and thiazide diuretics were compared. After adjusting for risk factors, patients who initiated the study with ACEI and ARB were more respondent than those who took CCB and thiazide diuretics. In the last part of this study, the association between BP reductions and factors affecting BP were tested for each antihypertensive drug. Older patients responded better to alpha blockers. Younger patients responded better to ACEI and ARB. An increase in BMI led to a decreased reduction in patients on ACEI and diuretics (thiazide and non-thiazide). An increase in albumin levels and a decrease in eGFR led to decreases in BP reductions in patients on thiazide diuretics. An increase in eGFR decreased the BP response with ACEI. In conclusion, although a high percentage of hypertensive patients in Scotland persisted with their initial drug prescription, low adherence rates were found with these patients. Approximately half of these patients required three different antihypertensive classes during the 5 years, and 32% of them had resistant HTN. Although this study was observational in nature, the large sample size in this study represented a real HTN population, and the large pharmacy data represented a real antihypertensive population, which were collected through the support of prescription data from the GBPC database. My findings suggest that ACEI, ARB and BB are less likely to require additional therapy. However, ACEI and ARB were better tolerated than BB in that they were more likely to be persistent than BB. In addition, users of ACEI, and ARB have good BP response and low resistant HTN. Linkage patients who participated in these studies with their morbidity and mortality will provide valuable information concerning the effect of adherence on morbidity and mortality and the potential benefits of using ACEI or ARB over other drugs.
Background: Spinal anaesthesia is the standard of care for elective caesarean delivery. It has advantages over general anaesthesia. However the sympathetic blockade induced by spinal anaesthesia results in an 80 percent incidence of hypotension without prophylactic management. Current evidence supports co-loading with intravenous fluids in conjunction with the use of vasopressors as the most effective way to prevent and treat the hypotension. Phenylephrine is the accepted vasopressor of choice in the parturient. A prophylactic phenylephrine infusion combined with a fluid co-load is proven to be an effective and safe method of maintaining maternal hemodynamic stability. While most published studies have assessed the effectiveness of a prophylactic phenylephrine fixed dose infusion, few studies have assessed the effect of a prophylactic phenylephrine weight adjusted dose infusion on maintaining maternal hemodynamic stability following spinal anesthesia for a cesarean delivery. Objective: To compare the incidence of hypotension between women undergoing elective caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia, receiving prophylactic phenylephrine infusion at a fixed dose of 37.5 micrograms per minute versus a weight adjusted dose of 0.5 micrograms per kilogram per minute. Methods: One hundred and eight patients scheduled for non-urgent caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia were randomized into 2 groups; control group and intervention group using a computer generated table of numbers. Control group; Received prophylactic phenylephrine fixed dose infusion at 37.5 micrograms per minute. Intervention group; Received prophylactic phenylephrine weight adjusted dose infusion at 0.5 micrograms per kilogram per minute Results: The two groups had similar baseline characteristics in terms of ; Age, sex, weight and height. There was a 35.2% incidence of hypotension in the fixed dose group and an 18.6% incidence of hypotension in the weight adjusted dose group. This difference was found to be of borderline statistical significance p-value 0.05, and the difference in the incidence rates between the two groups was found to be statistically significant p= 0.03. The difference in the incidence of reactive hypertension and bradycardia between the two groups was not statistically significant: p-value of 0.19 for reactive hypertension and p-value of 0.42 for the incidence of bradycardia. There was also no statistically significant difference in the use of phenylephrine boluses, use of atropine, intravenous fluid used and the number of times the infusion was stopped. Conclusion: Among this population, the incidence of hypotension was significantly less in the weight adjusted dose group than in the fixed dose group. There was no difference in the number of physician interventions required to keep the blood pressure within 20% of baseline, and no difference in the proportion of reactive hypertension or bradycardia between the two groups. Administering prophylactic phenylephrine infusion at a weight adjusted dose of 0.5 micrograms per kilogram per minute results in a lower incidence of hypotension compared to its administration at a fixed dose of 37.5 micrograms per minute.
Background and Purpose—High blood pressure (BP) is present in 80% of patients with acute ischemic stroke and is independently associated with poor outcome. There are few data examining the relationship between admission BP and acute CT findings. Methods—TAIST was a randomized controlled trial assessing 10 days of treatment with tinzaparin versus aspirin in 1489 patients with acute ischemic stroke (48 hr) with admission BP of 220/120 mm Hg. CT brain scans were performed before randomization and after 10 days. The relationships between baseline BP and adjudicated CT findings were assessed. Odds ratios per 10 mm Hg change in BP were calculated. Results—Higher systolic BP (SBP) was associated with abnormal CT scans because of independent associations with chronic changes of leukoariosis (OR, 1.12; 95% CI, 1.05–1.17) and old infarction (OR, 1.12; 95% CI, 1.06 –1.17) at baseline, and signs of visible infarction at day 10 (OR, 1.06; 95% CI, 1.00 –1.13). A lower SBP was associated with signs of acute infarction (OR, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.89–0.99). Hemorrhagic transformation, dense middle cerebral artery sign, mass effect, and cerebral edema at day 10 were not independently associated with baseline BP. Conclusion—Although high baseline BP is independently associated with a poor outcome after stroke, this was not shown to be through an association with increased hemorrhagic transformation, cerebral edema, or mass effect; trial design may be suboptimal to detect this. Higher SBP is associated with visible infarction on day 10 scans. The influence of changing BP in acute stroke on CT findings is still to be ascertained.
