825 resultados para Transport urbà


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Gross domestic product (GDP) is generally considered as the most important index and comprehensive measure of the size of economy. This paper investigates empirically the relationship between transport infrastructure (focus on highways) and GDP growth based on a production function approach. The physical stocks of transport infrastructure were used instead of monetary data to measure public capital together with several other variables (labor and private capital) that were hypothesized to affect economic growth. Then we explore a number of subsequent studies that use panel data covering the period between 1992 and 2004. An investigation was done to compare developed countries and developing countries. Results indicate that physical units are positively and significantly related to economic growth. Furthermore there was an interesting finding that the output elasticity with respect to physical units for developed countries is higher than developing countries.


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Högskolan Dalarna har i samarbete med Naturbränsle i Mellansverige AB genomfört studier på ett nytt fordon för transport av skogsflis. Eftersom fordonet är utrustat med kran och skopa innebär det att flisskördaren kan tippa flisen direkt på marken, eller på en i förväg utlagd duk för att förhindra att föroreningar (grus, sten etc.) följer med vid lastningen av fordonet. Pro¬jektet har finansierats av EU-strukturfond Mål 2 Norra samt genom naturabidrag från deltag¬ande företag. Studier har även genomförts på lastväxlarfordon med container för att jämförel¬ser skall kunna göras mellan de båda fordonstyperna. Studierna omfattar sammanlagt tjugo lass, varav tio lass med det nya fordonet, fem lass med lastväxlarfordon och två containrar och fem lass med lastväxlarfordon och tre containrar. Den sammanlagda transportvolymen uppgick till 1 940 m3s. Tidsstudier har också genomförts på flisskördarens arbete, eftersom det i vissa delar är direkt beroende på vilket vidaretransportfordon som används. I de fall vidaretransporten sker med lastväxlarfordon vägs flisen innan den tippas i containern (en åtgärd för att fordonet inte skall överskrida tillåten lastvikt). Om lastvikten inte är begränsande genomför flisskördaren vissa åtgärder för att lastvolymen i respektive container skall kunna maximeras (t.ex. utjämning och viss packning av flisen med hjälp av kranen). I det fall vidaretransporten sker med det nya fordonet behöver flisskördaren inte väga flisen eftersom bilen är försedd med kranvåg. Där¬emot tillkommer andra arbetsuppgifter för flisskördaren, t.ex. preparering av avlägget (snö¬packning, sten- och buskröjning) samt hantering och utläggning av dukar.Arbetstiden för vidaretransporten är i huvudsak beroende av transportsträckan och medel¬transporthastigheten. När lastväxlarfordon används är arbetstiden dessutom beroende av last¬volymen (antalet containrar och deras volym) samt om tippmöjligheter endast finns på drag¬fordonet (containrar på släp måste omlastas till dragfordon innan flisen kan tippas) eller om tippmöjligheter finns på såväl dragbil som släp. Om släpet inte kan medföras till uppställ¬ningsplatsen för containrarna (p.g.a. alltför smal och kurvig väg eller utrymmesbrist för vänd¬ning av fordonsekipaget) påverkas även arbetstiden av avståndet mellan containrar och släp samt av medelhastigheten vid ”skotning” av containrar till och från släpet.Medelhastigheten vid transport var i stort sett densamma för de båda fordonstyperna. För last¬växlarfordonet med två containrar tog den totala arbetstiden (inklusive tom- och lasskörning) mellan 1,70 och 2,99 G0-tim per lass, vilket motsvarar en prestation på mellan 32 och 52 m3s/G0-tim. Arbetstiden för lastning och lossning varierade mellan 0,87 och 1,09 G0-tim/lass, eller 0,009-0,011 G0-tim/m3s (medeltal 0,98 G0-tim/lass, eller 0,011 G0-tim/m3s), vilket motsvarar en prestation på mellan 87 och 107 m3s/G0-tim.För fordonet med tre containrar tog den totala arbetstiden (inklusive tom- och lasskörning) mellan 2,40 och 3,53 G0-tim per lass, vilket motsvarar en prestation på mellan 30 och 45 m3s/ G0-tim. Arbetstiden för lastning och lossning varierade mellan 1,07 och 1,62 G0-tim/ lass, eller 0,011-0,016 G0-tim/m3s (medeltal 1,33 G0-tim/lass, eller 0,013 G0-tim/m3s), vilket mot¬svarar en prestation på mellan 64 och 89 m3s/G0-tim.Den totala arbetstiden för det nya fordonet (inklusive tom- och lasskörning) varierade mellan 2,11 och 5,08 G0-tim per lass, vilket motsvarar en prestation på mellan 18 och 45 m3s/G0-tim. Arbetstiden för lastning och lossning varierade mellan 0,96 och 1,46 G0-tim per lass, eller 0,01-0,02 G0-tim/m3s (medeltal 1,22 G0-tim/lass, eller 0,013 G0-tim/m3s), vilket mot¬svarar en prestation på mellan 65 och 94 m3s/G0-tim.


