952 resultados para Two-dimensional redistribution kernel
This paper proposes a two-dimensional Strategic Performance Measure (SPM) to evaluate the achievement of sustained superior performance. This proposal builds primarily on the fact that, under the strategic management perspective, a firm's prevalent objective is the pursuit of sustained superior performance. Three basicconceptual dimensions stem from this objective: relativity, sign dependence, and dynamism. These are the foundations of the SPM, which carries out a separate evaluation of the attained superior performance and of its sustainability over time. In contrast to existing measures of performance, the SPM provides: (i) a dynamic approach by considering the progress or regress in performance over time, and (ii) a cardinal measurement of performance differences and its changes over time. The paper also proposes an axiomatic framework that ameasure of strategic performance should comply with to be theoretically and managerially sound. Finally, anempirical illustration of the Spanish banking sector during 1987-1999 is herein provided by discussing some relevant case
Piecewise linear models systems arise as mathematical models of systems in many practical applications, often from linearization for nonlinear systems. There are two main approaches of dealing with these systems according to their continuous or discrete-time aspects. We propose an approach which is based on the state transformation, more particularly the partition of the phase portrait in different regions where each subregion is modeled as a two-dimensional linear time invariant system. Then the Takagi-Sugeno model, which is a combination of local model is calculated. The simulation results show that the Alpha partition is well-suited for dealing with such a system
The importance of the right ventricle as a determinant of clinical symptoms, exercise capacity, peri-operative survival and postoperative outcome has been underestimated for a long time. Right ventricular ejection fraction has been used as a measure of right ventricular function but has been found to be dependent on loading conditions, ventricular interaction as well as on myocardial structure. Altered left ventricular function in patients with valvular disease influences right ventricular performance mainly by changes in afterload but also by ventricular interaction. Right ventricular function and regional wall motion can be determined with right ventricular angiography, radionuclide ventriculography, two-dimensional echocardiography or magnetic resonance imaging. However, the complex structure of the right ventricle and its pronounced translational movements render quantification difficult. True regional wall motion analysis is, however, possible with myocardial tagging based on magnetic resonance techniques. With this technique a baso-apical shear motion of the right ventricle was observed which was enhanced in patients with aortic stenosis.
An efficient high-resolution (HR) three-dimensional (3D) seismic reflection system for small-scale targets in lacustrine settings was developed. In Lake Geneva, near the city of Lausanne, Switzerland, the offshore extension of a complex fault zone well mapped on land was chosen for testing our system. A preliminary two-dimensional seismic survey indicated structures that include a thin (<40 m) layer of subhorizontal Quaternary sediments that unconformably overlie south-east-dipping Tertiary Molasse beds and a major fault zone (Paudeze Fault Zone) that separates Plateau and Subalpine Molasse (SM) units. A 3D survey was conducted over this test site using a newly developed three-streamer system. It provided high-quality data with a penetration to depths of 300 m below the water bottom of non-aliased signal for dips up to 30degrees and with a maximum vertical resolution of 1.1 m. The data were subjected to a conventional 3D processing sequence that included post-stack time migration. Tests with 3D pre-stack depth migration showed that such techniques can be applied to HR seismic surveys. Delineation of several horizons and fault surfaces reveals the potential for small-scale geologic and tectonic interpretation in three dimensions. Five major seismic facies and their detailed 3D geometries can be distinguished. Three fault surfaces and the top of a molasse surface were mapped in 3D. Analysis of the geometry of these surfaces and their relative orientation suggests that pre-existing structures within the Plateau Molasse (PM) unit influenced later faulting between the Plateau and SM. In particular, a change in strike of the PM bed dip may indicate a fold formed by a regional stress regime, the orientation of which was different from the one responsible for the creation of the Paudeze Fault Zone. This structure might have later influenced the local stress regime and caused the curved shape of the Paudeze Fault in our surveyed area.