Background and Purpose—High blood pressure (BP) is associated independently with poor outcome after acute ischemic stroke, although in most analyses “baseline” BP was measured 24 hours or more postictus, and not during the hyperacute period. Methods—Analyses included 1722 patients in hyperacute trials (recruitment 8 hours) from the Virtual Stroke International Stroke Trial Archive (VISTA) Collaboration. Data on BP at enrolment and after 1, 2, 16, 24, 48, and 72 hours, neurological impairment at 7 days (NIHSS), and functional outcome at 90 days (modified Rankin scale) were assessed using logistic regression models, adjusted for confounding variables; results are for 10-mm Hg change in BP. Results—Mean time to enrolment was 3.7 hours (range 1.0 to 7.9). High systolic BP (SBP) was significantly associated with increased neurological impairment (odds ratio, OR 1.06, 95% confidence interval, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.12), and poor functional outcome; odds ratios for both increased with later BP measurements made at up to 24 hours poststroke. Smaller (versus larger) declines in SBP over the first 24 hours were significantly associated with poor NIHSS scores (OR 1.16, 95% CI 1.05 to 1.27) and functional outcome (OR 1.23, 95% CI 1.13 to 1.34). A large variability in SBP was also associated with poor functional outcome. Conclusions—High SBP and large variability in SBP in the hyperacute stages of ischemic stroke are associated with increased neurological impairment and poor functional outcome, as are small falls in SBP over the first 24 hours.
Both low and high blood pressure (BP) during the acute phase of stroke are associated independently with a poor outcome. Several small clinical trials have involved the alteration of BP and this study assessed the relationship between change in BP and functional outcome. Randomised controlled trials of interventions that would be expected, on pharmacological grounds, to alter BP in patients within one week of the onset of acute ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke were sought using electronic searches. Data were collected on BP and clinical outcome. The relationship between the difference in on-treatment BP and odds ratios (OR) for outcomes was assessed using meta-regression. Thirty-seven trials involving 9,008 patients were included. A ‘U’ or ‘J’ shaped relationship were found between on-treatment BP difference and early death, death at the end of 90 day follow up, and combined death or dependency at the end of follow up. Although outcomes were not significantly reduced at any level of change in BP, the lowest odds occurred at: early death (OR 0.87, 95% confidence interval, CI 0.54 to 1.23) - 8.1 mmHg; death at end of follow up (OR 0.96, 95% CI 0.31 to 1.65) - 14.4 mmHg; and combined death or dependency at end of follow up (OR 0.95, 95% CI 0.11 to 1.72) - 14.6 mmHg. Although large falls or increases in BP are associated with a worse outcome, modest reductions may reduce death, and combined death or dependency, although the confidence intervals are wide and compatible with overall benefit or hazard.
Background and Purpose—High blood pressure (BP) is common in acute ischemic stroke and associated independently with a poor functional outcome. However, the management of BP acutely remains unclear because no large trials have been completed. Methods—The factorial PRoFESS secondary stroke prevention trial assessed BP-lowering and antiplatelet strategies in 20 332 patients; 1360 were enrolled within 72 hours of ischemic stroke, with telmisartan (angiotensin receptor antagonist, 80 mg/d, n647) vs placebo (n713). For this nonprespecified subgroup analysis, the primary outcome was functional outcome at 30 days; secondary outcomes included death, recurrence, and hemodynamic measures at up to 90 days. Analyses were adjusted for baseline prognostic variables and antiplatelet assignment. Results—Patients were representative of the whole trial (age 67 years, male 65%, baseline BP 147/84 mm Hg, small artery disease 60%, NIHSS 3) and baseline variables were similar between treatment groups. The mean time from stroke to recruitment was 58 hours. Combined death or dependency (modified Rankin scale: OR, 1.03; 95% CI, 0.84–1.26; P0.81; death: OR, 1.05; 95% CI, 0.27–4.04; and stroke recurrence: OR, 1.40; 95% CI, 0.68–2.89; P0.36) did not differ between the treatment groups. In comparison with placebo, telmisartan lowered BP (141/82 vs 135/78 mmHg, difference 6 to 7 mmHg and 2 to 4 mmHg; P0.001), pulse pressure (3 to 4 mmHg; P0.002), and rate-pressure product (466 mmHg.bpm; P0.0004). Conclusion—Treatment with telmisartan in 1360 patients with acute mild ischemic stroke and mildly elevated BP appeared to be safe with no excess in adverse events, was not associated with a significant effect on functional dependency, death, or recurrence, and modestly lowered BP.
