898 resultados para Tunney amendment
Babies, bodies and entitlement: gendered aspects of access to citizenship in the Republic of Ireland
Since the mid-1990s, automatic citizenship for children born in the Republic has been a source of growing debate against a backdrop of increasing immigration and the peace process. In June 2004, the debate culminated in a referendum, opening the way to a constitutional amendment that attaches residence qualifications to the hitherto unfettered entitlement to citizenship available through ius soli. Arguments for the amendment were couched in terms of a threat posed by Third World women having babies in Ireland to obtain residence, and a putative obligation to the EU to harmonise citizenship laws. This article explores how pregnant foreign women’s bodies became a site of perplexity about the borders of the twenty-first century Irish nation. It is therefore suggested that neither the ‘racial state’ theories nor feminist theories of the nation-state account fully for this. On closer inspection, the seemingly sui generis case of the Irish referendum is therefore fruitful in that it demands further reflection in terms of bridging gaps in the existing theory.
The casing layer is an essential component of the system employed in the culture of Agaricus bisporus. The literature appropriate to the casing layer is fully reviewed, including aspects relating to fructification and morphogenesis in A.bisporus, together with an appraisal of the various media employed, their properties and functions, and the commercial significance of the casing layer. Equipment is described for use in experiments in mushroom culture, based on a scaled-down version of normal growing technique, allowing the analysis of both weights and number of fruitbodies forming, which was useful in assessing the effects of different casing treatments. The basic steps in the production of fruitbodies in A.bisporus.are described, including a photographic study of the colonisation of casing and fructification. Various alterations to the physical structure of peat/chalk casing mixtures were found to have an effect on fructification; those causing an opening-out of the casing structure tended to give better yields, especially in the early stages of production. It was shown that, in order to obtain greater yield through casing amendment, fructification must be stimulated, giving increased numbers of fruitbodies, disproportionate to their total weight and consequently of lower mean weight. A synthetic casing medium based on the light glass-like mineral, perlite, was developed. The best formula obtained was -.1 part perlite: 1 part montmorillonite clay (by weight): 3 parts 0.01% glucose solution. Perlite/montmorillonite casing could be improved by adding compost colonised by mycelium of A.bisporus, or adding a peat-chalk casing extract. Perlite was also found to be suitable for admixture with the standard casing medium and a mixture of equal parts by volume performed as well as the peat/chalk casing normally used.
This thesis describes a study of the content and applicability of BS8800:1996 Guide to occupational health and safety management systems. The research is presented chronologically, with literature review and content analysis of SMS related guides and standards interwoven with two elements of qualitative empirical work. The first of these was carried out shortly after publication of BS8800 in 1996, a 'before-the-event' investigation of how organisations were intending to approach SMS implementation. The challenges faced by these organisations are reviewed against standard management theory, suggesting that the initial motivation for SMS implementation governs the approach organisations will adopt to guidance such as BS8800. The second phase of empirical work was undertaken in the context of OHSAS 18001, an auditable protocol based on BS8800, which allows organisations to certify their safety management systems. A discussion of the evolution of certifiable safety management system is presented, highlighting the similarities and differences between this, BS8800, SMS and wider management system standards. A case study then reviews the experiences of a catering company that implemented 18001, motivated by the opportunity for certification as a business benefit. The empirical work is used to comment on the guidance provided by BS8800, within its evolved role as guidance organisations may use for implementation of a SMS to be certified according to the specifications of OHSAS 18001. It is suggested that optimal implementation is facilitated by initial status review, continual improvement and the use of annexes, where there are used to make changes to the existing safety management system. This thesis concludes with a discussion of these elements, highlighting pertinent areas within BS8800 where revision or amendment may be appropriate.
