969 resultados para Venice Lagoon


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Como indica el título, esta tesis plantea el estudio de la arquitectura doméstica elaborada por los arquitectos japoneses Kazuyo Sejima y Ryue Nishizawa. Más concretamente, la investigación se ciñe a un conjunto integrado por veinticinco casas que los arquitectos proyectaron entre 1987, momento en el que Sejima establece su propia oficina, y 2010, fecha en la que el reconocimiento del trabajo que ambos venían desarrollando queda certificado a nivel internacional, ya que ese año son galardonados con el premio Pritzker y comisarían la Bienal deVenecia. Del estudio conjunto y sistemático de estos proyectos, y de sus distintas versiones se espera poder obtener una serie de criterios exegéticos que permitan comprenderlos y explicarlos mejor, relacionándolos entre sí de manera coherente. A estos criterios es a lo que hemos denominado estrategias. En el momento en el que se inicia esta investigación se detectó un vacío editorial respecto al tema tratado, apenas había textos, propios o ajenos que abordaran esta faceta de la obra de Sejima y Nishizawa en profundidad. No en vano, algunos críticos han acuñado el apelativo de "arquitectos sin palabras" para referirse, tanto a ellos como a la generación de arquitectos que la pareja encabeza, dando a entender que se trata de una arquitectura carente de explicación.1 Sin embargo, esta investigación sostiene que el hecho de que los arquitectos no hablen en exceso de su obra y mantengan una actitud centrada en desarrollar de forma práctica su trabajo no quiere decir que prescindan de realizar operaciones compositivas altamente idealizadas y abstractas, refrendadas por un marco cultural y teórico que se pueda describir. Tras recopilar, ordenar y analizar un número lo suficientemente amplio como para ser significativo de las manifestaciones verbales que los arquitectos han realizado a lo largo del periodo estudiado, se ha observado que de entre todos los términos que los dos socios que integran SANAA emplean para describir sus proyectos, uno de los más relevantes y quizás también el más general resulta la palabra “sistema”.2 El modo en el que ambos describen los principios de su arquitectura, diferenciando entre los componentes del programa, y las relaciones que se establecen entre éstos, y entre ellos y el exterior permiten sostener que no se trata de un uso accidental término. Paralelamente, al mismo tiempo que se indaga sobre el corpus intelectual de esta teoría se intenta detallar las circunstancias que favorecieron tal trasvase de ideas entre Occidente y Japón y como acabaron llegando al ámbito de estos arquitectos. Al amparo de este marco teórico y tras redibujar las viviendas documentadas, se intentará describir los rasgos de la estructura material de las viviendas analizadas, así como cartografiar los patrones organizativos que las caracterizan. Para ello se empleará el rigor instrumental que aporta la teoría de grafos como método habitual para la representación, estudio y caracterización de sistemas. Los resultados de la investigación evidencian que hay una serie de estrategias — tanto materiales como organizativas— que enunciadas en sus primeros proyectos se van desarrollando en obras posteriores, conformado sistemas que están paulatinamente más organizados. Y que llegado un punto en la trayectoria de estos arquitectos, se observa que tales estrategias, se van superponiendo de distinta forma en diversos proyectos, por lo que es posible agruparlos y hablar de ellos atendiendo a características comunes. Finalmente, el estudio concluye que tanto a nivel material como reladonal, bien podría decirse que en el periodo estudiado, las estrategias empleadas por Sejima y Nishizawa para elaborar su arquitectura doméstica persiguen un objetivo común que se fundamenta en la elaboración de planteamientos sintéticos que les permiten explorar y responder creativamente ante las disyuntivas previamente establecidas, precisamente explotando el potencial de las paradojas que las originan. ABSTRACT As the title suggest itself, this thesis deals about the study of domestic architecture developed by Japanese architects Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa. More specifically, research focus its attention on a group of twenty five houses that both architects projected from 1987, when Sejima establishes her own practice, and 2010, as the moment in which their work obtains international acknowledgment, since this year they are awarded the Pritzker prize and cúrate the Venice Biennale. From the combined and systematic study of all these projects, and their different versions are expected to obtain a series of exegetical criteria to relate to each other, understand and explain better. These criteria are what we cali strategies. By the time when this research began, an editorial emptiness about the treaty issue was detected; there were barely texts that addressed this aspect of the work of Sejima and Nishizawa in depth, neither the ones written by the architects themselves ñor by other authors. Some critics have coined the ñame "wordless generation" to refer to both them as to the generation of architects that the couple leads, implying that it is an architecture devoid of explanation.3 However, this study argües that the fact that architects do not speak too much about his work and keep themselves focused on developing practical work attitude does not mean that dispense perform highly idealized and abstract compositional operations, fueled by a frame cultural and theoretical that can be described. After collect, sort and analyze a large enough number of verbal statements done by the architects about their work as to be meaningful, it was observed that of all the terms that the two partners that intégrate SANAA used to describe their projects, one of the most important and, perhaps one of the most general, is the word "system".4 The way in which both describe the principies of their architecture distinguishing between program components and the relationships established between them, and between them and the outside allow us the view that it is not accidental use of a term. Similarly, while it investigates the intellectual corpus of this theory it attempts to explain some of the circumstances that favored such transfer of ideas between the West and Japan and how eventually reaching the scope of these architects. Under this framework and after redraw the documented houses we attempt to describe the characteristics of the material structure of the projects tested, as well as mapping the organizational patterns that characterize them. For this, we use the instrumental rigor that brings graph theory, as a regular method of representation, study and characterization of systems used. The research results show that there are a number of strategies -both material and organizational level- that once they are set out in its first projects are developed in later works. Bringing up systems that are gradually more and more organized. And at one point in the career of these architects, such strategies are observed, they are superimposed differently on various projects, making it possible to group them and discuss them according to common characteristics. Finally, the study condueles that both materially and organizational it could be said that in the period studied, the strategies employed by Sejima and Nishizawa to develop its domestic architecture pursue a common goal, which is based on the development of synthetic approaches that allow them explore and respond creatively to the previously established dilemmas precisely exploiting the paradoxical potential that originates them.


