903 resultados para Ultrasonografía prenatal


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the enamel thickness of the maxillary primary incisors of preterm children with very low birth weight (< 1,500 g) compared to full-term children with normal birth weight. Methods: A total of 90 exfoliated maxillary primary central incisors were investigated using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Three serial buccolingual ground sections of each tooth were examined under light microscopy, and maximum dimensions of the prenatally and postnatally formed enamel were measured. Results: The enamel of preterm teeth was approximately 20% thinner than that for fullterm teeth. Most of the reduction was observed in the prenatally formed enamel. This was 5 to 13 times thinner than that for full-term children (P < .001). The catch-up thickness of postnatally formed enamel did not compensate fully for the decrease in prenatal enamel (P < .001). Although none of the teeth used in this study had enamel defects visible to the naked eye, 52% of preterm teeth showed enamel hypoplasia under SEM, compared with only 16% found on full-term teeth (P < .001). These defects were present as pits or irregular, shallow areas of missing enamel. Conclusions: Preterm primary dental enamel is abnormal in surface quality, and is significantly thinner compared to full-term enamel. The thinner enamel is due mainly to reduced prenatal growth and results in smaller dimensions of the primary dentition.


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Prenatal exposure to testosterone has been hypothesised to effect lateralization by influencing cell death in the foetal brain. Testosterone binds to the X chromosome linked androgen receptor, which contains a polymorphic polyglutamine CAG repeat, the length of which is positively correlated with testosterone levels in males, and negatively correlated in females. To determine whether the length of the androgen receptor mediates the effects of testosterone on laterality, we examined the association between the number of CAG repeats in the androgen receptor gene and handedness for writing. Association was tested by adding regression terms for the length of the androgen receptor alleles to a multi-factorial-threshold model of liability to left-handedness. In females we found the risk of left-handedness was greater in those with a greater number of repeats (p=0.04), this finding was replicated in a second independent sample of female twins (p=0.014). The length of the androgen receptor explained 6% of the total variance and 24% of the genetic variance in females. In males the risk of left-handedness was greater in those with fewer repeats (p=0.02), with variation in receptor length explaining 10% of the total variance and 24% of the genetic variance. Thus, consistent with Witelson's theory of testosterone action, in all three samples the likelihood of left handedness increased in those individuals with variants of the androgen receptor associated with lower testosterone levels.


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Background. Children of alcoholics are significantly more likely to experience high-risk environmental exposures, including prenatal substance exposure, and are more likely to exhibit externalizing problems [e.g. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)]. While there is evidence that genetic influences and prenatal nicotine and/or alcohol exposure play separate roles in determining risk of ADHD, little has been done on determining the joint roles that genetic risk associated with maternal alcohol use disorder (AUD) and prenatal risk factors play in determining risk of ADHD. Method. Using a children-of-twins design, diagnostic telephone interview data from high-risk families (female monozygotic and dizygotic twins concordant or discordant for AUD as parents) and control families targeted from a large Australian twin cohort were analyzed using logistic regression models. Results. Offspring of twins with a history of AUD, as well as offspring of non-AUD monozygotic twins whose co-twin had AUD, were significantly more likely to exhibit ADHD than offspring of controls. This pattern is consistent with a genetic explanation for the association between maternal AUD and increased offspring risk of ADHD. Adjustment for prenatal smoking, which remained significantly predictive, did not remove the significant genetic association between maternal AUD and offspring ADHD. Conclusions. While maternal smoking during pregnancy probably contributes to the association between maternal AUD and offspring ADHD risk, the evidence for a significant genetic correlation suggests: (i) pleiotropic genetic effects, with some genes that influence risk of AUD also influencing vulnerability to ADHD; or (ii) ADHD is a direct risk-factor for AUD.


