919 resultados para Wild flower gardening.
petit1, a Conditional Growth Mutant of Arabidopsis Defective in Sucrose-Dependent Elongation Growth1
The hypocotyl of Arabidopsis is well suited for the analysis of cell elongation because it elongates without cell division. We have isolated a new class of recessive mutants, petit1 (pet1), which are defective in aspects of hypocotyl elongation. The short-hypocotyl phenotype of pet1 is caused by shortened cells. The cells of the elongation zone of the hypocotyl are often deformed. pet1 also shows defects in elongation of the roots, flower stalk, leaves, petals, pedicels, and siliques, and these defects cannot be repaired by the application of auxin, gibberellin, brassinolide, or an inhibitor of ethylene biosynthesis. The short-hypocotyl phenotype of pet1 is pronounced only in growth medium supplemented with sucrose, which has promotive effects on hypocotyl elongation. In pet1 this effect is much reduced, causing the sucrose-dependent short-hypocotyl phenotype of pet1. pet1 accumulates more soluble sugars than the wild type and also shows more intensive iodo-starch staining in the cotyledon and hypocotyl. These results indicate that PETIT1 is involved in a sugar-dependent elongation process that may include correct assembly of expanding cell wall architecture.
The pH of xylem sap from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants increased from pH 5.0 to 8.0 as the soil dried. Detached wild-type but not flacca leaves exhibited reduced transpiration rates when the artificial xylem sap (AS) pH was increased. When a well-watered concentration of abscisic acid (0.03 μm) was provided in the AS, the wild-type transpirational response to pH was restored to flacca leaves. Transpiration from flacca but not from wild-type leaves actually increased in some cases when the pH of the AS was increased from 6.75 to 7.75, demonstrating an absolute requirement for abscisic acid in preventing stomatal opening and excessive water loss from plants growing in many different environments.
Flower and fruit development in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were severely affected when plants were grown at low temperatures, displaying homeotic and meristic transformations and alterations in the fusion pattern of the organs. Most of these homeotic transformations modified the identity of stamens and carpels, giving rise to intermediate organs. Complete homeotic transformations were rarely found and always affected organs of the reproductive whorls. Meristic transformations were also commonly observed in the reproductive whorls, which developed with an excessive number of organs. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that meristic transformations take place very early in the development of the flower and are related to a significant increase in the floral meristem size. However, homeotic transformations should occur later during the development of the organ primordia. Steady-state levels of transcripts corresponding to tomato MADS-box genes TM4, TM5, TM6, and TAG1 were greatly increased by low temperatures and could be related to these flower abnormalities. Moreover, in situ hybridization analyses showed that low temperatures also altered the stage-specific expression of TM4.
To clarify the molecular basis of the photoperiodic induction of flowering in the short-day plant Pharbitis nil cv Violet, we examined changes in the level of mRNA in cotyledons during the flower-inductive photoperiod using the technique of differential display by the polymerase chain reaction. A transcript that accumulated during the inductive dark period was identified and a cDNA corresponding to the transcript, designated PnC401 (P. nil C401), was isolated. RNA-blot hybridization verified that levels of PnC401 mRNA fluctuated with a circadian rhythm, with maxima between 12 and 16 h after the beginning of the dark period) and minima of approximately 0. This oscillation continued even during an extended dark period but was damped under continuous light. Accumulation of PnC401 mRNA was reduced by a brief exposure to red light at the 8th h of the dark period (night-break treatment) or by exposure to far-red light at the end of the light period (end-of-day far-red treatment). These results suggest that fluctuations in levels of PnC401 mRNA are regulated by phytochrome(s) and a circadian clock and that they are associated with photoperiodic events that include induction of flowering.
