992 resultados para UPM


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Laser Welding (LW) is more often used in manufacturing due to its advantages, such as accurate control, good repeatability, less heat input, opportunities for joining of special materials, high speed, capability to join small dimension parts etc. LW is dedicated to robotized manufacturing, and the fabrication cells are using various level of flexibility, from specialized robots to very flexible setups. This paper features several LW applications using two industrially-scaled manufacturing cells at UPM Laser Centre (CLUPM) of Polytechnical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). The one dedicated to Remote Laser Welding (RLW) of thin sheets for automotive and other sectors uses a CO2 laser of 3500 W. The second has a high flexibility, is based on a 6-axis ABB robot and a Nd:YAG laser of 3300 W, and is meant for various laser processing methods, including welding. After a short description of each cell, several LW applications experimented at CLUPM and recently implemented in industry are briefly presented: RLW of automotive coated sheets, LW of high strength automotive sheets, LW vs. laser hybrid welding (LHW) of Double Phase steel thin sheets, and LHW of thin sheets of stainless steel and carbon steel (dissimilar joints). The main technological issues overcame and the critical process parameters are pointed out. Conclusions about achievements and trends are provided.


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The paper presents a consistent set of results showing the ability of Laser Shock Processing (LSP) in modifying the overall properties of the Friction Stir Welded (FSW) joints made of AA 2024-T351. Based on laser beam intensities above 109 W/cm2 with pulse energies of several Joules and pulses durations of nanoseconds, LSP is able of inducing a compression residual stress field, improving the wear and fatigue resistance by slowing crack propagation and stress corrosion cracking, but also improving the overall behaviour of the structure. After the FSW and LSP procedures are briefly presented, the results of micro-hardness measurements and of transverse tensile tests, together with the corrosion resistance of the native joints vs. LSP treated are discussed. The ability of LSP to generate compressive residual stresses and to improve the behaviour of the FSW joints is underscored.


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Last decade's intensive exploration for precious metals in Spain led to a new understanding of various types of deposits and prospects and to the modification of previous schemes, allowing the systematic (typogical) c1assification of the Spanish precious metals deposits shown in Table 1: 9 large groups and 79 types are defined in the framework of the Iberian Geology. Hypogene deposits in the Hercynian Hesperian Massif, and epithermal gold deposits in the Neogene calc-alcaline Volcanic Province of SE Spain have been very much explored and are therefore emphasized, although their mining production is by far not to compare with the precious metals output from the SW Iberian Pyrite Belt. The exploration significance of the main types and some problems for future research are discussed.


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Transportation infrastructure is known to affect the value of real estate property by virtue of changes in accessibility. The impact of transportation facilities is highly localized as well, and it is possible that spillover effects result from the capitalization of accessibility. The objective of this study was to review the theoretical background related to spatial hedonic models and the opportunities that they provided to evaluate the effect of new transportation infrastructure. An empirical case study is presented: the Madrid Metro Line 12, known as Metrosur, in the region of Madrid, Spain. The effect of proximity to metro stations on housing prices was evaluated. The analysis took into account a host of variables, including structure, location, and neighborhood and made use of three modeling approaches: linear regression estimation with ordinary least squares, spatial error, and spatial lag. The results indicated that better accessibility to Metrosur stations had a positive impact on real estate values and that the effect was marked in cases in which a house was for sale. The results also showed the presence of submarkets, which were well defined by geographic boundaries, and transport fares, which implied that the economic benefits differed across municipalities.


