940 resultados para VoIP call


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L’envelliment de la població demana cada cop més centres especialitzats en geriatria en els països desenvolupats. Aquests mateixos països pateixen recentment una falta de personal qualificat en infermeria. Aquests dos factors es combinen i posen en evidència la necessitat de desenvolupar eines informàtiques que modernitzin les residències geriàtriques. El projecte que s’ha desenvolupat consisteix en una aplicació de gestió d’una residència geriàtrica amb una base de dades centralitzada en un PC des de la qual s’hi pot accedir a través d’una aplicació feta per PDA. La seva funció principal és poder agilitzar tota la repartició de medicació dins la residència geriàtrica, gestionant des de les pautes de medicació corresponents a cada resident, fins a un control d’stock. Consta, per tant, d’una aplicació per PC, programada amb Visual Basic i utilitzant com a base de dades Microsoft Access, i d’una aplicació per PDA, programada amb Embedded Visual Basic i utilitzant la mateixa base de dades creada per l’aplicació per PC. L’aplicació de PC proporcionarà als usuaris una gestió ràpida i còmode i, alhora, rapidesa i estalvi de treball si es vol fer un determinat manteniment a través de l’aplicació de PDA. En el manteniment de l’aplicació, però, no s’hi inclou el manteniment dels usuaris tot i haver un control d’aquests. En aquest projecte s’estudia com es desenvolupa una aplicació per PDA i com comparteix una base de dades amb una altra aplicació a través del sistema de sincronització PC↔PDA anomenat ActiveSync.


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Actualment un típic embedded system (ex. telèfon mòbil) requereix alta qualitat per portar a terme tasques com codificar/descodificar a temps real; han de consumir poc energia per funcionar hores o dies utilitzant bateries lleugeres; han de ser el suficientment flexibles per integrar múltiples aplicacions i estàndards en un sol aparell; han de ser dissenyats i verificats en un període de temps curt tot i l’augment de la complexitat. Els dissenyadors lluiten contra aquestes adversitats, que demanen noves innovacions en arquitectures i metodologies de disseny. Coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (CGRAs) estan emergent com a candidats potencials per superar totes aquestes dificultats. Diferents tipus d’arquitectures han estat presentades en els últims anys. L’alta granularitat redueix molt el retard, l’àrea, el consum i el temps de configuració comparant amb les FPGAs. D’altra banda, en comparació amb els tradicionals processadors coarse-grained programables, els alts recursos computacionals els permet d’assolir un alt nivell de paral•lelisme i eficiència. No obstant, els CGRAs existents no estant sent aplicats principalment per les grans dificultats en la programació per arquitectures complexes. ADRES és una nova CGRA dissenyada per I’Interuniversity Micro-Electronics Center (IMEC). Combina un processador very-long instruction word (VLIW) i un coarse-grained array per tenir dues opcions diferents en un mateix dispositiu físic. Entre els seus avantatges destaquen l’alta qualitat, poca redundància en les comunicacions i la facilitat de programació. Finalment ADRES és un patró enlloc d’una arquitectura concreta. Amb l’ajuda del compilador DRESC (Dynamically Reconfigurable Embedded System Compile), és possible trobar millors arquitectures o arquitectures específiques segons l’aplicació. Aquest treball presenta la implementació d’un codificador MPEG-4 per l’ADRES. Mostra l’evolució del codi per obtenir una bona implementació per una arquitectura donada. També es presenten les característiques principals d’ADRES i el seu compilador (DRESC). Els objectius són de reduir al màxim el nombre de cicles (temps) per implementar el codificador de MPEG-4 i veure les diferents dificultats de treballar en l’entorn ADRES. Els resultats mostren que els cícles es redueixen en un 67% comparant el codi inicial i final en el mode VLIW i un 84% comparant el codi inicial en VLIW i el final en mode CGA.


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El projecte té com a objectiu general descriure accions comunitàries relacionades amb el menjar i la cohesió social. L’objectiu específic del projecte és recollir bones pràctiques d’entitats de Barcelona que treballin sobre la cohesió social i els espais alimentaris amb l’objectiu de dinamitzar l’intercanvi d’elements culturals, entre d’altres. La metodologia emprada en aquest treball ha estat un estudi descriptiu transversal de tipus qualitatiu, tenint en compte les tècniques emprades: anàlisi documental, observació participant i entrevistes a professionals. Les experiències analitzades per a la realització del treball resulten experiències d’èxit que basen la seva activitat en la utilització de l’alimentació com a eina per treballar la cohesió social, a partir de la creació d’espais comunitaris que permeten l’intercanvi d’elements culturals entre els participants


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Asked to comment on a collective discussion paper by Jennifer L. Mnookin et al., this Commentary identifies difficulties the authors encountered in defining or agreeing on the subject matter "forensic science" and its perceived deficiencies. They conclude that there is a need for a research culture, whereas this Commentary calls for the development of a forensic science culture through the development of forensic science education fed by research dedicated to forensic science issues. It is a call for a change of emphasis and, perhaps, of paradigm.