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La Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba es un edificio vivo. Un edificio que ha sido transformado sucesivamente por hombres de razas, culturas y religiones distintas durante sus más de 1.200 años de vida y que, a pesar de ello, no ha dejado de estar en uso ni uno solo de esos días de esa larga vida. De esta forma, el edificio se muestra ante el visitante como un complejo objeto arquitectónico, resultado de una continua transformación. La capacidad de la transformación de los edificios es algo inherente a su propia condición arquitectónica, no es un hecho exclusivo de la Mezquita-Catedral. Sin embargo, en este edificio esa transformación se produce con una gran intensidad y sin pérdida de su autenticidad. Tradicionalmente, los edificios se han adaptado a los nuevos requerimientos de cada época en un proceso que ha buscado en el propio edificio las leyes o principios que habían de regir la intervención. De esta forma, tanto las sucesivas ampliaciones de la Mezquita de Abd al-Rahman I como las siguientes intervenciones cristianas debieron asumir lo preexistente como material de trabajo. Así, los arquitectos del califa al-Hakam II dialogaron con sus antecesores complejizando el espacio que recibieron, así como los Hernán Ruiz consiguieron un nuevo organismo resultante de la introducción de su arquitectura luminosa en la trama hispanomusulmana. El siglo XIX confirmó el deseo por descubrir las huellas de un pasado esplendoroso que la intervención barroca había silenciado bajo un tratamiento homogéneo del espacio. La recuperación de esas huellas supuso, hace exactamente dos siglos, el inicio de la última gran etapa en la transformación del edificio, la de la restauración. La fábrica es considerada como objeto a conservar y los esfuerzos desde ese momento se centraron en la recuperación de la arquitectura omeya latente. De este modo, la práctica de la restauración como disciplina se encontró absolutamente influenciada por la Arqueología como única fuente de conocimiento. Las intervenciones buscaban lo original como modo de recuperar espacial y formalmente aquel pasado, concentrándose en los lugares del edificio considerados como esenciales. La declaración del edificio como monumento nacional en 1882 propició que el Estado se hiciera cargo de su mantenimiento y conservación, sustituyendo en esa tarea a los Obispos y Cabildos del siglo XIX, que tuvieron un entendimiento muy avanzado para su época. La llegada del arquitecto Velázquez Bosco en las últimas décadas del siglo XIX supuso un cambio trascendental en la historia del edificio, puesto que recibió un edificio con importantes deterioros y consiguió poner las bases del edificio que hoy contemplamos. El empeño por la recuperación material y espacial devolvió a la Mezquita-Catedral buena parte de su imagen original, reproduciendo con exactitud los modelos hallados en las exploraciones arqueológicas. La llegada de Antonio Flórez tras la muerte de Velázquez Bosco supuso la traslación al edificio del debate disciplinar que se desarrolló en las dos primeras décadas del siglo XX. Flórez procuró un nuevo entendimiento de la intervención, considerando la conservación como actuación prioritaria. En 1926 el Estado reformó la manera en que se atendía al patrimonio con la creación de un sistema de zonas y unos arquitectos a cargo de ellas. La existencia de un nuevo marco legislativo apuntaló esa nueva visión conservativa, avalada por la Carta de Atenas de 1931. Este modelo restauración científica huía de la intervención en estilo y valoraba la necesidad de intervenir de la manera más escueta posible y con un lenguaje diferenciado, basándose en los datos que ofrecía la Arqueología. Por tanto, se continuaba con la valoración del edificio como documento histórico, buscando en este caso una imagen diferenciada de la intervención frente a la actitud mimética de Velázquez. Resulta destacable la manera en la que el historiador Manuel Gómez-Moreno influyó en varias generaciones de arquitectos, arqueólogos e historiadores, tanto en el entendimiento científico de la restauración como en la propia estructura administrativa. La labor desarrollada en el edificio por José Mª Rodríguez Cano primero y Félix Hernández a continuación estuvo influida de manera teórica por el método de Gómez-Moreno, aunque en muchos aspectos su labor no representó una gran diferencia con lo hecho por Velázquez Bosco. La búsqueda de lo original volvió a ser recurrente, pero la carga económica del mantenimiento de un edificio tan extenso conllevó la no realización de muchos de los proyectos más ambiciosos. Esta obsesiva búsqueda de la imagen original del edificio tuvo su última y anacrónica etapa con la intervención de la Dirección General de Arquitectura en los 70. Sin embargo, el agotamiento del modelo científico ya había propiciado un nuevo escenario a nivel europeo, que cristalizó en la Carta de Venecia de 1964 y en una nueva definición del objeto a preservar, más allá del valor como documento histórico. Esta nueva posición teórica tuvo su traslación al modelo restaurador español en el último cuarto de siglo XX, coincidiendo con la Transición. El arquitecto Dionisio Hernández Gil defendió una interpretación distinta a la de los arqueólogos y de los historiadores, que había prevalecido durante todo el siglo. En opinión de Hernández Gil, los problemas de intervención debían enfocarse fundamentalmente como problemas de Arquitectura, abandonando la idea de que solamente podían ser resueltos por especialistas. Esta convicción teórica fue defendida desde la nueva Administración y deparó la utilización de unos criterios de intervención particularizados, provenientes del