829 resultados para Vegetables and legumes
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Includes bibliography.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The economic impact of climate change on root crop, fisheries and vegetable production for Trinidad and Tobago under the A2 and B2 scenarios were modeled, relative to a baseline ―no climate change‖ case, where the mean temperature and rainfall for a base period of 1980 – 2000 was assumed for the years up to 2050. Production functions were used, using ARMA specifications to correct for serial autocorrelation. For the A2 scenarios, rainfall is expected to fall by approximately 10% relative to the baseline case in the 2020s, but is expected to rise thereafter, until by the 2040s rainfall rises slightly above the mean for the baseline case. For the B2 scenario, rainfall rose slightly above the mean for the baseline case in the current decade, but falls steadily thereafter to approximately 15% by the 2040s. Over the same period, temperature is expected to increase by 1.34C and 1.37C under A2 and B2 respectively. It is expected that any further increase in rainfall should have a deleterious effect on root crop production as a whole, since the above mentioned crops represent the majority of the root crops included in the study. Further expected increases in temperature will result in the ambient temperature being very close to the optimal end of the range for most of these crops. By 2050, the value of yield cumulative losses (2008$) for root crops is expected to be approximately 248.8 million USD under the A2 scenario and approximately 239.4 million USD under the B2 scenario. Relative to the 2005 catch for fish, there will be a decrease in catch potential of 10 - 20% by 2050 relative to 2005 catch potentials, other things remaining constant. By 2050 under the A2 and B2 scenarios, losses in real terms were estimated to be 160.2 million USD and 80.1 million USD respectively, at a 1% discount rate. For vegetables, the mean rainfall exceeds the optimal rainfall range for sweet peppers, hot peppers and melongene. However, while the optimal rainfall level for tomatoes is 3000mm/yr, other vegetables such as sweet peppers, hot peppers and ochroes have very low rainfall requirements (as low as 300 mm/yr). Therefore it is expected that any further decrease in rainfall should have a mixed effect on individual vegetable production. It is expected that any further increase in temperature should have a mixed effect on individual vegetable production, though model results indicated that as a group, an increase in temperature should have a positive impact on vegetable production. By 2050, the value of yield cumulative gains (2008$) for vegetables is expected to be approximately 54.9 million USD under the A2 scenario and approximately 49.1 million USD under the B2 scenario, given a 1% discount rate. For root crops, fisheries and vegetables combined, the cumulative loss under A2 is calculated as approximately 352.8 million USD and approximately 270.8 million USD under B2 by 2050. This is equivalent to 1.37% and 1.05% of the 2008 GDP under the A2 and B2 scenarios respectively by 2050. Sea Level Rise (SLR) by 2050 is estimated to be 0.255 m under A2 and 0.215 m under B2. GIS estimation indicated that for a 0.255 m sea level rise, combined with a 0.5 m high tide, there would be no permanent inundation of agricultural land in Trinidad. The total inundation area is 1.18 km2. This occurs only in the Caroni Watershed, on the western coast of Trinidad, and the areas are outside the Caroni Swamp. Even with an additional rise of 0.5 m to simulate a high rainfall event, the estimated inundated area is 4.67 km2, but with no permanent inundation, though likely to be subject to flooding. Based on eleven (11) evaluation criteria, the top potential adaptation options were identified: 1. Use of water saving irrigation systems and water management systems e.g. drip irrigation; 2. Mainstream climate change issues into agricultural management; 3. Repair/maintain existing dams; 4. Alter crop calendar for short-term crops; 5. Adopt improved technologies for soil conservation; 6. Establish systems of food storage; 7. Promote water conservation – install on-farm water harvesting off roof tops; 8. Design and implement holistic water management plans for all competing uses; 9. Build on- farm water storage (ponds and tanks); 10. Agricultural drainage; and 11. Installation of greenhouses. The most attractive adaptation options, based on the Benefit-Cost Ratio are: (1) Build on- farm water storage such as ponds and tanks (2) Mainstreaming climate change issues into agricultural management and (3) Water Harvesting. However, the options with the highest net benefits are, (in order of priority): (1) Build on- farm water storage such as ponds and tanks, (2) Mainstreaming climate change issues into agricultural management and (3) Use of drip irrigation. Based on the area burnt in Trinidad and Tobago between 2005 and 2009, the average annual loss due to fires is 1717.3 ha. At US$17.41 per carbon credit, this implies that for the total land lost to forest fires on average each year, the opportunity cost of carbon credit revenue is 74.3 million USD. If a teak reforestation programme is undertaken in Trinidad and Tobago, the net benefit of reforestation under a carbon credit programme would be 69 million USD cumulatively to 2050.
