994 resultados para Tropical streams
Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2014
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química, especialidade de Engenharia Bioquímica
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil – Perfil de Construção
We studied a group of 174 Portuguese children (aged 2 mo-16 y) who mostly traveled to tropical Portuguese-speaking countries and found an attack rate of 21.8% for travelers' diarrhea, much lower than previously described. We also showed that African rate analysis by region may hide significant differences between countries.
A utilização crescente das tecnologias de informação provocou uma revolução do conhecimento. O resultado deste novo paradigma trouxe mudanças significativas no modo de gerir e difundir a informação arquivística. A digitalização de parte ou da totalidade de acervos tem sido uma prática constante nos arquivos, bibliotecas e centros de documentação como forma de permitir ao utilizador o acesso remoto e alargado à informação. Neste sentido, o presente estudo, o qual enquadra-se na Sociedade da Informação, incide sobre preservação a longo prazo de documentos digitalizados e tem como objeto de estudo os representantes digitais inseridos no Arquivo Científico Tropical Digital (ACTD), pertencente ao Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical (IICT). Propõe-se aqui entender o processo de digitalização dos documentos inseridos no ACTD, analisar se é realizada alguma preservação digital a longo prazo, bem como analisar a perceção dos profissionais da instituição em estudo relativa à esta temática e a partir deste conhecimento fazer recomendações de preservação digital a longo prazo ao Arquivo digital. O método de recolha e análise de dados utilizado diz respeito à análise de documentos institucionais do IICT, das páginas web do IICT e do ACTD, a fim de compreender a sua génese e estrutura e, a análise qualitativa de entrevistas semiestruturadas aplicada a cinco colaboradores do IICT que trabalham direta ou indiretamente com o ACTD. Para ajudar na análise dos dados recolhidos em entrevista construiu-se uma grelha de análise qualitativa por tema e categoria. A partir do tratamento e análise dos dados identificou-se algumas dificuldades que o ACTD apresenta relativamente á preservação digital a longo prazo, e recomendações foram sugeridas. O IICT não possui plano de preservação digital, nem ações de preservação definidas para serem aplicadas aos objetos digitais do ACTD. A perceção dos profissionais entrevistados relativa à temática é superficial, por isso no que diz respeito à preservação dos objetos digitais recomenda-se ao ACTD e aos profissionais que estão a trabalhar diretamente com as coleções documentais digitalizadas a criação de um grupo de trabalho, de um projeto de digitalização formalizado e de um plano de preservação digital, além da utilização de metadados de preservação, assim como a definição de normas e estratégias de preservação com base em políticas nacionais e internacionais.
Desarrollo empresarial y creación de empresa
Surface size analyses of Twenty and Sixteen Mile Creeks, the Grand and Genesee Rivers and Cazenovia Creek show three distinct types of bed-surface sediment: 1) a "continuous" armor coat which has a mean size of -6.5 phi and coarser, 2) a "discontinuous" armor coat which has a mean size of approximately -6.0 phi and 3) a bed with no armor coat which has a mean surface size of -5.0 phi and finer. The continuous armor coat completely covers and protects the subsurface from the flow. The discontinuous armor coat is composed of intermittently-spaced surface clasts, which provide the subsurface with only limited protection from the flow. The bed with no armor coat allows complete exposure of the subsurface to the flow. The subsurface beneath the continuous armor coats of Twenty and Sixteen Mile Creeks is possibly modified by a "vertical winnowing" process when the armor coat is p«natrat«d. This process results in a welld «v«loped inversely graded sediment sequence.vertical winnowing is reduced beneath the discontinuous armor coats of the Grand and Genesee Rivers. The reduction of vertical winnowing results in a more poorly-developed inverse grading than that found in Twenty and sixteen Mile Creeks. The streambed of Cazenovia Creek normally is not armored resulting in a homogeneous subsurface which shows no modification by vertical winnowing. This streambed forms during waning or moderate flows, suggesting it does not represent the maximum competence of the stream. Each population of grains in the subsurface layers of Twenty and sixteen Mile Creeks has been modified by vertical winnowing and does not represent a mode of transport. Each population in the subsurface layers beneath a discontinuous armor coat may partially reflect a transport mode. These layers are still inversely graded suggesting that each population is affected to some degree by vertical winnowing. The populations for sediment beneath a surface which is not armored are probably indicative of transport modes because such sediment has not been modified by vertical winnowing. Bed photographs taken in each of the five streams before and after the 1982-83 snow-melt show that the probability of movement for the surface clasts is a function of grain size. The greatest probability of of clast movement and scour depth of this study were recorded on Cazenovia Creek in areas where no armor coat is present. The scour depth in the armored beds of Twenty and Sixteen Mile Creeks is related to the probability of movement for a given mean surface size.
