903 resultados para University Hospital Center


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Objectives: Diffuse uterine myohypertrophy (DUMH) is a condition clinically diagnosed by the presence of uterine bleeding, homogeneous and diffuse uterine enlargement, and absence of any myoendometrial cause of bleeding. Since the morphologic criteria for the diagnosis of this entity are still controversial, this study aimed to investigate the clinical presentation and the morphologic findings of the cases of DUMH presenting at the University Hospital of Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, Methods: We retrospectively studied 43 consecutive patients with DUMH submitted to hysterectomy (test group) and compared the findings with those obtained from 28 patients submitted to hysterectomy due to a prolapsed uterus (control group). There were no significant differences in age, weight or height between the two groups. Results: the uterine weight of the DUMH group (mean +/- S.D. 157.4 +/- 46.4 g) was significantly heavier than that of the control group (99.5 +/- 35.4 g) and myometrial thickness was significantly greater in the DUMH group (2.5 +/- 0.5 cm) than in the control group (1.9 +/- 0.4 cm). No positive correlation was observed between increased uterine weight and parity, but there was a positive correlation between uterine weight and myometrial thickness. on the basis of the present study, we suggest that the diagnosis of DUMH be made clinically and in cases of uterine weight greater than or equal to 120 g and myometrial thickness greater than or equal to 2.0 cm. In addition, 10 cases of each group were analyzed by morphometry to evaluate interstitial fibrosis and myometrial hypertrophy. The data showed that the increase in uterine weight in DUMH is caused by enlargement of individual myometrial fibers rather than accumulation of interstitial collagen. Conclusion: Discriminant analysis to estimate the diagnostic significance of a number of clinical and pathologic variables (age, parity, uterine weight and morphometric parameters) was able to differentiate cases of DUMH from controls in 100% of the patients.


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CAUDA equina syndrome (CES) has long been recognized as a rare complication of spinal anesthesia.(1) CES has been described after administration of spinal anesthetics with lidocaine(2) and bupivacaine.(3) In 1991,(4) CES was reported after continuous spinal anesthesia with 1% tetracaine. In 1980, at our university hospital, six adult female patients underwent perineal gynecologic surgery using a spinal anesthetic of 2 ml tetracaine, 1.2%, in 10% glucose. The concentration of the injected tetracaine was unknown by the anesthetists. In all cases, lumbar puncture was performed at the L3-L4 interspace with a disposable spinal needle while the patients were in the sitting position. CES was first diagnosed 72 h or later postoperatively; previous diagnosis was not possible because patients had an indwelling urethral catheter. The diagnosis of CES was confirmed in all patients. During the past year, after institutional approval and informed consent, clinical, magnetic resonance imaging, electromyographic examinations, and conduction studies were performed in three of the above patients. Examinations were not possible on the other three patients because one had recently died, another could not be located, and the third refused to participate. T1 and T2 magnetic resonance image readings were obtained with Gadolinium contrast from a 0.5 Tesla General Electric apparatus (General Electric, Tokyo, Japan). Bilateral sensory and motor conduction studies of the sciatic nerve branches were obtained using a two-channel Nihon-Kohden Neuropack 2 (Nihom-Kohden Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). Electromyography was performed in accordance with conventional techniques.(5,6)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The nutritional management of infants admitted with diarrhoea to the University Hospital of Botucatu includes a change from bolus feeding of a modulated minced-chicken formula to a continuous nasogastric drip (NGD) feeding, whenever the required calorie intake is not achieved or the diarrhoea does not subside. To evaluate this approach, the clinical course and weight changes of 63 children, aged 1-20 months, were reviewed; most (81 per cent) were below the third percentile for weight at admission and 76 per cent had a total duration of diarrhoea ≥10 days. Associated infections, mainly systemic, were present at or after admission in 70 per cent of them. Twenty-five survivors needed nutritional support (NS), predominantly NGD, for a median duration of 30 per cent of their admission time, and were compared to 31 survivors managed without NS. Those who necessitated NS lost weight for a significantly longer median time (12x4 days, p<0.005), but their total weight loss was similar (5x4 per cent) as well as diarrhoea's duration (8x7 days). There was a tendency for a longer hospitalization (21x16 days 0.05


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In the present study we report the experience of the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital, Botucatu School in 19 cases of laryngotracheal stenosis. Fifteen cases had subglottic stenosis, one had stenosis of inferior tracheal and subglottic, one had stenosis of trachea and two others had extensive involvement of larynx and trachea due to chronic inflammatory disease. In eleven patients a laryngotracheal reconstrutive technique with costal cartilagem graft was performed with good results. The major technical difficulties, occurring mainly in children, were the withdrawal of the cannula of the tracheostomy due to granulation tissue formation and the subglottic partial stenosis after surgical reconstruction.