análisis multifocal de cada situación y no sólo desde el valor de los edificios como documentos históricos. Y este cambio tuvo su traslación a la Mezquita-Catedral con la práctica de Gabriel Ruiz Cabrero y Gabriel Rebollo. En consecuencia con esa nueva perspectiva, aceptaron el edificio que recibieron, sustituyendo la búsqueda de aquella página original por la aceptación de cada una de las páginas de su historia y el respeto a las técnicas constructivas del pasado. La búsqueda de soluciones específicas desde el propio objeto arquitectónico significó la renovada atención a la potente estructura formal-constructiva como origen de toda reflexión. Considerar la Mezquita-Catedral en primer lugar como Arquitectura implicaba la atención a todo tipo de factores además de los históricos, como medio para preservar su autenticidad. Esta tesis pretende demostrar que la práctica de la restauración realizada en la Mezquita-Catedral a lo largo del siglo XX ha evolucionado desde la búsqueda de lo original hasta la búsqueda de lo auténtico, como reflejo de una visión basada en lo arqueológico frente a una renovada visión arquitectónica más completa, que incluye a la anterior. La consideración de la intervención en este edificio como otra página más de su historia y no como la última, significa la reedición de un mecanismo recurrente en la vida del edificio y un nuevo impulso en ese proceso de continua transformación. ABSTRACT The Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba is a living building. A building transformed by men of different races, cultures and religions during more than 1.200 years old and that, nevertheless, it has continued to be in use all days in that long life. Thus, the building shows to the visitor as a complex architectural object, the result of continuous transformation. This transformation capacity of the buildings is inherent in their own architectural condition, it’s not an exclusive fact of the Mosque-Cathedral. However, in this building that transformation happens with a great intensity, without losing their authenticity. Traditionally, buildings have been adapted to the new requirements of times in a process that looked for laws or principles in order to guide the intervention. Thus, both the successive enlargements of the Mosque of Abd al-Rahman and Christian interventions must assume the preexistence as a working material. So, the architects of the caliph al-Hakam II spoke to their predecessors, complexing the receiving space, as well as Hernan Ruiz got a new organism as result the introduction of his luminous architecture into hispanic-muslim weft. The nineteenth century confirmed the desire to discover the traces of a glorious past that Baroque intervention had silenced, under a uniform space treatment. Exactly two centuries ago, the recovery of these traces meant the start of the last major phase in the transformation of the building: the restoration. The building was considered subject to conserve and since then, efforts focused on the recovery of latent Umayyad architecture. Thus, the practice of restoration as a discipline was absolutely influenced by Archaeology as the only source of knowledge. Interventions were seeking the original as the way to recover that past in a space and formal way, concentrating on essential sites of the building. The statement as a national monument in 1882 prompted the State take charge of its maintenance and preservation, replacing to the nineteenth century Bishops and Cabildos, which had a very advanced understanding for that time. The arrival of the architect Velazquez Bosco in the last decades of the nineteenth century involved a momentous change in the history of the building, since he received a building with significant damage and he achieved the foundations of the building that we can see today. Efforts to a material and space recover returned the Mosque-Cathedral to its original image, accurately reproducing the models found in archaeological explorations. The arrival of Antonio Florez after Velazquez’s death involved the translation of discipline debate, which was developed in the first two decades of the twentieth century. Florez tried a new understanding of the intervention, considering conservation as a priority action. In 1926, the State reformed the way in which heritage was attended, creating a zones system with a few architects in charge of them. The existence of a new legislative framework, underpinned this new conservative vision, supported by the Athens Charter of 1931. This scientific restoration model fleeing from intervention in style and it appreciated the need to intervene in the most concise way, with a distinct language based on the data offered by Archaeology. Therefore, it continued with the appraisement of the building as a historical document, seeking in this case a differentiated image of intervention, against Velazquez mimetic attitude. It is remarkable the way in which the historian Manuel Gomez-Moreno influenced several generations of architects, archaeologists and historians, both in the scientific understanding of the restoration and the administrative structure. The work of Jose Maria Rodriguez Cano first and then Felix Hernandez was theoretically influenced by the Gomez-Moreno’s method, although in many respects their work did not represent a great difference to Velazquez Bosco. The search of the original returned to recur, but the economic charge of maintaining such a large building led to the non-realization of many of the most ambitious projects. This obsessive search for the original image of the building had its last and anachronistic stage with the intervention of the Department of Architecture at 70’s. However, the exhaustion