Background: Umbilical arterial blood gas (UABG) analysis is more objective than other methods for predicting neonatal outcome. Acidemic neonates may be at risk for unfavorable outcome after birth, but all neonates with abnormal arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis do not always have poor outcome. Objectives: This study was carried out to determine the short term outcome of the neonates born with an abnormal ABG. Patients and Methods: In a cohort prospective study 120 high risk mother-neonate pairs were enrolled and UABG was taken immediately after birth. All neonates with an umbilical cord pH less than 7.2 were considered as case group and more than 7.2 as controls. Outcomes like need to resuscitation, admission to newborn services and/or NICU), seizure occurrence, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), delayed initiation of oral feeding and length of hospital stay were recorded and compared between the two groups. P value less than 0.05 was considered as being significant. Results: Comparison of short term outcomes between normal and abnormal ABG groups were as the fallowing: need for advanced resuscitation 4 vs. 0 (P = 0.001), NICU admission 16 vs. 4 (P = 0.001), convulsion 2 vs. 0 (P = 0.496), HIE 17 vs. 4 (P = 0.002), delay to start oral feeding 16 vs. 4 (P = 0.001), mean hospital stay 4 vs. 3 days (P = 0.001). None of the neonates died in study groups. Conclusions: An umbilical cord PH less than 7.2 immediately after birth can be used as a prognostic factor for unfavorable short term outcome in newborns.
Context:Blood pressure (BP) tracks from childhood to adulthood, and has ethnic variations. Therefore, it is important to assess the situation of pediatric BP in different populations. This study aims to systematically review the studies conducted on BP in Iranian children and adolescents. Evidence Acquisition: We conducted a systematic review on published and national data about pediatric BP in Iran, our search was conducted in Pub Med, Medline, ISI, and Scopus, as well as in national databases including Scientific Information database (SID), IranMedex and Irandoc from 1990 to 2014. Results: We found 1373 records in the primary search including 840 from international and 533 from national databases. After selection and quality assessment phases, data were extracted from 36 papers and four national data sources. Mean systolic BP (SBP) varied from 90.1 ± 14 mmHg (95% CI 89.25, 90.94) to 120.2 ± 12.3 (118.98, 121.41) mmHg, and for diastolic BP (DBP) from 50.7 ± 11.4 (50.01, 51.38) to 79.2 ± 12.3 (77.95, 80.44) mmHg. The frequency of elevated BP had large variation in sub-national studies with rates as low as 0.4% (0.009, 1.98) for high SBP and as high as 24.1% (20.8, 27.67) for high DBP. At national level, three surveys reported slightly raised rates of elevated BP from 2009 to 2012. Conclusions: The findings provide practical information on BP levels in Iranian pediatric population. Although differences exist on the findings of various studies, this review underscores the necessity of tracking BP from childhood, and implementing interventions for primordial prevention of hypertension.
Hypertension is a common condition causing cardio and cerebrovascular complications. Portugal has one of the highest mortality rates from stroke and a high prevalence of hypertension. Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) is an important risk factor for cardiovascular events (myocardial infarction and stroke) and premature mortality, particularly in the elderly population. The present study aims to estimate the prevalence of hypertension in a Portuguese population living in a coastal city and to identify some of its determinants (namely gender, age, the body mass index and physical activity frequency). A total of 91 adults who attended three pharmacies of a coastal city in the center of Portugal, between May and August of 2013 were evaluated. Attendants who reported to have diabetes or taking antihypertensive drugs in the 2 previous weeks were excluded from the study. Sociodemographic factors, BMI, habits of exercise and BP were assessed. Hypertension was defined as blood pressure ≥140/90 mmHg. The majority of the studied population was constituted by women (75.8%), with a mean age of 54.2±1.6 years old, married or living in civil union and that had completed secondary school or had higher education (40%). They presented a mean BMI of 26.2±4.76 Kg/m2., and were sedentary. The mean BP was 127.0±17.77mmHg- 74.69 ± 9.53. In this population we found 4.3% of people with hypertension and 16.1% with normal high blood pressure. Men exhibit a tendency to present higher systolic blood pressure values than women. Of all the factors considered, SBP values also tended to be higher with age and higher BMI values. Despite the fact that the mean values of SBP did not present values higher than 140 mmHg we must be concerned because the studied population is undiagnosed for hypertension. Although this is a preliminary study, it might be a prelude to the upcoming research about the underlying factors responsible for the occurrence of SBP.