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The present study was performed to assess the rate of hypertensive complications in diabetic pregnant patients and the influence of White's classification and the quality of the diabetic control. This study included 169 diabetic pregnant women who had delivered at the University Hospital of Botucatu Brazil from 1980 to 1981. The hypertensive disorders occurred in 29.8% of the cases. The incidence of the hypertensive process was the same in all classes of diabetic patients, and it was independent of the glycemic control. In patients with gestational diabetes (classes A and AB), chronic hypertension was the commnest type found; in patients with short-term diabetes (classes B and C) pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) and chronic hypertension with superimposed PIH was the most frequent type, and diabetic patients with vasculopathies (classes D-R) had preeclampsia and chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia as the commonest type found.


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We examined the prevalence and the in vitro susceptibility to antifungal drugs of Candida spp isolated from clinical specimens at our university hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. Among 6,417 samples studied, positive cultures, were obtained from 222 (3.5%) most of them (68%) from the pediatric unit and nursery. Candida albicans and Candida parapsilosis were the most frequent species and the susceptibility patterns of a panel of 130 isolates to amphotericin B, ketoconazole and fluconazole. showed that the order of antifungal efficacy was amphotericin B > ketoconazole > fluconazole.


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Enterobacter spp. are considered important causing agents of infection, specially in hospitalized individuals. The natural resistance of these microorganisms and the great facility to develop resistance to new antimicrobial agents make this genus an important object of study. In this work, 176 strains isolated from various clinical samples were used from hospitalized patients (University Hospital Domingos Leonardo Cerávolo) and from clinic patients (Clinical Laboratory from Unoeste), both situated in Presidente Prudente - SP. E. cloacae (78.9%), E. aerogenes (7.9%) and E. (pantoea) agglomerans (3.9%) were the ones more frequently isolated. Eleven antimicrobial agents were tested by the disk diffusion method and around 90% of the strains presented resistance to the cephalotin, ampicillin and cefaclor. Strains of E. (pantoea) agglomerans presented wide profile of sensibility However one strain of E. cloacae presented resistance to all the antimicrobial agents. The antimicrobial agents with greater inhibitory activity were imipenem and cefepime, for this reason these antimicrobial agents could be the treatment of choice in emergencial therapeutic. This emergencial therapy can be applied with relative security, whereas the data obtained in this study show homogeneity in the profile of sensibility to these antimicrobial agents, independent of the infection site and from the isolated species. The ESBL enzyme could not be detected in no one of the strains by the double diffusion test.


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Ninety eight strains of glucose-nonfermenting Gram-negative bacilli were analyzed and isolated from several clinical materials of 95 patients admitted at the Dr. Domingos Leonardo Cerávolo University Hospital and three from outpatients. All of them were assisted in the Laboratory of Clinical Analysis of Unoeste University, Presidente Prudente, SP, from the period of October of 1999 to April of 2001. In this work, the level of agreement between the semi-automated commercial system AutoScan-4 and the conventional system for the identification of those bacteria were studied comparatively. There was agreement in 81 (82.7%), showing that both methodologies are useful for identification; partial agreement in six strains (6.1%) and disagreement in 11 (11.2%). The comercial system did not identify nine (9.2%) of the strains and reported them as very rare biotypes.


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Essential oils were obtained from fennel seeds, dill, cumin and coriander. Their antimicrobial activity was tested on isolated clinical specimens of patients treated at the University Hospital of the School of Medicine of Botucatu, SP, UNESP. Microorganisms were grown in BHI (Brain Heart Infusion/Oxoid) at 37oC/18 hours and resuspended in 0,5 Mac Farland's Standard (1,5 x 108 CFU/mL). The diffusion method was performed, putting 10 μl of the essential oils on paper disks (6mm of diameter) (Blank Disks/CECON) at 37oC/24 hours. After this period, the disks were put on plates containing Mueller Hinton Agar (Oxoid) and inoculated with the microorganisms. After 48 hours at 37oC, inhibitory zones were measured (mm) for the respective oils and strains. The essential oil from Anethum graveolens showed antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus (inhibitory zone=18 mm), Salmonella sp. (=11 mm) and E. coli (10 mm). The Cuminum cyminum essential oil was effective against E. coli, P. aeruginosa and Salmonella sp. and their inhibitory zones were 18, 10 and 23 mm, respectively. Coriandrum sativum oil was active only against Salmonella sp. (18 mm) and Foeniculum vulgare inhibited only E. coli (9 mm).


