944 resultados para Village and Cottage Industries


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The scientific and technological development in the area of new materials contributed to several applications of niobium and its alloys in nuclear power plants as well as in aerospace, aeronautics, automobile and naval industries. This paper presents the interstitial diffusion coefficients of nitrogen in solid solution in the Nb-1.0wt%Zr alloy using internal friction measurements obtained by mechanical spectroscopy, which uses a torsion pendulum operating at an oscillation frequency between 1.0 Hz and 10.0 Hz. The temperature range varies from 300K to 700K, at a heating rate of 1 K/min and vacuum better than 2 x 10(-6) Torr. The results showed an increase of the interstitial diffusion coefficient of nitrogen that was correlated with configurational considerations for the octahedral interstitials.


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This work embraces the application of Landsat 5-TM digital images, comprising August 2 1989 and September 22 1998, for temporal mapping and geoenvironmental analysis of the dynamic of Piranhas-Açu river mouth, situated in the Macau (RN) region. After treatment using several digital processing techniques (e.g. colour composition in RGB, ratio of bands, principal component analysis, index methods, among others), it was possible to generate several image products and multitemporal maps of the coastal morphodynamics of the studied area. Using the image products it was possible the identification and characterization of the principal elements of interest (vegetation, soil, geology and water) in the surface of the studied area, associating the spectral characteristics of these elements to that presented by the image products resulting of the digital processing. Thus, it was possible to define different types of soils: Amd, AQd6, SK1 and LVe4; vegetation grouping: open arboreal-shrubby caatinga, closed arborealshrubby caatinga, closed arboreal caatinga, mangrove vegetation, dune vegetation and areas predominately constituted by juremas; geological units: quaternary units beach sediments, sand banks, dune flats, barrier island, mobile dunes, fixed dunes, alluvium, tidal and inundation flats, and sandy facies of the Potengi Formation; tertiary-quaternary units Barreiras Formation grouped to the clayey facies of the Potengi Formation, Macau Formation grouped to the sediments of the Tibau Formation; Cretaceous units Jandaíra Formation; moreover it was to identify the sea/land limit, shallow submersed areas and suspended sediments. The multitemporal maps of the coastal morphodynamics allowed the identification and a semi-quantitative evoluation of regions which were submitted to erosive and constructive processes in the last decade. This semi-quantitative evoluation in association with an geoenvironmental characterization of the studied area are important data to the elaboration of actions that may minimize the possible/probable impacts caused by the implantation of the Polo Gas/Sal and to the monitoring of areas explorated by the petroleum and salt industries


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The brazilian marginal basins have a huge potential to generate and accumulate petroleum. Incised valleys which are eroded in response to a fall of relative sea level are related to potential reservoir as well, modern drowned-valley estuaries serve as harbors to petroleum and salt industries, fisheries, waste-disposal sites and recreational areas for a significant fraction of the world s population. The combined influence of these factors has produced a dramatic increase in research on modern and ancient incised-valley systems. This research is one expression of this interest. The integrated use of satellites images and high resolution seismic (bathymetry, sides scan sonar) was used on the Apodi River mouth-RN to characterizes the continental shelf This area is located at the Potiguar Basin in the NE Brazilian Equatorial Atlantic margin. Through bathymetric and side scan sonar data processing, a digital Terrain Model was developed, and a detailed geomorphologic analysis was performed. In this way was possible to recognize the geomorphologic framework and differents sismofacies, which may influence this area. A channel extending from the ApodiMossoró river mouth to the shelf edge dominates the investigated area. This structure can be correlated with the former river valley developed during the late Pleistocene sea level fall. This channel has two main directions (NW-SE and NE-SW) probably controlled by the Potiguar Basin structures. The western margin of the channel is relatively steep and pronounced whereas the eastern margin consists only of a gentle slope. Longitudinal bedforms and massive ridges also occur. The first are formed doe to the shelf sediment rework and the reef-like structures probably are relics of submerged beachrock-lines indicating past shoreline positions during the deglacial sea-level rise. The sub-bottom seismic data allow the identification of different sismic patterns and a marcant discontinuity, interpreted as the Upper


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This research arose from the interest on the investigation about urban expansion from Caicó. Since its creation as a village and its ascent to the condition of city, but especially , the occurred expansion from the 70s, when the local cotton economy begins to present signs of exhaustion. The central theme of this work consists on the importance of the geographical events and its relations with the phenomenon of the urban expansion from Caicó that served us as empirical basis. In relation to the events, that appear as elements of analysis on the works from the Professor Milton Santos, especially on the book Nature of Space , they appear as a kind of urban extensors energizing the areas where are installed. Understood by us as a vehicle of one or more possibilities, according to Santos, (1999) we listed some events occurred in the caicoense urbs a nd we divided them into principal and derivative ones, such events implemented from their structures, forms and functions, through processes that resulted and still continue to result the enlargement of the caicoense urban perimeter , densifications enough important for this urban expansion. The technical periods of cattle raising , cotton, as well as the tertiary city and its connections with the role of fast men, as well as slow men is also important aspect in the body of this work. It is still pointed out the inequalities and the coexistences that are generated on the basis of these connections and finally we discussed the positive and negative consequences elapsed from the phenomenon of the urban expansion


