953 resultados para Transplantation cardiaque


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Background: Choosing the method of nutritional assessment is essential for proper follow-up of the nutritional status of patients undergoing liver transplantation. Objectives: Evaluate and compare the nutritional status of cirrhotic patients before and after liver transplantation over a year by different methods of nutritional assessment. Methods: Patients undergoing liver transplantation were assessed in five phases: pre-transplant, 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after transplantation at the hospital Santa Casa de Misericordia de Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. The methods used for nutritional assessment were anthropometry, grip strength of the non-dominant hand (HGS) by dynamometry, thickness of the adductor pollicis muscle (APM) and phase angle (PA) by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). In all evaluations, the same measurements were taken. Results: Evaluations were performed in 22 patients. Methods that showed a higher prevalence of malnourished patients before transplantation were PA by BIA (25%), arm muscle circumference (AMC) (21.9%) and arm circumference (AC) (18.8%). When comparing the nutritional status of patients during follow-up, there was a significant difference only in the evaluation methods AC, triceps skinfold thickness and PA by BIA. At the end, the methods of nutritional assessment were compared again. They showed a significant statistical difference, with HGS being the best method for detecting malnutrition. Conclusions: In conclusion, it is suggested that the method PA by BIA could be widely used with this population since the results are consistent with other findings in the literature and they are significant, reliable, and reproducible.


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Purpose: To evaluate the growth of the composite corium (constructed with fibroblast cells and gelatinco- Bletillastriata gelatin/Salvia miltiorrhiza materials) on rats. Methods: The composite artificial corium was constructed by culturing fibroblast cells in gelatin-co- Bletillastriata gelatin/Salvia miltiorrhiza materials. Full-thickness area of skin was excised from the mice and subsequently, the composite corium was transplanted on the wound. Thereafter, the growth difference of the composite artificial corium and natural corium were compared. In addition, real-time fluorogenic reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and western blot were performed to determine vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression at gene and protein levels. Results: The composite artificial corium showed significant repair promoting effect on the skin, and the structure of the repaired skin was similar to that of natural corium. Interestingly, PCR and western blot results showed that the expressions of VEGF were higher in composite artificial corium than in natural corium on days 3 and 7 post-transplantation. Conclusion: The composite artificial corium has some clinical prospects for use in the treatment of wounds on large areas of skin.


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With the exception of the domestic cat, all members of the family Felidae are considered either endangered or threatened. Although not yet used for this purpose, spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) transplantation has a high potential to preserve the genetic stock of endangered species. However, this technique has not previously been established in felids. Therefore, we developed the necessary procedures to perform syngeneic and xenogeneic SSC transplants (eg, germ cell [GC] depletion in the recipient domestic cats, enrichment and labeling of donor cell suspension, and the transplantation method) in order to investigate the feasibility of the domestic cat as a recipient for the preservation and propagation of male germ plasm from wild felids. In comparison with busulfan treatment, local x-ray fractionated radiation was a more effective approach to depleting endogenous spermatogenesis. The results of both syngeneic and xenogeneic transplants revealed that SSCs were able to successfully colonize and differentiate in the recipient testis, generating elongated spermatids several weeks posttransplantation. Specifically, ocelot spermatozoa were observed in the cat epididymis 13 weeks following transplantation. As donor GCs from domestic cats and ocelots were able to develop and form mature GCs in the recipient environment seminiferous tubules, these findings indicate that the domestic cat is a suitable recipient for SSC transplantation. Moreover, as modern cats descended from a medium-size cat that existed approximately 10 to 11 million years ago, these results strongly suggest that the domestic cat could be potentially used as a recipient for generating and propagating the genome of wild felids.


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Background/Aims: Individuals who reach end-stage kidney disease (CKD5) have a high risk of vascular events that persists even after renal transplantation. This study compared the prevalence and severity of microvascular disease in transplant recipients and patients with CKD5. Methods: Individuals with a renal transplant or CKD5 were recruited consecutively from renal clinics, and underwent bilateral retinal photography (Canon CR5-45, Canon). Their retinal images were deidentified and reviewed for hypertensive/microvascular signs by an ophthalmologist and a trained grader (Wong and Mitchell classification), and for vessel caliber at a grading centre using a computer-assisted method and Knudtson’s modification of the Parr-Hubbard formula. Results: Ninety-two transplant recipients (median duration 6.4 years, range 0.8 to 28.8) and 70 subjects with CKD5 were studied. Transplant recipients were younger (p<0.001), with a higher eGFR (p< 0.001), but were just as likely to have a moderate-severe hypertensive/microvascular retinopathy (46/92, 50%) as subjects with CKD5 (38/70, 54%; OR 0.84, CI 0.45 to 1.57, p=0.64), and had similar mean arteriole and venular calibres (135.1 ± 7.5 μm and 137.9 ± 14.9 μm, p=0.12; and 199.1 ± 17.8 μm and 202.4 ± 27.8 μm, p=0.36, respectively). Arteriole and venular caliber were not different in nine patients examined before and after transplantation (p=0.62 and p=0.11, respectively). Conclusions: Hypertensive/microvascular disease occurred just as often and was generally as severe in transplant recipients and subjects with CKD5. Microvascular disease potentially contributes to increased cardiac events post- transplantation.