The incipient phase of presbyopia represents a loss in accommodative amplitude of approximately 3 dioptres between the ages of 35 and 45 and is the prelude to the need for a reading addition. The need to maintain single binocular vision during this period requires re-calibration of the correspondence between accommodation and vergence response. No previous study has specifically attempted to correlate change in accommodative status with the profile of oculomotor responses occurring within the incipient phase of presbyopia. Measurements were made of the amplitude of accommodation, stimulus and response AC/A ratios, CA/C ratio, tonic accommodation, tonic vergence, proximal vergence, vergence adaptation and accommodative adaptation of 38 subjects. Twenty subjects were aged 35 to 45 years of age and 10 subjects were aged 20 to 30 years of age at the commencement of the study. The measurements were repeated at four-monthly intervals for a total of two years. The results of this study fail to support the Hess-Gullstrand theory of presbyopia with evidence that the effort to produce a unit change in accommodation increases with age. The data obtained has enabled the analysis of how each individual oculomotor function varies with the decline in amplitude of accommodation. MATLAB/SIMULINK software has been used to assist in the analysis and to allow the amendment of existing models to represent accurately the ageing oculomotor system. This study has proposed that with the decline in the amplitude of accommodation there is an increase in the accommodative convergence response per unit of accommodative response. To compensate for this increase, evidence has been found of a decrease in tonic vergence with age. If this decline in tonic vergence is not sufficient to counteract the increase in accommodative convergence, it is proposed that the near vision response is limited to the maximum vergence response that can be tolerated, with the resulting lower accommodative response being compensated for by an increase in the subjective depth-of-focus. When the blur due to the decrease in accommodative response can no longer be tolerated, the first reading addition will be required.
The study examines factors influencing language planning decisions in contemporary France. It focuses upon the period 1992-1994, which witnessed the introduction of two major language policy measures, the first an amendment to the French Constitution, in 1992, proclaiming the language of the Republic as French, the second, in 1994, legislation to extend the ambit of the loi Bas-Lauriol, governing the use of the French language in France. The thesis posits a significant role for the pro-reform movement led by the French language association Avenir de la Langue Francaise (ALF) in the introduction and formulation of the policy measures concerned. The movement is depicted as continuing the traditional pattern of intellectual involvement in language planning, whilst also marking the beginning of a highly proactive, and increasingly political approach. Detailed examination of the movement's activities reveals that contextual factors and strategic strength combined to facilitate access to the levers of power, and enabled those involved to exert an impact on policy initiation, formulation, and ultimately implementation. However, ALF's decision to pursue the legislative route led to the expansion of the network of actors involved in language policymaking, and the development of counter-pressure from sectoral groups. It is suggested that this more interventionist approach destabilised the traditionally consensual language policy community, and called into question the quasi-monopoly of the intelligentsia in respect of language policymaking. It raised broader questions relating to freedom of expression and the permissible limits of language regulation in a democracy such as France. It also exposed ongoing ambiguities and inconsistencies in the interpretation of the tenets of language planning.
The airway epithelium is the first point of contact in the lung for inhaled material, including infectious pathogens and particulate matter, and protects against toxicity from these substances by trapping and clearance via the mucociliary escalator, presence of a protective barrier with tight junctions and initiation of a local inflammatory response. The inflammatory response involves recruitment of phagocytic cells to neutralise and remove and invading materials and is oftern modelled using rodents. However, development of valid in vitro airway epithelial models is of great importance due to the restrictions on animal studies for cosmetic compound testing implicit in the 7th amendment to the European Union Cosmetics Directive. Further, rodent innate immune responses have fundamental differences to human. Pulmonary endothelial cells and leukocytes are also involved in the innate response initiated during pulmonary inflammation. Co-culture models of the airways, in particular where epithelial cells are cultured at air liquid interface with the presence of tight junctions and differentiated mucociliary cells, offer a solution to this problem. Ideally validated models will allow for detection of early biomarkers of response to exposure and investigation into inflammatory response during exposure. This thesis describes the approaches taken towards developing an in vitro epithelial/endothelial cell model of the human airways and identification biomarkers of response to exposure to xenobiotics. The model comprised normal human primary microvascular endothelial cells and the bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B or normal human bronchial epithelial cells. BEAS-2B were chosen as their characterisation at air liquid interface is limited but they are robust in culture, thereby