Monoclonal IgG are commonly observed in various B cell disorders, of which multiple myeloma is the most clinically relevant. In a series of serum samples, we identified by immunofixation 73 monoclonal IgG, including 63 IgG(1), 4 IgG(2), 5 IgG(3), and 1 IgG(4). The light chains were of kappa type in 45 cases, and of lambda type in 28 cases. These monoclonal IgG were further characterized by high resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE) in various isoelectric focusing conditions, as well as by 3-DE (2-DE of the proteins extracted from agarose after serum protein agarose electrophoresis). After 2-DE, 38 out of 73 monoclonal gamma chains (52%) were visualized using immobilized pH 3-10 gradients for isoelectric focusing. In 6 cases (8%), gamma chains were only detected using alkaline immobilized pH 6-11 gradients. In 3 cases (4%), 3-DE revealed monoclonal gamma chains hidden by polyclonal gamma chains. Finally, in 26 cases (36%), no monoclonal gamma chains were clearly visualized. Sixty-one monoclonal light chains (84%) were detected using immobilized pH 3-10 gradients, whereas 12 (16%) were not. Monoclonal gamma chains and light chains were highly heterogeneous in terms of pI and M(r). However, a statistically significant correlation (P<0.05) was observed between the position of the monoclonal IgG in agarose gel and the pI of their heavy and light chains (R=0.733, multiple linear regression). Because of the extreme diversity of their heavy and light chains, it appears that a classification of monoclonal IgG based only on their electrophoretic properties is not possible.
The exceptional genomic content and genome organization of the Acidianus filamentous virus 1 (AFV1) that infects the hyperthermophilic archaeon Acidianus hospitalis suggest that this virus might exploit an unusual mechanism of genome replication. An analysis of replicative intermediates of the viral genome by two-dimensional (2D) agarose gel electrophoresis revealed that viral genome replication starts by the formation of a D-loop and proceeds via strand displacement replication. Characterization of replicative intermediates using dark-field electron microscopy, in combination with the 2D agarose gel electrophoresis data, suggests that recombination plays a key role in the termination of AFV1 genome replication through the formation of terminal loops. A terminal protein was found to be attached to the ends of the viral genome. The results allow us to postulate a model of genome replication that relies on recombination events for initiation and termination.
Background/Aims. Recently, peripheral blood mononuclear cell transcriptome analysis has identified genes that are upregulated in relapsing minimal-change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS). In order to investigate protein expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from relapsing MCNS patients, we performed proteomic comparisons of PBMC from patients with MCNS in relapse and controls. METHODS: PBMC from a total of 20 patients were analysed. PBMC were taken from five patients with relapsing MCNS, four in remission, five patients with other glomerular diseases and six controls. Two dimensional electrophoresis was performed and proteome patterns were compared. RESULTS: Automatic heuristic clustering analysis allowed us to pool correctly the gels from the MCNS patients in the relapse and in the control groups. Using hierarchical population matching, nine spots were found to be increased in PBMC from MCNS patients in relapse. Four spots were identified by mass spectrometry. Three of the four proteins identified (L-plastin, alpha-tropomyosin and annexin III) were cytoskeletal-associated proteins. Using western blot and immunochemistry, L-plastin and alpha-tropomyosin 3 concentrations were found to be enhanced in PBMC from MCNS patients in relapse. Conclusions. These data indicate that a specific proteomic profile characterizes PBMC from MCNS patients in relapse. Proteins involved in PBMC cytoskeletal rearrangement are increased in relapsing MCNS. We hypothesize that T-cell cytoskeletal rearrangement may play a role in the pathogenesis of MCNS by altering the expression of cell surface receptors and by modifying the interaction of these cells with glomerular cells.
The expression of Ia-associated human Invariant (In) chain glycoproteins was studied in the Raji B cells as well as in their RJ 2.2.5 Ia-negative derived variant cells by using a specific rabbit anti-human In chain antiserum. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of immunoprecipitates from either biosynthetically labeled or surface labeled cells were analyzed. In addition, flow microfluorometric analysis of stained cells was performed. The results indicate that the In chain is constitutively produced in the Ia-negative B cell variant. Moreover, it appears that several forms of In chain-related molecules, with different charges and distinct m.w. are equally expressed in Ia-positive and Ia-negative B cells. Finally, no evidence could be obtained that the In molecular family was expressed on the cell surface of Ia-positive Raji and Ia-negative RJ 2.2.5 cells.