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This paper reviews the policy and practice of organ donation and transplantation in Qatar that has developed since January 2011. The important features of the Doha Model (the ‘Model’) are explored, including: (i) all legal residents of Qatar have an equal right to access deceased donor organs and transplantation regardless of their citizenship status; (ii) no prioritisation in organ allocation is given to Qatari citizens; (iii) a multilingual and multicultural education and promotional program about donation has been implemented to engage the diverse national communities resident within Qatar; (iv) financial incentives or fungible rewards for living or deceased donation are prohibited. The ethical framework of this policy will be examined in the light of the national self-sufficiency paradigm, which advocates reciprocity and solidarity among resident populations seeking to meet all needs for transplantation equitably. We review some preliminary evidence of the impact of the Model with respect to engagement of a highly diverse multinational population in a donation and transplantation program, and argue that the Model may inform policy and practice in other countries, particularly those with non-citizen resident populations.


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The Ethics Committee of The Transplantation Society convened a meeting on pediatric deceased donation of organs in Geneva, Switzerland, on March 21 to 22, 2014. Thirty-four participants from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Oceania, Europe, and North and South America explored the practical and ethical issues pertaining to pediatric deceased donation and developed recommendations for policy and practice. Their expertise was inclusive of pediatric intensive care, internal medicine, and surgery, nursing, ethics, organ donation and procurement, psychology, law, and sociology. The report of the meeting advocates the routine provision of opportunities for deceased donation by pediatric patients and conveys an international call for the development of evidence-based resources needed to inform provision of best practice care in deceased donation for neonates and children.


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The dark history of transplant tourism in Pakistan demonstrates the hazards of unregulated cross-border markets in human organs. Trading on existing national and international social inequities, ‘transplant tourism’ offers dubious benefits for transplant recipients and attractive profits to those facilitating the industry at the expense of the world’s poor. The impact of Pakistan’s 2007 Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissue Ordinance and the sustained efforts of transplant professionals and societal groups led by the Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation, show that organ trading can be effectively discouraged and equitable programs of organ procurement and transplantation pursued despite multiple challenges. In this paper, the factors that have contributed to Pakistan’s progress towards self-sufficiency in organ transplantation are identified and discussed. The case of Pakistan highlights the need for countries to protect their own organ and tissue providers who may be vulnerable in the global healthcare market. Pakistan provides an excellent example for other countries in the region and throughout the world to consider when regulating their own transplantation programs and considering the pursuit of national self-sufficiency.


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BACKGROUND: Liver transplantation-associated acute kidney injury (AKI) carries significant morbidity and mortality. We hypothesized that sodium bicarbonate would reduce the incidence and/or severity of liver transplantation-associated AKI. METHODS: In this double-blinded pilot RCT, adult patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation were randomized to an infusion of either 8.4% sodium bicarbonate (0.5 mEq/kg/h for the first hour; 0.15 mEq/kg/h until completion of surgery); (n = 30) or 0.9% sodium chloride (n = 30). Primary outcome: AKI within the first 48 h post-operatively.RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the two treatment groups with regard to baseline characteristics, model for end-stage liver disease and acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE) II scores, and pre-transplantation renal function. Intra-operative factors were similar for duration of surgery, blood product requirements, crystalloid and colloid volumes infused and requirements for vasoactive therapy. Eleven patients (37%) in the bicarbonate group and 10 patients (33%) in the sodium chloride group developed a post-operative AKI (p = 0.79). Bicarbonate infusion attenuated the degree of immediate post-operative metabolic acidosis; however, this effect dissipated by 48 h. There were no significant differences in ventilation hours, ICU or hospital length of stay, or mortality. CONCLUSIONS: The intra-operative infusion of sodium bicarbonate did not decrease the incidence of AKI in patients following orthotopic liver transplantation.


