Meconium (MEC) is a potent inactivator of pulmonary surfactant. The authors studied the effects of polyethylene glycol addition to the exogenous surfactant over the lung mechanics and volumes. Human meconium was administrated to newborn rabbits. Animals were ventilated for 20 minutes and dynamic compliance, ventilatory pressure, and tidal volume were recorded. Animals were randomized into 3 study groups: MEC group (without surfactant therapy); S100 group (100 mg/kg surfactant); and PEG group (100 mg/kg porcine surfactant plus 5% PEG). After ventilation, a pulmonary pressure-volume curve was built. Histological analysis was carried out to calculate the mean alveolar size (Lm) and the distortion index (DI). Both groups treated with surfactant showed higher values of dynamic pulmonary compliance and lower ventilatory pressure, compared with the MEC group (P .05). S100 group had a larger maximum lung volume, V30, compared with the MEC group (P .05). Lm and DI values were smaller in the groups treated with surfactant than in the MEC group (P .05). No differences were observed between the S100 and PEG groups. Animals treated with surfactant showed significant improvement in pulmonary function as compared to nontreated animals. PEG added to exogenous surfactant did not improve lung mechanics or volumes.
Background: Smooth muscle content is increased within the airway wall in patients with asthma and is likely to play a role in airway hyperresponsiveness. However, smooth muscle cells express several contractile and structural proteins, and each of these proteins may influence airway function distinctly. Objective: We examined the expression of contractile and structural proteins of smooth muscle cells, as well as extracellular matrix proteins, in bronchial biopsies of patients with asthma, and related these to lung function, airway hyperresponsiveness, and responses to deep inspiration. Methods: Thirteen patients with asthma (mild persistent, atopic, nonsmoking) participated in this cross-sectional study. FEV1 % predicted, PC20 methacholine, and resistance of the respiratory system by the forced oscillation technique during tidal breathing and deep breath were measured. Within 1 week, a bronchoscopy was performed to obtain 6 bronchial biopsies that were immunuhistochemically stained for alpha-SM-actin, desmin, myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), myosin, calponin, vimentin, elastin, type III collagen, and fibronectin. The level of expression was determined by automated densitometry. Results: PC20 methacholine was inversely related to the expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin (r = -0.62), desmin (r = -0.56), and elastin (r = -0.78). In addition, FEV1% predicted was positively related and deep inspiration-induced bronchodilation inversely related to desmin (r = -0.60), MLCK (r = -0.60), and calponin (r = -0.54) expression. Conclusion: Airway hyperresponsiveness, FEV1% predicted, and airway responses to deep inspiration are associated with selective expression of airway smooth muscle proteins and components of the extracellular matrix.
Along the aluminum refining process, alumina (Al(2)O(3)) constitutes the main source of dust. Although aluminum refinery workers present respiratory symptoms with lung functional changes, no conclusive data about lung function impairment after alumina exposure has been so far reported. We examined the pulmonary alterations of exposure to material collected in an aluminum refinery in Brazil. BALB/c mice were exposed in a whole-body chamber for 1 h to either saline (CTRL, n = 11) or to a suspension (in saline) of 8 mg/m(3) of the dust (ALUM, n = 11) both delivered by an ultrasonic nebulizer. Twenty-four hours after exposure lung mechanics were measured by the end-inflation method. Lungs were prepared for histology. ALUM showed significantly higher static elastance (34.61 +/- 5.76 cmH(2)O/mL), elastic component of viscoelasticity (8.16 +/- 1.20 cmH(2)O/mL), pressure used to overcome the resistive component of viscoelasticity (1.62 +/- 0.24 cmH(2)O), and total resistive pressure (2.21 +/- 0.49 cmH(2)O) than CTRL (27.95 +/- 3.63 cmH(2)O/mL, 6.12 +/- 0.99 cmH(2)O/mL, 1.23 +/- 0.19 cmH(2)O, and 1.68 +/- 0.23 cmH(2)O, respectively). ALUM also presented significantly higher fraction area of alveolar collapse (69.7 +/- 1.2%) and influx of polymorphonuclear cells (27.5 +/- 1.1%) in lung parenchyma than CTRL (27.2 +/- 1.1% and 14.6 +/- 0.7%, respectively). The composition analysis of the particulate matter showed high concentrations of aluminum. For the first time it was demonstrated in an experimental model that an acute exposure to dust collected in an aluminum producing facility impaired lung mechanics that could be associated with inflammation.