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Introdução: A dislipidemia é uma das alterações metabólicas do uso da terapia antirretroviral (TARV) em pacientes HIV positivos com Síndrome Lipodistrófica. Objetivo: Avaliar os polimorfismos genéticos das apolipoproteínas A1 e A5 em pacientes HIV positivos com lipodistrofia, em uso de TARV e sua associação com a dislipidemia. Métodos: Estudo do tipo transversal analítico, que utilizou um protocolo de pesquisa, que estudou as condições sóciodemográfica, clínicas, fatores de risco (atividade física, tabagismo, etilismo, frequência alimentar), exames bioquímicos para dislipidemia e avaliação dos polimorfismos das apolipoproteínas A1 e A5. Resultados: Dos 105 pacientes HIV positivos estudados, 63,8% eram homens, com idade média de 44,5 (± 9,4) anos; 70,5% relataram ser solteiros e possuir renda familiar de até três salários mínimos (77,1%). Os fatores de risco observados foram: tabagismo (21%), etilismo (43,8%), sedentarismo (69,5%), Diabetes mellitus (16,2%), excesso de peso (22,9%) e risco cardiovascular (39,1%). A forma de lipodistrofia mais prevalente foi à síndrome mista (51,4%). O consumo alimentar verificou a frequência de frutas (60,8%), legumes e verduras (36,3%), leite e derivados (75%), diariamente. Doces e guloseimas (31,4%), embutidos (11,7%) e lanches gordurosos (26,4%) mais de duas vezes na semana. E o hábito do consumo de carnes com gordura aparente (56,9%). Em relação à classificação da dislipidemia observou que a maioria dos pacientes possuía hipertrigliceridemia isolada (30,5%) e hiperlipidemia mista (32,4%). Observou-se que a hipertrigliceridemia isolada está associada com o gene da apolipoproteína A5 (rs3135506, rs619054 e rs662799), não sendo influenciada pelas formas clínicas de lipodistrofia. Não foi encontrada a presença do polimorfismo da apolipoproteína A1 (Lys107-0must2) nos pacientes em estudo. Conclusão: Os principais fatores para hipertrigliceridemia foram o sexo masculino e os polimorfismos do gene da apolipoproteína A5 (rs3135506, rs619054 e rs662799).
O envelhecimento é um processo dinâmico e progressivo que se caracteriza pela ocorrência de modificações morfológicas, bioquímicas, funcionais e psicológicas do organismo. O objetivo do presente artigo é fornecer conceitos atualizados sobre estresse oxidativo, abordando sua importância no envelhecimento, assim como o estado nutricional e suplementação com antioxidantes (substâncias que evitam ou atenuam a oxidação de substratos oxidáveis, como lipídeos, proteínas, carboidratos e o ácido desoxirribonucleico) na população geriátrica. Evidências sugerem que existe uma relação inversa entre estresse oxidativo e estado nutricional em indivíduos idosos. Embora seja comprovado o aumento do estresse oxidativo nas doenças crônicas associadas ao envelhecimento, como doença de Parkinson e doença de Alzheimer, não há, até o momento, evidências clínicas consistentes que comprovem a eficiência da suplementação com antioxidantes contra o estresse oxidativo. Nesse contexto, a suplementação não é recomendada. Por outro lado, idosos devem ser encorajados a ingerir alimentos antioxidantes, como, por exemplo, frutas e vegetais. A manutenção do peso dentro da faixa de normalidade (índice de massa corpórea entre 23 e 28 kg/m2) também deve ser estimulada.
