939 resultados para VP-SEM-EDS


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Given the existing challenges in accessing print-based publications in developing countries, digital libraries are seen as a good alternative. Thus, it is important to understand how such libraries are used in these contexts, especially when compared with the usage of traditional libraries. This paper analyzes and compares the usage of the digital and traditional libraries of the University Jean Piaget of Cape Verde, aiming at understanding the way they are used, and the relation between the access to the existing information resources in these two libraries.


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Numerous preclinical and clinical studies have shown that interleukin-2 (IL-2) induces regression of metastatic tumors. We have conducted a phase I/II, multicenter, open-label, dose-escalating study to evaluate the safety, efficacy, and biological effects of repeated intratumoral injections of adenovirus-IL-2 (TG1024) in patients with advanced solid tumors and melanoma. Thirty five patients (twenty-five with metastatic melanoma and ten with other solid tumors) were treated in eight successive cohorts at dose levels ranging from 3 x 10(8) to 3 x 10(11) viral particles (vp). Intratumoral TG1024 injections in combination with dacarbazine (DTIC) were tested in metastatic melanoma in one cohort. No clinical responses were observed at doses below 3 x 10(11) vp. Six local objective responses were recorded in patients receiving 3 x 10(11) vp per treatment [five in metastatic melanoma and one in metastatic squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin], of which two were complete responses (CRs). Most of the common side effects were injection site reactions and flu-like syndrome. TG1024 dose intensification across cohorts resulted in increased serum IL-2 levels after the injection. Intratumoral TG1024 injection induced pronounced inflammation of the treated lesion, with predominant CD8(+), TIA+ lymphocytic infiltrate. Our results show that intratumoral injections of TG1024 are safe and well tolerated. The clinical activity of TG1024 observed in this study warrants further investigations.


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Anne Koski


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The calculation of elasticity parameters by sonic and ultra sonic wave propagation in saturated soils using Biot's theory needs the following variables : forpiation density and porosity (p, ø), compressional and shear wave velocities (Vp, Vs), fluid density, viscosity and compressibility (Pfi Ilfi Ki), matrix density and compressibility (p" K), The first four parameters can be determined in situ using logging probes. Because fluid and matrix characteristics are not modified during core extraction, they can be obtained through laboratory measurements. All parameters necessitate precise calibrations in various environments and for specific range of values encountered in soils. The slim diameter of boreholes in shallow geophysics and the high cost of petroleum equipment demand the use of specific probes, which usually only give qualitative results. The measurement 'of density is done with a gamma-gamma probe and the measurement of hydrogen index, in relation to porosity, by a neutron probe. The first step of this work has been carried out in synthetic formations in the laboratory using homogeneous media of known density and porosity. To establish borehole corrections different casings have been used. Finally a comparison between laboratory and in situ data in cored holes of known geometry and casing has been performed.


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Riikka Kuusisto


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Foi realizado um estudo micromorfológico em solos alterados após a exploração de bauxita, em sítios recuperados entre 1981 e 1987, em comparação ao Latossolo Amarelo inalterado (LA), como referência, para subsidiar indicadores de recuperação dos solos. O estudo foi desenvolvido no Platô Saracá, na mina de bauxita de Porto Trombetas, município de Oriximiná, no estado do Pará. Técnicas micromorfológicas e uso de microssonda de EDS, microscopia ótica e eletrônica de varredura foram avaliadas em conjunto com dados físicos e químicos dos solos alterados e do LA, nas profundidades de 0-10 e 40-50 cm. O Latossolo Amarelo mostrou forte microestrutura granular, enquanto os solos alterados apresentaram grande variabilidade em microestrutura e feições micropedológicas. O retorno do horizonte superficial, rico em matéria orgânica, favoreceu a microagregação. De modo geral, os solos alterados mostraram maior massividade e agregados mais coalescidos, em relação ao LA de referência. Análises microquímicas de EDS comprovaram a heterogeneidade dos solos superficiais alterados, com ocorrência de nódulos gibbsíticos, ferruginosos, concreções, agregados cauliníticos e plasma dominado por argilominerais 1:1, sob intensa pedobioturbação.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE: Hospital preparedness is an essential component of any developed health care system. However, there is no national legislation in Switzerland. The objective of this inquiry was to establish the geographic distribution, availability and characteristics of hospital preparedness across Switzerland. METHODS: A questionnaire regarding hospital preparedness in 2006 was addressed to all heads responsible for emergency departments (ED). The survey was initiated in 2007 and finalised in 2012. RESULTS: Of the 138 ED, 122 (88%) returned the survey. Eighty nine EDs (82%) had a disaster plan. CONCLUSIONS: Our study identified an insufficient rate of hospitals in which emergency physicians reported a disaster plan. The lack of national or cantonal legislation regulating disaster preparedness may be partially responsible for this.