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Aim: The aim of this report was to assess the strength and influence of periodontitis as a possible risk factor for pre-term birth (PTB) in a cohort of 81 primiparous Croatian mothers aged 18-39 years. Methods: PTB cases (n=17; mean age 25 +/- 2.9 years; age range 20-33 years) were defined as spontaneous delivery after less than 37 completed weeks of gestation that were followed by spontaneous labour or spontaneous rupture of membranes. Controls (full-time births) were normal births at or after 37 weeks of gestation (n=64; mean age 25 +/- 2.9 years; age range 19-39 years). Information on known risk factors and obstetric factors included the current pregnancy history, maternal age at delivery, pre-natal care, nutritional status, tobacco use, alcohol use, genitourinary infections, vaginosis, gestational age, and birth weight. Full-mouth periodontal examination was performed on all mothers within 2 days of delivery. Results: PTB cases had significantly worse periodontal status than controls (p=0.008). Multivariate logistic regression model, after controlling for other risk factors, demonstrated that periodontal disease is a significant independent risk factor for PTB, with an adjusted odds ratio of 8.13 for the PTB group (95% confidence interval 2.73-45.9). Conclusion: Periodontal disease represents a strong, independent, and clinically significant risk factor for PTB in the studied cohort. There are strong indicators that periodontal therapy should form a part of preventive prenatal care in Croatia.


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Background: We have previously shown that the offspring of vitamin D3 depleted rats have enlarged ventricles and altered neurotrophin profiles (reduced NGF and GDNF). These findings enhance the biological plausibility that low prenatal vitamin D may be a risk factor for schizophrenia. Our recent behavioural studies have found that adult rats with developmental vitamin D deficiency (DVD) have a subtle increase in baseline locomotor activity and a heightened response to dopamine (DA) antagonists. The aim of this study was to investigate brain DA neurochemistry in the DVD model. Methods: We examined cerebrums and striatal tissue from neonates and a variety of brain tissues from the remaining littermates at adulthood. DA, DOPAC, HVA, serotonin and 5HIAA were analysed by HPLC. Single point comparisons for DA1, DA2 and NMDA receptors were also assessed in these tissues. Results: Significant increases in DA and HVA were found in brains from DVD deplete neonates (P=0.01). However, DA and its metabolites were not increased in either the neonate or adult striatum, however there was a trend towards increased DA and its metabolites in the accumbens (P=0.1). Receptor densities were unaffected by prenatal vitamin D levels. Conclusions: Although the effect of maternal diet appears to increase DA production and turnover in neonatal brain, this does not persist into adulthood. Thus other factors must underlie the increased locomotor activity noted in these animals. Future experiments will concentrate on monitoring accumbens and striatal DA release and turnover using microdialysis in pharmacologically challenged behavioural paradigms. References: Eyles D, Brown J; Mackay-Sim A, McGrath J, Feron F. (2003) Vitamin D3 and brain development. Neuroscience 118 (3) 641–653. Burne T, McGrath J, Eyles D, Mackay-Sim A. Behavioural characterization of vitamin D receptor knockout mice. (2005) Behavioural Brain Res: 157 299–308.


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The relative length of the second and fourth fingers (the 2D:4D ratio) has been taken to be an indicator of prenatal exposure to testosterone, and hence possibly relevant to sexual orientation and other sex-differentiated behaviors. Studies have reported a difference in this ratio between Caucasian males in Britain and in the U.S.: higher average 2D:4D ratios were obtained in Britain. This raises the question of whether differences among different Caucasian gene pools were responsible or whether some environmental variable associated with latitude might be involved (e.g., exposure to sunlight or different day-length patterns). This question was explored by examining 2D:4D ratios for an Australian adolescent sample. The Australians were predominantly of British ancestry, but lived at distances from the equator more like those of the U.S. studies. The Australian 2D:4D ratios resembled those in Britain rather than those in the U.S., tending to exclude hypotheses related to latitude and making differences in gene pools a plausible explanation.


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Women are actively encouraged to educate themselves about pregnancy from formal sources (e.g., information leaflets, antenatal classes, books). In addition, informal stories of pregnancy and birth are routinely told between women. However, increased prenatal testing means that more fetuses are diagnosed with abnormalities, shifting the information requirements during pregnancy. Traditional sources of information cannot cover all possible outcomes, and the Internet is beginning to fill this gap. In this article, we draw from interviews about experiences of antenatal screening and pregnancy to explore how the Internet provides a unique resource for problematic pregnancies. It allows access to information about rarer conditions beyond standard pregnancy texts, as well as personal narratives about conditions. Learning how others have coped or are coping in similar situations can help alleviate feelings of isolation, and also places women back in a familiar territory of shared pregnancy narratives.