Arterial stiffness is an independent marker of cardiovascular events. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a validated method to detect arterial stiffness that can be influenced by several factors including age and blood pressure. However, it is not clear whether PWV could be influenced by circadian variations. In the present study, the authors measured blood pressure and carotid-femoral PWV measurements in 15 young healthy volunteers in 4 distinct periods: 8 am, noon, 4 pm, and 8 pm. No significant variations of systolic (P=.92), mean (P=.77), and diastolic (P=.66) blood pressure among 8 am (113 +/- 15, 84 +/- 8, 69 +/- 6 mm Hg), noon (114 +/- 13, 83 +/- 8, 68 +/- 6 mm Hg), 4 pm (114 +/- 13, 85 +/- 8, 70 +/- 7 mm Hg), and 8 pm (113 +/- 7, 83 +/- 10, 68 +/- 7 mm Hg), respectively, were observed. Similarly, carotid-femoral PWV did not change among the periods (8 am: 7.6 +/- 1.4 m/s, noon: 7.4 +/- 1.1 m/s, 4 pm: 7.6 +/- 1.0 m/s, 8 pm, 7.6 +/- 1.3 m/s; P=.85). Considering all measurements, mean blood pressure significantly correlated with PWV (r=.31; P=.016). In young healthy volunteers, there is no significant circadian variation of carotid-femoral PWV. These findings support the concept that it does not appear mandatory to perform PWV measurements at exactly the same period of the day. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2011;13:19-22. (c) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is the most widely distributed neurotrophin in the CNS, where it plays several pivotal roles in synaptic plasticity and neuronal survival. As a consequence, BDNF has become a key target in the physiopathology of several neurological and psychiatric diseases. Recent studies have consistently reported altered levels of BDNF in the circulation (i.e., serum or plasma) of patients with major depression, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer`s disease, Huntington`s disease and Parkinson`s disease. Correlations between serum BDNF levels and affective, cognitive and motor symptoms have also been described. BDNF appears to be an unspecific biomarker of neuropsychiatric disorders characterized by neurodegenerative changes.
Study Objectives: Sleep apnea is common in patients with congestive heart failure, and may contribute to the progression of underlying heart diseae. Cardiovascular and metabolic complications of sleep apnea have been attributed to intermittent hypoxia. Elevated free fatty acids (FFA) are also associated with the progression of metabolic, vascular, and cardiac dysfunction. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of intermittent hypoxia on FFA levels during sleep in patients with heart failure. Design and interventions: During sleep, frequent blood samples were examined for FFA in patients with stable heart (ejection fraction < 40%). In patients with severe sleep apnea (apnea-hypopnea index = 15.4 +/- 3.7 events/h; average low SpO(2) = 93.6%). In patients with severe sleep apnea, supplemental oxygen at 2-4 liters/min was administered on a subsequent night to eliminate hypoxemia. Measurements and Results: Prior to sleep onset, controls and patients with severe apnea exhibited a similar FFA level. After sleep onset, patients with severe sleep apnea exhibited a marked and rapid increase in FFA relative to control subjects. This increase persisted throughout NREM and REM sleep exceeding serum FFA levels in control subjects by 0.134 mmol/L (P = 0.0038) Supplemental oxygen normalized the FFA profile without affecting sleep architecture or respiratory arousal frequency. Conclusion: In patients with heart failure, severe sleep apnea causes surges in nocturnal FFA that may contribute to the accelerated progression of underlying heart disease. Supplemental oxygen prevents that FFA elevation.
OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to investigate the success rate of using the facial motor evoked potential (FMEP) of orbicularis oculi and oris muscles for facial nerve function monitoring with use of a stepwise protocol, and its usefulness in predicting facial nerve outcome during cerebellopontine angle (CPA) surgeries. METHODS: FMEPs were recorded intraoperatively from 60 patients undergoing CPA surgeries. Transcranial electrocortical stimulation (TES) was performed using corkscrew electrodes positioned at hemispheric montage (C3/C4 and CZ). The contralateral abductor pollicis brevis muscle was used as the control response. Stimulation was always applied contralaterally to the affected side using 1, 3, or 5 rectangular pulses ranging from 200 to 600 V with 50 mu s of pulse duration and an interstimulus interval of 2 ms. Facial potentials were recorded from needles placed in the orbicularis oculi and oris muscles. RESULTS: FMEP from the orbicularis oris and oculi muscles could be reliably monitored in 86.7% and 85% of the patients, respectively. The immediate postoperative facial function correlated significantly with the FMEP ratio in the orbicularis oculi muscle at 80% amplitude ratio (P =.037) and orbicularis oris muscle at 35% ratio (P =.000). FMEP loss was always related to postoperative facial paresis, although in different degrees. CONCLUSION: FMEPs can be obtained reliably by using TES with 3 to 5 train pulses. Stable intraoperative FMEPs can predict a good postoperative outcome of facial function. However, further refinements of this technique are necessary to minimize artifacts and to make this method more reliable.