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A influência de condições halomórficas, hidromórficas e sulfato redutoras na mineralogia da fração argila e na geoquímica de três solos de mangue foi estudada no manguezal do rio Iriri. A partir de uma transeção, foram escolhidos três perfis representativos dos solos de mangue da área nos quais foram descritas as condições geoquímicas e sua conseqüência sobre a mineralogia de seus respectivos solos. A análise mineralógica (DRX e EDS) e as condições físico-químicas encontradas revelam a ocorrência de processos de piritização na área de estudo. A assembléia mineralógica está composta tanto por argilominerais alóctones (caulinitas, micas e esmectitas) como por argilominerais autóctones (micas, esmectitas e pirita). A partir de evidências provenientes da DRX e EDS, especula-se a formação de glauconita nestes solos. As condições de halomorfia e hidromorfia determinam valores de Eh e pH sob os quais elementos como Fe2+ e SO encontram-se livres na solução do solo com tendência à estabilidade da pirita (FeS2), favorecendo, portanto, o processo da piritização.


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The concentration of orthophosphate ions released from Fe-K-P compounds (Fe3KH8(PO4)6 .6H2O and Fe3KH14(PO4)8 .4H2O) present in superphosphates increases with pH, which initially suggests that the agronomic effectiveness of P fertilizers containing high amounts of these compounds would also increase with soil pH but studies considering activity, instead of concentration, are necessary. With this purpose, both compounds were synthesized under laboratory conditions, characterized by elemental chemical analysis, optical microscopy, X ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and used in a solubility study. Solutions of 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1 mol L-1 NaCl with pH adjusted to 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0 and 7.5 were prepared for the solubility study of H8-syn, H14-syn and a phosphate rock (PR) from Brazil. The orthophosphate activity as H2PO4- and HPO4(2-) was calculated in each situation as related to pH and ionic strength using software MINTEQ. The remaining precipitates after equilibrium were chemically analyzed and subjected to X ray, SEM and EDS. Results of chemical analysis and instrumental techniques confirmed the preparation method. The activity of orthophosphate ions of both compounds tended to decrease under increasing pH and/or ionic strength of the solution, which in turn suggests that an increase in the solution pH does not necessarily promote an increase in the P bioavailability for plant uptake. This can be important when evaluating agronomic data of P fertilizers with high contents of these two Fe-K-P compounds.


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Introduction: Individuals with poor social determinants of health aremore likely to receive improper healthcare. Frequent Users (FUs) ofEmergency Departments (ED) (defined as >4 visits in the previous12 months) represent a subgroup of vulnerable patients presentingwith specific medical and social needs. They usually account for highhealthcare costs by overusing the healthcare system. In 2008-2009,FUs accounted for 4% of our ED patients but 17% of all our ED visits.Methods: We conducted a prospective cohort of patients admitted toour ED with vulnerabilities in ≥3 specific domains (somatic or mentaldiseases, risk behaviors, social determinants of health, and healthcareuse). Patients were either directly identified by a multidisciplinary team(two nurses, one social worker, one physician) or referred to that teamby the ED staff during opening hours from July 1st 2010 to April 30th2011.Results: 127 patients were included (67% males), aged 43 years (SD15); 65% were migrants. They had a median of 6 ED visits (interquartilerange (IQR) 8-1) in the previous 12 months, representing a total of 697visits. The most frequently affected domains during the index visit were:71% somatic, 61% psychiatric, 75% risk behaviors, 97% social and84% healthcare use issues. Each case required a median of 234minutes (IQR 300-90) dedicated to assess their outpatient network(99% of the patients), to set up an ambulatory medical follow-up (43%)or a meeting with social services (40%).Conclusions: Vulnerability affected ED patients in more than onedomain. Vulnerable patients have complex needs that were difficult toaddress in the time-pressured ED setting. Although ED consultationoffers immediate access to medical care, EDs are dedicated more foracute short-term somatic care. Caring for a growing number ofvulnerable patients requires a different type of management. Limitedevidence shows that multidisciplinary case-management interventionshave demonstrated positive outcomes in terms of reducing ED useand costs, and improvement of patient's medical and social outcomes.A randomized trial of case-management is underway to confirm theresults of observational studies.