of the scientific model had already led to a new scenario at European level, which crystallized in the Venice Charter of 1964 and a new definition of the object to be preserved beyond the value as a historical document. This new theoretical position had its translation to Spanish restaurateur model in the last quarter of the twentieth century, coinciding with the Transition. The architect Dionisio Hernandez Gil defended a different interpretation from archaeologists and historians, that had prevailed throughout the century. According to Hernandez Gil, the problems of intervention should focus primarily as architectural issues, abandoning the idea that they could only be determined by specialist. This theoretical conviction was defended from the new administration and led to the use of particularized criteria, from a multifocal analysis of each situation. And this change had its translation to the Mosque with the practice of Gabriel Ruiz Cabrero and Gabriel Rebollo. Consistent with this new perspective, they accepted the receiving building, replacing the search on original page for acceptance of all historical pages and respecting the constructive techniques of the past. The search for specific solutions from the architectural object meant the renewed attention to the powerful formal-constructive structure as the origin of all thought. Consider the Mosque-Cathedral as Architecture, involved the attention to all kinds of factors in addition to the historical, as a means to preserve its authenticity. This thesis aims to demonstrate that the practice of restoration in the Mosque-Cathedral throughout the twentieth century has evolved from the search of the original to the search for the authentic, reflecting a vision based on the archaeological against a renewed more complete architectural vision, including the above. Consideration of intervention in this building as another page in its history and not the last one, means the reissue of an own mechanism and a new impetus in that continuous transformation process.


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El presente trabajo recoge los resultados de una investigación sobre la «vivienda productiva», es decir, de la casa como lugar de trabajo. Dicha investigación se ha ocupado de explorar cómo influyen las cotidianeidades doméstico-laborales actuales —junto con sus arquitecturas y los urbanismos que estas generan— en la sociedad, en especial en temas sociales centrales como la construcción de las subjetividades, y de una vida en comunidad. Asimismo, explora cómo podrían influir en un futuro. La hipótesis sobre la que se trabaja, y que finalmente se intenta demostrar, consiste en que, en la territorialidad múltiple de lo laboral, la vivienda, como plataforma doméstica multiusos, productiva y reproductiva de la que muchas personas disponen, desempeña un papel nodal, y es posible que en el futuro su papel sea aún más importante y más visible. La vivienda productiva funciona como una infraestructura urbana desde la cual se construyen diferentes tipos de bienes materiales e inmateriales, pero sobre todo formas de relación, sociales y productivas con otros, además de imaginarios y afectos. La vivienda como infraestructura productiva y reproductiva es tanto «fábrica fundamental de lo social», como nos enseña Silvia Federici, como «fábrica de lo urbano». El trabajo en casa, como parte de diferentes dinámicas «dispersas» del trabajo que se dan en la actualidad, presenta tanto problemáticas y desafíos importantes, como capitales y posibilidades sociales. Por un lado, puede facilitar una absorción de tipo «24/7» vinculada a las lógicas de producción dispersa y consumo dominantes además de la que se da por las dinámicas patriarcales tradicionales, y en múltiples casos situaciones de evidente asimetría y de explotación laboral. También puede propiciar situaciones socialmente extendidas o impuestas de soledad y aislamiento. Sin embargo, está asimismo vinculado al surgimiento de espacios de experimentación tanto en soledad como en compañía, de cooperación y de intercambio, además de a la evidente posibilidad de construir rutinas propias y, por tanto, una subjetividad laboral propia. Por otro lado, frente a la idea general y homogénea del trabajador casero como un sujeto mayoritariamente aislado de su entorno, las jornadas de trabajo de los trabajadores caseros estudiados presentan una gran diversidad. Estas pueden conllevar aislamiento y exclusión, así como acompañar diferentes formas de construcción de una ciudadanía activa, tanto en solitario, como mediante formas de participación activa en la construcción de una vida en comunidad. En esta investigación se analizan, pues, desafíos y oportunidades de estas espacialidades del trabajo y, a través de este análisis, se indaga en el papel de los marcos físicos, organizativos y simbólicos actuales para la vivienda y para la ciudad pensada desde los trabajadores caseros. Al mismo tiempo se exploran nuevos tipos de vivienda y urbanismos que puedan quizás acompañar procesos sociales de inclusión, así como de emancipación, cooperación e intercambio y, en general, nuevas formas de vecindad y bienestar compartido en los ámbitos doméstico-productivos. Metodológicamente, las singularidades presentes en las realidades estudiadas invitan además a explorar protocolos de análisis, métodos de diseño, de gestión y gobierno que, desde lo micro, puedan dialogar con lo cotidiano y sus singularidades. Diego Barajas, autor de la tesis, es arquitecto dedicado a la práctica, a la investigación y la docencia. Su trabajo se focaliza en explorar el carácter mediador de la arquitectura frente a lo cotidiano y sus microrrealidades. Es profesor de proyectos de urbanismo