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In dieser Arbeit wurde das Zeitintervall zwischen 20 und 10 ka vor heute einschließlich des Heinrichevent 1 und der Younger Dryas am Kern GeoB 3910-2 neu untersucht. An organischen Parametern, basierend auf der Verteilung von bakteriellen GDGTs, und Elementkonzentrationen wurde eine Rekonstruktion der klimatischen Bedingungen und Veränderungen im Hinterland von NO Brasilien durchgeführt. Es zeigt sich, dass sich die durchschnittliche Landtemperatur gleich der Oberflächenwassertemperatur verhält und im Gegensatz zu den Phasen von H6 bis H2 dem antarktischen Erwärmungstrend ab 17 ka vor heute folgt. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass durch die südwärts Verlagerung der ITCZ während H1 und der YD die Niederschläge in NO Brasilen intensiviert wurden, was eine Ausbreitung der Flüsse und Änderung der Erosionsgebiete zur Folge hatte.


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Laminated lake sediments from the Dead Sea basin provide high-resolution records of climatic variability in the eastern Mediterranean region, which is especially sensitive to changing climatic conditions. In this study, we aim on detailed reconstruction of climatic fluctuations and related changes in the frequency of flood and dust deposition events at ca. 3300 and especially at 2800 cal. yr BP from high-resolution sediment records of the Dead Sea basin. A ca. 4-m-thick, mostly varved sediment section from the western margin of the Dead Sea (DSEn - Ein Gedi profile) was analysed and correlated to the new International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project core 5017-1 from the deep basin. To detect even single event layers, we applied a multi-proxy approach of high-resolution microscopic thin section analyses, micro-X-ray fluorescence (µ-XRF) element scanning and magnetic susceptibility measurements, supported by grain size data and palynological analyses. Based on radiocarbon and varve dating, two pronounced dry periods were detected at ~3500-3300 and ~3000-2400 cal. yr BP which are differently expressed in the sediment records. In the shallow-water core (DSEn), the older dry period is characterised by a thick sand deposit, whereas the sedimentological change at 2800 cal. yr BP is less pronounced and characterised mainly by an enhanced frequency of coarse detrital layers interpreted as erosion events. In the 5017-1 deep-basin core, both dry periods are depicted by halite deposits. The onset of the younger dry period coincides with the Homeric Grand Solar Minimum at ca. 2800 cal. yr BP. Our results suggest that during this period, the Dead Sea region experienced an overall dry climate, superimposed by an increased occurrence of flash floods caused by a change in synoptic weather patterns.


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All norms were calculated with an atomic ratio of Fe+3/Fe+2 = 0.2, except analysis 7 which was calculated directly from the analysis.


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The Bündnerschiefer of the Swiss-Italian Alps is a large sedimentary complex deposited on the Piemonte-Liguria and Valais oceans and associated continental margins from the upper Jurassic to Eocene. It is made of a large variety of sequences associated or not with an ophiolitic basement. The Bündnerschiefer makes an accretionary prism that developed syn-tectonically from the onset of alpine subduction, and it records orogenic metamorphism following episodes of HP metamorphism. The Bündnerschiefer shares important similarities with the Otago schists of New Zealand and with the Wepawaug schists of Connecticut, both of which form accretionary prisms and have an orogenic metamorphic imprint. With the aim of testing the hypothesis of mobility of chemical components as a function of metamorphic grade, in this work I present fifty-five bulk chemical analyses of various lithological facies of the Bündnerschiefer collected along the well-studied field gradient of the Lepontine dome of Central Switzerland, in the Prättigau half window of East Switzerland, and in the Tsaté Nappe of Valle d'Aosta (Italy). The dataset includes the concentration of major components, large ion lithophile elements (Rb, Sr, Ba, Cs), high field strength elements (Zr, Ti, Nb, Th, U, Ta, Hf), fluid-mobile light elements (B, Li), volatiles (CO2, S), REEs, and Y, V, Cr, Co, Sn, Pb, Cu, Zn, Tl, Sb, Be, and Au. These data are compared against the compositions of the global marine sediment reservoir, typical crustal reservoirs, and against the previously measured compositions of Otago and Wepawaug schists. Results reveal that, irrespective of their metamorphic evolution, the bulk chemical compositions of orogenic metasediments are characterized by mostly constant compositional ratios (e.g., K2O/Al2O3, Ba/Al2O3, Sr/CaO, etc.), whose values in most cases are undistinguishable from those of actual marine sediments and other crustal reservoirs. For these rocks, only volatile concentrations decrease dramatically as a function of metamorphic temperature, and significant deviations from the reservoir signatures are evident for SiO2, B, and Li. These results are interpreted as an indication of residual enrichment in the sediments, a process taking place during syn-metamorphic dehydration from the onset of metamorphism in a regime of chemical immobility. Residual enrichment increased the absolute concentrations of the chemical components of these rocks, but did not modify significantly their fundamental ratios. This poor compositional modification of the sediments indicates that orogenic metamorphism in general does not promote significant mass transfer from accretionary prisms. In contrast, mass transfer calculations carried out in a shear zone crosscutting the Bündnerschiefer shows that significant mass transfer occurs within these narrow zones, resulting in gains of H2O, SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, Ba, Y, Rb, Cu, V, Tl, Mo, and Ce during deformation and loss of Na2O, CO2, S, Ni, B, U, and Pb from the rock. These components were presumably transported by an aquo-carbonic fluid along the shear zone. These distinct attitudes to mobilize chemical elements from orogenic sediments may have implications for a potentially large number of geochemical processes in active continental margins, from the recycling of chemical components at plate margins to the genesis of hydrothermal ore deposits.