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Alginate is a biopolymer used for a variety of industrial applications, for example, in the textiles, cosmetics, foods, agricultural and biotechnological industries. This biopolymer is traditionally extracted from some brown seaweeds (Phaeophyceae) and can be produced by bacteria isolated from soil, as Azotobacter vinelandii, like capsular polysaccharide using glucose, sucrose, among others as carbon sources. The main difference between the alginate of seaweed and the bacterial ones, is the biggest degree of acetylation of this last one, with great influence in the gel force. These chemical characteristics and production of bacterial alginate are presented in this work.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Due to the wide range of design possibilities, simple manufactured, low maintenance and low cost, cross-flow heat exchangers are extensively used in the petroleum, petrochemical, air conditioning, food storage, and others industries. In this paper a mathematical model for cross-flow heat exchangers with complex flow arrangements for determining epsilon -NTU relations is presented. The model is based on the tube element approach, according to which the heat exchanger outlet temperatures are obtained by discretizing the coil along the tube fluid path. In each cross section of the element, tube-side fluid temperature is assumed to be constant because the heat capacity rate ratio C*=Cmin/Cmax tends toward zero in the element. Thus temperature is controlled by effectiveness of a local element corresponding to an evaporator or a condenser-type element. The model is validated through comparison with theoretical algebraic relations for single-pass cross-flow arrangements with one or more rows. Very small relative errors are obtained showing the accuracy of the present model. epsilon -NTU curves for several complex circuit arrangements are presented. The model developed represents a useful research tool for theoretical and experimental studies on heat exchangers performance.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ciclodextrinas (CDs) são oligossacarídeos cíclicos, não redutores, capazes de formar complexos de inclusão com outras moléculas, modificando suas características químicas e físicas. São de interesse industrial, mas o fator limitante para sua utilização ainda é o alto custo de produção. Devido à sua pureza e ao teor de amilopectina, a fécula de mandioca se apresenta como substrato potencial para a produção de CDs, tendo mais de 95% de amido. Outro substrato potencial é o farelo, resíduo da extração da fécula de mandioca, com cerca de 70% de amido e custo consideravelmente inferior ao da fécula. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de CDs usando fécula e farelo de mandioca como substratos, empregando ciclodextrina glucosiltransferase (CGTase; E. C. proveniente de Bacillus macerans. A conversão do amido em a-CDs foi de 19% para a fécula e 21% para o farelo. Para b-CDs, os valores foram de 27% e 15% para a fécula e o farelo, respectivamente. A proporção de a: b-CDs produzidas a partir da fécula foi de 1,0:1,4, enquanto que para o farelo foi de 1,5:1,0. Após 4 horas a 50ºC houve considerável perda da atividade enzimática, indicando tendência de estabilização da reação.


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Trata-se de mostrar a originalidade crítica de Siegfried Kracauer diante da experiência da modernidade estética e de discutir as afinidades estético-teóricas de Kracauer e Benjamim ao analisar a Paris da segunda metade do século XIX, o Segundo Império, em particular, como fenômeno originário da sociedade de massas, da indústria cultural e do entretenimento e, sobretudo, do nazi-fascismo. Kracauer durante seu exílio parisiense (1933-41) escreveu uma biografia da sociedade: Jacques Offenbach e a Paris de sua época (Jacques Offenbach und das Paris seiner Zeit). Obra inovadora pelo seu enfoque da história do presente e com pontos de contatos com a Obra das Passagens (Passagen-Werk) ou Paris capital do século XIX de Walter Benjamin.


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Os frutos de Pachira aquatica Aublet apresentam sementes comestíveis com características organolépticas muito apreciadas pelas populações amazônicas, sendo pouco utilizados em outras regiões. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar as sementes quanto à composição centesimal e determinar as características físico-químicas e perfil de ácidos graxos. A determinação da composição centesimal das sementes (teores de umidade, lipídios, proteínas, cinzas e carboidratos) e análises do óleo extraído das mesmas (ácidos graxos livres, índices de peróxido, iodo, refração, saponificação, ponto de fusão e perfil de ácidos graxos) foram realizadas seguindo metodologia oficial. O teor de óleo nas sementes 38,39% demonstrou que estas têm potencial para aproveitamento industrial. Das características físico-químicas analisadas, o óleo extraído das sementes apresentou 39,2% de ácidos graxos livres (expresso em % ácido oleico), índice de iodo de 27,4 g I2.100 g-1, índice de saponificação de 208,0 mg.KOH g-1, índice de refração (40 °C) de 1,4569 e ponto de fusão de 41,9 °C. Quanto à composição de ácidos graxos do óleo predominaram os ácidos palmítico (44,93%), oleico (39,27%) e linoleico (11,35%). Tal fato favorece o uso deste óleo como matéria-prima para as indústrias alimentícia, farmacêutica e de cosméticos.


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The response surface methodology as a tool for assessing the production of alginate and polyhydroxybutirate by Azotobacter vinelandii. Alginate is a polysaccharide extracted from cell walls of brown algae and used in the food, pharmaceuticals and biotech industries. Production is concentrated on the cultivation of brown seaweed, but several bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas and Azotobacter produce alginate. The chemical structure of alginates produced by algae is similar to those synthesized by A. vinelandii. The bacteria also produce intracellular polymers such as polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), known as bioplastic. This work studied the simultaneous alginate and PHB production by A. vinelandii using sucrose and different parameters of fermentation in an orbital shaker. The optimal values for the production of these compounds were determined by the MSR. The first experiment was a 2(6-2) factorial design. The second was based on significant variables of the first, resulting in a full 3(3-0) factorial design. From the first to the second, an increase was observed in the PHB productivity from 12 to 45 mg g(-1) cell h(-1) and alginate from 100 to 1,600 mg g(-1) of cell h(-1). The productivity of both compounds was in the maximum incubation temperature of 62 degrees C, in the shortest time of incubation (18h) and the sucrose concentration, 11 g L(-1). In both experiments the PHB extracted presented purity of 94%.