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) has been established as an effective method in the treatment of tumoral obstructive hydrocephalus. Delayed closure of the ETV stoma has been attributed to scarring involving the third ventricular floor. Secondary obstruction of the stoma due to intraventricular tumor seeding is an extremely rare condition, with only one case described to date. The authors report on a unique case of late closure of the ETV stoma caused by metastatic seeding of a recurrent medulloblastoma 9 years after the initial treatment. The patient was submitted to a second endoscopic procedure in which a reddish mass located just at the third ventricular floor was resected, leading to reopening of the previous ETV stoma. To the best of the authors` knowledge, this case is the first report of an ETV obstruction due to metastatic CSF seeding of a medulloblastoma. In such cases of late failure of the ETV stoma because of tumor obstruction, a second ETV can be safely performed and lead to adequate function of the stoma, even if limited by the aggressive nature of the disease. (DOI: 10.3171/2010.1.PEDS09320)
Background. Renal failure is the most important comorbidity in patients with heart transplantation, it is associated with increased mortality. The major cause of renal dysfunction is the toxic effects of calcineurin inhibitors (CNI). Sirolimus, a proliferation signal inhibitor, is an imunossupressant recently introduced in cardiac transplantation. Its nonnephrotoxic properties make it an attractive immunosuppressive agent for patients with renal dysfunction. In this study, we evaluated the improvement in renal function after switching the CNI to sirolimus among patients with new-onset kidney dysfunction after heart transplantation. Methods. The study included orthotopic cardiac transplant (OHT) patients who required discontinuation of CNI due to worsening renal function (creatinine clearance <50 mL/min). We excluded subjects who had another indication for initiation of sirolimus, that is, rejection, malignancy, or allograft vasculopathy. The patients were followed for 6 months. The creatinine clearance (CrCl) was estimated according to the Cockcroft-Gault equation using the baseline weight and the serum creatinine at the time of introduction of sirolimus and 6 months there after. Nine patients were included, 7 (78%) were males and the overall mean age was 60.1 +/- 12.3 years and time since transplantation 8.7 +/- 6.1 years. The allograft was beyond 1 year in all patients. There was a significant improvement in the serum creatinine (2.98 +/- 0.9 to 1.69 +/- 0.5 mg/dL, P = .01) and CrCl (24.9 +/- 6.5 to 45.7 +/- 17.2 mL/min, P = .005) at 6 months follow-up. Conclusion. The replacement of CNI by sirolimus for imunosuppressive therapy for patients with renal failure after OHT was associated with a significant improvement in renal function after 6 months.
We investigated the effects of salbutamol on the markers of epithelial function in a murine model of chronic allergic pulmonary inflammation by recording the ciliary beat frequency (CBF) and the transepithelial potential difference (PD) in vivo. Mice were sensitized and received four challenges of ovalbumin (OVA group) or 0.9% saline (control group). Forty-eight hours after the 4th inhalation, we observed eosinophilia in the bronchoalveolar lavage and epithelium remodeling with stored acid mucus in the OVA group (P < 0.001). No difference in the baseline CBF was noticed between the groups; however, the OVA group had a significantly lower baseline PD (P = 0.013). Salbutamol increased the CBF in all groups studied, and the dose response curve to salbutamol increased the PD in the OVA group from 10(-4) M to 10(-2) M. We suggest that salbutamol affects the CBF and the depth of the periciliary layer, which, in great part, determines the ability of the cilia to propel the mucus layer. This effect may have a positive impact on airway mucociliary transport in asthma and may have clinical implications. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P>Natural killer (NK) cells bridge the interface between innate and adaptive immunity and are implicated in the control of herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) infection. In subjects infected with human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1), the critical impact of the innate immune response on disease progression has recently come into focus. Higher numbers of NK cells are associated with lower HIV-1 plasma viraemia. Individuals with the compound genotype of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) 3DS1 and human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-Bw4-80I, or who have alleles of KIR3DL1 that encode proteins highly expressed on the NK cell surface, have a significant delay in disease progression. We studied the effect of HSV-2 co-infection in HIV-1-infected subjects, and show that HSV-2 co-infection results in a pan-lymphocytosis, with elevated absolute numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and NK cells. The NK cells in HSV-2 co-infected subjects functioned more efficiently, with an increase in degranulation after in vitro stimulation. The number of NK cells expressing the activating receptors NKp30 and NKp46, and expressing KIR3DL1 or KIR3DS1, was inversely correlated with HIV-1 plasma viral load in subjects mono-infected with HIV-1, but not in subjects co-infected with HSV-2. This suggests that HSV-2 infection mediates changes within the NK cell population that may affect immunity in HIV-1 infection.
