993 resultados para Village communities


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Beta diversity describes how local communities within an area or region differ in species composition/abundance. There have been attempts to use changes in beta diversity as a biotic indicator of disturbance, but lack of theory and methodological caveats have hampered progress. We here propose that the neutral theory of biodiversity plus the definition of beta diversity as the total variance of a community matrix provide a suitable, novel, starting point for ecological applications. Observed levels of beta diversity (BD) can be compared to neutral predictions with three possible outcomes: Observed BD equals neutral prediction or is larger (divergence) or smaller (convergence) than the neutral prediction. Disturbance might lead to either divergence or convergence, depending on type and strength. We here apply these ideas to datasets collected on oribatid mites (a key, very diverse soil taxon) under several regimes of disturbances. When disturbance is expected to increase the heterogeneity of soil spatial properties or the sampling strategy encompassed a range of diverging environmental conditions, we observed diverging assemblages. On the contrary, we observed patterns consistent with neutrality when disturbance could determine homogenization of soil properties in space or the sampling strategy encompassed fairly homogeneous areas. With our method, spatial and temporal changes in beta diversity can be directly and easily monitored to detect significant changes in community dynamics, although the method itself cannot inform on underlying mechanisms. However, human-driven disturbances and the spatial scales at which they operate are usually known. In this case, our approach allows the formulation of testable predictions in terms of expected changes in beta diversity, thereby offering a promising monitoring tool.


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This article traces the legal development of recreational rights surrounding village greens and, later, urban public spaces in the UK. The article highlights that at a critical juncture in the development of modern sport in Britain - in the mid-nineteenth century - the law helped embed not only just a space for sport in the emerging industrialised and increasingly urbanised environment, but also the place of sport in the Victorian era's evolving socio-economic landscape and, further, the relevant case law was the precursor for what is known today as sports law.


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Introduction and aims: The role bacteria play in the development and progression of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is unclear. We used culture-independent methods to describe differences and/or similarities in microbial communities in the lower airways of patients with COPD, healthy non-smokers and smokers.

Methods: Bronchial wash samples were collected from patients with COPD (GOLD 1–3; n = 18), healthy non-smokers (HV; n = 11) and healthy smokers (HS; n = 8). Samples were processed using the Illumina MiSeq platform. The Shannon-Wiener Index (SW) of diversity, lung obstruction (FEV1/FVC ratio) and ordination by Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity indices were analysed to evaluate how samples were related. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to assess the effect specific taxa had within each cohort. Characteristics of each cohort are shown in Table 1.

Results: There was no difference in taxa richness between cohorts (range: 69–71; p = 0.954). Diversity (SW Index) was significantly lower in COPD samples compared to samples from HV and HS (p = 0.009 and p = 0.033, respectively). There was no significant difference between HV and HS (p = 0.186). The FEV1/FVC ratio was significantly lower for COPD compared to HV (p = 9*10–8) and HS (p = 2*10–6), respectively. NMDS analysis showed that communities belonging to either of the healthy groups were more similar to each other than they were to samples belonging to the COPD group. PCA analysis showed that members of Streptococcus sp. and Haemophilus sp. had the largest effect on the variance explained in COPD. In HS, Haemophilus sp., Fusobaterium sp., Actinomyces sp., Prevotella sp. and Veillonella sp. had the largest effect on the variance explained, while in HV Neisseria sp., Porphyromonas sp., Actinomyces sp., Atopobium sp., Prevotella and Veillonella sp. had the largest effect on the variance explained.

Conclusions: The study demonstrates that microbial communities in the lower airways of patients with COPD are significantly different from that seen in healthy comparison groups. Patients with COPD had lower microbial diversity than either of the healthy comparison groups, higher relative abundance of members of Streptococcus sp. and lower relative abundance of a number of key anaerobes.Characteristics