Three-dimensional information is much easier to understand than a set of two-dimensional images. Therefore a layman is thrilled by the pseudo-3D image taken in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) while, when seeing a transmission electron micrograph, his imagination is challenged. First approaches to gain insight in the third dimension were to make serial microtome sections of a region of interest (ROI) and then building a model of the object. Serial microtome sectioning is a tedious and skill-demanding work and therefore seldom done. In the last two decades with the increase of computer power, sophisticated display options, and the development of new instruments, an SEM with a built-in microtome as well as a focused ion beam scanning electron microscope (FIB-SEM), serial sectioning, and 3D analysis has become far easier and faster.Due to the relief like topology of the microtome trimmed block face of resin-embedded tissue, the ROI can be searched in the secondary electron mode, and at the selected spot, the ROI is prepared with the ion beam for 3D analysis. For FIB-SEM tomography, a thin slice is removed with the ion beam and the newly exposed face is imaged with the electron beam, usually by recording the backscattered electrons. The process, also called "slice and view," is repeated until the desired volume is imaged.As FIB-SEM allows 3D imaging of biological fine structure at high resolution of only small volumes, it is crucial to perform slice and view at carefully selected spots. Finding the region of interest is therefore a prerequisite for meaningful imaging. Thin layer plastification of biofilms offers direct access to the original sample surface and allows the selection of an ROI for site-specific FIB-SEM tomography just by its pronounced topographic features.
The infinite slope method is widely used as the geotechnical component of geomorphic and landscape evolution models. Its assumption that shallow landslides are infinitely long (in a downslope direction) is usually considered valid for natural landslides on the basis that they are generally long relative to their depth. However, this is rarely justified, because the critical length/depth (L/H) ratio below which edge effects become important is unknown. We establish this critical L/H ratio by benchmarking infinite slope stability predictions against finite element predictions for a set of synthetic two-dimensional slopes, assuming that the difference between the predictions is due to error in the infinite slope method. We test the infinite slope method for six different L/H ratios to find the critical ratio at which its predictions fall within 5% of those from the finite element method. We repeat these tests for 5000 synthetic slopes with a range of failure plane depths, pore water pressures, friction angles, soil cohesions, soil unit weights and slope angles characteristic of natural slopes. We find that: (1) infinite slope stability predictions are consistently too conservative for small L/H ratios; (2) the predictions always converge to within 5% of the finite element benchmarks by a L/H ratio of 25 (i.e. the infinite slope assumption is reasonable for landslides 25 times longer than they are deep); but (3) they can converge at much lower ratios depending on slope properties, particularly for low cohesion soils. The implication for catchment scale stability models is that the infinite length assumption is reasonable if their grid resolution is coarse (e.g. >25?m). However, it may also be valid even at much finer grid resolutions (e.g. 1?m), because spatial organization in the predicted pore water pressure field reduces the probability of short landslides and minimizes the risk that predicted landslides will have L/H ratios less than 25. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In Finland, European Union membership and economic globalisation have changed the position of regions from closed territorial systems to nodes of open international networks. The increasing complexity of cities as globalised knowledge centres and functionally specialised and diversified rural areas, and on the other hand growing disparities between prosperous urban cores and lagging peripheral areas are also essential features in contemporary regional development. These trends have produced new needs to promote mutual dialogue between cities and the countryside in western market economies. Urban-rural interaction is an idea which was developed in the late 1990s within regional policy to pull together these new challenges to regional development and handle cities and the countryside as a whole. The aim of my study is to conceptualise the idea of urban-rural interaction, explain the phenomenon theoretically, clarify past and present urban and rural development and analyse regional policies from the interaction angle. The ultimate purpose is to illustrate the existence and nature of particular interaction policy in a globalising society. The general method is discourse analysis, which I use in three cases: Central Finland, South-Ostrobothnia and South-West Finland. Theoretically I have a two-dimensional approach. On the first hand I use World-System theory to explain how the global economy is moulding urban and rural structures at the regional level. On the other hand I use regime theory to explain local political actions and practises between cities and the countryside under the overlapping pressures deriving from reformulated regional structures and policies.