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Background The role of applied theatre in engaging both lay and professional publics with debate on health policy and practice is an emergent field. This paper discusses the development, production performance and discussion of ‘Inside View’.1 Objectives The objectives were to produce applied theatre from research findings of a completed study on genetic prenatal screening, exploring the dilemmas for women and health professionals of prenatal genetic screening, and to engage audiences in debate and reflection on the dilemmas of prenatal genetic screening. Methods ‘Inside View’ was developed from a multidisciplinary research study through identification of emergent themes from qualitative interviews, and development of these by the writer, theatre producer and media technologist with input from the researchers. Findings Inside View was performed in London and the Midlands to varied audiences with a panel discussion and evaluation post performance. The audiences were engaged in debate that was relevant to them professionally and personally. Knowledge translation through applied theatre is an effective tool for engaging the public but the impact subsequently is unclear. There are ethical issues of unexpected disclosure during discussion post performance and the process of transforming research findings into applied theatre requires time and trust within the multidisciplinary team as well as adequate resourcing.


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Purpose: Prenatal undernutrition followed by postweaning feeding of a high-fat diet results in obesity in the adult offspring. In this study, we investigated whether diet-induced thermogenesis is altered as a result of such nutritional mismatch. Methods: Female MF-1 mice were fed a normal protein (NP, 18 % casein) or a protein-restricted (PR, 9 % casein) diet throughout pregnancy and lactation. After weaning, male offspring of both groups were fed either a high-fat diet (HF; 45 % kcal fat) or standard chow (C, 7 % kcal fat) to generate the NP/C, NP/HF, PR/C and PR/HF adult offspring groups (n = 7-11 per group). Results: PR/C and NP/C offspring have similar body weights at 30 weeks of age. Postweaning HF feeding resulted in significantly heavier NP/HF offspring (P <0.01), but not in PR/HF offspring, compared with their chow-fed counterparts. However, the PR/HF offspring exhibited greater adiposity (P <0.01) v the NP/HF group. The NP/HF offspring had increased energy expenditure and increased mRNA expression of uncoupling protein-1 and β-3 adrenergic receptor in the interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT) compared with the NP/C mice (both at P <0.01). No such differences in energy expenditure and iBAT gene expression were observed between the PR/HF and PR/C offspring. Conclusions: These data suggest that a mismatch between maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation, and the postweaning diet of the offspring, can attenuate diet-induced thermogenesis in the iBAT, resulting in the development of obesity in adulthood. © 2014 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Human and animal studies suggest that obesity in adulthood may have its origins partly during prenatal development. One of the underlying causes of obesity is the perturbation of hypothalamic mechanisms controlling appetite. We determined mRNA levels of genes that regulate appetite, namely neuropeptide Y (NPY), pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) and the leptin receptor isoform Ob-Rb, in the hypothalamus of adult mouse offspring from pregnant dams fed a protein-restricted diet, and examined whether mismatched post-weaning high-fat diet altered further expression of these gene transcripts. Pregnant MF1 mice were fed either normal protein (C, 18% casein) or protein-restricted (PR, 9% casein) diet throughout pregnancy. Weaned offspring were fed to adulthood a high-fat (HF; 45% kcal fat) or standard chow (21% kcal fat) diet to generate the C/HF, C/C, PR/HF and PR/C groups. Food intake and body weight were monitored during this period. Hypothalamic tissues were collected at 16 weeks of age for analysis of gene expression by real time RT-PCR. All HF-fed offspring were observed to be heavier vs. C groups regardless of the maternal diet during pregnancy. In the PR/HF males, but not in females, daily energy intake was reduced by 20% vs. the PR/C group (p <0.001). In PR/HF males, hypothalamic mRNA levels were lower vs. the PR/C group for NPY (p <0.001) and Ob-Rb (p <0.05). POMC levels were similar in all groups. In females, mRNA levels for these transcripts were similar in all groups. Our results suggest that adaptive changes during prenatal development in response to maternal dietary manipulation may have long-term sex-specific consequences on the regulation of appetite and metabolism following post-weaning exposure to an energy-rich nutritional environment. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Although an important theoretical concept, little is known about the development of maternal self-esteem. This study explores the significance of maternal cognitions, psychopathological symptoms, and child temperament in the prediction of prenatal and postnatal maternal self-esteem. During pregnancy 162 women completed measures assessing their unhealthy core beliefs, psychopathological symptoms, and self-esteem. At 1 year postpartum 87 of these women completed measures assessing their self-esteem and their child's temperament. Overall maladaptive maternal core beliefs and psychopathological symptoms during pregnancy explained 19% of the variance in prenatal maternal self-esteem. Forty-two percent of the variance in maternal self-esteem at 1 year could be explained by a combination of prenatal maternal self-esteem, mental health symptoms, maternal core beliefs, and more unsociable infant temperament. Underlying maternal cognitive structures may be important in determining the development of maternal self-esteem. © 2007 2006 Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.


