927 resultados para Vegetable extracts. Corrosion inhibitors. AISI 1020 carbon steel. linear polarization resistence


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The electrochemical behavior of ISO 5832-9 stainless steel at 37 degrees C in 0.9% NaCl, Ringer Lactate and minimum essential medium (MEM) has been studied, using linear voltammetry, and surface analysis by SEM and EDS. Mechanical and toxicity tests were made. ISO 5832-9 is passivated at corrosion potential (E) and it does not present pitting corrosion on the media studied from to 50 in V above the transpassivation potential (Ei). SEM and EDS analysis have shown that the sample previously immersed in MEM presents a diffirent behavior at 50 in V above El: the manganese oxide inclusions are absent in the surface. E. values and passivation current density values j(pass) changed according to the following. E(corr, RL) < E(corr,NaCl) < E(corr, MEM) and J (MEM) << j(RL) congruent to j(NaCl) The stainless steel was characterized as non toxic in the cytotoxicity assay


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The effect of benzotriazole (BTAH) and tolytriazole (TTAH) on the electrochemical behaviour of the Fe/0.5 mol L(-1) H(2)SO(4) interface at 25 degrees C was studied using cronopotentiometry, anodic and cathodic polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. BTAH and TTAH are inhibitors of anodic iron dissolution and the subsequent hydrogen evolution in 0.5 mol L(-1) H(2)SO(4) medium. Mass transport is an important step in the anodic process of inhibitive film formation. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was used to investigate the iron dissolution mechanism in the presence of the inhibitors and showed that BTAH and TTAH are adsorbed on the iron surface, thereby changing its dissolution mechanism in sulfate media. Starting from an iron dissolution model, it was possible to suggest two different mechanisms for iron dissolution in 0.5 mol L(-1) H(2)SO(4) containing BTAH or TTAH that involve a complex Fe(II)-inhibitor. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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The influence of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on the anodic dissolution of chromium present in UNS S31254 stainless steel (SS) in 0.15 mol L-1 NaCl at 37.0 +/- 0.5 degrees C has been studied, using anodic potentiostatic polarization curves and optical emission spectroscopy. Electrochemical results have shown that BSA has little effect on the transpassivation potential (E-T) and on the passivation current density values. However on the passivation range, BSA diminishes the intensity of the anodic wave seen at about E=750mV versus SCE attributed to Cr(III)/Cr(VI) oxidation. Optical emission spectroscopy results have shown that BSA prevents the anodic dissolution of chromium to occur and minimizes iron dissolution above the transpassivation potential (E=1160 mV versus SCE). (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sugarcane spirit extracts of six different Brazilian woods for potential use in manufacturing aging casks were compared with similar extracts of five oak samples from different geographic origin and heat treatment regarding: (1) content of phenolics and copper; (2) radical reducing capacity and reactivity toward 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH center dot); and (3) effect on the rate of oxygen depletion rate in a peroxidating lipid model system. Total phenolic contents of the Brazilian wood extracts ranged from 0.65 (canela-sassafras) to 6.4 (jatoba) mmol(GAE) L(-1) and from 1.39 to 2.87 mmol(GAE) L(-1) for oak extracts. Flavonoids ranged from 1.54 x 10(-4) (ipe) to 6.5 x 10(-2) (oak) mmol(rutin) L(-1), and tannins from below the detection limit to 0.22 (jatoba) mmol(tannic acid) L(-1). Correlation was observed for the antioxidant capacity versus phenolics/flavonoids/tannins content, where oak extracts exhibit the highest radical scavenging capacity compared to Brazilian woods. Rate constant for radical scavenging by the extracts ranged from 4.9 x 10(3) M(-1) s(-1)(canela-sassafras) to 9.7 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1) (oak). The oxygen consumption index showed the Brazilian woods amendoim and jatoba to be more efficient inhibitors than the oak extracts for lipid autoxidation initiated by metmyoglobin, despite that the oak extracts seem to be more efficient to scavenge DPPH center dot. No simple correlation with phenolics or copper content could be established, and a prooxidative tendency was observed for the extracts of canela-sassafras, castanheira, and louro-canela.