predicted to provide a more reliable test system. Proteomics analysis was undertaken on challenged cells to investigate biomarkers of exposure. BEAS-2B morphology was characterised at air liquid interface compared with normal human bronchial epithelial cells. The results indicate that BEAS-2B cells at an air liquid interface form tight junctions as shown by expression of the tight junction protein zonula occludens-1. To this author’s knowledge this is the first time this result has been reported. The inflammatory response of BEAS-2B (measured as secretion of the inflammatory mediators interleukin-8 and -6) air liquid interface mono-cultures to Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide or particulate matter (fine and ultrafine titanium dioxide) was comparable to published data for epithelial cells. Cells were also exposed to polymers of “commercial interest” which were in the nanoparticle range (and referred to particles hereafter). BEAS-2B mono-cultures showed an increased secretion of inflammatory mediators after challenge. Inclusion of microvascular endothelial cells resulted in protection against LPS- and particle- induced epithelial toxicity, measured as cell viability and inflammatory response, indicating the importance of co-cultures for investigations into toxicity. Two-dimensional proteomic analysis of lysates from particle-challenged cells failed to identify biomarkers of toxicity due to assay interference and experimental variability. Separately, decreased plasma concentrations of serine protease inhibitors, and the negative acute phase proteins transthyretin, histidine-rich glycoprotein and alpha2-HS glycoprotein were identified as potential biomarkers of methyl methacrylate/ethyl methacrylate/butylacrylate treatment in rats.
Pyrolysis is an energy conversion technology which by heating organic materials in the absence of oxygen, produces liquid, gaseous, and solid fuel products. Biochar, the solid product, can also be used as a soil amendment and, simultaneously, enables us to sequester carbon in the soil. By controlling the pyrolysis process, it is possible to engineer biochar suitable for the remediation of specific soil management problems. This research uses a characterization method more suited to producing biochar for soil amendment purposes than the existing biochar fuel characterization standards. This is the first research to use wastewater irrigated willow as a pyrolysis feedstock. The extensive characterization of biochar produced over a range of temperatures (410-810°C) yielded data on key properties relevant to soil under management: low surface area (1.4 to 5.4 m2/g), low bulk density (0.15-0.18 g/cm3), high pH values (7.8-9.4) and high water-holding capacity (1.8 to 4.3 cm3/g). Extraction experiments demonstrated low bioavailability of char nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, and Mg). This research also studied this artificial nitrogen cycle of pyrolysis: nitrogen accumulated in the wood from the wastewater and high levels of nitrogen remained in the biochar in a stable form not directly available to plants. Copyright © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog.
A „Versenyben a világgal” c. kutatási program 2009-es adatfelvételének két fő aspektusát vizsgálja a tanulmány. Az egyik az e-business / elektronikus kereskedelem területe, a másik a marketing, azon belül is online megoldások területe. Az infokommunikációs technológiák alkalmazása teszi lehetővé a vállalatok számára, hogy online jelenlétükkel és aktivitásukkal hatékonyabbá vagy épp sikeressé tegyék működésüket. Dolgozatunkban azt vizsgáljuk, hogy az egyes iparágak milyen mértékben használják az online marketing és az elektronikus kereskedelem eszközeit. Úgy véljük, hogy fontos hozadéka tanulmányunknak a két terület kérdéskörének kritikája és újrastrukturálására tett javaslatunk a kérdőív szintjén. A kutatásunk eredményei alapján elmondhatjuk, hogy a hazai vállalatok többsége használ valamilyen csatornát vagy eszközt működése során, de az eszközök megoszlása korántsem egyenletes. Míg egyes iparágak változatos megoldásokat használnak, mások szerényebb eszközkészlettel dolgoznak. Megállapításainkat ugyanakkor óvatosan kell kezelni, mivel a mintában a termelő vállalatok felülreprezentáltak voltak, elsősorban a kereskedő és különféle szolgáltató ágazatok rovására. Kvalitatív interjú segítségével vizsgáltunk két vállalatot, hogy megértsük az egyes eszközök (akár online marketing, akár e-kereskedelmi) használata és kerülése mögött álló lehetséges okokat. ________ In our study, we explore two aspects of the program titled „Competing with the world”, conducted in 2009. The field of e-business / e-commerce and online marketing is addressed. Application of info communication technologies through online presence make companies capable of a more competitive and more effective functioning. We examine the extent of use of online marketing and e-commerce tools in various industries. We believe that our critical approach and recommendations based on the structure and textual form is an important increment of our study in the reform and amendment of future research questionnaire. Based on our research, we might pronounce that majority of Hungarian companies use some kind of online channel or tool, however, distribution is not uniform. Some industries work with richer, more diverse tool sets; others use only a single channel or tool. However, we must be careful with our statement, due to the composition of the sample: manufacturing companies were overrepresented in the sample at the expense of commercial and different supplier industries. We examined two different companies through qualitative interviews to understand the reasons behind the use or avoidance of different tools (online marketing and e-business as well).