en la IE School of Architecture y es miembro de Husos, una plataforma de investigación y diseño orientada a la innovación en arquitectura y urbanismo, con sede en Madrid. Es el autor del libro Dispersion, A Study of Global Mobility and the Dynamics of a Fictional Urbanism (Episode Publishers, Róterdam, 2003). Sus trabajos teóricos y de investigación han aparecido en libros y revistas internacionales tales como The Domestic and The Foreign in Architecture (010 Publishers, 2008), Public Spheres, a Europan Discussion (Europan9, 2007), Photoespaña 05 (La Fábrica, Madrid, 2005), Domus, Volume, Abitare, Architese, Plot, y Summa+. Su trabajo se ha expuesto en la Bienal de Venecia (selección principal), la Bienal de Róterdam, la Fundación Tapies, Photoespaña, entre otros y es parte de la colección permanente del FRAC Centre en Orleans y del Historisch Museum de Róterdam entre otros. Antes de estudiar en Róterdam, se gradúa con Honores en la Universidad de los Andes en 1999 y su tesis de grado de arquitectura recibe la máxima distinción como proyecto de Grado Meritorio. ABSTRACT The present study records an investigation into the «productive house», or the home as a workplace. This investigation looks at how working from home, its architectures, and the urban dynamics generated around it influence daily life and the construction of society. It also explores what influences home-based work might have in the future, particularly in central themes such as the biopolitical construction of subjectivities and community life. The central hypothesis revolves around the idea that the home, as a multi-use infrastructure that most of us have access to, plays a fundamental role in the contemporary work sphere, due to —or even in spite of— the omnipresence of work in practically every moment and area of our daily lives, and might play a main role in the future. The home functions as a kind of hub from which we create different kinds of material and immaterial goods, but above all relationships with others, both social and productive, as well as imaginaries and affections. The home, as a machine for production and reproduction, is as much a main «factory of the social» as Silvia Federici describes it, as a «factory of the urban». Working from home, as one of several «dispersed» work dynamics that are part of the contemporary world of work, presents as many important problematics and challenges as it does possibilities and social capital. On the one hand, it can contribute to kind of «24/7» absorption linked both to the logistics of the current dispersed production and consumption, and to that of traditional patriarchal dynamics, and in some cases even clearly asymmetrical situations that exploit the workforce. It can also lead to the socially widespread phenomena of isolation and loneliness, at times imposed upon home-based workers. However, by the same token, it is also linked to the growth of experimental spaces of cooperation and exchange, both solitary and in company, as well as the clear possibility of constructing individualised routines and, therefore, a personal laboural subjectivity. On the other hand, contrary to the generalised, homogenous idea of a home-based worker who is mostly isolated from his or her environment, the working days of those we studied went hand in hand with different ways of building subjectivities. This could be as much in exclusion and isolation as through building an active citizenship, at times in solitary and at times actively participating in the construction of communal life. In this investigation, therefore, the challenges and opportunities of the home as workplace have been analysed, and through this analysis we have inquired into the role of current physical, organisational and symbolic frameworks for the home and for the city from the perspective of home workers. At the same time we have explored new types of homes and of town planning that could perhaps accompany social processes of diversity and inclusion as well as emancipation, cooperation and exchange and, in general, new forms of shared welfare in productive domestic environments. Methodologically, the singularities present in the cases studied also invite us to explore protocols of analysis, methods of design, management and government that, from the micro level, could dialogue with the peculiarities of day-to-day life. The author of this thesis, Diego Barajas, is an architect dedicated to practice, investigation and teaching. His work is focussed on exploring the mediating nature of architecture and the built environment in terms of daily life and its microrealities. He is professor of urban projects at the IE School of Architecture and member of Husos, a platform for investigation and town planning based in Madrid. He is the author of the book Dispersion, A Study of Global Mobility and the Dynamics of a Fictional Urbanism (Episode Publishers, Rotterdam, 2003) and his theoretical works and investigations have appeared in books such as The Domestic and The Foreign in Architecture (010 Publishers, 2008), Public Spheres, a Europan Discussion (Europan9, 2007), Photoespaña 05 (La Fábrica, Madrid, 2005), and in international magazines such as Domus, Volume, Abitare, Architese, Plot and Summa+. His work has been exhibited in places such as the Venice Biennial (main selection), the Rotterdam Biennial, the Tapies Foundation and Photoespaña, among others, and forms part of the permanent collection of the FRAC Centre in Orleans and the Historisch Museum of Rotterdam. Before studying in Rotterdam, he graduated with Honours from the University of the Andes in 1999, and his architecture degree thesis received the maximum distinction of Meritorious Graduation Project.


