943 resultados para UDK:7.01
AIMS: To assess the impact of different implant systems on the clinical conditions and the microbiota at implants, and whether the presence of bacteria at tooth sites was predictive of the presence at implant sites. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Subjects with either AstraTech or Brånemark in function for 7 years were enrolled. Sub-gingival bacterial samples at tooth and implant sites were collected with sterile endodontic paper points, and analyzed by the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method (40 species). RESULTS: Fifty-four subjects, 27 supplied with AstraTech (n=132 implants) and 27 with Brånemark (n=102) implants, were studied. Test tooth sites had significantly less evidence of bleeding on probing (P<0.001) and presence of plaque (P<0.001) than implant test sites. Implant sites presented with deeper probing pocket depth than tooth sites (mean difference: 1.1 mm, standard error of differences: 0.08, 95% confidence intervals (CI): 0.9-1.3, P<0.001). Tannerella forsythia (P<0.05), Capnocytophaga sputigena (P<0.05), Actinomyces israelii (P<0.05) and Lactobacillus acidophilus (P<0.05) were found at higher levels at tooth surfaces. No differences in bacterial load for any species were found between the two implant systems. The odds of being present/absent at tooth and implants sites were only significant for Staphylococcus aureus [odds ratio (OR): 5.2 : 1, 95% CI: 1.4-18.9, P<0.01]. CONCLUSIONS: After 7 years in function, implants presented with deeper probing depths than teeth. S. aureus was commonly present at both teeth and implants sites. S. aureus at tooth sites was predictive of also being present at implant sites.
Large earthquakes may strongly influence the activity of volcanoes through static and dynamic processes. In this study, we quantify the static and dynamic stress change on 27 volcanoes in Central America, after the Mw 7.6 Costa Rica earthquake of 5 September 2012. Following this event, 8 volcanoes showed signs of activity. We calculated the static stress change due to the earthquake on hypothetical faults under these volcanoes with Coulomb 3.3. For the dynamic stress change, we computed synthetic seismograms to simulate the waveforms at these volcanoes. We then calculated the Peak Dynamic Stress (PDS) from the modeled peak ground velocities. The resulting values are from moderate to minor changes in stress (10-1-10-2 MPa) with the PDS values generally an order of magnitude larger than the static stress change. Although these values are small, they may be enough to trigger a response by the volcanoes, and are on the order of stress changes implicated in many other studies of volcano and earthquake triggering by large earthquakes. This study provides insight into the poorly-constrained mechanism for remote triggering.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that inhibit gene expression at transcriptional or post-transcriptional level. Let-7 family is among the first identified human miRNAs and regulates multiple cellular processes including glucose metabolism in multiple organs. It has been reported that overexpression of let-7 resulted in insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance through repressing insulin signaling pathway in both muscle and liver. However, the role and mechanism underlying let-7 function in pancreatic beta-cells have yet to be elucidated. Let-7 family contains nine members, which poses a significant challenge in complete deletion of this miRNA family. To study the function of let-7 and to overcome the functional redundancies of various let-7 members in pancreatic beta-cells, the highly expressed let-7a and let-7b were blocked simultaneously using short tandem target mimic (STTM) approach developed in our laboratory. Introducing STTM-let7 into beta-cells markedly increased the expression of Caspase 3, a direct target of let-7, confirming a sufficient functional knockdown of let-7a/b by STTM-let7. STTM-let7 enhanced apoptotic cell death induced by cytokine, indicating that let-7a/b is able to protect from apoptosis through attenuating Caspase 3 expression in pancreatic beta-cells. In contrast to the previous observation that let-7 silencing increases insulin signaling in muscle and liver, inhibition of let-7 with STTM-let7 significantly repressed glucose-stimulated insulin signaling in pancreatic beta-cells, leading to impaired insulin secretion and reduced beta-cell proliferation. Taken together, an appropriate level of let-7 is essential in maintaining beta-cell function and viability. Dysregulation of let-7 may contribute to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes.