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Antonio Damasio's works have brought emotions into line with current trends in neuroscience. They are conceived as the addition, to a perception, of the somatic effects it has induced. Nevertheless, this continuous and relatively steady process of body perception has also led to the less-known hypothesis of the "neural self." Behind the explicit and apparently contradictory reference to William James and Sigmund Freud, there lies a common source: Theodor Meynert's conception of a "cortical self." Our aim is to enlight a stream unified around what we call here "cerebral self." The Self is thus considered as the cerebral projection or presentation of the body. The specificity of this notion is particularly highlighted by its confrontation to the closely, yet disembodied, notion of "cerebral subject.". Pour citer cette revue : Psychiatr. Sci. Hum. Neurosci. 9 (2011).


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During these last decades, the notion of primary intersubjectivity has gained acceptance among developmentalists and clinicians. But a new challenge is put out to our models by recent findings on the triangular competence of the very young infant, or her capacity to simultaneously communicate with two partners at a time. This discovery raises the question of a collective form of intersubjectivity. Findings on the triangular competence of the 3- to 4-month-old interactions with father and mother in different contexts of the Lausanne trilogue play situation are reviewed and illustrated, with a view to examine whether it is based on a dyadic or triangular program and whether conditions for a threesome form of primary intersubjectivity are fulfilled. The discussion focuses on the revisions of the theory of intersubjectivity, of developmental theory, and of clinical practice these findings call for, pointing toward a three -person psychology too.


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BACKGROUND: The increasing use of erythropoietins with long half-lives and the tendency to lengthen the administration interval to monthly injections call for raising awareness on the pharmacokinetics and risks of new erythropoietin stimulating agents (ESA). Their pharmacodynamic complexity and individual variability limit the possibility of attaining comprehensive clinical experience. In order to help physicians acquiring prescription abilities, we have built a prescription computer model to be used both as a simulator and education tool. METHODS: The pharmacokinetic computer model was developed using Visual Basic on Excel and tested with 3 different ESA half-lives (24, 48 and 138 hours) and 2 administration intervals (weekly vs. monthly). Two groups of 25 nephrologists were exposed to the six randomised combinations of half-life and administration interval. They were asked to achieve and maintain, as precisely as possible, the haemoglobin target of 11-12 g/dL in a simulated naïve patient. Each simulation was repeated twice, with or without randomly generated bleeding episodes. RESULTS: The simulation using an ESA with a half-life of 138 hours, administered monthly, compared to the other combinations of half-lives and administration intervals, showed an overshooting tendency (percentages of Hb values > 13 g/dL 15.8 ± 18.3 vs. 6.9 ± 12.2; P < 0.01), which was quickly corrected with experience. The prescription ability appeared to be optimal with a 24 hour half-life and weekly administration (ability score indexing values in the target 1.52 ± 0.70 vs. 1.24 ± 0.37; P < 0.05). The monthly prescription interval, as suggested in the literature, was accompanied by less therapeutic adjustments (4.9 ± 2.2 vs. 8.2 ± 4.9; P < 0.001); a direct correlation between haemoglobin variability and number of therapy modifications was found (P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Computer-based simulations can be a useful tool for improving ESA prescription abilities among nephrologists by raising awareness about the pharmacokinetic characteristics of the various ESAs and recognizing the factors that influence haemoglobin variability.


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Autoimmune Pancreatitis (AIP) is a new nosological entity that was first reported by Sarles et al. in 1961 and then named by Yoshida et al. in 1995 in Japan. It was then ignored by many Western researchers and now, in the last decade; it appears to have been recognized worldwide. AIP is a distinct form a chronic pancreatitis with an immune mediated fibroinflammatory process that has unique histopathologic features that makes it distinguishable from other forms of pancreatitis. Moreover, AIP is the only type of pancreatitis that responds to steroid administration. The Honolulu consensus document that has recently been published by Chari et al. described the histopathologic and clinical subtypes of AIP. Indeed, it appears that there are two forms of AIP, with different prevalence in Europe and Asia and distinct clinical profiles. The first subtype, the most common type in Asia, has recently been named Lymphoplasmocytic sclerosing pancreatitis (LPSP) or type I AIP because of its histological features and its association with elevated IgG serum levels and various autoantibodies. The second one is called idiopathic duct centric pancreatitis, IDCP, or type II AIP, that barely exists in Japan, but more accounted in Caucasian people. IDCP is recognized by its particular histology that is a granulocytic epithelial lesion (GEL) which makes some people call it AIP with GEL. Still nowadays, the diagnosis of AIP is a challenge. AIP can only be definitively diagnosed by histological examination. The main differential diagnosis of AIP is, except chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer. That explains why there are still some unnecessary resections. Several groups have proposed diagnostic criteria for AIP as in Japan, Korea, Germany, Italy and the United States. Thus, it is important to find an international consensus. Above all, it is important to find new criteria as specific markers in the serum and the pancreatic tissues, for example using proteomics, to be able to diagnosis both types of AIP, and distinguish AIP from pancreatic cancer in order to avoid surgical resection in patients with AIP. The aim of this project is to review all relevant studies about AIP and to document all the available diagnostic tools.