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In 1979, Lewontin and I borrowed the architectural term “spandrel” (using the pendentives of San Marco in Venice as an example) to designate the class of forms and spaces that arise as necessary byproducts of another decision in design, and not as adaptations for direct utility in themselves. This proposal has generated a large literature featuring two critiques: (i) the terminological claim that the spandrels of San Marco are not true spandrels at all and (ii) the conceptual claim that they are adaptations and not byproducts. The features of the San Marco pendentives that we explicitly defined as spandrel-properties—their necessary number (four) and shape (roughly triangular)—are inevitable architectural byproducts, whatever the structural attributes of the pendentives themselves. The term spandrel may be extended from its particular architectural use for two-dimensional byproducts to the generality of “spaces left over,” a definition that properly includes the San Marco pendentives. Evolutionary biology needs such an explicit term for features arising as byproducts, rather than adaptations, whatever their subsequent exaptive utility. The concept of biological spandrels—including the examples here given of masculinized genitalia in female hyenas, exaptive use of an umbilicus as a brooding chamber by snails, the shoulder hump of the giant Irish deer, and several key features of human mentality—anchors the critique of overreliance upon adaptive scenarios in evolutionary explanation. Causes of historical origin must always be separated from current utilities; their conflation has seriously hampered the evolutionary analysis of form in the history of life.


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O presente trabalho foi realizado em duas fases. Na primeira, foram estimados os efeitos produzidos nos decantadores primários de uma ETE, após receber resíduo da ETA-SC, que utiliza sulfato de alumínio como coagulante. Foram realizados ensaios em colunas de sedimentação, onde os parâmetros SST, SSV, cor, turbidez, DQO, coliformes totais, Escherichia coli e parasitas, pesquisados no sobrenadante, diminuíram com o aumento da quantidade de resíduo adicionado. Com relação aos sedimentos obtidos nas colunas de sedimentação, foi encontrada maior quantidade de ST e menor resistência específica nos lodos provenientes das colunas que receberam os resíduos da ETA-SC. No teste de atividade metanogênica, a concentração molar de metano foi reduzida nos sistemas que receberam resíduo da ETA-SC, influenciando negativamente no desenvolvimento dos microrganismos metanogênicas. As espécies de microrganismos do gênero Methanothrix sp foram inibidas, sendo encontradas em maior número no frasco-reator controle e em menor quantidade a medida que se aumentou a quantidade do resíduo adicionado. Nesta etapa foi constatado que o resíduo da ETA-SC poderá apresentar interferências negativas sobre a digestão anaeróbia do lodo produzido em decantadores primários de uma ETE. Na segunda fase, na estação piloto, composta de lagoa de aeração seguida de lagoa de sedimentação, que recebeu resíduo da ETA-Fonte, que utiliza cloreto férrico como coagulante, foi verificado que tal resíduo melhorou a qualidade do efluente em termos de DQO, DBO, SST, turbidez, cor, amônio, nitrato, NTK e fosfato total. Os parâmetros ST, SDT, cloreto, nitrito, condutividade e pH não apresentaram diferenças significativas. Em relação ao exame microscópico não houve influências negativas no licor misto das lagoas de aeração. O lodo formado nas lagoas de sedimentação piloto apresentou-se em maior quantidade na lagoa que recebeu resíduo da ETA-Fonte. Neste lodo a resistência específica a filtração foi menor em comparação ao lodo da lagoa que não recebeu resíduo da ETA-Fonte. A desidratação deste lodo por centrifugação necessitou menor quantidade de polieletrólito. Baseado neste estudo não foi verificado interferências que possa impedir o lançamento do resíduo da ETA-Fonte na ETE-Araraquara.


