975 resultados para Tuning.


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An integratable distributed Bragg reflector laser is fabricated by low-energy ion implantation induced quantum well intermixing. A 4.6nm quasi-continuous wavelength tuning range is achieved by controlling phase current and grating current simultaneously,and side mode suppression ratio maintains over 30dB throughout the tuning range except a few mode jump points.


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A prototype 1.55-μm Si-based micro-opto-electro-mechanical-systems (MOEMS) tunable filter is fabricated, employing surface micromachining technology. Full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) of the transmission spectrum is 23 nm. The tuning range is 30 nm under 50-V applied voltage. The device can be readily integrated with resonant cavity enhanced (RCE) detector and vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) to fabricate tunable active devices.


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A micromachined vertical cavity tunable filter with AlGaAs/GaAs distributed Bragg reflector is presented. This filter can be electrostatic tuning over a range of 28nm with an applied voltage of 7V.


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A 1.55μm Fabry-Perot (F-P) thermo-optical tunable filter is fabricated. The cavity is made of amorphous silicon (a-Si) layer grown by electron-beam evaporation technique. Due to the excellent thermo-optical property of a-Si, the refractive index of the F-P cavity will be changed by heating; the transmittance resonant peak will therefore shift substantially. The measured tuning range is 12nm, FWHM (full-width-at-half-maximum) of the transmission peak is 9nm, and heating efficiency is 0.1K/mW. The large FWHM is mainly due to the non-ideal coating deposition and mirror undulation. Possible improvements to increase the efficiency of heating are suggested.


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The theoretical analysis and experimental measurement on the incident angle dependence of quantum efficiency of GaAs based resonant cavity enhanced (RCE) photodetector is presented. By changing the angle of incoming light, about 40 nm wavelength variation of peak quantum efficiency is obtained. The peak quantum efficiency and optical bandwidth at different mode corresponding to different angle incidence is characterized with different absorption dependence on wavelength. The convenient angle tuning of resonant mode will be helpful to relax the strict constraint of RCE photodetector to light source with narrow emission spectrum such applications in space optical detections and communications.


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The theoretical analysis and experimental measurement on the angle dependence of quantum efficiency of GaAs based resonant cavity enhanced (RCE) photodetector is presented. By changing the angle of incoming light, about 40mn wavelength variation of peak quantum efficiency has been experimentally obtained. The peak quantum efficiency and optical bandwidth at different mode corresponding to different angle incidence have been characterized with different absorption dependence on wavelength. The convenient angle tuning of resonant mode will be helpful to relax the strict constraint of RCE photodetector to light source with narrow emission spectrum while especially applied in space optical detections and communications.


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The tunable ridge waveguide distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers designed for wavelength-division-multiplex (WDM) communication systems at 1.55 um by using selective area growth (SAG) is reported. The threshold current of the DBR laser is 62mA and the output power is more than 8mW. The isolation resistance between the active region and the Bragg region is 30K Ohm. The total tuning range is 6.5nm and this DBR laser can provide 6 continuous standard WDM channels with 100GHz channel spacing; in the tuning range, the single mode suppression ratio (SMSR) is maintained more than 32dB and the maximum output power variation is less than 3dB.


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Semiconductor nanostructures show many special physical properties associated with quantum confinement effects, and have many applications in the opto-electronic and microelectronic fields. However, it is difficult to calculate their electronic states by the ordinary plane wave or linear combination of atomic orbital methods. In this paper, we review some of our works in this field, including semiconductor clusters, self-assembled quantum dots, and diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dots. In semiconductor clusters we introduce energy bands and effective-mass Hamiltonian of wurtzite structure semiconductors, electronic structures and optical properties of spherical clusters, ellipsoidal clusters, and nanowires. In self-assembled quantum dots we introduce electronic structures and transport properties of quantum rings and quantum dots, and resonant tunneling of 3-dimensional quantum dots. In diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dots we introduce magnetic-optical properties, and magnetic field tuning of the effective g factor in a diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dot. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, an experiment on tunable resonant cavity enhanced (RCE) photodetector with external cavity is reported. It is the first time to realize a tunable RCE photodetector in China. A tuning range about 10 nm has been obtained and further extension is expected. Corresponding theoretical analysis and discussions are presented. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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After capping InAs islands with a thin enough GaAs layer, growth interruption has been introduced. Ejected energy of self-organized InAs/GaAs quantum dots has been successfully tuned in a controlled manner by changing the thickness of GaAs capping layer and the time of growth interruption and InAs layer thickness. The photoluminescence (PL) spectra showing the shift of the peak position reveals the tuning of the electronic states of the QD system. Enhanced uniformity of Quantum dots is observed judging from the decrease of full width at half maximum of FL. Injection InAs/GaAs quantum dot lasers have been fabricated and performed on various frequencies. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A broadly tunable and high-power grating-coupled external cavity laser with a tuning range of more than 200 nm and a similar to 200-mW maximum output power was realized, by utilizing a gain device with the chirped multiple quantum-dot (QD) active layers and bent waveguide structure. The chirped QD active medium, which consists of QD layers with InGaAs strain-reducing layers different in thickness, is beneficial to the broadening of the material gain spectrum. The bent waveguide structure and facet antireflection coating are both effective for the suppression of inner-cavity lasing under large injection current.