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In the last few decades there has been a wealth of literature and legislation on advance directives. As you all know, it is an instrument by which a person can express their wishes as regards what treatmentthey should be given or, more to the point, not to be given, when he is in a situation when he can not do so himself.Regulations in the western world seem to promote advance directives as a way to enhance patient¿s autonomy in thecontext of human rights, and the media has presented advance directives as another milestone in this era of selfdetermination.However, if we look closely at some of thoseregulations we will see that there are a few elements which may undermine their efficacy, shattering this nicely presentedpicture. I will focus on two elements. First, formal requirements, and secondly, certain limits or what I like to call "escape clauses".


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In the last few decades there has been a wealth of literature and legislation on advance directives. As you all know, it is an instrument by which a person can express their wishes as regards what treatmentthey should be given or, more to the point, not to be given, when he is in a situation when he can not do so himself.Regulations in the western world seem to promote advance directives as a way to enhance patient¿s autonomy in thecontext of human rights, and the media has presented advance directives as another milestone in this era of selfdetermination.However, if we look closely at some of thoseregulations we will see that there are a few elements which may undermine their efficacy, shattering this nicely presentedpicture. I will focus on two elements. First, formal requirements, and secondly, certain limits or what I like to call "escape clauses".


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Early admission to hospital with minimum delay is a prerequisite for successful management of acute stroke. We sought to determine our local pre- and in-hospital factors influencing this delay. Time from onset of symptoms to admission (admission time) was prospectively documented during a 6-month period (December 2004 to May 2005) in patients consecutively admitted for an acute focal neurological deficit presented at arrival and of presumed vascular origin. Mode of transportation, patient's knowledge and correct recognition of stroke symptoms were assessed. Physicians contacted by the patients or their relatives were interviewed. The influence of referral patterns on in-hospital delays was further evaluated. Overall, 331 patients were included, 249 had an ischaemic and 37 a haemorrhagic stroke. Forty-five patients had a TIA with neurological symptoms subsiding within the first hours after admission. Median admission time was 3 hours 20 minutes. Transportation by ambulance significantly shortened admission delays in comparison with the patient's own means (HR 2.4, 95% CI 1.6-3.7). The only other factor associated with reduced delays was awareness of stroke (HR 1.9, 95% CI 1.3-2.9). Early in-hospital delays, specifically time to request CT-scan and time to call the neurologist, were shorter when the patient was referred by his family or to a lesser extent by an emergency physician than by the family physician (p < 0.04 and p < 0.01, respectively) and were shorter when he was transported by ambulance than by his own means (p < 0.01). Transportation by ambulance and referral by the patient or family significantly improved admission delays and early in-hospital management. Correct recognition of stroke symptoms further contributed to significant shortening of admission time. Educational programmes should take these findings into account.


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Aquest informe és un resum dels resultats obtinguts pel grup de recerca GREMI de la UB. Aquests resultats mostren el perfil de l'alumnat i del professorat tutor del pràcticum II de la titulació de Mestre en Educació Musical a la UB i les seves opinions respecte als continguts musicals treballats durant aquests estudis i llur aplicabilitat a l'escola primària


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In the last few decades there has been a wealth of literature and legislation on advance directives. As you all know, it is an instrument by which a person can express their wishes as regards what treatmentthey should be given or, more to the point, not to be given, when he is in a situation when he can not do so himself.Regulations in the western world seem to promote advance directives as a way to enhance patient¿s autonomy in thecontext of human rights, and the media has presented advance directives as another milestone in this era of selfdetermination.However, if we look closely at some of thoseregulations we will see that there are a few elements which may undermine their efficacy, shattering this nicely presentedpicture. I will focus on two elements. First, formal requirements, and secondly, certain limits or what I like to call "escape clauses".


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In this work the valuation methodology of compound option written on a downand-out call option, developed by Ericsson and Reneby (2003), has been applied to deduce a credit risk model. It is supposed that the firm has a debt structure with two maturity dates and that the credit event takes place when the assets firm value falls under a determined level called barrier. An empirical application of the model for 105 firms of Spanish continuous market is carried out. For each one of them its value in the date of analysis, the volatility and the critical value are obtained and from these, the default probability to short and long-term and the implicit probability in the two previous probabilities are deduced. The results are compared with the ones obtained from the Geskemodel (1977).


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[cat] Hi ha una literatura creixent que considera desviacions del descompte exponencial estàndar. En aquest article combinem preferències temporalment inconsistents (descompte no constant) amb preferències recursives. Aquest formalisme l’apliquem a les propietats relatives a la demanda del que anomenem bens ardus. La justificació del descompte no estàndar proposat ve donada pel fet que la producció i el consum no són separables per a aquest tipus de bens. L’esforç implica que els individus descompten el consum d’aquests bens d’una manera especial, amb la presència de preferències esbiaixades i d’un ajustament recursiu dinàmic. D’aquesta manera, la voluntat de realitzar un esforç, caracteritzada per un factor de descompte, resulta endògena.