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The study of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits (Higueruelas, Villar del Arzobispo and Aldea de Cortés Formations) of the South Iberian Basin (NW Valencia, Spain) reveals new stratigraphic and sedimentological data, which have significant implications on the stratigraphic framework, depositional environments and age of these units. Moreover, these new data encourage revising the previously proposed stratigraphic correlations between the studied units and those deposited in adjacent areas of the Iberian Basin. The Higueruelas Fm was deposited in a mid-inner carbonate platform where oncolitic bars migrated by the action of storms and where oncoid production progressively decreased towards the uppermost part of the unit. The overlying Villar del Arzobispo Fm has been traditionally interpreted as an inner platform-lagoon evolving into a tidal-flat. Here it is interpreted as an inner-carbonate platform affected by storms, where oolitic shoals protected a lagoon, which had siliciclastic inputs from the continent. The Aldea de Cortés Fm has been previously interpreted as a lagoon surrounded by tidal-flats and fluvial-deltaic plains. Here it is reinterpreted as a coastal wetland where siliciclastic muddy deposits interacted with shallow fresh to marine water bodies, aeolian dunes and continental siliciclastic inputs. The contact between the Higueruelas and Villar del Arzobispo Fms, classically defined as gradual, is interpreted here as gradual and rapid, because the transition between both units comprises few meters. More importantly, the contact between the Villar del Arzobispo and Aldea de Cortés Fms, previously considered as unconformable, is here interpreted as gradual. The presence of Alveosepta in the Villar del Arzobispo Fm suggests that at least part of this unit is Kimmeridgian, unlike the previously assigned Late Tithonian-Middle Berriasian age. Consequently, the underlying Higueruelas Fm, previously considered Tithonian, should not be younger than Kimmeridgian. Accordingly, sedimentation of the Aldea de Cortés Fm, previously considered Valanginian-Hauterivian, probably started during the Tithonian and it may be considered part of the regressive trend of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous cycle. This is consistent with the dinosaur faunas, typically Jurassic, described in the Villar del Arzobispo and Aldea de Cortés Fms.


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This paper outlines the approach adopted by the PLSI research group at University of Alicante in the PASCAL-2006 second Recognising Textual Entailment challenge. Our system is composed of several components. On the one hand, the first component performs the derivation of the logic forms of the text/hypothesis pairs and, on the other hand, the second component provides us with a similarity score given by the semantic relations between the derived logic forms. In order to obtain this score we apply several measures of similitude and relatedness based on the structure and content of WordNet.


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Deformable Template models are first applied to track the inner wall of coronary arteries in intravascular ultrasound sequences, mainly in the assistance to angioplasty surgery. A circular template is used for initializing an elliptical deformable model to track wall deformation when inflating a balloon placed at the tip of the catheter. We define a new energy function for driving the behavior of the template and we test its robustness both in real and synthetic images. Finally we introduce a framework for learning and recognizing spatio-temporal geometric constraints based on Principal Component Analysis (eigenconstraints).


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Multi-party voice-over-IP (MVoIP) services provide economical and convenient group communication mechanisms for many emerging applications such as distance collaboration systems, on-line meetings and Internet gaming. In this paper, we present a light peer-to-peer (P2P) protocol to provide MVoIP services on small platforms like mobile phones and PDAs. Unlike other proposals, our solution is fully distributed and self-organizing without requiring specialized servers or IP multicast support.


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We propose an original method to geoposition an audio/video stream with multiple emitters that are at the same time receivers of the mixed signal. The achieved method is suitable for those comes where a list of positions within a designated area is encoded with a degree of precision adjusted to the visualization capabilities; and is also easily extensible to support new requirements. This method extends a previously proposed protocol, without incurring in any performance penalty.


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During the last 30 years, studies on Elysia timida (Risso, 1818) have addressed various aspects related to food sources, photosynthetic efficiency of kleptoplasts, population genetics, chemical ecology and reproductive biology, both in the Mediterranean Sea and in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon. E. timida shows a strong specific interaction with Acetabularia acetabulum, retaining functional chloroplasts for at least 45 days and obtaining extra energy in periods when food resources are scarce. It shows control of parapodia, avoiding pigment photodestruction under oversaturated light conditions. The chemical ecological relationships established between E. timida and its potential predator fish, Thalassoma pavo, have also been evaluated, and it has been found that that the extracts of the mollusc contain repellent and unpalatable polypropionate compounds. Population genetics has demonstrated the genetic divergence between populations showing high and significant values of FST and genetic distances, and at least six privative alleles that are not shared with Mediterranean populations have been detected in lagoon populations. This sacoglossan is a poecilogonic species, and its lagoon populations show a greater reproductive output than Mediterranean populations; they produce a greater number of egg masses and embyros per individual, and the capsules have a wider diameter.