Adaptation to globalisation in Finland has been carried out by strengthening urban centres. The stress in regional policy has been in urban development. The development of the countryside has mostly been implemented by a separate rural policy. At the end of the 1990s and early 2000s Finnish cities have actually shown themselves to be competitive in global markets. The drawbacks of the new growth centre policy have been the sparse network of prosperous cities and their weak spreading effects, which have hindered comprehensive regional development. Tensions between urban and rural areas have also deepened. In this situation the interaction policy is used as a way of balancing development and moderate conflicts within the regions. From this point of view urban-rural interaction can be seen as a way of tackling the challenges of globalisation.
On the other hand the results emphasise that actors involved in regional development still believe, although the hegemonic discourse is on urban policy, that there are opportunities to stimulate progress in the countryside as well. In the situation where regional authorities control development resources, rural development can be successful only if rural actors manage to establish fruitful relationships with their urban partners. This is also the weakness of the programme-based regional policy. If rural municipalities or other actors are for any reason incapable of building development regimes with cities, the offers of interaction policy will be useless.
The problem of the interaction policy is that the focus and methods of it have so far been rather underdeveloped. In order to improve the efficiency of the interaction policy, further research should concentrate on the social processes which define the position of cities and the countryside as partners of interaction, and practises which promote or prohibit the possibilities of developing the interaction policy. The efforts to define different contents of urban-rural interaction or promote interaction projects should not have such an important role in the future as they have had so far. Instead, the focus of interaction policy should be on questions such as how to manage the political tensions between town and country and how to create a positive atmosphere for regional policy where the needs of urban and rural development are promoted equally.
The paracaspase MALT1 is pivotal in antigen receptor-mediated lymphocyte activation and lymphomagenesis. MALT1 contains a caspase-like domain, but it is unknown whether this domain is proteolytically active. Here we report that MALT1 had arginine-directed proteolytic activity that was activated after T cell stimulation, and we identify the signaling protein Bcl-10 as a MALT1 substrate. Processing of Bcl-10 after Arg228 was required for T cell receptor-induced cell adhesion to fibronectin. In contrast, MALT1 activity but not Bcl-10 cleavage was essential for optimal activation of transcription factor NF-kappaB and production of interleukin 2. Thus, the proteolytic activity of MALT1 is central to T cell activation, which suggests a possible target for the development of immunomodulatory or anticancer drugs
Proteomics has come a long way from the initial qualitative analysis of proteins present in a given sample at a given time ("cataloguing") to large-scale characterization of proteomes, their interactions and dynamic behavior. Originally enabled by breakthroughs in protein separation and visualization (by two-dimensional gels) and protein identification (by mass spectrometry), the discipline now encompasses a large body of protein and peptide separation, labeling, detection and sequencing tools supported by computational data processing. The decisive mass spectrometric developments and most recent instrumentation news are briefly mentioned accompanied by a short review of gel and chromatographic techniques for protein/peptide separation, depletion and enrichment. Special emphasis is placed on quantification techniques: gel-based, and label-free techniques are briefly discussed whereas stable-isotope coding and internal peptide standards are extensively reviewed. Another special chapter is dedicated to software and computing tools for proteomic data processing and validation. A short assessment of the status quo and recommendations for future developments round up this journey through quantitative proteomics.