Aim: To provide new sustainable in vivo models of ventricular fibrillation in rabbits. Methods: New Zealand rabbits were submitted to anaesthesia and mechanical ventilation. after which ventricular fibrillation was induced through electrical stimulation (for 2 min at 100 Hz, with 2-ms pulses, 10 mA. and 10V) directly to the heart. To that end, the animals were divided into two groups: right ventricle (n = 11) and left ventricle (n = 11). In group right ventricle, the thoracic cavity was exposed, and a catheter was introduced into the right ventricle via the right jugular vein. in group left ventricle, the thorax remained closed, and the catheter was introduced into the left ventricle via the left common carotid artery (cervical access). Results: Sustained ventricular fibrillation was achieved in 100% of group right ventricle rabbits (n = 11 and in 82% of group left ventricle rabbits (n = 9). Conclusion: Both models proved appropriate for achieving sustained ventricular fibrillation. However, in view of the invasiveness of the procedure adopted in group right ventricle, the experimental conditions used in group left ventricle seemed more physiological and more effective in inducing sustained ventricular fibrillation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives This prospective study evaluated the association of obesity and hypertension with left atrial (LA) volume over 10 years. Background Although left atrial enlargement (LAE) is an independent risk factor for atrial fibrillation, stroke, and death, little information is available about determinants of LA size in the general population. Methods Participants (1,212 men and women, age 25 to 74 years) originated from a sex-and age-stratified random sample of German residents of the Augsburg area (MONICA S3). Left atrial volume was determined by standardized echocardiography at baseline and again after 10 years. Left atrial volume was indexed to body height (iLA). Left atrial enlargement was defined as iLA >= 35.7 and >= 33.7 ml/m in men and women, respectively. Results At baseline, the prevalence of LAE was 9.8%. Both obesity and hypertension were independent predictors of LAE, obesity (odds ratio [OR]: 2.4; p < 0.001) being numerically stronger than hypertension (OR: 2.2; p < 0.001). Adjusted mean values for iLA were significantly lower in normal-weight hypertensive patients (25.4 ml/m) than in obese normotensive individuals (27.3 ml/m; p = 0.016). The highest iLA was found in the obese hypertensive subgroup (30.0 ml/m; p < 0.001 vs. all other groups). This group also presented with the highest increase in iLA (+6.0 ml/m) and the highest incidence (31.6%) of LAE upon follow-up. Conclusions In the general population, obesity appears to be the most important risk factor for LAE. Given the increasing prevalence of obesity, early interventions, especially in young obese individuals, are essential to prevent premature onset of cardiac remodeling at the atrial level. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2009; 54: 1982-9) (C) 2009 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation
Degenerative aortic valve disease (DAVD), a common finding in the elderly, is associated with an increased risk of death due to cardiovascular causes. Taking advantage of its longitudinal design, this study evaluates the prevalence of DAVD and its temporal associations with long-term exposure to cardiovascular risk factors in the general population. We studied 953 subjects (aged 25-74 years) from a random sample of German residents. Risk factors had been determined at a baseline investigation in 1994/95. At a follow-up investigation, 10 years later, standardized echocardiography determined aortic valve morphology and aortic valve area (AVA) as well as left ventricular geometry and function. At the follow-up study, the overall prevalence of DAVD was 28%. In logistic regression models adjusting for traditional cardiovascular risk factors at baseline age (OR 2.0 [1.7-2.3] per 10 years, P < 0.001), active smoking (OR 1.7 [1.1-2.4], P = 0.009) and elevated total cholesterol levels (OR 1.2 [1.1-1.3] per increase of 20 mg/dL, P < 0.001) were significantly related to DAVD at follow-up. Furthermore, age, baseline status of smoking, and total cholesterol level were significant predictors of a smaller AVA at follow-up study. In contrast, hypertension and obesity had no detectable relationship with long-term changes of aortic valve structure. In the general population we observed a high prevalence of DAVD that is associated with long-term exposure to elevated cholesterol levels and active smoking. These findings strengthen the notion that smoking cessation and cholesterol lowering are promising treatment targets for prevention of DAVD.