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Högskolan Dalarna har i samarbete med Naturbränsle i Mellansverige AB genomfört studier på ett nytt fordon för transport av skogsflis. Fordonet är försett med egen lastningsutrustning (kran och skopa), vilket innebär att flisskördaren kan tippa flisen direkt på marken eller på en i förväg utlagd duk (minskar risken för föroreningar i samband med lastning). Studier har också genomförts på transport av flis med lastväxlarfordon och container (traditionell metod) för att jämförelser skall kunna göras mellan de olika fordonstyperna. Studierna har finansie¬rats via anslag från Statens Energimyndighet och via ”naturabidrag” från deltagande företag.Studierna visar att det nya transportfordonet är ett bättre alternativ än de traditionella last¬växlarfordonen på större objekt med långa transportavstånd. Dessutom pekar studien på att det är sannolikt är bättre även på små objekt under förutsättning att flisningskostnaden kan hållas på en rimlig nivå. Studierna visar också att det bör finnas en viss utvecklingspotential på det nya fordonet (teknik- och metodutveckling), varför det bedöms kunna konkurrera med lastväxlarfordonen även på andra typer av objekt.Jämfört med de traditionella lastväxlarfordonen har det nya fordonet bl.a. följande fördelar:•Transportarbetet blir lättare att planera i och med att beroendeförhållandet mellan in¬blandade maskiner och fordon för flisproduktion och transport upphör.••Risken för störningar i transportflödet minskar.•Miljövinsterna blir större jämfört med lastväxlarfordon som måste ställa ut tomma con¬tainrar innan flisningen kan påbörjas.•Det finns inget behov av lastmaskiner på terminalerna.•Flis kan mellanlagras i skogen.Till nackdelarna med det nya fordonet hör bl.a. följande:•Framkomligheten är något sämre än för lastväxlarfordon på mycket smala och kurviga skogsbilvägar.•Det finns en viss risk för att föroreningar följer med vid lastning av fordonet. Studies were carried out on a new vehicle for transport of fuel chips from the forest. The vehicle was equipped with a crane and a bucket meaning that the chipper may tip the fuel chips right on the ground or on a mat (vira from wood processing industry) to prevent from dirt such as sand and stones when loading. Studies were also carried out on traditional main hauling with transport bins. Transport speed was the same for all vehicles except for the new self-loader on forest roads with lower quality.The studies show that the new system probably is a better alternative on large sites with long transport distances and on sites with only little parking place for transport bins. It is also likely that the new vehicle may be used on very small sites if they are close to each other and if moving cost for the chipper is low.The studies show that the new vehicle has the following advantages:•Transport and other work may be planned in a better way leading to that stress de¬creases.•Dependence between chipper operators and truck drivers decreases.•The risk for disturbances in transport flow decreases.•Environment benefits compared to traditional system with higher traffic intensity (less exhaust gases and lower stress on roads and bridges).•No need for loading machines on terminals.•Easier to store fuel chips on landing.


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“Tourism’s very existence depends on transport. Still, researchers in transportation and logistics do not show much interest in tourism whereas travel and tourism researchers pay more attention to accessibility than to transport.” These were the opening sentences of the call for papers for the TTRA European Chapter Conference “Transport and Tourism: Challenges, Issues and Conflicts” held in Rotterdam and Breda, The Netherlands from 22 to 24 April 2009.


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The presented work deals with the calibration of a 2D numerical model for the simulation of long term bed load transport. A settled basin along an alpine stream was used as a case study. The focus is to parameterise the used multi fractional transport model such that a dynamically balanced behavior regarding erosion and deposition is reached. The used 2D hydrodynamic model utilizes a multi-fraction multi-layer approach to simulate morphological changes and bed load transport. The mass balancing is performed between three layers: a top mixing layer, an intermediate subsurface layer and a bottom layer. Using this approach bears computational limitations in calibration. Due to the high computational demands, the type of calibration strategy is not only crucial for the result, but as well for the time required for calibration. Brute force methods such as Monte Carlo type methods may require a too large number of model runs. All here tested calibration strategies used multiple model runs utilising the parameterization and/or results from previous run. One concept was to reset to initial bed elevations after each run, allowing the resorting process to convert to stable conditions. As an alternative or in combination, the roughness was adapted, based on resulting nodal grading curves, from the previous run. Since the adaptations are a spatial process, the whole model domain is subdivided in homogeneous sections regarding hydraulics and morphological behaviour. For a faster optimization, the adaptation of the parameters is made section wise. Additionally, a systematic variation was done, considering results from previous runs and the interaction between sections. The used approach can be considered as similar to evolutionary type calibration approaches, but using analytical links instead of random parameter changes.