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L’insuffisance cardiaque (IC) est un problème d’importance grandissante lié à des perturbations des systèmes nerveux autonome, immunitaire, et cardiovasculaire. Ces perturbations contribuent à plusieurs symptômes physiques et psychologiques invalidants. La recherche faite jusqu’ici sur des programmes d’exercice basés sur le yoga a démontré des résultats préliminaires assez prometteurs en IC. Néanmoins, il reste des lacunes à combler dans la littérature face aux populations testées, à la combinaison des mesures physiques et psychologiques, au suivi du traitement à la maison et à la perception des symptômes au quotidien. Ce projet pilote a donc pour objectif de développer un programme d’exercice complémentaire basé sur le yoga adapté aux patients souffrant d’IC, d’en mesurer la faisabilité et l’acceptabilité en plus d’obtenir des données préliminaires quant à l’impact de cette intervention à réduire la symptomatologie physique et psychologique et d’améliorer la qualité de vie (QV) de ces patients. Les deux premiers participants recrutés dans le cadre de l’étude pilote font l’objet de ce mémoire. Ils ont pris part à huit séances hebdomadaires de yoga Bali, couplé de psychoéducation et méditation tous données à l’Institut de Cardiologie de Montréal par une instructrice certifiée dans la méthode BALI. L’élaboration des outils nécessaires au déroulement du programme, y compris le manuel d’enseignement et le DVD, la faisabilité d’une collaboration avec le personnel médical et évidement l’évaluation des effets du programme en soit sur les symptômes physiques et psychologique s sont parmi les sujets abordés. Les résultats, quoique préliminaires, semblent tendre vers une amélioration des corrélats physiologiques liés à l’insuffisance cardiaque, notamment l’activité du système nerveux autonome tel que témoigné par la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque, et l’inflammation indiqué par le niveau de CRP sanguin.


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La détection du délirium à l’aide d’outils est importante pour pouvoir intervenir le plus rapidement et efficacement possible. Le but de ce projet de recherche est d’évaluer l’efficacité d’une intervention de transfert de connaissances (TC) sur mesure auprès d’infirmières sur le taux d’utilisation conforme d’un outil de détection du délirium (ODD). L’intervention auprès d’infirmières a été basée sur les barrières et facilitateurs à utiliser un tel ODD identifiés par un questionnaire (n=30) et deux groupes de discussion (n=4). Les barrières identifiées par le questionnaire reflétaient un besoin de connaissances et d’amélioration des compétences infirmières. L’une des barrières identifiée à partir des groupes de discussion était le manque de connaissances sur les causes possibles du délirium et les interventions infirmières à privilégier selon ces causes. Les activités de TC retenues étaient une capsule clinique sur les manifestations du délirium évaluées par un ODD et une carte aide-mémoire sur des interventions infirmières possibles. Les taux d’utilisation de l’ODD ont été évalués en pré et post implantation d’une intervention de TC (devis pré-post test) à partir d’une revue de 242 dossiers médicaux de patients (avant n=121 ; après n=121). Aucune différence significative n’a été notée entre les périodes pré et post intervention de TC (p > .99). Une explication réside dans le taux déjà élevé (> 85%) d’utilisation de l’ODD observé avant l’intervention de TC pour deux des trois quarts de travail. L’intervention de TC basée sur les barrières et les facilitateurs a été appréciée par les infirmières et elle pourrait avoir le potentiel de promouvoir une pratique basée sur les résultats probants.


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L’insuffisance cardiaque (IC) est un problème d’importance grandissante lié à des perturbations des systèmes nerveux autonome, immunitaire, et cardiovasculaire. Ces perturbations contribuent à plusieurs symptômes physiques et psychologiques invalidants. La recherche faite jusqu’ici sur des programmes d’exercice basés sur le yoga a démontré des résultats préliminaires assez prometteurs en IC. Néanmoins, il reste des lacunes à combler dans la littérature face aux populations testées, à la combinaison des mesures physiques et psychologiques, au suivi du traitement à la maison et à la perception des symptômes au quotidien. Ce projet pilote a donc pour objectif de développer un programme d’exercice complémentaire basé sur le yoga adapté aux patients souffrant d’IC, d’en mesurer la faisabilité et l’acceptabilité en plus d’obtenir des données préliminaires quant à l’impact de cette intervention à réduire la symptomatologie physique et psychologique et d’améliorer la qualité de vie (QV) de ces patients. Les deux premiers participants recrutés dans le cadre de l’étude pilote font l’objet de ce mémoire. Ils ont pris part à huit séances hebdomadaires de yoga Bali, couplé de psychoéducation et méditation tous données à l’Institut de Cardiologie de Montréal par une instructrice certifiée dans la méthode BALI. L’élaboration des outils nécessaires au déroulement du programme, y compris le manuel d’enseignement et le DVD, la faisabilité d’une collaboration avec le personnel médical et évidement l’évaluation des effets du programme en soit sur les symptômes physiques et psychologique s sont parmi les sujets abordés. Les résultats, quoique préliminaires, semblent tendre vers une amélioration des corrélats physiologiques liés à l’insuffisance cardiaque, notamment l’activité du système nerveux autonome tel que témoigné par la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque, et l’inflammation indiqué par le niveau de CRP sanguin.