Abstract The object of game theory lies in the analysis of situations where different social actors have conflicting requirements and where their individual decisions will all influence the global outcome. In this framework, several games have been invented to capture the essence of various dilemmas encountered in many common important socio-economic situations. Even though these games often succeed in helping us understand human or animal behavior in interactive settings, some experiments have shown that people tend to cooperate with each other in situations for which classical game theory strongly recommends them to do the exact opposite. Several mechanisms have been invoked to try to explain the emergence of this unexpected cooperative attitude. Among them, repeated interaction, reputation, and belonging to a recognizable group have often been mentioned. However, the work of Nowak and May (1992) showed that the simple fact of arranging the players according to a spatial structure and only allowing them to interact with their immediate neighbors is sufficient to sustain a certain amount of cooperation even when the game is played anonymously and without repetition. Nowak and May's study and much of the following work was based on regular structures such as two-dimensional grids. Axelrod et al. (2002) showed that by randomizing the choice of neighbors, i.e. by actually giving up a strictly local geographical structure, cooperation can still emerge, provided that the interaction patterns remain stable in time. This is a first step towards a social network structure. However, following pioneering work by sociologists in the sixties such as that of Milgram (1967), in the last few years it has become apparent that many social and biological interaction networks, and even some technological networks, have particular, and partly unexpected, properties that set them apart from regular or random graphs. Among other things, they usually display broad degree distributions, and show small-world topological structure. Roughly speaking, a small-world graph is a network where any individual is relatively close, in terms of social ties, to any other individual, a property also found in random graphs but not in regular lattices. However, in contrast with random graphs, small-world networks also have a certain amount of local structure, as measured, for instance, by a quantity called the clustering coefficient. In the same vein, many real conflicting situations in economy and sociology are not well described neither by a fixed geographical position of the individuals in a regular lattice, nor by a random graph. Furthermore, it is a known fact that network structure can highly influence dynamical phenomena such as the way diseases spread across a population and ideas or information get transmitted. Therefore, in the last decade, research attention has naturally shifted from random and regular graphs towards better models of social interaction structures. The primary goal of this work is to discover whether or not the underlying graph structure of real social networks could give explanations as to why one finds higher levels of cooperation in populations of human beings or animals than what is prescribed by classical game theory. To meet this objective, I start by thoroughly studying a real scientific coauthorship network and showing how it differs from biological or technological networks using divers statistical measurements. Furthermore, I extract and describe its community structure taking into account the intensity of a collaboration. Finally, I investigate the temporal evolution of the network, from its inception to its state at the time of the study in 2006, suggesting also an effective view of it as opposed to a historical one. Thereafter, I combine evolutionary game theory with several network models along with the studied coauthorship network in order to highlight which specific network properties foster cooperation and shed some light on the various mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of this same cooperation. I point out the fact that, to resist defection, cooperators take advantage, whenever possible, of the degree-heterogeneity of social networks and their underlying community structure. Finally, I show that cooperation level and stability depend not only on the game played, but also on the evolutionary dynamic rules used and the individual payoff calculations. Synopsis Le but de la théorie des jeux réside dans l'analyse de situations dans lesquelles différents acteurs sociaux, avec des objectifs souvent conflictuels, doivent individuellement prendre des décisions qui influenceront toutes le résultat global. Dans ce cadre, plusieurs jeux ont été inventés afin de saisir l'essence de divers dilemmes rencontrés dans d'importantes situations socio-économiques. Bien que ces jeux nous permettent souvent de comprendre le comportement d'êtres humains ou d'animaux en interactions, des expériences ont montré que les individus ont parfois tendance à coopérer dans des situations pour lesquelles la théorie classique des jeux prescrit de faire le contraire. Plusieurs mécanismes ont été invoqués pour tenter d'expliquer l'émergence de ce comportement coopératif inattendu. Parmi ceux-ci, la répétition