Urban homegardens are green areas of households within the city limits and they have the potential to provide families with a cheap alternative for diet improvement, and to complement the income of the families who sell cultivated products. This research analyzes the contributions of old urban homegardens on food consumption and household economy. Data related to homegardens composition were collected by interviews and by collecting cultivated plants. Diets were assessed through a retrospective method (last 24 hours food recall) and administered every two months, during a year, to include seasonal variations. The diet of the sampled population was found to be dependent on certain foods, indicating a narrow food niche (Levins index = 25.9; Levins standardized index = 0.23). Variations in interviewees' diet are related to the consumption of fruits and vegetables, which are partly supplied by homegardens. Spices and teas consumed were obtained from homegardens, revealing its importance in food consumption and health. Among the 98 species found in homegardens, only 38% appeared in the interviewees' diet, indicating an under-exploitation of these homegardens. Our study found that the main role of homegardens is to supply variation in the diet, contributing to the consumption of different types of products.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA
This study presents the first results from Brazil using SF6 tracer technique adapted from cattle to evaluate the capability of condensed tannin (CT) present in three tropical legume forages, Leucaena leucocephala (LEU), Styzolobium aterrimum (STA), and Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth (MIM) to reduce enteric CH4 production in Santa Ins sheep. Twelve male lambs [27.88 +/- 2.85 kg body weight (BW)] were allocated in individual metabolic cages for 20-day adaptation followed by 6 days for measuring dry matter intake (DMI) and CH4 emission. All lambs received water, mineral supplement, and Cynodon dactylon v. coast-cross hay ad libitum. The treatments consisted of soybean meal (710 g/kg) and ground corn (290 g/kg) [control (CON)]; soybean meal (150 g/kg), ground corn (30 g/kg), and Leucaena hay (820 g/kg) (LEU); soybean meal (160 g/kg), ground corn (150 g/kg), and Mucuna hay (690 g/kg) (STA); and soybean meal (280 g/kg), ground corn (190 g/kg), and Mimosa hay (530 g/kg) (MIM); all calculated to provide 40 g/kg CT (except for CON). DMI (in grams of DMI per kilogram BW per day) was lower for LEU (22.0) than CON (29.3), STA (31.2), and MIM (31.6). The LEU group showed emission of 7.8 g CH4/day, significantly lower than CON (10.5 g CH4/day), STA (10.4 g CH4/day), and MIM (11.3 g CH4/day). However, when the CH4 emission per DMI was considered, there were no significant differences among treatments (0.37, 0.36, 0.33, and 0.35 g CH4/g DMI/kg BW/day, respectively, for CON, LEU, STA, and MIM). The sheep receiving STA had shown a tendency (p = 0.15) to reduce methane emission when compared to the CON group. Therefore, it is suggested that tropical tanniniferous legumes may have potential to reduce CH4 emission in sheep, but more research is warranted to confirm these results.
This study evaluated the phytotoxic potential and antioxidant activity of Tagetes patula and Tagetes erecta, and total phenols and flavonoids of the extracts were quantified. Laboratory bioassays for both pre- and post-emergence were performed in Lactuca sativa L. seeds and in the Allium cepa seeds test. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by DPPH radical scavenging and reducing power of iron, besides total phenols and flavonoids quantification in the extracts. Thus, was observed a reduction in the mitotic index when in compared with the negative control. Was observed also a reduction the germination and development of tested seedlings and was verified a considerable antioxidant potential and presence of flavonoids and phenolic compounds in the extracts. According to these results, it is possible to conclude that T. erecta and T. patula have phytotoxic compounds that may enhance and expand their use in the management of organic agriculture, mainly in vegetables.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)