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The aim of this study was the assessment of isolation frequency and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of nonfermenting Gram-negative bacilli. Ninety eight strains of nonfermenting Gram-negative bacilli, isolated from several clinical materials of patients admited at the Dr. Domingos Leonardo Cerávolo University Hospital and at Dr. Odilo Antunes Siqueira State Hospital, as well as from every outpatient; assisted at Laboratory of Clinical Analysis of Unoeste University, Presidente Prudente, São Paulo, in the period of October 1999 to April 2001 were analyzed. The most frequent species were Pseudomonas aeruginosa (65.3%) and Acinetobacter baumannii (23.5%). The frequency of the other isolated species was smaller than 2.5%. In the antimicrobial susceptibility tests, the two species more prevalent showed high resistance. The antibiotic most active in vitro was the imipenem, with 79.6% in microdiluition method, and 76.6% in diffusion method, for Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains and 100.0% in both microdiluition and diffusion methods, for Acinetobacter baumannii. The cephalosporins of third generation, the ciprofloxacin and the aminoglycosides, presented percentage of susceptibility varying from 22.4 to 69.7%. These results bring implications to the emergency use of the antimicrobial agents in the treatment of patients with severe infection.


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A hundred and ninety-five (195) strains of Enterobacter spp., isolated from diverse clinical specimens - urine, feces, cateter, blood, wound, tracheal aspirate, vaginal fluid - were submitted to the conventional identification by biochemical tests, and were also submitted to the identification by panels NegCombo 20 of the system automated MicroScan - AutoScan- 4 (Dade Behring Inc., West Sacramento, CA, USA). The samples were from patients of the Clinical Laboratory from the School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of UNOESTE, Presidente Prudente, SP, and from patients hospitalized at the University Hospital Domingos Leonardo Cerávolo, UNOESTE. Of the total of strains tested, 191 (97.9%) presented agreement between the two approaches utilized and 4 strains (2.1%) presented identification disagreement, that is, the genus identified was different in each approach. By this study, the conclusion is that both the approaches utilized for the identification presented advantages and disadvantages related to the cost, facility of execution, quickness, reliability and some other characteristics. Even so, our results showed that conventional methods represent a reliable tool for Enterobacter identification.


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In this work 3 new cases of suprascapular nerve mononeuropathy are described. ENMG diagnosis criteria were: a) normal sensory conduction studies of the ipsolateral ulnar, median and radial nerves; b) bilateral suprascapular nerve latencies with bilateral compound muscle action potential, obtained from the infraspinatus muscle with symmetrical techniques; and c) abnormal neurogenic infraspinatus muscle electromyographic findings, coexisting with normal electromyographical data of the ipsolateral deltoideus and supraspinatus muscles. These 3 cases of suprascapular mononeurpathy were found in 6,080 ENMG exams from our University Hospital. For us this mononeuropathy is rare with a 0.05% occurrence.


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A variety of systems of risk factor stratification have been studied to predict the outcome in acute renal failure (ARF). OBJECTIVES. Assess and compare mortality and the Acute Tubular Necrosis Individual Severity Score (ATN-ISS) in patients with AFR treated in a university hospital. METHODS. A prospective analysis was made of 103 patients with a diagnosis of intrinsic ARF admitted to the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, UNESP. Patients were followed up until recovery of renal function or death. The Score ATN-ISS was recorded during the first hours of the assessment by a nephrologist. Results were reported as median or mean ± SD, with statistical significance of p<0.05. RESULTS. Fifty-one percent of patients were male with a mean age of 58 ± 36 years. Forty-four percent died in the hospital. Mortality was higher in patients from the surgical wards (52.7%) and in patients who were treated with dialysis (63.8%). The score ATN-ISS showed a good confidence level, with high discriminatory power (area under the curve of 0.95) and good accuracy. CONCLUSIONS. Mortality in this study was comparable to that found in literature. The ATN-ISS was shown to be a prognostic index with a high confidence level that could be routinely applied by nephrologists to patients with AFR.


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Aim: Antisperm antibodies (ASA) in males cause the autoimmune disease 'immune infertility'. The present study intended to detect the presence of ASA and their incidence in men with unexplained infertility, as well as to evaluate the correlation between the presence of ASA and semen parameter alterations. Methods: Blood and sperm assessment were collected to carry out a direct and indirect mixed antiglobulin reaction (MAR) test and semen analysis in infertile and fertile men from the University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine, Sao Paulo State University, Sao Paulo. Results: In the MARtest, 18.18% of infertile men were positive for ASA. In fertile men, no positivity was found. A significant correlation between the presence of ASA with an increased white blood cell count plus a decreased hypoosmotic swelling test result was observed. Conclusions: The results indicate that ASA are involved in reduced fertility. It is not ASA detection per.se that provides conclusive information about the occurrence of damage to fertility. The correlation between infertility and altered seminal parameters reinforce the ASA participation in this pathology. © 2007 The Authors Journal compilation. © 2007 Japan Society for Reproductive Medicine.