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Scour around hydraulic structures is a critical problem in hydraulic engineering. Under prediction of scour depth may lead to costly failures of the structure, while over prediction might result in unnecessary costs. Unfortunately, up-to-date empirical scour prediction formulas are based on laboratory experiments that are not always able to reproduce field conditions due to complicated geometry of rivers and temporal and spatial scales of a physical model. However, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools can perform using real field dimensions and operating conditions to predict sediment scour around hydraulic structures. In Korea, after completing the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project, several new weirs have been built across Han, Nakdong, Geum and Yeongsan Rivers. Consequently, sediment deposition and bed erosion around such structures have became a major issue in these four rivers. In this study, an application of an open source CFD software package, the TELEMAC-MASCARET, to simulate sediment transport and bed morphology around Gangjeong weir, which is the largest multipurpose weir built on Nakdong River. A real bathymetry of the river and a geometry of the weir have been implemented into the numerical model. The numerical simulation is carried out with a real hydrograph at the upstream boundary. The bedmorphology obtained from the numerical results has been validated against field observation data, and a maximum of simulated scour depth is compared with the results obtained by empirical formulas of Hoffmans. Agreement between numerical computations, observed data and empirical formulas is judged to be satisfactory on all major comparisons. The outcome of this study does not only point out the locations where deposition and erosion might take place depending on the weir gate operation, but also analyzes the mechanism of formation and evolution of scour holes after the weir gates.


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A finalidade deste trabalho ´e apresentar uma revis˜ao da teoria do transporte de part´ıculas em meios compostos por uma mistura aleat´oria bin´aria. Para atingir este objetivo n´os apresentamos brevemente alguns conceitos b´asicos de teoria do transporte, e ent˜ao discutimos em detalhes a deriva¸c˜ao de duas abordagens desenvolvidas para a solu¸c˜ao de tais problemas: os modelos de mistura atˆomica e de Levermore-Pomraning. Providenciamos ainda, com o uso da formula¸c˜ao LTSN, compara ¸c˜oes num´ericas destes modelos com resultados de benchmark gerados atrav´es de um processo de Monte Carlo.


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A água é o principal fator do ambiente limitante para a produção vegetal. Esta pode, também, afetar o heliotropismo, movimentos rápidos e reversíveis das folhas em função da radiação solar. Desta forma, faz-se necessário quantificar os efeitos destes dois fatores no desenvolvimento e produtividade das plantas. Experimentos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação nas dependências da Faculdade de Agronomia, UFRGS, a fim de quantificar a influência do heliotropismo na orientação foliar, na intercepção da radiação solar pelas folhas nos horários de maior incidência desta, na evolução do teor de clorofila da folha, no desenvolvimento vegetativo/reprodutivo, na dinâmica de florescimento e na produção de sementes de M. lathyroides. Para a orientação foliar, observa-se que o folíolo central apresentou uma tendência de orientação em direção ao sol em situações de alta umidade do solo (100% da CC), independente da restrição à movimentação foliar. Os folíolos das plantas submetidas à restrição hídrica (60% da CC) apresentaram maior grau de escape da radiação solar. Foram observados efeitos independentes para a disponibilidade hídrica e para a movimentação foliar tanto para os componentes do desenvolvimento vegetativo/reprodutivo quanto para os componentes do rendimento de sementes ao longo do período experimental. Plantas submetidas a uma alta disponibilidade hídrica ou com folhas livremente orientadas apresentaram maior altura, área foliar, número de ramificações e peso seco total. O maior desenvolvimento favoreceu a emissão de um maior número de inflorescências por planta nestes tratamentos. Este comportamento proporcionou um maior número de flores, legumes verdes e legumes maduros por planta, gerando desta forma uma maior taxa de produção de sementes, sendo esta resposta mais evidenciada ao se avaliar o efeito da disponibilidade hídrica. Apesar do peso individual da semente ter apresentado valores superiores para o tratamento com restrição hídrica, a produção total de sementes foi superior no tratamento com alta disponibilidade hídrica, não se observando efeito significativo para a movimentação foliar.


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Trabalho apresentado no XXXV CNMAC, Natal-RN, 2014.