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Ultramafic rocks occur scattered along a 300 km long NNW-SSE trending belt, parallel to the central Peruvian Andes in the Cordillera Oriental, from Tarma (Junín Dept.) to Huancapallac and Tingo María (Huánuco Dept.). The Tarma occurrences (Tapo and Acobamba) are dealt with here, as the first step of a broader research. The Tapo massif comprises strongly tectonised serpentinites with scarce peridotitic relics, amphibolites and podiform chromitites. It was overthrust on early Carboniferous metasedimentary rocks of the Andean basement (Ambo Group), and it shows evidences of a pre-Andean deformational history, not observed in the Ambo Group; the basal thrust plane is folded by the Andean tectonics. The two smaller Acobamba occurrences are also allochtonous and show similar tectonic features. Major and trace element composition of amphibolites point to a tholeiitic basalt (to picrobasalt) protolith, compatible with an ocean-ridge or ocean-island environment. Small podiform chromitite lenses and chromite disseminations also occur; they are strongly deformed, metamorphosed and overprinted by hydrothermal alteration related to deformation, and were the subject of small scale mining. The ores comprise mainly chromite, ferritchromite, spinel, magnetite, ilmenite and scarce sulphides, as well as the secondary minerals stichtite and nimite. Results of this work exclude current interpretations of the Tarma ultramafites as autochtonous igneous intrusives, and point to a new interpretation for their emplacement.


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Traditional identification of ore minerals with reflected light microscopy relies heavily on the experience of the observer. Qualified observers have become a rarity, as ore microscopy is often neglected in today’s university training, but since it furnishes necessary and inexpensive information, innovative alternatives are needed, especially for quantification. Many of the diagnostic optical properties of ores defy quantification, but recent developments in electronics and optics allow new insights into the reflectance and colour properties of ores. Preliminary results for the development of an expert system aimed at the automatic identification of ores based on their reflectance properties are presented. The discriminatory capacity of the system is enhanced by near IR reflectance measures, while UV filters tested to date are unreliable. Interaction with image analysis software through a wholly automated microscope, to furnish quantitative and morphological information for geometallurgy, relies on automated identification of the ores based on the measured spectra. This methodology increases enormously the performance of the microscopist; nevertheless supervision by an expert is always needed.


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Se ha desarrollado un sistema capaz de caracterizar las menas metálicas por sus propiedades de reflexión para lograr su reconocimiento automatizado sobre probetas pulidas. Establecida la proporcionalidad entre los valores de reflectancia característicos de las menas y los niveles de gris en imagen digital (Berrezueta y Castroviejo, 2007), se usan ahora medidas multiespectrales


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En el Perú se conocen escasos complejos ultramáficos, a diferencia de lo que ocurre en otros países de la región (Colombia, Ecuador, Brasil, etc.) o del Caribe, como Cuba (Pereira et al., 2004). Dichos complejos son habitualmente de dimensiones reducidas y han sido interpretados tradicionalmente como resultado de la intrusión de un magma ultrabásico profundo, que se emplaza en sills, diques o cuerpos intrusivos en secuencias metasedimentarias y en otras litologías, a las que se atribuye una edad precámbrica como a las intrusiones


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En la industria minera no siempre se realiza un adecuado estudio previo de la relación entre la mineralización existente en el yacimiento y el tratamiento y concentración de la mena, lo que impide la optimización en los procesos y conduce hacia un mal procesamiento del mineral con consecuencias nefastas para el medio ambiente.


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La Cuenca Lancones se encuentra ubicada en la región noroccidental del Perú, en el Departamento de Piura y en el borde oriental de la Franja Costanera, su límite oeste lo constituye el Macizo de Amotapes y hacia el este la región pre-cordillerana de la Cordillera Occidental de los Andes. Esta cuenca se extiende hacia Ecuador, en donde se la ha denominado Cuenca Celica. (Ver Fig. 1) La Cuenca Lancones de acuerdo a las características geológicas, mineralógicas y litológicas debe ser considerada como el principal objetivo en la prospección por yacimientos vulcanogénicos de sulfuros masivos (VMS) en el Perú (Ríos, 2004). Actualmente el yacimiento de Tambo Grande, situado dentro de la Cuenca Lancones, cuenta con tres depósitos de sulfuros masivos (TG1, TG3 y B5), considerados como depósitos de clase mundial (Tegart, 2000).