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Introduction and Aims: The identification of complex chronic polymicrobial infections, such as those observed in the cystic fibrosis (CF) airways, are often a diagnostic challenge. Few studies have compared culture-dependent methods with molecular identification making it hard to describe bacterial communities in a comprehensive manner. The aim of the study is to compare four different methods with respect to their similarities and differences in detection of bacteria. Methods: We compared41 sputum samples fromroutine clinical-culture, extended-culture (aerobic and anaerobic), and molecular identification such as Roche 454-FLX Titanium and T-RFLP to assess concurrence between methodologies in detecting bacteria. The agreement between methodologies in detecting either absence or presence of bacterial taxa was assessed by Kappa (κ) statistics. Results: The majority of bacterial taxa identified by culture were also identified with molecular analysis. In total 2, 60, 25, and 179 different bacterial taxa were identified with clinical-culture, extended-culture, T-RFLP and 454-FLX respectively. Clinical-culture, extended-culture and T-RFLP were poor predictors of species richness when compared to 454-FLX (p < 0.0001). Agreement between methods for detecting Pseudomonas sp. and Burkholderia sp. was good with κ ≥ 0.7 [p < 0.0001] and κ ≥ 0.9 [p < 0.0001] respectively. Detection of anaerobic bacteria, such as Prevotella sp. and Veillonella sp., was moderate between extended-culture and 454-FLX with κ = 0.461 [p < 0.0001] and κ = 0.311 [p = 0.032] respectively, and good between T-RFLP and 454-FLX with κ = 0.577 [p < 0.0001] and κ = 0.808 [p < 0.0001] respectively. Agreement between methods for other main bacterial taxa, such as Staphylcoccus sp. and Streptococcus sp., was poor with only a moderate agreement for detection of Streptococcus sp. observed between T-RFLP and 454-FLX (κ = 0.221 [p = 0.024]). Conclusions: This study demonstrates the increased sensitivity culture-independent microbial identification such as the 454-FLX have over clinical-culture, extended-culture and T-RFLP methodologies. The extended-culture detected majority of the most prevalent bacterial taxa associated with chronic colonisation of the CF airways which were also detected by culture-independent methodologies. However, agreement between methods in detecting number of potentially relevant bacteria is largely lacking.


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Prokaryotic and ciliate communities of healthy and aquarium White Syndrome (WS)-affected coral fragments were screened using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). A significant difference (R = 0.907, p < 0.001) in 16S rRNA prokaryotic diversity was found between healthy (H), sloughed tissue (ST), WS-affected (WSU) and antibiotic treated (WST) samples. Although 3 Vibrio spp were found inWS-affected samples, two of these species were eliminated following ampicillin treatment, yet lesions continued to advance, suggesting they play a minor or secondary role in the pathogenesis. The third Vibrio sp increased slightly in relative abundance in diseased samples and was abundant in non-diseased samples. Interestingly, a Tenacibaculum sp showed the greatest increase in relative abundance between healthy and WS-affected samples, demonstrating consistently high abundance across all WS-affected and treated samples, suggesting Tenacibaculum sp could be a more likely candidate for pathogenesis in this instance. In contrast to previous studies bacterial abundance did not vary significantly (ANOVA, F2, 6 = 1.000, p = 0.422) between H, ST, WSU or WST. Antimicrobial activity (assessed on Vibrio harveyi cultures) was limited in both H and WSU samples (8.1% ±8.2 and 8.0% ±2.5, respectively) and did not differ significantly (Kruskal-Wallis, χ2 (2) = 3.842, p = 0.146). A Philaster sp, a Cohnilembus sp and a Pseudokeronopsis sp. were present in all WS-affected samples, but not in healthy samples. The exact role of ciliates in WS is yet to be determined, but it is proposed that they are at least responsible for the neat lesion boundary observed in the disease.


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Background: Queen's University Red Cross is a medical student-led volunteer group with a key aim of promoting social change within local communities and empowering young people to aspire to higher education. We describe ‘The Personal Development Certificate’, a 12–week community development programme devised by third-year medical students at Queen's University Belfast to target young people who are lacking educational motivation, are disengaged at home or are marginalised through social circumstances.

Context: Community-based education is of increasing importance within undergraduate and postgraduate medical education in the UK, and further afield. We evaluated the perceived improvements in key skills such as teamwork, leadership, communication, and problem solving in students following participation in this programme, and the extent to which their attitude and appreciation of community-based medicine changed.

Innovation: Following facilitation of this community-based initiative, all students reported a perceived improvement in the acquired skill sets. Students made strong links from this programme to previous clinical experiences and appreciated the opportunity to translate a series of classroom-learned skills to real-life environments and interactions. The students’ appreciation and understanding of community-based medicine was the single most improved area of our evaluation.

Implications: We have demonstrated that medical students possess the skills to develop and facilitate their own educational projects. Non-clinical, student-led community projects have the potential to be reproduced using recognised frameworks and guidelines to complement the current undergraduate medical curriculum


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This co-authored essay outlines and analyses the AHRC 'Creative Interruptions' Project, 'Where do I belong?', a theatre-as-research project conducted with Afghan refugees in London under the guidance of PI Sarita Malik, Brunel University London.


