942 resultados para Transaction Cost Economics


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Economic evaluation of health care interventions has experienced a strong growth over the past decade and is increasingly present as a support tool in the decisions making process on public funding of health services and pricing in European countries. A necessary element using them is that agents that perform economic evaluations have minimum rules with agreement on methodological aspects. Although there are methodological issues in which there is a high degree of consensus, there are others in which there is no such degree of agreement being closest to the normative field or have experienced significant methodological advances in recent years. In this first article of a series of three, we will discuss on the perspective of analysis and assessment of costs in economic evaluation of health interventions using the technique Metaplan. Finally, research lines are proposed to overcome the identified discrepancies.


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In this second article of a series of three, we will discuss using the Metaplan technique on controversial issues of health outcomes in economic evaluation of health care interventions. The four-discussion areas focus on: choice of health outcomes measures, where any outcome measure is superior to another; extrapolation and transferability of health outcomes measures, which should not be assumed the results of an EEIS of one country to another without making certain adjustments; appropriate instruments to measure quality of life in Spain, where the EQ-5D was indicated as convenient due to its widespread international use; and, indirect comparisons, where the combination of both comparisons, direct and indirect, it would be advisable if the test for indirect estimates is consistent and has been validated. Finally, research lines to try to overcome the identified discrepancies were identified in each of these areas, some of those are: doing studies of correlation between scores of specific and generic instruments measuring quality of life; update or create a database of economic evaluations in Spain; estimating utilities for the Spanish population by existing generic and specific instruments; or, establish a common way to show the results of a meta-analysis network.


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The development of the economic evaluation of health care interventions has become a support tool in making decisions on pricing and reimbursement of new health interventions. The increasingly extensive application of these techniques has led to the identification of particular situations in which, for various reasons, it may be reasonable to take into account special considerations when applying the general principles of economic evaluation. In this article, which closes a series of three, we will discuss, using the Metaplan technique, about the economic evaluation of health interventions in special situations such as rare diseases and end of life treatments, as well as consideration of externalities in assessments, finally pointing out some research areas to solve the main problems identified in these fields.


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This paper examines the use of the medical metaphor in the early theories of crises. It first considers the borrowing of medical terminology and generic references to disease which, notwithstanding their relatively trivial character, illustrate how crises were originally conceived as disturbances (often of a political nature) to a naturally healthy system. Then it shows how a more specific metaphor, the fever of speculation, shifted the emphasis by treating prosperity as the diseased phase, to which crises are a remedy. The metaphor of the epidemic spreading of the disease introduced the theme of the cumulative character of both upswing and downswing, while the similitude with intermittent fevers accounted for the recurring nature of crises. Finally, the paper examines how the medical reflections on the causality of diseases contributed to the epistemology of crises theory, and reflects on the metaphisical shift accompanying the transition from the theories of crises to the theories of cycles.


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Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a volume of plasma fraction of autologous blood having platelet concentrations above baseline whole-blood values due to processing and concentration. PRP is used in various surgical fields to enhance soft-tissue and bone healing by delivering supra-physiological concentrations of autologous platelets at the site of tissue damage. These preparations may provide a good cellular source of various growth factors and cytokines, and modulate tissue response to injury. Common clinically available materials for blood preparations combined with a two-step centrifugation protocol at 280g each, to ensure cellular component integrity, provided platelet preparations which were concentrated 2-3 fold over total blood values. Costs were shown to be lower than those of other methods which require specific equipment and high-cost disposables, while safety and traceability can be increased. PRP can be used for the treatment of wounds of all types including burns and also of split-thickness skin graft donor sites, which are frequently used in burn management. The procedure can be standardized and is easy to adapt in clinical settings with minimal infrastructure, thus enabling large numbers of patients to benefit from a form of cellular therapy.