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Two experiments were conducted to clarify the roles of grain size, solute carbon and strain in determining the recrystallization textures of cold-rolled and annealed steels. In the first experiment, samples of coarse-grained low-carbon (LC) and interstitial-free (IF) steels were cold-rolled to a 75% reduction in thickness. One sample from each steel was polished and cold-rolled an additional 5%, while the remaining samples were annealed for various times at 650°C. In the second experiment, three samples from a commercial LC steel sheet were rolled 70% at 300°C. Two of the samples were given a further rolling reduction of 5% of the original thickness, with one of the samples being given this additional reduction at 300°C and the other at room temperature. Goss recrystallization textures are strengthened by coarse initial grain sizes, the presence of solute carbon and rolling at a temperature where dynamic strain ageing occurs, but are weakened by additional rolling beyond a reduction of 70%, especially when this extra rolling is conducted at a temperature where dynamic strain ageing does not occur. Characterization of key features of the deformed and recrystallized steels using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron back-scatter diffraction (EBSD) supports a rationale for these effects based on the repeated activation and deactivation of shear bands and the influence of solute carbon and dynamic strain ageing on the operating life of the bands and the accumulation of strain within them.


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Although the dominant methods for the determination of urea in clinical applications incorporate selective enzymatic hydrolysis of urea, the determination of urea in soil extracts is complicated by the presence of urease inhibitors. The spectrophotometric determination of urea with an acidic solution diacetyl monoxime and semicarbazide is a viable option but traditional manual procedures are time-consuming. New variations on these procedures, based on microplates or flow-injection analysis methodologies, allow a far greater number of samples to be analysed with high precision and sensitivity.


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The mass transfer during carburising in a fluidised bed and in a steel workpiece has been studied experimentally in this work. This involved carburising experiment in an electrically heated fluidised bed at 900–970°C with natural gas and air as the atmosphere. A steel workpiece was designed to provide a range of carbon transfer surfaces of different geometries in the fluidised bed, and the carbon transfer coefficient was measured at these surfaces. The carbon transfer coefficient was determined from the carbon distribution within the diffusion layer of the sample. An empirical relationship of the carbon potential as a function of carburising atmosphere, bed temperature and fluidising velocity was determined, based on the understanding of the mass transfer mechanism and analysis of the experimental results.


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This paper presents an overview of a series of investigations of the microstructure and texture of cold-rolled IF and LC steel. The investigations made extensive use of orientation mapping using electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) in a field emission gun scanning electron microscope (FEG-SEM). The effect of grain boundaries on the deformed microstructure was examined by comparing the textures of regions near grain boundaries and in the interiors of grains.  A general weakening of the texture, but a strengthening of the {OOI}<110> component, occurs in the vicinity of grain boundaries. Misorientation angle and axis distributions were used to characterise the fragmentation of grains belonging to different orientation classes. The influence of carbon on the deformed microstructure and nucleation during recrystallization was clarified by examining the microstructures of LC and IF steels during rolling and annealing. The
results of the investigations emphasize the important role of shear banding in determining the fragmentation behaviour of ND-fibre grains and the orientations of viable recrystallization nuclei within the deformed microstructure.


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The carburising of a steel workpiece with complex geometry in a fluidised bed hasbeen studied experimentally. This involved carburising experiment in an electrically heated fluidised bed at 900 - 970°C with natural gas and air as the atmosphere. The carbon transfer coefficient at the workpiece surface and diffusivity within the workpiece were determined from the carbon distribution within the diffusion layer of the sample. A reverse method and the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm were used in the calculations. The methodology of the reverses method to extract the carbon transfer coefficient and diffusivity is also discussed in some detail.


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A novel approach was used to produce an ultrafine grain structure in low carbon steels with a wide range of hardenability. This included warm deformation of supercooled austenite followed by reheating in the austenite region and cooling (RHA). The ultrafine ferrite structure was independent of steel composition. However, the mechanism of ferrite refinement hanged with the steel quench hardenability. In a relatively low hardenable steel, the ultrafine structure was produced through dynamic strain-induced transformation, whereas the ferrite refinement was formed by static transformation in steels with high quench hardenability. The use of a model Ni–30Fe austenitic alloy revealed that the deformation temperature has a strong effect on the nature of the intragranular defects. There was a transition temperature below which the cell dislocation structure changed to laminar microbands. It appears that the extreme refinement of ferrite is due to the formation of extensive high angle intragranular defects at these low deformation temperatures that then act as sites for static transformation.


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Deformation dilatometry has been used to simulate controlled hot rolling followed by controlled cooling of a group of low- and ultralow-carbon microalloyed steels containing additions of boron and/or molybdenum to enhance hardenability. Each alloy was subjected to simulated recrystallization and nonrecrystallization rolling schedules, followed by controlled cooling at rates from 0.1 °C/s to about 100 °C/s, and the corresponding continuous-cooling-transformation (CCT) diagrams were constructed. The resultant microstructures ranged from polygonal ferrite (PF) for combinations of slow cooling rates and low alloying element contents, through to bainitic ferrite accompanied by martensite for fast cooling rates and high concentrations of alloying elements. Combined additions of boron and molybdenum were found to be most effective in increasing steel hardenability, while boron was significantly more effective than molybdenum as a single addition, especially at the ultralow carbon content. Severe plastic deformation of the parent austenite (>0.45) markedly enhanced PF formation in those steels in which this microstructural constituent was formed, indicating a significant effective decrease in their hardenability. In contrast, in those steels in which only nonequilibrium ferrite microstructures were formed, the decreases in hardenability were relatively small, reflecting the lack of sensitivity to strain in the austenite of those microstructural constituents forming in the absence of PF.