In their discussion entitled - “Unfair” Restaurant Reviews: To Sue Or Not To Sue - by John Schroeder and Bruce Lazarus, Assistant Professors, Department of Restaurant, Hotel and Institutional Management at Purdue University, the authors initially state: “Both advantages and disadvantages exist on bringing lawsuits against restaurant critics who write “unfair” reviews. The authors, both of whom have experience with restaurant criticism, offer practical advice on what realistically can be done by the restaurateur outside of the courtroom to combat unfair criticism.” Well, this is going to be a sticky wicket no matter how you try to defend it, reviews being what they are; very subjective pieces of opinionated journalism, especially in the food industry. And, of course, unless you can prove malicious intent there really is no a basis for a libel suit. So, a restaurateur is at the mercy of written opinion and the press. “Libel is the written or published form of slander which is the statement of false remarks that may damage the reputation of others. It also includes any false and malicious publication which may damage a person's business, trade, or employment,” is the defined form of the law provided by the authors. Anecdotally, Schroeder and Lazarus offer a few of the more scathing pieces reviewers have written about particular eating establishments. And, yes, they can be a bit comical, unless you are the owner of an establishment that appears in the crosshairs of such a reviewer. A bad review can kneecap even a popular eatery. “Because of the large readership of restaurant reviews in the publication (consumer dining out habits indicate that nearly 50 percent of consumers read a review before visiting a new restaurant) your business begins a very dangerous downward tailspin,” the authors reveal, with attribution. “Many restaurant operators contend that a bad review can cost them an immediate trade loss of upward of 50 percent,” Schroeder and Lazarus warn. “The United States Supreme Court has ruled that a restaurant owner can collect damages only if he proves that the statement or statements were made with “actual malice,” even if the statements were untrue,” the authors say by way of citation. And that last portion of the statement cannot be over-emphasized. The first amendment to the U.S. Constitution does wield a heavy hammer, indeed, and it should. So, what recourse does a restaurateur have? The authors cautiously give a guarded thumbs-up to a lawsuit, but you better be prepared to prove a misstatement of fact, as opposed to the distinguishable press protected right of opinion. For the restaurateur the pitfalls are many, the rewards few and far between, Schroeder and Lazarus will have you know. “…after weighing the advantages and disadvantages of a lawsuit against a critic...the disadvantages are overwhelming,” the authors say. “Chicago restaurant critic James Ward said that someone dumped a load of manure on his yard accompanied by a note that read - Stop writing that s--t! - after he wrote a review of a local restaurant.” Such is a novel if not legally measurable tack against an un-mutual review.
The present work aims to demonstrate the link of the principle of efficiency - as expressed in the Constitution of 1988, by Constitutional Amendment No. 19 - with regulatory agencies, more specifically the ANATEL (National Telecommunications Agency). It also includes this principle’s importance to regulation - to monitor and manage public services - as well as when an activity will be considered efficient, keeping in mind that agencies are subjected to other principles of public administration. The increasing use of telephony has enabled further development of technologies that provide improvements in the provision of this service. The VoIP (Voice over IP), is nothing more than a technological breakthrough that directly targets the providers of conventional telephone service, both by modifying the business working for a long time with the same technology as the amount of new competitors’ dispute on market share. It also analyses the difficulty of understanding and definition of what is VoIP telephony, its growth and the threats that the traditional and mostly which is ANATEL’s role concerning this telephony technology. As regulator of the telecommunications service, ANATEL not yet regulated the voice telephony service using the IP protocol. What looks over the years is that ANATEL exercise its regulatory function to provide better conditions for competition among providers of VoIP and traditional telephone companies, obviously some difficulties are expected, given that VoIP is a technology that provides two services, through conventional telephony and using the internet.