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La détection du délirium à l’aide d’outils est importante pour pouvoir intervenir le plus rapidement et efficacement possible. Le but de ce projet de recherche est d’évaluer l’efficacité d’une intervention de transfert de connaissances (TC) sur mesure auprès d’infirmières sur le taux d’utilisation conforme d’un outil de détection du délirium (ODD). L’intervention auprès d’infirmières a été basée sur les barrières et facilitateurs à utiliser un tel ODD identifiés par un questionnaire (n=30) et deux groupes de discussion (n=4). Les barrières identifiées par le questionnaire reflétaient un besoin de connaissances et d’amélioration des compétences infirmières. L’une des barrières identifiée à partir des groupes de discussion était le manque de connaissances sur les causes possibles du délirium et les interventions infirmières à privilégier selon ces causes. Les activités de TC retenues étaient une capsule clinique sur les manifestations du délirium évaluées par un ODD et une carte aide-mémoire sur des interventions infirmières possibles. Les taux d’utilisation de l’ODD ont été évalués en pré et post implantation d’une intervention de TC (devis pré-post test) à partir d’une revue de 242 dossiers médicaux de patients (avant n=121 ; après n=121). Aucune différence significative n’a été notée entre les périodes pré et post intervention de TC (p > .99). Une explication réside dans le taux déjà élevé (> 85%) d’utilisation de l’ODD observé avant l’intervention de TC pour deux des trois quarts de travail. L’intervention de TC basée sur les barrières et les facilitateurs a été appréciée par les infirmières et elle pourrait avoir le potentiel de promouvoir une pratique basée sur les résultats probants.


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First year follow-up after heart transplantation requires invasive tests. Although patients used to be hospitalized for this purpose, ambulatory invasive procedures now offer the possibility of outpatient follow-up. The feasibility and security of this strategy is unknown. From 2007 we transitioned to outpatient follow-up. We have retrospectively reviewed the clinical course of the outpatient group (2007 to 2014) and an inpatient group (2000–2006). Basal characteristics, hospital stay, infections, rejection episodes and vascular complications were evaluated. 87 patients had Inpatient Follow-up (IF) and 98 Outpatient Follow-up (OF). Basal characteristics were similar, with significant differences in immunosuppression (tacrolimus IF 44.8% vs. OF 90.8%, and mycophenolate IF 86.2% vs OF 100%, both p values < 0.001) and age (IF 52 ± 11.5 years vs. OF 56.1 ± 11 years, p = 0.016). In the OF group more clinical visits were performed (IF 10 vs. OF 13, p < 0.001) while hospital stay was lower (IF 23 days vs. OF 3 days, p < 0.001). The rate of infection, rejection, and vascular complications was similar. No difference was found in 1-year mortality (IF 2.3% vs. 1.0%, p = 0.60). First year post-cardiac transplantation outpatient follow-up seems to be feasible and safe in terms of infection, rejection, vascular complications and mortality.


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First year follow-up after heart transplantation requires invasive tests. Although patients used to be hospitalized for this purpose, ambulatory invasive procedures now offer the possibility of outpatient follow-up. The feasibility and security of this strategy is unknown. From 2007 we transitioned to outpatient follow-up. We have retrospectively reviewed the clinical course of the outpatient group (2007 to 2014) and an inpatient group (2000–2006). Basal characteristics, hospital stay, infections, rejection episodes and vascular complications were evaluated. 87 patients had Inpatient Follow-up (IF) and 98 Outpatient Follow-up (OF). Basal characteristics were similar, with significant differences in immunosuppression (tacrolimus IF 44.8% vs. OF 90.8%, and mycophenolate IF 86.2% vs OF 100%, both p values < 0.001) and age (IF 52 ± 11.5 years vs. OF 56.1 ± 11 years, p = 0.016). In the OF group more clinical visits were performed (IF 10 vs. OF 13, p < 0.001) while hospital stay was lower (IF 23 days vs. OF 3 days, p < 0.001). The rate of infection, rejection, and vascular complications was similar. No difference was found in 1-year mortality (IF 2.3% vs. 1.0%, p = 0.60). First year post-cardiac transplantation outpatient follow-up seems to be feasible and safe in terms of infection, rejection, vascular complications and mortality.