The rate of decrease in mean sediment size and weight per square metre along a 54 km reach of the Credit River was found to depend on variations in the channel geometry. The distribution of a specific sediment size consist of: (1) a transport zone; (2) an accumulation zone; and (3) a depletion zone. These zones shift downstream in response to downcurrent decreases in stream competence. Along a .285 km man-made pond, within the Credit River study area, the sediment is also characterized by downstream shifting accumulation zones for each finer clast size. The discharge required to initiate movement of 8 cm and 6 cm blocks in Cazenovia Creek is closely approximated by Baker and Ritter's equation. Incipient motion of blocks in Twenty Mile Creek is best predicted by Yalin's relation which is more efficient in deeper flows. The transport distance of blocks in both streams depends on channel roughness and geometry. Natural abrasion and distribution of clasts may depend on the size of the surrounding sediment and variations in flow competence. The cumulative percent weight loss with distance of laboratory abraded dolostone is defined by a power function. The decrease in weight of dolostone follows a negative exponential. In the abrasion mill, chipping causes the high initial weight loss of dolostone; crushing and grinding produce most of the subsequent weight loss. Clast size was found to have little effect on the abrasion of dolostone within the diameter range considered. Increasing the speed of the mill increased the initial amount of weight loss but decreased the rate of abrasion. The abrasion mill was found to produce more weight loss than stream action. The maximum percent weight loss determined from laboratory and field abrasion data is approximately 40 percent of the weight loss observed along the Credit River. Selective sorting of sediment explains the remaining percentage, not accounted for by abrasion.
The streams flowing through the Niagara Escarpment are paved by coarse carbonate and sandstone sediments which have originated from the escarpment units and can be traced downstream from their source. Fifty-nine sediment samples were taken from five streams, over distances of 3,000 to 10,000 feet (915 to 3050 m), to determine downstream changes in sediment composition, textural characteristics and sorting. In addition, fluorometric velocity measurements were used in conjunction with measured -discharge and flow records to estimate the frequency of sediment movement. The frequency of sediments of a given lithology changes downstream in direct response to the outcrop position of the formations in the channels. Clasts derived from a single stratigraphic unit usually reach a maximum frequency within the first 1,000 feet (305 m) of transport. Sediments derived from formations at the top of waterfalls reach a modal frequency farther downstream than material originating at the base of waterfalls. Downstream variations in sediment size over the lengths of the study reaches reflect the changes in channel morphology and lithologic composition of the sediment samples. Linear regression analyses indicate that there is a decrease in the axial lengths between the intial and final samples and that the long axis decreases in length more rapidly than the intermediate, while the short axis remains almost constant. Carbonate sediments from coarse-grained, fossiliferous units - iii - are more variable in size than fine-grained dolostones and sandstones. The average sphericity for carbonates and sandstones increases from 0.65 to 0.67, while maximum projection sphericity remains nearly constant with an average value of 0.52. Pebble roundness increases more rapidly than either of the sphericity parameters and the sediments change from subrounded to rounded. The Hjulstrom diagram indicates that the velocities required to initiate transport of sediments with an average intermediate diameter of 10 cm range from 200 cm/s to 300 cm/s (6.6 ft./sec. to 9.8 ft./sec.). From the modal velocitydischarge relations, the flows corresponding to these velocities are greater than 3,500 cfs (99 m3s). These discharges occur less than 0.01 p~r cent (0.4 days) of the time and correspond to a discharge occurring during the spring flood.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Especialidad en Producción Agrícola) UANL
This paper revisits Diamond’s classical impossibility result regarding the ordering of infinite utility streams. We show that if no representability condition is imposed, there do exist strongly Paretian and finitely anonymous orderings of intertemporal utility streams with attractive additional properties. We extend a possibility theorem due to Svensson to a characterization theorem and we provide characterizations of all strongly Paretian and finitely anonymous rankings satisfying the strict transfer principle. In addition, infinite horizon extensions of leximin and of utilitarianism are characterized by adding an equity preference axiom and finite translation-scale measurability, respectively, to strong Pareto and finite anonymity.
Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias Biológicas con Especialidad en Ecología) UANL
Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con Acentuación en Manejo de Vida Silvestre y Desarrollo Sustentable) UANL, 2010.