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Clay mineral and bulk chemical (Si, Al, K, Mg, Sr, La, Ce, Nd) analyses of terrigenous surface sediments on the Siberian-Arctic shelf indicate that there are five regions with distinct, or endmember, sedimentary compositions. The formation of these geochemical endmembers is controlled by sediment provenance and grain size sorting. (1) The shale endmember (Al, K and REE rich sediment) is eroded from fine-grained marine sedimentary rocks of the Verkhoyansk Mountains and Kolyma-Omolon superterrain, and discharged to the shelf by the Lena, Yana, Indigirka and Kolyma Rivers. (2) The basalt endmember (Mg rich) originates from NE Siberia's Okhotsk-Chukotsk volcanic belt and Bering Strait inflow, and is prevalent in Chukchi Sea Sediments. Concentrations of the volcanically derived clay mineral smectite are elevated in Chukchi fine-fraction sediments, corroborating the conclusion that Chukchi sediments are volcanic in origin. (3) The mature sandstone endmember (Si rich) is found proximal to Wrangel Island and sections of the Chukchi Sea's Siberian coast and is derived from the sedimentary Chukotka terrain that comprises these landmasses. (4) The immature sandstone endmember (Sr rich) is abundant in the New Siberian Island region and reflects inputs from sedimentary rocks that comprise the islands. (5) The immature sandstone endmember is also prevalent in the western Laptev Sea, where it is eroded from sedimentary deposits blanketing the Siberian platform that are compositionally similar to those on the New Siberian Islands. Western Laptev can be distinguished from New Siberian Island region sediments by their comparatively elevated smectite concentrations and the presence of the basalt endmember, which indicate Siberian platform flood basalts are also a source of western Laptev sediments. In certain locations grain size sorting noticeably affects shelf sediment chemistry. (1) Erosion of fines by currents and sediment ice rafting contributes to the formation of the coarse-grained sandstone endmembers. (2) Bathymetrically controlled grain size sorting, in which fines preferentially accumulate offshore in deeper, less energetic water, helps distribute the fine-grained shale and basalt endmembers. An important implication of these results is that the observed sedimentary geochemical endmembers provide new markers of sediment provenance, which can be used to track sediment transport, ice-rafted debris dispersal or the movement of particle-reactive contaminants.


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An iridium anomaly has been found in coincidence with the known microtektite level in cores from Deep Sea Drilling Project site 149 in the Caribbean Sea. The iridium was probably not in the microtektites but deposited simultaneously with them; this could occur if the iridium was deposited from a dust cloud resulting from a bolide impact, as suggested for the anomaly associated with the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. Other workers have deduced that the microtektites are part of the North American strewn tektite field, which is dated at about 34 million years before present, and that the microtektite horizon in deep-sea cores is synchronous with the extinction of five radiolarian species. Mass extinctions also occur in terrestrial mammals within 4 million years of this time. The iridium anomaly and the tektites and microtektites are supportive of a major bolide impact about 34 million years ago.