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Elysia timida (Risso, 1818) colonizing the shallow waters of the Mar Menor Lagoon (Spain) exhibit a brown and a green morph. It was hypothesised that these morphs were the result of feeding preferentially on brown and green algae, respectively. E. timida and its potential food sources, Acetabularia acetabulum (Chlorophyta) and Halopteris filicina (Heterokontophyta) were collected by snorkelling during April 2010. Photosynthetic pigments were analysed by HPLC, photo-physiological parameters were estimated by PAM fluorometry and body colour was characterized by spectral reflectance. Digital photography was used to count the number and area of red spots (small red dots on the slug’s surface) on the parapodia of the 2 morphs. In the laboratory, green E. timida was fed with A. acetabulum cultured under 2 light treatments (high light, 600 µmol E m−2 s−1 and low light, 40 µmol E m−2 s−1), and digital photography was used to monitor colour alterations in E. timida. Spectral reflectance confirmed the colour differences, but both morphs showed a pigment composition similar to the green alga A. acetabulum and showed none of the pigments present in the brown alga H. filicina, neither immediately after collection of the slugs in situ, nor after the feeding experiment. A. acetabulum grown under high light intensity changed from green to brown colour and E. timida changed to brown colour when fed with high-light acclimated A. acetabulum. Thus, E. timida colour differences could not be attributed to feeding on different algae groups but was likely the result of feeding on A. acetabulum growing under different light intensities.


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Este artículo analiza la función de la figura de san Vicente Ferrer en la política de afianzamiento y expansión de la Corona de Aragón en la Italia de mediados del siglo XV y hasta el siglo XVIII. San Vicente Ferrer, clásico innegable de la cultura de la Corona de Aragón, ejerció una extraordinaria influencia en el pensamiento, la predicación y la ortodoxia católicas, así como también, en el tablero de ajedrez de la alta política de fines del siglo XIV y principios del XV. Su influencia fue prácticamente ubicua y omnímoda: predicaba a las masas de casi toda Europa occidental, enfervorizadas por sus dotes oratorias y su dominio de las artes de la predicación, al mismo tiempo que ejercía de consejero de máxima confianza de papas, reyes y gobernantes, escribía densos tratados de teología y filosofía moral, y obraba milagros (más de 900 registrados en su Causa de Canonización). Caló muy hondo, también después de su muerte y durante siglos, en toda Italia, que era el gran escenario de la política y de la cultura humanística y del Renacimiento. Ello se aprovechó por parte de la Corona de Aragón para su expansión en Italia, desde la conquista de Nápoles por Alfonso el Magnánimo. Todo ello se analiza en este estudio a partir de obras de arte (capillas, cuadros, retablos, frescos y mosaicos), nunca tenidas en cuenta en este sentido, pero que, como queda demostrado, son muestra y prueba de esa influencia tanto religiosa como también política de la “figura” de este santo valenciano. Se trata en definitiva del análisis de la poliédrica función de los clásicos.


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Actualmente se ha detectado la existencia de un gradiente de biodiversidad, marcado por el eje Nor-Oeste/Sur-Este y justificado por variables ambientales claves como la latitud, salinidad, temperatura, circulación de las masas de agua, etc. La conjunción de estas variables hacen del litoral de Murcia una de las zonas de mayor biodiversidad del Mediterráneo, mar ya de por sí caracterizado por una alta biodiversidad. Una de las singularidades paisajísticas del litoral murciano son los cañones submarinos cercanos a la línea de costa, propuestos en la Cumbre Mundial de Desarrollo Sostenible de Johannesburgo (2002) como hábitats únicos de gran importancia ecológica. La disposición geográfica del litoral murciano lo convierte en una pantalla que frena el agua procedente del Atlántico y que pasa por Gibraltar, configurando un espacio marino en el que convergen especies mediterráneas y atlánticas, tanto a nivel pelágico como nerítico. La Región de Murcia muestra una gran cantidad de hábitats marinos contenidos en la Lista Patrón de Hábitats Marinos presentes en España, pero si existe un hábitat emblemático en el medio marino mediterráneo y, por ende, en el litoral de la Región de Murcia, es el generado por las praderas de Posidonia oceanica (Posidonietum oceanicae). Otro importantísimo valor natural regional es la laguna salada del Mar Menor, hábitat prioritario de la Directiva Hábitats, que alberga importantes poblaciones de caballito de mar, langostinos y otras especies de interés, además de ser un importante lugar de paso e invernada de aves acuáticas, limícolas y marinas.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the United States Geological Survey sheep map set entitled: Los Angeles and vicinity, East [and West], California. Edition 1953. It was published in 1956. Compiled from 1:24,000 scale maps of the Burbank 1953, Van Nuys 1953, Canoga Park 1952, Topanga 1952, Beverly Hills 1950, Hollywood 1953, Inglewood 1952, and Venice 1950 7.5 minute quadrangles. Hydrography compiled from USC&GS Chart 5144. Scale 1:24,000. This layer is image 2 of 2 total images of the two sheet source map set representing the western portion of the map set. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the California State Plane Zone V Coordinate System NAD27 (in Feet) (Fipszone 0405). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. USGS maps are typical topographic maps portraying both natural and manmade features. They show and name works of nature, such as mountains, valleys, lakes, rivers, vegetation, etc. They also identify the principal works of humans, such as roads, railroads, boundaries, transmission lines, major buildings, etc. Relief is shown with standard contour intervals of 5 and 25 feet. Depth curves in feet. Please pay close attention to map collar information on projections, spheroid, sources, dates, and keys to grid numbering and other numbers which appear inside the neatline. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.