1000 resultados para Vigilância Nutricional
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
It was aimed to evaluate the chemical composition of grass silage-mombasa associated with different additives in four times of opening the silo. The experiment was conducted in UFGD. After harvesting the forage, biomass in natura crushed, was taken to the lab, homogenized and enriched on the basis of natural mass, with the following additives: 5% wheat bran, 5% of waste (broken grain and soy ice cream cone) of soybean, 5% urea in natural matter and the witness (without additive). The silos were opened after (unprocessed material), 15, 30 and 45 days, for the analysis of chemical composition. The data obtained were analyzed through the statistical programme SISVAR and averages were compared to 5% of probability, by Skott-Knot. The grass silage-mombasa without additive presented major (P<0.05) dry matter content compared to other treatments at time 0 and 30 days of silage and did not differ (P>0.05) of grass silage- mombasa associated with 5 of urea in 15 days and 45 of silage. The grass silage-mombasa with 5% urea showed the highest crude protein content at time 0 and differed from other treatments. The silage of mombasa associated with 5% urea provided greater in vitro digestibility of dry matter to 15 days of silage.
The objective was to evaluate the effect of the omission of macronutrient and micronutrient boron in dry matter production, the characterization of the symptoms of nutritional deficiencies and mineral composition in plants of ipeca, an experiment was conducted in greenhouse conditions by the technique the missing element and visual diagnosis. A randomized block experimental design with four repetitions and the treatments were: complete and omissions of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S and B. The analytical results demonstrated that the production of dry matter was affected in all of the treatments with omission of nutrients and that the ipeca plants presented characteristic symptoms of nutritional deficiencies due to the omissions of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S and B and the concentrations of the macronutrients and of the micronutrient boron in the different parts of the ipeca plant varied when a certain nutrient was omitted in the solution.
Propôs-se identificar estudos farmacoeconômicos segundo tipo de estudo (custo-efetividade, custo-benefício, minimização de custos ou custo-utilidade) em farmacovigilância e conhecer os resultados econômicos dos estudos de vigilância pós-comercialização. Por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica direcionada, selecionou-se estudos originais, considerando publicações nos anos de 1966-2010, durante o período de marco a maio de 2011, utilizando-se os descritores científicos em saúde “sistemas de notificação de reações adversas a medicamento” OR erros de medicação OR vigilância de drogas comercializadas OR vigilância de evento sentinela AND análise custo-benefício OR analise custo-eficiência OR custos e analise de custo OR custos hospitalares OR custo-efetividade OR avaliação de custo-efetividade OR custos de medicamentos nas bases de dados Lilacs, e Pubmed/Bireme. Foram utilizados os seguintes critérios de inclusão: artigos com idioma em inglês, espanhol e português; artigos originais; artigos que avaliem custo de RAM e/ou intervenções; artigos que avaliem o impacto e/ou consequência de um efeito adverso na farmacoeconomia; e foram excluídos da amostra, os artigos em outros idiomas e publicações de cartas, revisões, editorias e notícias; artigos inacessíveis e aqueles cuja leitura flutuante do título e resumo mostrou-se fora da proposta do trabalho. Identificou-se 13 artigos que contemplaram os critérios de inclusão proposto. Os tipos de análise identificados foram: análise de custo-benefício (12) e análise de custo-efetividade (1). Não foram identificados estudos com análise de custo utilidade e minimização de custos. As considerações dos estudos avaliados salientam a necessidade de pesquisas posteriores, para fortalecer as hipóteses testadas, evidenciando os resultados econômicos nas ações ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This study aimed at apprehending and analyzing the perspective of Primary Health Care managers concerning nurses’ work in Children’s Health Surveillance in a city in São Paulo state. The study population consisted of eight professionals from different professional categories with direct activity in the city’s management of the population’s Health Surveillance. It is a descriptive, qualitative study. Data were collected by means of recorded semi-structured interviews. The framework used for data analysis was the thematic Content Analysis Method. The results were systematized into three themes: 1- Managers’ conceptualizations concerning Children’s Health Surveillance and its application in practice; 2- Managers’ perspectives concerning nurses’ work in Children’s Health Surveillance; 3- Qualification of Children’s Health Surveillance under the view of the municipal management. The conceptualizations concerning Children’s Health Surveillance that were apprehended showed to be convergent as they indicated this model’s appropriateness to identify and prioritize children’s care in vulnerability conditions in the territory where they live. However, some managers did not include, in their statements, health promotion aspects as one of the cornerstones of their managerial action. Nurses were considered to be fundamental in the Children’s Health Surveillance process due to their competencies and responsibilities undertaken in this health provision level. The main difficulties for adequate implementation of Children’s Health Surveillance in Primary Health Care and the proposal to overcome them were pointed out. It was concluded that, under the managers’ perspectives, nurses can greatly contribute to Children’s Health Surveillance in Primary Health Care as members of the health care team; however, to that end, they need professional qualification, structural conditions and institutional support with that regard