des interactions, la réputation ou encore l'appartenance à des groupes reconnaissables ont souvent été mentionnés. Toutefois, les travaux de Nowak et May (1992) ont montré que le simple fait de disposer les joueurs selon une structure spatiale en leur permettant d'interagir uniquement avec leurs voisins directs est suffisant pour maintenir un certain niveau de coopération même si le jeu est joué de manière anonyme et sans répétitions. L'étude de Nowak et May, ainsi qu'un nombre substantiel de travaux qui ont suivi, étaient basés sur des structures régulières telles que des grilles à deux dimensions. Axelrod et al. (2002) ont montré qu'en randomisant le choix des voisins, i.e. en abandonnant une localisation géographique stricte, la coopération peut malgré tout émerger, pour autant que les schémas d'interactions restent stables au cours du temps. Ceci est un premier pas en direction d'une structure de réseau social. Toutefois, suite aux travaux précurseurs de sociologues des années soixante, tels que ceux de Milgram (1967), il est devenu clair ces dernières années qu'une grande partie des réseaux d'interactions sociaux et biologiques, et même quelques réseaux technologiques, possèdent des propriétés particulières, et partiellement inattendues, qui les distinguent de graphes réguliers ou aléatoires. Entre autres, ils affichent en général une distribution du degré relativement large ainsi qu'une structure de "petit-monde". Grossièrement parlant, un graphe "petit-monde" est un réseau où tout individu se trouve relativement près de tout autre individu en termes de distance sociale, une propriété également présente dans les graphes aléatoires mais absente des grilles régulières. Par contre, les réseaux "petit-monde" ont, contrairement aux graphes aléatoires, une certaine structure de localité, mesurée par exemple par une quantité appelée le "coefficient de clustering". Dans le même esprit, plusieurs situations réelles de conflit en économie et sociologie ne sont pas bien décrites ni par des positions géographiquement fixes des individus en grilles régulières, ni par des graphes aléatoires. De plus, il est bien connu que la structure même d'un réseau peut passablement influencer des phénomènes dynamiques tels que la manière qu'a une maladie de se répandre à travers une population, ou encore la façon dont des idées ou une information s'y propagent. Ainsi, durant cette dernière décennie, l'attention de la recherche s'est tout naturellement déplacée des graphes aléatoires et réguliers vers de meilleurs modèles de structure d'interactions sociales. L'objectif principal de ce travail est de découvrir si la structure sous-jacente de graphe de vrais réseaux sociaux peut fournir des explications quant aux raisons pour lesquelles on trouve, chez certains groupes d'êtres humains ou d'animaux, des niveaux de coopération supérieurs à ce qui est prescrit par la théorie classique des jeux. Dans l'optique d'atteindre ce but, je commence par étudier un véritable réseau de collaborations scientifiques et, en utilisant diverses mesures statistiques, je mets en évidence la manière dont il diffère de réseaux biologiques ou technologiques. De plus, j'extrais et je décris sa structure de communautés en tenant compte de l'intensité d'une collaboration. Finalement, j'examine l'évolution temporelle du réseau depuis son origine jusqu'à son état en 2006, date à laquelle l'étude a été effectuée, en suggérant également une vue effective du réseau par opposition à une vue historique. Par la suite, je combine la théorie évolutionnaire des jeux avec des réseaux comprenant plusieurs modèles et le réseau de collaboration susmentionné, afin de déterminer les propriétés structurelles utiles à la promotion de la coopération et les mécanismes responsables du maintien de celle-ci. Je mets en évidence le fait que, pour ne pas succomber à la défection, les coopérateurs exploitent dans la mesure du possible l'hétérogénéité des réseaux sociaux en termes de degré ainsi que la structure de communautés sous-jacente de ces mêmes réseaux. Finalement, je montre que le niveau de coopération et sa stabilité dépendent non seulement du jeu joué, mais aussi des règles de la dynamique évolutionnaire utilisées et du calcul du bénéfice d'un individu.
This study focused mainly on changes in the microtubule cytoskeleton in a transgenic mouse where beta-galactosidase fused to a truncated neurofilament subunit led to a decrease in neurofilament triplet protein expression and a loss in neurofilament assembly and abolished transport into neuronal processes in spinal cord and brain. Although all neurofilament subunits accumulated in neuronal cell bodies, our data suggest an increased solubility of all three subunits, rather than increased precipitation, and point to a perturbed filament assembly. In addition, reduced neurofilament phosphorylation may favor an increased filament degradation. The function of microtubules seemed largely unaffected, in that tubulin and microtubule-associated proteins (MAP) expression and their distribution were largely unchanged in transgenic animals. MAP1A was the only MAP with a reduced signal in spinal cord tissue, and differences in immunostaining in various brain regions corroborate a relationship between MAP1A and neurofilaments.