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The InAs quantum dots (QDs) on an AlAs layer are grown on GaAs substrates by molecular beam epitaxy technique. The properties of materials and optics of such QD structures have been investigated by cross sectional transmission electron microscopy and photoluminescence (PL) techniques. It is discovered that the inhomogeneous strain filed mainly exists below InAs QDs layers in the case of no wetting layer. The full width at half maximums (FWHMs) and intensities of PL emission peaks of InAs QDs are found to be closely related to the thickness of the thin AlAs layers. The InAs QDs on an eight monolayer AlAs layer, with wide FWHMs and large integral intensity of PL emission peaks, are favorable for producing broadband QD superluminescent diodes, external-cavity QD laser with large tuning range.


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为了能够充分使用计算机资源,使软件运行能够尽可能地接近计算机峰值性能,研究人员 一直在努力。一个思路是为计算机开发优秀的编译器,并使用编译器相关技术对软件进行 性能优化;作为补充,另一个思路是开发能够共用的核心软件包,通过提高核心软件包中 程序的性能提高调用核心库的软件系能。 但科学计算中针对特定的计算机平台和特定的用户问题进行性能调优仍然是一个困难的问 题。速度和可移植性是数值计算软件开发中的一对矛盾。自适应性能优化技术正是为了 解 决数值计算软件中的可移植性问题和进行自动性能优化而提出的,科学家们希望数值计 算 软件能够动态地获悉计算环境的变化以及待求解问题的特征,根据需要改变自身以适应 这些变化以及多种复杂的问题情况,并且在多种求解方法中进行决策以选择最优的解决方 法来求解问题。 本文调研了使用自适应性能优化技术的几个著名软件包:~ATLAS,~SPARSITY,~OSKI以及数字 信号处理领域的快速傅立叶变换软件包FFTW,在此基础上,重点分析和比较了自适应性能 优化的关键技术,着重介绍了矩阵乘计算、MPI通信操作、快速傅立叶变换中涉及的经验搜 索、算法选择和自动代码生成等技术在这些软件包中的应用。 在深入调研的基础上,结合实际应用需求,本文还提出了自适应性能优化过程的新的评价 指标,试图权衡优化效果和优化时间开销,并在不同的实验平台上针对ATLAS的优化过程进 行的实验和过程评价,实验表明,综合优化效果和优化开销能够有效地发现ATLAS自适应优 化过程的特征。将其应用到实际开发和调优过程中,能够在不损失性能的前提下,节省优化时间。 论文最后对HPCC测试软件包在IBM刀片机群上进行了对比测试,发现了测试平台存在的性能 瓶颈,并消除了该瓶颈。表明HPCC软件包确实可以有效的发现被测平台存在的性能瓶颈问 题。


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Switchable multiwavelength fiber laser outputs with a wide tuning range are experimentally observed in an ultralong cavity. Because of the long spooled single-mode fiber and filter effect of the cavity, multiwavelength lasers with the spacing of similar to 14.5 nm are obtained. The proposed fiber laser has the capacity of simultaneously emitting the three wavelengths. By means of adjusting the polarization controllers, the arbitrary single- and dual-wavelength operations are achieved in our laser. (C) 2010 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [DOI: 10.1117/1.3485754]


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The national science project HIRFL-CSR has recently been officially accepted. As a cyclotron and synchotron complex, it puts some particularly high demands on the control system. There are hundreds of pieces of equipment that need to be synchronized. An integrated timing control system is built to meet these demands. The output rate and the accuracy of the controller are 16 bit/mu s. The accuracy of the time delay reaches 40 ns. The timing control system is based on a typical event distribution system, which adopts the new event generation and the distribution scheme. The scheme of the tuning control system with innovation points, the architecture and the implemented method are presented in the paper.