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This paper presents findings based on a palynological investigation of artificially accreting (plaggen) soils from the settlement of Village Bay, Hirta, in the St Kilda archipelago, which was perhaps the most distant and inhospitable outpost of sustained human habitation in the British Isles. The soils were developed principally through the addition of turf ash and seabird waste, although some ash may have been derived from upland peats. It is assumed that the woodland pollen signal (much lower in the soils than in an upland peat site nearby) represents off-island sources. Corylus avellana-type pollen (frequent in upland sites), along with Potentilla-type, may provide markers in the Village Bay profiles for the addition of ashed hillside turf, and possibly peat, to the plaggen soils. Cereal-type pollen is well represented through the profiles and is often strongly associated with the record for Chrysanthemum segetum (corn marigold), a frequent indicator of arable land. The Brassicaceae signal may partly reflect the cultivation of cabbages; Chelidonium majus (greater celandine) may have been grown for medicinal use. Soil mixing has rendered radiocarbon dating meaningless at this site, but the establishment of a change in cultivation regime before AD 1830 may have been identified from the patterns of pollen concentration and preservation in the profiles. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of 100 μg 1,2-dichlorobenzene (1,2-DCB) g-1 dry weight (dw) of soil introduced either as a single dose or multiple (10 fortnightly) doses of 10 μg g-1 dw, on the microbial biomass, diversity of culturable bacterial community and the rate of 1,2-DCB mineralisation, were compared. After 22 weeks exposure both application regimes significantly reduced total bacterial counts and viable fungal hyphal length. The single dose had the greatest overall inhibitory effect, although the extent of inhibition varied throughout the study. Total culturable bacterial counts, determined after 22 weeks exposure showed little response to 1,2-DCB, but pseudomonad counts in single and multiple treatments were reduced to 9.7 and 0.147%, respectively, of the numbers detected in the control soil. The effect of 1,2-DCB application on the taxonomic composition of the culturable bacteria community was determined by fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis. Compared to control soils, the single dose treatment had a lower percentage of Arthrobacter and Micrococcus. Multiple applications had a significant effect upon pseudomonad abundance, which represented only 2% of the identified community, compared to 45.6% in the control. The multi-dosed soils contained a high percentage of bacilli (> 25%). The effects of 1,2-DCB applications on the metabolic potential of the soil microbial community was determined by BIOLOG profiling. The number of carbon compounds utilised by the community in the multi-dosed soils (49 positives) was significantly less (P < 0.05) than detected in the single dose treatment (76) and control (66). The rate of 1,2-DCB mineralisation, determined by 14CO2 production from radiolabelled [UL-14C] 1,2-DCB, declined throughout the study, and after 22 weeks was slightly but significantly (P < 0.05) lower in the multiply- than the singly-dosed soils. The differential response to 1,2-DCB treatments was attributed to its reduced bioavailability in soils after a single exposure, compared to multiple applications.


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Microbial communities are enigmatically diverse. We propose a novel view of processes likely affecting microbial assemblages, which could be viewed as the Great American Interchange en miniature: the wholesale exchange among microbial communities resulting from moving pieces of the environment containing entire assemblages. Incidental evidence for such ‘community coalescence’ is accumulating, but such processes are rarely studied, likely because of the absence of suitable terminology or a conceptual framework. We provide the nucleus for such a conceptual foundation for the study of community coalescence, examining factors shaping these events, links to bodies of ecological theory, and we suggest modeling approaches for understanding coalescent communities. We argue for the systematic study of community coalescence because of important functional and applied consequences.


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Loss of species will directly change the structure and potentially the dynamics of ecological communities, which in turn may lead to additional species loss (secondary extinctions) due to direct and/or indirect effects (e.g. loss of resources or altered population dynamics). Furthermore, the vulnerability of food webs to repeated species loss is expected to be affected by food web topology, species interactions, as well as the order in which species go extinct. Species traits such as body size, abundance and connectivity might determine a species' vulnerability to extinction and, thus, the order in which species go primarily extinct. Yet, the sequence of primary extinctions, and their effects on the vulnerability of food webs to secondary extinctions, when species abundances are allowed to respond dynamically, has only recently become the focus of attention. Here, we analyse and compare topological and dynamical robustness to secondary extinctions of model food webs, in the face of 34 extinction sequences based on species traits. Although secondary extinctions are frequent in the dynamical approach and rare in the topological approach, topological and dynamical robustness tends to be correlated for many bottom-up directed, but not for top-down directed deletion sequences. Furthermore, removing species based on traits that are strongly positively correlated to the trophic position of species (such as large body size, low abundance, high net effect) is, under the dynamical approach, found to be as destructive as removing primary producers. Such top-down oriented removal of species are often considered to correspond to realistic extinction scenarios, but earlier studies, based on topological approaches, have found such extinction sequences to have only moderate effects on the remaining community. Thus, our result suggests that the structure of ecological communities, and therefore the integrity of important ecosystem processes could be more vulnerable to realistic extinction sequences than previously believed.