Self-incompatibility RNases (S-RNases) are an allelic series of style glycoproteins associated with rejection of self-pollen in solanaceous plants. The nucleotide sequences of S-RNase alleles from several genera have been determined, but the structure of the gene products has only been described for those from Nicotiana alata. We report on the N-glycan structures and the disulfide bonding of the S3-RNase from wild tomato (Lycopersicon peruvianum) and use this and other information to construct a model of this molecule. The S3-RNase has a single N-glycosylation site (Asn-28) to which one of three N-glycans is attached. S3-RNase has seven Cys residues; six are involved in disulfide linkages (Cys-16-Cys-21, Cys-46-Cys-91, and Cys-166-Cys-177), and one has a free thiol group (Cys-150). The disulfide-bonding pattern is consistent with that observed in RNase Rh, a related RNase for which radiographic-crystallographic information is available. A molecular model of the S3-RNase shows that four of the most variable regions of the S-RNases are clustered on one surface of the molecule. This is discussed in the context of recent experiments that set out to determine the regions of the S-RNase important for recognition during the self-incompatibility response.
Previously, we reported that transformation of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) with a vector containing a potato cytosolic pyruvate kinase (PKc) cDNA generated two plant lines specifically lacking leaf PKc (PKc−) as a result of co-suppression. PKc deficiency in these primary transformants did not appear to alter plant development, although root growth was not examined. Here we report a striking reduction in root growth of homozygous progeny of both PKc− lines throughout development under moderate (600 μE m−2 s−1) or low (100 μE m−2 s−1) light intensities. When both PKc− lines were cultivated under low light, shoot and flower development were also delayed and leaf indentations were apparent. Leaf PK activity in the transformants was significantly decreased at all time points examined, whereas root activities were unaffected. Polypeptides corresponding to PKc were undetectable on immunoblots of PKc− leaf extracts, except in 6-week-old low-light-grown PKc− plants, in which leaf PKc expression appeared to be greatly reduced. The metabolic implications of the kinetic characteristics of partially purified PKc from wild-type tobacco leaves are discussed. Overall, the results suggest that leaf PKc deficiency leads to a perturbation in source-sink relationships.
Apoptosis induced in myeloid leukemic cells by wild-type p53 was suppressed by different cleavage-site directed protease inhibitors, which inhibit interleukin-1 beta-converting enzyme-like, granzyme B and cathepsins B and L proteases. Apoptosis was also suppressed by the serine and cysteine protease inhibitor N-tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethylketone (TPCK) [corrected], but not by other serine or cysteine protease inhibitors including N alpha-p-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethylketone (TLCK), E64, pepstatin A, or chymostatin. Protease inhibitors suppressed induction of apoptosis by gamma-irradiation and cycloheximide but not by doxorubicin, vincristine, or withdrawal of interleukin 3 from interleukin 3-dependent 32D non-malignant myeloid cells. Induction of apoptosis in normal thymocytes by gamma-irradiation or dexamethasone was also suppressed by the cleavage-site directed protease inhibitors, but in contrast to the myeloid leukemic cells apoptosis in thymocytes was suppressed by TLCK but not by TPCK. The results indicate that (i) inhibitors of interleukin-1 beta-converting enzyme-like proteases and some other protease inhibitors suppressed induction of apoptosis by wild-type p53 and certain p53-independent pathways of apoptosis; (ii) the protease inhibitors together with the cytokines interleukin 6 and interferon-gamma or the antioxidant butylated hydroxyanisole gave a cooperative protection against apoptosis; (iii) these protease inhibitors did not suppress induction of apoptosis by some cytotoxic agents or by viability-factor withdrawal from 32D cells, whereas these pathways of apoptosis were suppressed by cytokines; (iv) there are cell type differences in the proteases involved in apoptosis; and (v) there are multiple pathways leading to apoptosis that can be selectively induced and suppressed by different agents.