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Trabalho apresentado no 37th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications - July 28 - August 01, 2014 -Universidad de Buenos Aires


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The work done in this thesis attempts to demonstrate the importance of using models that can predict and represent the mobility of our society. To answer the proposed challenges two models were examined, the first corresponds to macro simulation with the intention of finding a solution to the frequency of the bus company Horários do Funchal, responsible for transport in the city of Funchal, and some surrounding areas. Where based on a simplified model of the city it was possible to increase the frequency of journeys getting an overall reduction in costs. The second model concerns the micro simulation of Avenida do Mar, where currently is being built a new roundabout (Praça da Autonomia), which connects with this avenue. Therefore it was proposed to study the impact on local traffic, and the implementation of new traffic lights for this purpose. Four possible situations in which was seen the possibility of increasing the number of lanes on the roundabout or the insertion of a bus lane were created. The results showed that having a roundabout with three lanes running is the best option because the waiting queues are minimal, and at environmental level this model will project fewer pollutants. Thus, this thesis presents two possible methods of urban planning. Transport modelling is an area that is under constant development, the global goal is to encourage more and more the use of these models, and as such it is important to have more people to devote themselves to studying new ways of addressing current problems, so that we can have more accurate models and increasing their credibility.


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The present study evaluated the physiological responses of matrinxa, Brycon cephalus (Gunther), submitted to transport stress under the influence of sodium chloride, Different salt concentrations (0.0%, 0.1%, 0.3% and 0.6%) were added to four 200-L plastic tanks. Each tank was stocked with 30 fish (mean weight 1.0 +/- 0.2 kg) and transported for 4 h. Blood was sampled prior to transport and immediately after and 24 and 96 h after transport. Plasma cortisol and glucose and serum sodium and potassium, plasma chloride and ammonia were analysed, Changes in plasma cortisol were observed immediately after transportation, except in fish transported in 0.3% and 0.6% salt. Twenty-four hours later, this hormone had returned to its initial level in all fish. Blood glucose was not changed in fish treated with 0.6% salt immediately after transport, and returned to the initial level within 96 h after the other treatments. All treatments resulted in lower levels of plasma chloride after transport, except for fish treated with 0.6% salt, with fish treated with 0.0% and 0.3% salt recovering 24 h later, Serum sodium decreased immediately after transport only in the control fish, returning to the initial level 24 h later, the results indicate that treatment with 0.6% NaCl reduces most of the physiological responses of matrinxa to the stress of transport.


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Matrinxa, Brycon cephalus, is a native teleost fish from the Amazon Basin, and is of economic importance for cultivation for food and sport in Brazil. Mortality losses due to handling and transport of this stenohaline freshwater species are common. The effects of transportation at different densities on the biochemical stress responses of matrinxa (mean weight 1 kg) were examined. Fish were subjected to three different transport densities (100, 200, and 300 kg m(-3)) for four h in water with added salt (0.6%). The fish were bled at departure (baseline level), arrival (immediately after transportation) and at 24 and 96 h after arrival (recovery period). Blood glucose, cortisol, sodium, chloride, potassium and ammonia were used as stress bioindicators. No mortality was observed and no alterations in plasma cortisol were registered. However, blood glucose and ammonia levels increased and serum sodium and plasma chloride decreased on arrival for the fish transported at the highest densities. These stress responses were transient and the concentrations returned to baseline levels within 24 h. This study showed that matrinxa can be transported at densities as high as those tested in the present study, at least under the conditions employed in this study. A recovery period of at least 24 h is strongly recommended.


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A adição de sal à água tem sido utilizada para a mitigação de estresse e aumento da taxa de sobrevivência em peixes. O presente estudo avaliou o efeito do cloreto de sódio (0,0; 1,0; 3,0 e 6.0 g/l) nas concentrações de cortisol plasmático, glicemia, triglicerídios, proteínas total plasmática, hematócrito, hemoglobina, número de eritrócitos, glicogênio e lipídio hepáticos, e lipídio muscular em matrinxã Brycon amazonicum adultos após quatro horas de transporte e durante período de recuperação de 96 h. Amostras foram coletadas antes e depois do transporte, bem como 24 e 96 h após a chegada. O nível de cortisol plasmático estava mais elevado logo após o transporte quando comparado à condição inicial (pré-transporte), exceto para os peixes transportados com sal nas concentrações 3,0 e 6,0 g/l. Comportamento semelhante foi observado para a glicemia, porém os peixes dos tratamentos 0,0, 1,0 e 3,0 g/l necessitaram de período superior a 24 h para recuperar a condição inicial. Foram registrados níveis mais baixos de glicogênio hepático em peixes do tratamento controle (0,0 g/l). Os parâmetros hemoglobina, número de eritrócitos, proteína plasmática total e lipídio hepático não apresentaram alterações durante o período experimental. Os valores de hematócrito diminuíram logo após o transporte em todos os tratamentos, retornando aos níveis iniciais após 24 h. Todos os tratamentos apresentaram redução nos níveis de lipídio muscular e triglicerídios durante o período de recuperação. Os resultados sugerem que a adição de 6,0 g/l de sal na água de transporte reduz as alterações fisiológicas de estresse e que é necessário período de 96 h após o transporte para a recuperação da condição inicial de matrinxãs transportados sem a adição de sal.