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Nas regiões do Médio Vale do Rio Doce marcadas por fortes alterações seco-úmidas sazonais do clima, coexistem Latossolos, Cambissolos e Argissolos, com maior fertilidade nos últimos. Observações gerais da região indicam Latossolos com certa reserva em minerais primários, conferindo-lhes caráter câmbico, bem como Cambissolos com morfologia latossólica. Neste trabalho, foram estudadas a gênese e características pedológicas de Latossolos, Cambissolos associados e um Argissolo, em duas toposseqüências na microbacia do córrego do Desidério, no Planalto Soerguido/maciço montanhoso do divisor Suaçui Pequeno/Corrente Grande, região noroeste do município de Governador Valadares. Além de características químicas e físicas de rotina, foram investigadas as feições micromorfológicas de seis perfis de solos em duas toposseqüências e feitos exames microquímicos por microscopia eletrônica (EDS) nos diversos tipos de minerais amostrados. Tanto os Latossolos quanto os Cambissolos mostraram microestrutura granular típica, com relação silte/argila abaixo do limite requerido para diferenciar Latossolos de Cambissolos. O processo de coluvionamento associado à encosta onde há afloramento de rochas enriquece os solos a jusante, conferindo características câmbicas. Mesmo nos Latossolos mais profundos ocorrem alguns grãos residuais de feldspato potássico e, principalmente, micas degradadas, indicando relativa reserva de K não-trocável nestes solos. Nos Cambissolos latossólicos estudados há diversidade mineralógica muito maior na fração grosseira, com a coexistência de minerais instáveis (biotita, anfibólio, feldspato) e minerais resistentes (minerais de Ti, gibbsita), denotando a intensa pedoturbação atuando sobre o material coluvial proveniente de afloramentos de rochas a montante. As áreas de Cambissolos com morfologia latossólica são preferencialmente utilizadas com cultivos de subsistência, devido à maior fertilidade química e profundidade destes solos.


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Vertebral fracture (VF) is the most common osteoporotic fracture and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Conservative treatment combining antalgic agents and rest is usually recommended for symptomatic VFs. The aim of this paper is to review the randomized controlled trials comparing the efficacy and safety of percutaneous vertebroplasty (VP) and percutaneous balloon kyphoplasty (KP) versus conservative treatment. VP and KP procedures are associated with an acceptable general safety. Although the case series investigating VP/KP have all shown an outstanding analgesic benefit, randomized controlled studies are rare and have yielded contradictory results. In several of these studies, a short-term analgesic benefit was observed, except in the prospective randomized sham-controlled studies. A long-term analgesic and functional benefit has rarely been noted. Several recent studies have shown that both VP and KP are associated with an increased risk of new VFs. These fractures are mostly VFs adjacent to the procedure, and they occur within a shorter time period than VFs in other locations. The main risk factors include the number of preexisting VFs, the number of VPs/KPs performed, age, decreased bone mineral density, and intradiscal cement leakage. It is therefore important to involve the patients to whom VP/KP is being proposed in the decision-making process. It is also essential to rapidly initiate a specific osteoporosis therapy when a VF occurs (ideally a bone anabolic treatment) so as to reduce the risk of fracture. Randomized controlled studies are necessary in order to better define the profile of patients who likely benefit the most from VP/KP.


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