In this issue...Mines Athletics, Co-ed Club, Faculty Lunch, Anderson Carlisle Society, The Lockwood, Butte, Montana, Mining Engineers, Professor A. M. Gaudin
In this issue...YMCA, Gardner Denver Scholarship, Civic Center, Butte, Montana, Air Force, Russell Dugdale, Debate team, Anderson Carlisle Society, Student Wives
In this issue...Circle K Club, Leonard Boyd, March of Dimes, Gem Auction, Young Adult Christian Association, Outing club, Y.M.C.A., Bob Wylie, Carroll College
In this issue...Books for Korea, International Club, U. S. Army, March of Dimes, Bob Knievel, Clark Park, speed skating, Butte Civic Center, Martin White, hockey, Russia
In this issue...World War I, book drive, Pete Gross, Columbia Gardens, Marcus Daly, greyhound racing, Governor Donald Nutter, Santa Claus, Sid Brown, Metals Bank
In this issue...Len Waters, Circle K Club, Max Kert, Air Force, Stanley Eugene Bosch, Wesley Club, Engineer's week, toboggan party, Butte Central, Anaconda High School
The primary objective of this study has been to investigate the effects at the molecular level of trisomy of mouse chromosome 7 in chemically induced skin tumors. It was previously proposed that the initiation event in the mouse skin carcinogenesis model is a heterozygous mutation of the Ha-ras-1 gene, mapped to chromosome 7. Previous studies in this laboratory identified trisomy 7 as one of the primary nonrandom cytogenetic abnormalities found in the majority of severely dysplastic papillomas and squamous cell carcinomas induced in SENCAR mice by an initiation-promotion protocol. Therefore, the first hypothesis tested was that trisomy 7 occurs by specific duplication of the chromosome carrying a mutated Ha-ras-1 allele. Results of a quantitative analysis of normal/mutated allelic ratios of the Ha-ras-1 gene confirmed this hypothesis, showing that most of the tumors exhibited overrepresentation of the mutated allele in the form of 1/2, 0/3, and 0/2 (normal/mutated) ratios. In addition, histopathological analysis of the tumors showed an apparent association between the degree of malignancy and the dosage of the mutated Ha-ras-1 allele. To determine the mechanism for loss of the normal Ha-ras-1 allele, found in 30% of the tumors, a comparison of constitutional and tumor genotypes was performed at different informative loci of chromosome 7. By combining Southern blot and polymerase chain reaction fragment length polymorphism analyses of DNAs extracted from squamous cell carcinomas, complete loss of heterozygosity was detected in 15 of 20 tumors at the Hbb locus, and in 5 of 5 tumors at the int-2 locus, both distal to Ha-ras-1. In addition, polymerase chain reaction analysis of DNA extracted from papillomas indicated that loss of heterozygosity occurs in late-stage lesions exhibiting a high degree of dysplasia and areas of microinvasion, suggesting that this event may be associated to the acquisition of the malignant phenotype. Allelic dosage analysis of tumors that had become homozygous at Hbb but retained heterozygosis at Ha-ras-1, indicated that loss of heterozygosity on mouse chromosome 7 occurs by a mitotic recombination mechanism. Overall, these findings suggest the presence of a putative tumor suppressor locus on the 7F1-ter region of mouse chromosome 7. Thus, loss of function by homozygosis at this putative suppressor locus may complement activation of the Ha-ras-1 gene during tumor progression, and might be associated with the malignant conversion stage of mouse skin carcinogenesis. ^
Alterations in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) are considered to be critical steps in oncogenesis. Consistent deletions and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of polymorphic markers in a determinate chromosomal fragment are known to be indicative of a closely mapping TSG. Deletion of the long arm of chromosome 7 (hchr 7) is a frequent trait in many kinds of human primary tumors. LOH was studied with an extensive set of markers on chromosome 7q in several types of human neoplasias (primary breast, prostate, colon, ovarian and head and neck carcinomas) to determine the location of a putative TSG. The extent of LOH varied depending the type of tumor studied but all the LOH curves we obtained had a peak at (C-A)$\sb{\rm n}$ microsatellite repeat D7S522 at 7q31.1 and showed a Gaussian distribution. The high incidence of LOH in all tumor types studied suggests that a TSG relevant to the development of epithelial cancers is present on the 7q31.1. To investigate whether the putative TSG is conserved in the syntenic mouse locus, we studied LOH of 30 markers along mouse chromosome 6 (mchr 6) in chemically induced squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs). Tumors were obtained from SENCAR and C57BL/6 x DBA/2 F1 females by a two-stage carcinogenesis protocol. The high incidence of LOH in the tumor types studied suggests that a TSG relevant to the development of epithelial cancers is present on mchr 6 A1. Since this segment is syntenic with the hchr 7q31, these data indicate that the putative TSG is conserved in both species. Functional evidence for the existence of a TSG in hchr 7 was obtained by microcell fusion transfer of a single hchr 7 into a murine SCC-derived cell line. Five out of seven hybrids had two to three-fold longer latency periods for in vivo tumorigenicity assays than parental cells. One of the unrepressed hybrids had a deletion in the introduced chromosome 7 involving q31.1-q31.3, confirming the LOH data. ^
We present a search for a light (mass < 2 GeV) boson predicted by Hidden Valley supersymmetric models that decays into a final state consisting of collimated muons or electrons, denoted "lepton-jets". The analysis uses 5 fb(-1) of root s = 7 TeV proton-proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider to search for the following signatures: single lepton-jets with at least four muons; pairs of lepton-jets, each with two or more muons; and pairs of lepton-jets with two or more electrons. This study finds no statistically significant deviation from the Standard Model prediction and places 95% confidence-level exclusion limits on the production cross section times branching ratio of light bosons for several parameter sets of a Hidden Valley model.