When the relative fitness of sons and daughters differs, sex-allocation theory predicts that it would be adaptive for individuals to adjust their investment in different sexes of offspring. Sex ratio adjustment by females in response to the sexual attractiveness of their mate would be an example of this. In vertebrates the existence of this form of sex ratio adjustment is controversial and may be confounded with sex-biased mortality, particularly in sexually size-dimorphic species. Here we use PCR amplification of a conserved W-chromosome-linked gene to show that the sex ratio within broods of a natural population of sexually size-monomorphic collared flycatchers Ficedula albicollis is related to the size of their father's forehead patch, a heritable secondary sexual character implicated in female choice. Experimental manipulations of paternal investment, which influence the size of his character in future breeding attempts, result in corresponding changes in the sex ratio of offspring born to males in those breeding attempts. In contrast, manipulations of maternal investment have no effect on future sex ratios, and there is no relationship between variables predicting the reproductive value of the brood and nestling sex ratio. Analysis of recruitment of offspring reveals similar patterns of sex ratio bias. The results suggest that female collared flycatchers be able to adjust the sex ratio of eggs ovulated in response to the phenotype of their mate. This finding is most consistent with "genetic quality" models of sexual selection.
Defective-interfering viruses are known to modulate virus pathogenicity. We describe conditionally replicating HIV-1 (crHIV) vectors that interfere with wild-type HIV-1 (wt-HIV) replication and spread. crHIV vectors are defective-interfering HIV genomes that do not encode viral proteins and replicate only in the presence of wt-HIV helper virus. In cells that contain both wt-HIV and crHIV genomes, the latter are shown to have a selective advantage for packaging into progeny virions because they contain ribozymes that cleave wt-HIV RNA but not crHIV RNA. A crHIV vector containing a triple anti-U5 ribozyme significantly interferes with wt-HIV replication and spread. crHIV vectors are also shown to undergo the full viral replicative cycle after complementation with wt-HIV helper-virus. The application of defective interfering crHIV vectors may result in competition with wt-HIVs and decrease pathogenic viral loads in vivo.
The Tsc2 gene, which is mutationally inactivated in the germ line of some families with tuberous sclerosis, encodes a large, membrane-associated GTPase activating protein (GAP) designated tuberin. Studies of the Eker rat model of hereditary cancer strongly support the role of Tsc2 as a tumor suppressor gene. In this study, the biological activity of tuberin was assessed by expressing the wild-type Tsc2 gene in tumor cell lines lacking functional tuberin and also in rat fibroblasts with normal levels of endogenous tuberin. The colony forming efficiency of Eker rat-derived renal carcinoma cells was significantly reduced following reintroduction of wild-type Tsc2. Tumor cells expressing the transfected Tsc2 gene became more anchorage-dependent and lost their ability to form tumors in severe combined immunodeficient mice. At the cellular level, restoration of tuberin expression caused morphological changes characterized by enlargement of the cells and increased contact inhibition. As with the full-length Tsc2 gene, a clone encoding only the C terminus of tuberin (amino acids 1049-1809, including the GAP domain) was capable of reducing both colony formation and in vivo tumorigenicity when transfected into the Eker rat tumor cells. In normal Rat1 fibroblasts, conditional overexpression of tuberin also suppressed colony formation and cell growth in vitro. These results provide direct experimental evidence for the tumor suppressor function of Tsc2 and suggest that the tuberin C terminus plays an important role in this activity.
Apoptosis induced by wild-type p53 or cytotoxic compounds in myeloid leukemic cells can be inhibited by the cytokines interleukin 6, interleukin 3, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, and interferon gamma and by antioxidants. The antioxidants and cytokines showed a cooperative protective effect against induction of apoptosis. Cells with a higher intrinsic level of peroxide production showed a higher sensitivity to induction of apoptosis and required a higher cytokine concentration to inhibit apoptosis. Decreasing the intrinsic oxidative stress in cells by antioxidants thus inhibited apoptosis, whereas increasing this intrinsic stress by adding H2O2 enhanced apoptosis. Induction of apoptosis by wild-type p53 was not preceded by increased peroxide production or lipid peroxidation and the protective effect of cytokines was not associated with a decrease in these properties. The results indicate that the intrinsic degree of oxidative stress can regulate cell susceptibility to wild-type p53-dependent and p53-independent induction of apoptosis and the ability of cytokines to protect cells against apoptosis.