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Objective: The current study examined the contribution of prenatal and postnatal maternal core beliefs, self-esteem, psychopathologic symptoms, and postnatal infant temperament to the prediction of infant feeding difficulties. Method: Ninety-nine women completed questionnaires assessing their core beliefs, psychopathology, and self-esteem during pregnancy and at 6 months postpartum. At 6 months, mothers also rated their infant's temperament and feeding, and were observed feeding their infants. Results: Maternal reports of child feeding difficulties were predicted by higher levels of emotional deprivation and entitlement core beliefs and lower levels of self-sacrifice and enmeshment core beliefs during pregnancy. Postnatal social isolation core beliefs, lower maternal self-esteem, and more difficult infant temperament added significantly to the variance explained by prenatal factors. Maternal core beliefs, self-esteem, psychopathology, and infant temperament failed to significantly predict independent observations of child food refusal. Conclusion: Maternal cognitions are implicated in the development of maternal reports of feeding difficulty.


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Objective - During pregnancy, the human cervix undergoes angiogenic transformations. VEGF is expressed in cervical stroma and is proposed to play key roles in the process of cervical ripening and dilation. This study was conducted to evaluate whether cervical secretion of VEGF can be of clinical value in predicting impending PTB. Study Design - In an observational prospective cohort study, we analyzed cervical fluid samples from 103 pregnant women (GA: median [IQR]: 28 [25-31] wks) who presented for either a routine prenatal visit (n=61) or for evaluation of threatened preterm labor (n=42). Cervical secretions were collected under a standard protocol which was followed in all cases. Cervical length (CL) was assessed by transvaginal ultrasound using well-established criteria. Dilation was evaluated by digital exam performed only after collection of the biological samples. VEGF levels were immunoassayed by investigators unaware of the clinical outcome. Main exclusion criteria were ruptured membranes, active labor, vaginal bleeding, vaginal exam or intercourse within 24h. Results were analyzed with and without normalization for total protein. Results - 1) Clinical characteristics of the cohort are presented in Table;2) VEGF was detectable in all specimens, with no correlation between its levels, CL, twins or GA at collection; 3) There was an inverse correlation between VEGF and cervical dilation (R=-0.646, P=0.003); 4) Women with cervical dilation =1 cm had lower VEGF compared to those with a closed cervix (P=0.003); 5) Women who experienced PTB within 14 days (n=11) had lower VEGF (P=0.003); 6) A free VEGF level of =600 pg/mL had a sensitivity, specificity, +LR and -LR of 70%, 95%, 13.5 and 0.3, respectively in predicting PTB within 14 days. Conclusions - Low VEGF levels in the cervicovaginal secretions of pregnant women are associated with an increased risk of PTB within 2 weeks of collection. Active engagement of VEGF in the process of cervical ripening and dilatation and/or increased affinity of extracellular matrix components for VEGF may provide explanation for our findings.


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In 1999, prevention of mother-to-child transmission (pMTCT) using antiretrovirals was introduced in the Dominican Republic (DR). Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) was introduced for immunosuppressed persons in 2004 and for pMTCT in 2008. To assess progress towards MTCT elimination, data from requisitions for HIV nucleic acid amplification tests for diagnosis of HIV infection in perinatally exposed infants born in the DR from 1999 to 2011 were analyzed. The MTCT rate was 142/1,274 (11.1%) in 1999–2008 and 12/302 (4.0%) in 2009–2011 (), with a rate of 154/1,576 (9.8%) for both periods combined. This decline was associated with significant increases in the proportions of women who received prenatal HAART (from 12.3% to 67.9%) and infants who received exclusive formula feeding (from 76.3% to 86.1%) and declines in proportions of women who received no prenatal antiretrovirals (from 31.9% to 12.2%) or received only single-dose nevirapine (from 39.5% to 19.5%). In 2007, over 95% of DR pregnant women received prenatal care, HIV testing, and professionally attended delivery. However, only 58% of women in underserved sugarcane plantation communities (2007) and 76% in HIV sentinel surveillance hospitals (2003–2005) received their HIV test results. HIV-MTCT elimination is feasible but persistent lack of access to critical pMTCT measures must be addressed.