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SUMMARY This paper analyses the outcomes of the EEA and bilateral agreements vote at the level of the 3025 communities of the Swiss Confederation by simultaneously modelling the vote and the participation decisions. Regressions include economic and political factors. The economic variables are the aggregated shares of people employed in the losing, Winning and neutral sectors, according to BRUNETTI, JAGGI and WEDER (1998) classification, Which follows a Ricardo-Viner logic, and the average education levels, which follows a Heckscher-Ohlin approach. The political factors are those used in the recent literature. The results are extremely precise and consistent. Most of the variables have the predicted sign and are significant at the l % level. More than 80 % of the communities' vote variance is explained by the model, substantially reducing the residuals when compared to former studies. The political variables do have the expected signs and are significant as Well. Our results underline the importance of the interaction between electoral choice and participation decisions as well as the importance of simultaneously dealing with those issues. Eventually they reveal the electorate's high level of information and rationality. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Unser Beitrag analysiert in einem Model, welches gleichzeitig die Stimm- ("ja" oder "nein") und Partizipationsentscheidung einbezieht, den Ausgang der Abstimmungen über den Beitritt zum EWR und über die bilateralen Verträge für die 3025 Gemeinden der Schweiz. Die Regressionsgleichungen beinhalten ökonomische und politische Variabeln. Die ökonomischen Variabeln beinhalten die Anteile an sektoriellen Arbeitsplatzen, die, wie in BRUNETTI, JAGGIl.1I1d WEDER (1998), in Gewinner, Verlierer und Neutrale aufgeteilt Wurden, gemäß dem Model von Ricardo-Viner, und das durchschnittliche Ausbildungsniveau, gemäß dem Model von Heckscher-Ohlin. Die politischen Variabeln sind die in der gegenwärtigen Literatur üblichen. Unsere Resultate sind bemerkenswert präzise und kohärent. Die meisten Variabeln haben das von der Theorie vorausgesagte Vorzeichen und sind hoch signifikant (l%). Mehr als 80% der Varianz der Stimmabgabe in den Gemeinden wird durch das Modell erklärt, was, im Vergleich mit früheren Arbeiten, die unerklärten Residuen Wesentlich verkleinert. Die politischen Variabeln haben auch die erwarteten Vorzeichen und sind signifikant. Unsere Resultate unterstreichen die Bedeutung der Interaktion zwischen der Stimm- und der Partizipationsentscheidung, und die Bedeutung diese gleichzeitig zu behandeln. Letztendlich, belegen sie den hohen lnformationsgrad und die hohe Rationalität der Stimmbürger. RESUME Le présent article analyse les résultats des votations sur l'EEE et sur les accords bilatéraux au niveau des 3025 communes de la Confédération en modélisant simultanément les décisions de vote ("oui" ou "non") et de participation. Les régressions incluent des déterminants économiques et politiques. Les déterminants économiques sont les parts d'emploi sectoriels agrégées en perdants, gagnants et neutres selon la classification de BRUNETTI, JAGGI ET WEDER (1998), suivant la logique du modèle Ricardo-Viner, et les niveaux de diplômes moyens, suivant celle du modèle Heckscher-Ohlin. Les déterminants politiques suivent de près ceux utilisés dans la littérature récente. Les résultats sont remarquablement précis et cohérents. La plupart des variables ont les signes prédits par les modèles et sont significatives a 1%. Plus de 80% de la variance du vote par commune sont expliqués par le modèle, faisant substantiellement reculer la part résiduelle par rapport aux travaux précédents. Les variables politiques ont aussi les signes attendus et sont aussi significatives. Nos résultats soulignent l'importance de l'interaction entre choix électoraux et décisions de participation et l'importance de les traiter simultanément. Enfin, ils mettent en lumière les niveaux élevés d'information et de rationalité de l'électorat.


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It is well documented that reducing blood pressure (BP) in hypertensive individuals reduces the risk of cardiovascular (CV) events. Despite this, many patients with hypertension remain untreated or inadequately treated, and fail to reach the recommended BP goals. Suboptimal BP control, whilst arising from multiple causes, is often due to poor patient compliance and/or persistence, and results in a significant health and economic burden on society. The use of fixed-dose combinations (FDCs) for the treatment of hypertension has the potential to increase patient compliance and persistence. When compared with antihypertensive monotherapies, FDCs may also offer equivalent or better efficacy, and the same or improved tolerability. As a result, FDCs have the potential to reduce both the CV event rates and the non-drug healthcare costs associated with hypertension. When FDCs are adopted for the treatment of hypertension, issues relating to copayment, formulary restrictions and therapeutic reference pricing must be addressed.


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Drivers License Cost Study Report


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The valuation of human costs is a necessity, but this task poses many problems of method. A team made of a philosopher, a psychologist and a physician has been working with economist researchers in order to look into the meaning that the preferences announced at the time of the inquiries on human costs by QALY methods could assume. These methods are often used to obtain a valuation of the impact of a health attack on people's quality of life. The methods--in the frame of the argument assumed by the economic theory on well-being--hypothesize that people's choices depend mainly on cognitive work. The qualitative interviews show that the psychological construction process for the announced preferences largely overlap this frame. In this paper the authors hastily tackle the factors which have an effect on the preferences. They conclude that the QALY methods don't seem to be able to assess the quality of life nori to valuate the damage that the quality of life could include.