A patogênese da hepatite C crônica esta relacionada à presença de danos hepáticos, imunológicos e citotóxicos mediados por diferentes produtos virais e resultantes do estresse oxidativo. Assim, pacientes com hepatite C crônica, mesmo sob tratamento medicamentoso, apresentam níveis elevados de marcadores do estresse oxidativo no sangue e tecidos corpóreos. A suplementação com compostos antioxidantes, como zinco, selênio e vitaminas C e E tem sido sugerida como parte do tratamento para reduzir o estresse oxidativo nestes pacientes. O objetivo deste projeto foi avaliar o estado nutricional e o estresse oxidativo de pacientes com hepatite C crônica após a suplementação regular e contínua com suco de laranja, baseado no alto teor de substâncias antioxidantes deste alimento. A avaliação nutricional constou de medidas antropométricas e de ingestão dietética, e o estresse oxidativo foi avaliado por marcadores séricos da lipoperoxidação (níveis de TBARS) e do teor de substâncias antioxidantes (DPPH), antes e após a suplementação com o suco de laranja. Os resultados indicaram que não foram notadas diferenças significativas nos valores de IMC, percentual de gordura corporal e circunferência da cintura antes e após o período de suplementação com suco de laranja, tanto para homens quanto para mulheres. Após o período de suplementação com o alimento, observou-se um aumento significativo de 19% e 27% na ingestão média de energia em homens e mulheres, respectivamente. Entretanto, não foi observado diferença significativa no consumo de macronutrientes antes e após a suplementação. Em relação aos micronutrientes, foi detectado um aumento significativo de vitamina C de 211% para mulheres e 190% para os homens e o folato aumentou significativamente em 53% para as mulheres e 52% para os homens. Após o período de suplementação com suco de laranja, observou-se um... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This qualitative study aimed at apprehending conceptualizations and at describing experiences of nurses working in the Family Health Strategy in a medium-sized city in São Paulo state in relation to Children’s Health Surveillance, with a special focus on nursing consultation. Data were collected from 12 nurses by means of recorded semi-structured interviews that were analyzed according to the Thematic Content Analysis Method. Results were systematized into four themes: Conceptualizations about Children’s Health Surveillance; Children’s Health Surveillance in the practice of the Family Health Strategy; Nursing consultation and Children’s Health Surveillance; Proposals to qualify Children’s Health Surveillance in the realm of the Family Health Strategy. It was possible to apprehend amplified and actual conceptualizations of Children’s Health Surveillance as well as to describe experiences surrounded by difficulties to incorporate the premises of this form of Children’s Health Care in the Family Health Strategy. Nursing consultation was noteworthy as a privileged moment, but not unique, to develop such practice. Finally, based on nurses’ proposals, the importance of triggering permanent education processes targeted at these themes in family-health services was considered
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
Although the regular practice of physical exercise for the maintenance of the nutritional state and quality of life is important, it is not a common habit among the elderly, especially those of the lower income social bracket. The objective was to characterize and compare according to social-economic conditions and anthropometric indexes of the nutritional state of the elderly who regularly practice and those who do not practice exercises, offered at no cost, in the Northern zone of São José do Rio Preto-SP. In this study, 110 elderly women participated, of which 60 (group P) exercised regularly and 50 did not (group NP). Group P participated in a special gym program, free of charge, for at least 2 years, 2 to 3 times a week, one hour a day. Group NP was recruited from the same location as Group P. The comparison between the groups of elderly women was proportionately distributed according to marital status, level of education, means of locomotion, results of body mass index (IMC), waist to hip ratio (RCQ) and calf circumference, using the chi-square test. Comparisons were also made of average age, per capita family income, individual income, IMC, arm and triceps skin fold measured by t-Test. Differences were not found in all the comparisons made. The variables that stood out were the IMC (overweight) and RCQ (risk of chronic diseases) results, which were above what was expected, and the high frequency of walking and riding buses for both groups of elderly women (about 60%). We came to the conclusion that the low-intensity exercise program evaluated made no difference in the nutritional profile of the elderly who also used walking as a means of getting around.