The creation of the National Council of Justice (CNJ) through the Constitutional Amendment nº 45/2004, derived from countless gaps in Brazilian law, mainly relating to procedural delays, ineffectiveness of judicial decisions, and the lack of mechanisms that enable, effectively, disciplinary accountability of judges. The council is constitutionally designed as a member of the Judiciary, which has administrative nature and laid assignments in art. 103-B, § 4 of the current Constitution, among which is to edit regulations to instrument its performance. However, since it came into force, the amendment raised extensive discussions, linked in particular to the constitutionality of the CNJ, which was made through the direct action of unconstitutionality nº 3367, against the alleged violation of the principles of separation of powers and federative form, as well as the limits of its regulatory powers, as has fanned out in ADI nº 3823/ DF, this one dealing on Resolution nº 07, which regulates the seal of nepotism practice in the judiciary. However, despite the Supreme Court has already pronounced on the matter, recognizing the constitutionality of the council, as well as the resolution already said, the debate is in a state of latency, and may erupt again with each new manifestation of regulatory CNJ, given the lack of agreement between doctrine and jurisprudence around the constitutional treatment of its regulatory powers. In this context undeniably reflection on the definition of the regulatory power of the CNJ, presents itself as extremely relevant, and current, in particular in the ambience of the Constitutional Rule of Law, where he strives for legal certainty and consolidation of regulatory institutions. So that it could reach a satisfactory result, skilled at resolving the problems raised, the present study analyzed the reasons that gave rise to the creation of the CNJ, demonstrating their indispensability, but also sought to characterize the status of their administrative and constitutional body, noting finally, the compatibility of its regulatory activities to constitutional principles. From this perspective, we adopted the deductive method and carried out research and bibliographic nature documentary.
The study aims to analyze the content and measures of accuracy of the nursing diagnosis Ineffective Self Health in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Study of nursing diagnosis validation carried out in two stages, namely: content analysis by judges and accuracy of clinical indicators. In the first stage, 22 judges evaluated the setting and location of the diagnosis, clinical indicators and etiological factors and their conceptual and empirical definitions. We used the binomial test to determine the proportion of the judges of the relevance of the components of the nursing diagnosis. In the second stage, we used the Latent Class Analysis for the diagnostic accuracy by evaluating 200 patients in a hemodialysis clinic in northeastern Brazil. Research approved by the Ethics Committee, under the Opinion No 387 837 and CAAE 18486413.0.0000.5537. The results show that the judges evaluated as pertinent clinical indicators 12 and 22 etiological factors. Proposed amendment of the nomenclature of five indicators and six factors and the implementation of a clinical indicator for etiology and three etiological factors for clinical indicators. In conceptual and empirical definitions, judges judged as not relevant the conceptual and empirical definitions of a clinical indicator, the conceptual definitions of two etiological factors and empirical definitions four etiological factors. Still, changes were suggested in the conceptual and empirical definitions of two clinical indicators, the conceptual definitions of 12 etiological factors and empirical definitions of 11 etiological factors. Clinical indicators analyzed in the first stage were validated clinically in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The most frequent clinical indicators were Changes in laboratory tests (100%) and daily life choices ineffective to achieve health goals (81%); and three etiological factors had a higher frequency, they are: unfavorable demographic factors (94.5%), beliefs (79%) and comorbidities (77.5%). From Latent class analysis, diagnosis prevalence was estimated at 66.28%. Clinical indicators that showed the best sensitivity measures for the nursing diagnosis Ineffective Self Health were: daily life choices ineffective to achieve health goals and Expression of difficulty with prescribed regimens. In turn, the clinical indicators of inappropriate medication use, no expression of desire to control the disease, irregular attendance to the dialysis sessions and infection were more specific as to that diagnosis. Non-adherence to treatment was the only indicator that showed confidence intervals with values for sensitivity and specificity, statistically above 0.5, being the one who has better diagnostic accuracy as the inference of the nursing diagnosis Ineffective Self Health in hemodialysis clientele. Thus, it is believed that the improvement of the components of diagnosis in question will contribute to the development of more reliable nursing interventions to the health status of the individual in hemodialysis, providing a more scientifically qualified care.