The insulin-like growth factor I receptor (IGF-I-R) plays a critical role in transformation events. It is highly overexpressed in most malignant tissues where it functions as an anti-apoptotic agent by enhancing cell survival. Tumor suppressor p53 is a nuclear transcription factor that blocks cell cycle progression and induces apoptosis. p53 is the most frequently mutated gene in human cancer. Cotransfection of Saos-2 (os-teosarcoma-derived cells) and RD (rhabdomyosarcoma-derived cells) cells with IGF-I-R promoter constructs driving luciferase reporter genes and with wild-type p53 expression vectors suppressed promoter activity in a dose-dependent manner. This effect of p53 is mediated at the level of transcription and it involves interaction with TBP, the TATA box-binding component of TFIID. On the other hand, three tumor-derived mutant forms of p53 (mut 143, mut 248, and mut 273) stimulated the activity of the IGF-I-R promoter and increased the levels of IGF-I-R/luciferase fusion mRNA. These results suggest that wild-type p53 has the potential to suppress the IGF-I-R promoter in the postmitotic, fully differentiated cell, thus resulting in low levels of receptor gene expression in adult tissues. Mutant versions of p53 protein, usually associated with malignant states, can derepress the IGF-I-R promoter, with ensuing mitogenic activation by locally produced or circulating IGFs.
Several recent reports indicate that mobile elements are frequently found in and flanking many wild-type plant genes. To determine the extent of this association, we performed computer-based systematic searches to identify mobile elements in the genes of two "model" plants, Oryza sativa (domesticated rice) and Arabidopsis thaliana. Whereas 32 common sequences belonging to nine putative mobile element families were found in the noncoding regions of rice genes, none were found in Arabidopsis genes. Five of the nine families (Gaijin, Castaway, Ditto, Wanderer, and Explorer) are first described in this report, while the other four were described previously (Tourist, Stowaway, p-SINE1, and Amy/LTP). Sequence similarity, structural similarity, and documentation of past mobility strongly suggests that many of the rice common sequences are bona fide mobile elements. Members of four of the new rice mobile element families are similar in some respects to members of the previously identified inverted-repeat element families, Tourist and Stowaway. Together these elements are the most prevalent type of transposons found in the rice genes surveyed and form a unique collection of inverted-repeat transposons we refer to as miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements or MITEs. The sequence and structure of MITEs are clearly distinct from short or long interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs or LINEs), the most common transposable elements associated with mammalian nuclear genes. Mobile elements, therefore, are associated with both animal and plant genes, but the identity of these elements is strikingly different.
The predictability of genetic structure from social structure and differential mating success was tested in wild baboons. Baboon populations are subdivided into cohesive social groups that include multiple adults of both sexes. As in many mammals, males are the dispersing sex. Social structure and behavior successfully predicted molecular genetic measures of relatedness and variance in reproductive success. In the first quantitative test of the priority-of-access model among wild primates, the reproductive priority of dominant males was confirmed by molecular genetic analysis. However, the resultant high short-term variance in reproductive success did not translate into equally high long-term variance because male dominance status was unstable. An important consequence of high but unstable short-term variance is that age cohorts will tend to be paternal sibships and social groups will be genetically substructured by age.
The SecY protein of Escherichia coli is an integral membrane component of the protein export apparatus. Suppressor mutations in the secY gene (prlA alleles) have been isolated that restore the secretion of precursor proteins with defective signal sequences. These mutations have never been shown to affect the translocation of wild-type precursor proteins. Here, we report that prlA suppressor mutations relieve the proton-motive force (pmf) dependency of the translocation of wild-type precursors, both in vivo and in vitro. Furthermore, the proton-motive force dependency of the translocation of a precursor with a stably folded domain in the mature region was suppressed by prlA mutations in vitro. These data show that prlA mutations cause a general relaxation of the export apparatus rather than a specific change that results in bypassing of the recognition of the signal sequence. In addition, these results are indicative for a mechanism in which the proton-motive force stimulates translocation by altering the conformation of the translocon.