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Un dels àmbits d’actuació del Pla de Mesures publicat pel Departament de Salud és la racionalització de la despesa farmacèutica en els hospitals. Cal dir que, actualment aquesta suposa dins de les despeses d’explotació dels hospitals un 13-15% del total i que, a diferència del consum de receptes mèdiques, no ha deixat de créixer en els últims anys. Si desglossem aquest percentatge, en la seva gran majoria correspon a un tipus de medicació anomenada Medicació Hospitalària de Dispensació Ambulatòria (MHDA) i s’ha de diferenciar del consum de fàrmacs intrahospitalari. La MHDA és un tipus de medicació d’ús hospitalari que es dispensa des del servei de farmàcia de l’hospital a pacients no ingressats i tracta diferents patologies que pel seu seguiment o control, es precisa que es faci des del mateix hospital. L’Objectiu del treball és fer un anàlisi exhaustiu de la gestió d’adquisicions d’un servei de farmàcia estàndard. Aquest anàlisi es farà a partir de l’elaboració de processos interns relacionats amb les adquisicions, passant per fer una relació de les despeses del servei, enumerant els recursos necessaris, i identificant les despeses logístiques i de personal.


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In a previous paper [J.Fort and V.Méndez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 867 (1999)], the possible importance of higher-order terms in a human population wave of advance has been studied. However, only a few such terms were considered. Here we develop a theory including all higher-order terms. Results are in good agreement with the experimental evidence involving the expansion of agriculture in Europe


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En els darrers anys, institucions públiques i organitzacions es troben amb dificultats per gestionar la munió de necessitats i interessos que es donen a la societat actual i que sovint es converteixen en conflictes. Davant d’aquesta situació, s’ha tractat d’actualitzar el tema de la governabilitat expressat com la capacitat dels governs i les organitzacions, en democràcia, d’oferir respostes als conflictes públics i socials. En aquest context, la Mediació Comunitària i la Gestió Alternativa de Conflictes (GAC) es mostren com a fórmules que aporten qualitat de govern des d’una nova manera de gestionar el conflicte col·lectiu, amb la finalitat de trobar acords o generar consens per poder actuar, i amb capacitat per reduir costos en la intervenció.


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Background: Medical prescription after organ transplant must prevent both rejection and infectious complications. We assessed the 1-year effectiveness and cost of introducing a new combined regimen in kidney transplantation. Methods: Patients transplanted from January 2000 to March 2003 (Period 1) were compared to patients transplanted from April 2003 to July 2005 (Period 2). In period 1, patients were treated with Basiliximab, Cyclosporin, steroids and Mycophenolate (MMF) or Azathioprine. Prophylaxis with Valacyclovir was prescribed only in CMV D+/R- patients. In period 2, immunosuppressive drugs were Basiliximab, Tacrolimus, steroids and MMF. A 3-month universal CMV prophylaxis with Valganciclovir was used. Medical charts of outpatient visits allowed identifying drug, laboratory and radiological tests use, and hospital information system causes of hospitalisation and length of stay (LOS) over the first year after transplant. Patients with incomplete costs data were excluded. Results: 53 patients were analysed in period 1, and 60 in period 2. CMV serostatus patterns were not significantly different between the 2 periods. Over 12 months, acute rejection decreased from 22 patients (42%) in period 1 to 4 patients (7%) in period 2 (p<0.001), and CMV infection from 25 patients (47%) to 9 patients (15%, p<0.001). Average total rehospitalisation LOS decreased from 28±19 to 20±11 days (p<0.007). Average outpatient visits decreased from 49±10 to 39±8 (p<0.001). Average immunosuppression and CMV prophylaxis costs increased from US$ 18,362±6,546 to 24,637±5,457 (p<0.001), while average graft rejection costs decreased form US$ 4,135±9,164 to 585±2,850 (p=0.005), and average CMV treatment costs from US$ 2,043±5,545 to 91±293 (p=0.008). Average outpatient visits costs decreased from US$ 7,619±1,549 to 6,074±1,043 (p<0.001), and other hospital costs from US$ 3,801±6,519 to 1,196±3,146 (p=0.007). Altogether, average 1-year treatment costs decreased from US$ 35,961±14,916 to 32,584±6,211 (p=0.115). Cost-effectiveness ratios to avoid graft rejection and CMV infection decreased from US$ 61,482±9,292 to 34,911± 1,639 (p=0.006) and US$ 68,070±11,122 to 39,899±2,650 (p=0.015), respectively. Conclusion: The new combined regimen administered in period 2 was significantly more effective. Its additional cost was more than offset by savings linked with complications avoidance.