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El objetivo de este estudio fue la validación de modelos estadísticos empleados para evaluar la pérdida de resistencia de tableros derivados de la madera, de forma no destructiva, con el paso del tiempo. Dos tableros de partículas y dos de fibras de fábricas distribuidas por la Península Ibérica fueron analizados, tras haber sido sometidos a tres ciclos de envejecimiento físico acelerado, mediante tres métodos no destructivos: penetrómetro, ultrasonido y método de arranque de tornillos. Basándonos en los resultados obtenidos pudimos concluir que todos los modelos funcionaron bien, aportando correcciones en algunos casos. Se realizó a su vez un cuarto ensayo de ondas inducidas, para el cual desarrollamos un modelo propio que no existía con anterioridad y por último, analizamos su calidad superficial en la Oklahoma State University (EE.UU.) mediante un rugosímetro, concluyendo que este equipo pudo ser empleado con precisión en el experimento.


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Background Energy Policy is one of the main drivers of Transport Policy. A number of strategies to reduce current energy consumption trends in the transport sector have been designed over the last decades. They include fuel taxes, more efficient technologies and changing travel behavior through demand regulation. But energy market has a high degree of uncertainty and the effectiveness of those policy options should be assessed. Methods A scenario based assessment methodology has been developed in the frame of the EU project STEPS. It provides an integrated view of Energy efficiency, environment, social and competitiveness impacts of the different strategies. It has been applied at European level and to five specific Regions. Concluding remarks The results are quite site specific dependent. However they show that regulation measures appear to be more effective than new technology investments. Higher energy prices could produce on their turn a deterioration of competitiveness and a threat for social goals.


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Next Generation Networks (NGN) provide Telecommunications operators with the possibility to share their resources and infrastructure, facilitate the interoperability with other networks, and simplify and unify the management, operation and maintenance of service offerings, thus enabling the fast and cost-effective creation of new personal, broadband ubiquitous services. Unfortunately, service creation over NGN is far from the success of service creation in the Web, especially when it comes to Web 2.0. This paper presents a novel approach to service creation and delivery, with a platform that opens to non-technically skilled users the possibility to create, manage and share their own convergent (NGN-based and Web-based) services. To this end, the business approach to user-generated services is analyzed and the technological bases supporting the proposal are explained.


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Purpose Sustainable mobility urban policies intend reducing car use and increasing walking, cycling and public transport. However, this transfer from private car to these more sustainable modes is only a real alternative where distances are small and the public transport supply competitive enough. This paper proposes a methodology to calculate the number of trips that can be transferred from private car to other modes in city centres. Method The method starts analyzing which kind of trips cannot change its mode (purposes, conditions, safety , etc.), and then setting a process to determine under which conditions trips made by car between given O-D pairs can be transferable. Then, the application of demand models allow to determine which trips fulfil the transferability conditions. The process test the possibility of transfer in a sequential way: firs to walking, then cycling and finally to public transport. Results The methodology is tested through its application to the city of Madrid (Spain), with the result of only some 18% of the trips currently made by car could be made by other modes, under the same conditions of trip time, and without affecting their characteristics. Out of these trips, 75% could be made by public transport, 15% cycling and 10% on foot. The possible mode to be transferred depends on the location: city centre areas are more favourable for walking and cycling while city skirts could attract more PT trips. Conclusions The proposed method has demonstrated its validity to determine the potential of transferring trips out of cars to more sustainable modes. Al the same time it is clear that, even in areas with favourable conditions for walking, cycling and PT trips, the potential of transfer is limited because cars fulfil more properly special requirements of some trips and tours.


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The City of Madrid is putting into operation Intermodal Exchange Stations (IESs) to make connections between urban and suburban transportation modes easier for users of public transportation. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the actual effects that the implementation of IESs in the City of Madrid has on the affected stakeholders: users, public transportation operators, infrastructure managers, the government, the abutters and other citizens. We develop a methodology intended to help assess the welfare gains and losses for each stakeholder. Then we apply this methodology to the case study of the Avenida de América IES in the city of Madrid. We found that it is indeed possible to arrive at win–win solutions for the funding of urban transportation infrastructure, as long as the cost-benefit ratio of the project is high enough. Commuters save travel time. Bus companies diminish their costs of operation. The abutters gain in quality of life. The private operator of the infrastructure makes a fair profit. And the government is able to promote these infrastructure facilities without spending more of its scarce budgetary resources.