The study aims to analyze the content and measures of accuracy of the nursing diagnosis Ineffective Self Health in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Study of nursing diagnosis validation carried out in two stages, namely: content analysis by judges and accuracy of clinical indicators. In the first stage, 22 judges evaluated the setting and location of the diagnosis, clinical indicators and etiological factors and their conceptual and empirical definitions. We used the binomial test to determine the proportion of the judges of the relevance of the components of the nursing diagnosis. In the second stage, we used the Latent Class Analysis for the diagnostic accuracy by evaluating 200 patients in a hemodialysis clinic in northeastern Brazil. Research approved by the Ethics Committee, under the Opinion No 387 837 and CAAE 18486413.0.0000.5537. The results show that the judges evaluated as pertinent clinical indicators 12 and 22 etiological factors. Proposed amendment of the nomenclature of five indicators and six factors and the implementation of a clinical indicator for etiology and three etiological factors for clinical indicators. In conceptual and empirical definitions, judges judged as not relevant the conceptual and empirical definitions of a clinical indicator, the conceptual definitions of two etiological factors and empirical definitions four etiological factors. Still, changes were suggested in the conceptual and empirical definitions of two clinical indicators, the conceptual definitions of 12 etiological factors and empirical definitions of 11 etiological factors. Clinical indicators analyzed in the first stage were validated clinically in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The most frequent clinical indicators were Changes in laboratory tests (100%) and daily life choices ineffective to achieve health goals (81%); and three etiological factors had a higher frequency, they are: unfavorable demographic factors (94.5%), beliefs (79%) and comorbidities (77.5%). From Latent class analysis, diagnosis prevalence was estimated at 66.28%. Clinical indicators that showed the best sensitivity measures for the nursing diagnosis Ineffective Self Health were: daily life choices ineffective to achieve health goals and Expression of difficulty with prescribed regimens. In turn, the clinical indicators of inappropriate medication use, no expression of desire to control the disease, irregular attendance to the dialysis sessions and infection were more specific as to that diagnosis. Non-adherence to treatment was the only indicator that showed confidence intervals with values for sensitivity and specificity, statistically above 0.5, being the one who has better diagnostic accuracy as the inference of the nursing diagnosis Ineffective Self Health in hemodialysis clientele. Thus, it is believed that the improvement of the components of diagnosis in question will contribute to the development of more reliable nursing interventions to the health status of the individual in hemodialysis, providing a more scientifically qualified care.
This paper aims to understand the specifics of the network communication and the logic of articulation of social insurgencies in contemporary inferred from the rizome concept coined by Felix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze and the multitude as preach Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. To do so, it raises the processes and practices of political bodies, reaching lines and common strategies of operation. Unless the specifics, it is possible to draw a continuous and rizomatic communication that traverses both bodies enrolled in institutionalized democracy, as the spanish movement-party Podemos and the greek coalition Syriza, as the autonomous collectives, such as the Movimento Passe Livre, fighting for universal public, free and quality transport, and the free media initiatives Media Ninja and Catarina Santos, willing to understand the social movements. The constitutional amendment of this model of communication networking seems to be the desire to radicalization of democracy, the bias of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, as a strategic and common struggle. Indeed, speaking specifically of free media, they are built from here processes that take place in understanding the agency of the bodies as relevant to political action toward the radical democracy project, and the use of free softwares, the communicator-protester agency, the performance, the collective experience.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.