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Supercritical fluid extracts of New Zealand green-lipped mussels (NZGLM) have been suggested to have therapeutic properties related to their oil components. The large number of minor FA in NZGLM extract was characterized by a GC-CIMS/MS method that excels at identification of double-bond positions in FAME. The extract contained five major lipid classes: sterol esters, TAG, FFA, sterols, and polar lipids. The total FA content of the lipid extract was 0.664 g/mL. Fifty-three unsaturated FA (UFA) were fully identified, of which 37 were PUFA, and a further 21 UFA were detected for which concentrations were too low for assignment of double-bond positions. There were 17 saturated FA, with 14∶0, 16∶0, and 18∶0 present in the greatest concentration. The 10 n−3 PUFA detected included 20∶5n−3 and 22∶6n−3, the two main n−3 FA; n−3 PUFA at low concentrations were 18∶3, 18∶4, 20∶3, 20∶4, 21∶5, 22∶5, 24∶6, and 28∶8. There were 43 UFA from the n−4, n−5, n−6, n−7, n−8, n−9, n−10, n−11 families, with 16∶2n−4, 16∶1n−5, 18∶1n−5, 18∶2n−6, 20∶4n−6, 16∶1n−7, 20∶1n−7, 16∶1n−9, 18∶1n−9, and 20∶1n−9 being the most abundant. In general, we estimated that FAME concentrations greater than 0.05% (w/w) were sufficient to assign double-bond positions. In total, 91 FA were detected in an extract of the NZGLM, whereas previous studies of fresh flesh from the NZGLM had reported identification of 42 FA. These data demonstrate a remarkable diversity of NZGLM FA.


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The strengthening mechanism responsible for the unique combination of ultimate tensile strength and elongation in a multiphase Fe-0.2C-1.5Mn-1.2Si-0.3Mo-0.6Al-0.02Nb (wt%) steel was studied. The microstructures with different volume fraction of polygonal fenite, bainite and retained austenite were simulated by controlled thermomechanical processing. The interupted tensile test was used to study the bainitic ferrite, retained austenite and polygonal ferrite behavior as a function of plastic strain. X-ray analysis was used to characterize the volume fraction and carbon content of retained austenite. TEM and heat-tinting were utilized to analyze the effect of bainitic fenite morphology on the strain induced transformation of retained austenite and retained austenite twinning as a function of strain in the bulk material. The study has shown that the austenite twinning mechanism is more preferable than the transformation induced plasticity mechanism during the early stages of deformation for a microstructure containing I5% polygonal ferrite, while the transformation induced plasticity effect is the main mechanism in when there is 50% of polygonal ferrite in the microstructure. The baillitic fenite morphology affects the deformation mode of retained austenite during straining. The polygonal fenite behavior during straining depends on dislocation substructure tonned due to the deformation and the additional mobile dislocations caused by the TRIP effect. TRIP and TWIP effects depend not only on the chemical and mechanical stability of retained austenite, but also on the interaction of the phases during straining.


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In the present work, the carbon diffusion in steel, where the carbon diffusivity varies with the carbon content, was solved with the integral methods under the third boundary condition. The variation of carbon diffusivity in steel with the carbon content was described with two different functions ie. linear dependence and exponential dependence. The integral approximation for both cases was improved with the numerical computation to more accurately predict the carbon profiles. The integral solution is more accurate than the formulation based on the assumption of a constant diffusivity or those based on the assumption of a constant diffusivity and/or constant carbon content at part surface. It is also more easily used in practice than the numerical method to describe the carburising process and predict the carbon content at steel surface and carbon profiles in treated layer.


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The influence of bands rich in phosphorus on the microstructure of hypereutectoid Wootz steel implement is described. Electron probe micro-analysis is combined with optical microscopy. Phosphorus-rich bands are seen to correspond to regions of internal cracking, carbon depletion, and enhanced frequency of spheroidized cementite in place of pearlite. A rationale for the findings is presented in terms of the influence of phosphorus on the Fe–C phase diagram and on the rate of the eutectoid reaction.