843 resultados para Trabalho - Zona rural


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Historically the evolution of the occupation of ararense territory was due to the expansion of agricultural activities. Such activities were intensified with the transformations engendered by the Green Revolution, increasing the exploitation, the area occupied by agriculture and the deforestation and consequent environmental degradation. Therefore the current reality of rural areas in Araras/SP has shown that part of agricultural practices made it does not guarantee the effectiveness of environmental legislation and the sustainability of farms. Considering the recently implemented environmental policies, such as Law nº 12.651 / 2012, better known as New Forest Code and Decree nº 8.235 / 2014 establishing a period of one year to rural property registered with the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR), as tools targeting to reduce environmental degradation and contribute to building a sustainable rural development. This work aims to analyze the dynamics of the rural municipality of Araras on the environmental situation in some rural properties and actions to be taken by the owners to the full compliance of its properties before the environmental public policy


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Dada a atual importância ambiental e econômico-política da Amazônia, busca-se analisar e compreender a totalidade da Zona Franca de Manaus (ZFM) em relação à Amazônia Ocidental, à Amazônia Brasileira, ao Brasil, aos outros países amazônicos e à Comunidade Internacional, sob os âmbitos histórico-econômico, ambiental, político e social. A escolha da Zona Franca de Manaus como recorte se deve à forma pontual com que este projeto geopolítico se desenvolveu gerando um pólo industrial regional/nacional/internacional e, simultaneamente, evitando a exploração e devastação da floresta amazônica ocidental. A escolha do período de 2002 a 2014 se dá em função da necessidade de um maior aprofundamento de análise somada ao fato de que a República Federativa do Brasil se encontra - neste período - sob a mesma linha diretiva política, evidenciando assim a necessidade de pesquisar o que tem sido feito na ZFM pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) nos governos de Luís Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010) e Dilma Roussef (2011-2018). Os dados têm mostrado que a ZFM busca estar em consonância com o Governo Federal à medida que esta tem investido em instituições locais de ciência, tecnologia e inovação (como por exemplo o Centro de Biotecnologia da Amazônia - CBA), buscando internacionalizar a indústria local, assim como interiorizar o desenvolvimento para a região


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Solar heaters are an appropriate technology in tropical and sub-tropical climates to heat bath water by solar energy. Low-cost solar heaters meet the demand of low-income rural communities which currently do not have access to this technology. Current research analyzes the economic viability of solar heaters, built with recyclable materials, to reduce electric energy bill. A solar heating system was built consisting of recyclable materials in accordance with the manuals provided by the Secretariat of Environment of the state of Paraná (SEMA). Duration of use of electric showers by families of rural properties was determined to calculate expenses and billing of electricity. Simulation and material costs showed that the system was feasible. Commercial solar heaters could be replaced at a cost of R$ 22.61 per month during 13 months.


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This paper, having as a hypothesis that greater energetic inputs don't keep ratio with economical outputs, has tried to study the economical and energetic flows in the maize cultivation to several production systems used in Ipanema Settling Area I, having as analysis instrument the indexes of Cultural, Energetic, Economical efficiency, which were added to the methodological proposal of Cultural Economical and Energetic Economical Efficiency indexes, built for probability settings. Four different systems have been identified: "A", "B", "C" and "D". The energetic expenditure were, respectively, 4,836.19 MJ x ha-1, 4,4647.17 MJ x ha-1, 4,639.49 MJ x ha-1 and 4,450.47 MJ x ha-1. In "A", where the use of machines is more intensive, the participation of biological source energy was 23.26%, whereas the ones of fossil origin are 76.74%. The "D" system has the greatest Cultural Efficiency, with average index of 16.26, whereas "A" showed the lowest Cultural Efficiency indexes, with average values of 14.83. For the analysis of the Energetic Efficiency, that indicates the dependence of energy from non renewable sources, the highest index was the "D" system with an average index of 53.84. The Economical Efficiency Indexes, which ranged from 1.84 to 1.96, show that all systems are efficient. The "D" system, with index equal to 8.84, showed the highest index of Economical Cultural efficiency. The Economical Energetic analysis for "A", "B", "C" and "D" systems, has resulted, respectively, in the following indexes: 21.14 ; 23.86 ; 22.87 and 29.26. Through the outcome analysis, it was concluded that the more intensive use of energy from nonrenewable sources ("A" system) didn't necessarily mean a higher efficiency when compared to "D" (labor intensive), what comes to prove the paper's initial hypothesis.


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The city of Lençóis Paulista has a great part of its agricultural land cultivated by sugar cane and reforestation of eucalyptus and pine trees. In the county there are industries that exploit energy extracted from energy cogeneration. The city of Lençóis Paulista, in recent years, has been demonstrating considerable levels of economic and social growth with the industries that are working with sugarcane and eucalyptus mainly responsible. However, the expansion of agricultural land in many cases does not take into consideration the permanent preservation areas that are protected by the law. The APP's are of fundamental importance in the management and conservation of the environment preserving the natural plants and wildlife, and also preventing erosion and the silting of drainage networks. This objective of this study was to diagnose land use, analyze if Permanent Preservation Areas are regulated to the Brazilian Forestry Code (1965) and also diagnose areas of conflict. In relation to the use and occupation of land, the research has shown how the land is divided (agricultural crops and urban zones), and highlighted areas of conflict with the Permanent Preservation Areas. All of the information is contained in maps using Geographic Information Systems. However, it has become clear that environmental laws are not respected as much in urban areas as they are in rural areas. The PPA's are virtually nonexistent, thus creating damage to the environment and local population.


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The aim of this work was to proceed, from the energetic point of view, an analysis of a corn agroecosystem, on the direct planting, located at Pirituba II rural workers placement project, Área III, city of Itaberá/SP. The energetic analysis mesured all operations, together with its fisical demands, the inputs and produced grains, classifying them within their respective flux, based on the definition of energy inputs and outputs, converting them into energetic equivalents and, so, determining the energetic matrix of de agroecosystem. The caloric index used were cultural efficiency and cultural liquid energy. The results showed the dependence of the studied systems on the chemical energy sources, from fertilizers (39,49%), agrotoxics (27,74%), and fossile energy of diesel (24,94%). The energetic values of the direct and indirect energy showed a very big difference between them, what means that the energy sources used in the system are not balanced. The cultural efficiency found was 12,86 and cultural liquid energy got to 115.025,92 MJ x ha-1. Later on, obtained data was compared to already existing data in Bueno (2002), who researched conventional planting system. The cultural inputs of both systems were energeticaly different: 9.696,97 MJ x ha-1 (direct planting), e 8.783,78 MJ x ha-1 (convencional planting). The outputs had very different results: 124.722,89 e 79.118,38 MJ x ha-1, respectively. So, we had much more cultural liquid energy on the studied system: 115.025,92 MJ x ha-1, compared to convencional system: 70.334,60 MJ x ha-1. The energectic loss of nitrogened fertilizers contributed for the high energetic loss of both energetic studied matrices. There are few contribution from biological energy source in both systems.


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This work includes a study on the stretch zone and the influence of the toughness conditions at fracture in size and appearance. It was done a literature review about material properties, fracture mechanics concepts, definitions and formation of stretch zone, importance of tenacity for structural calculation, methods and standards to measure the toughness of metallic material fracture and presents the method used in microscopy. After the literature review were carried out identification and measurements of stretch zones of proof bodies were made through confocal optical microscopy and then analyzed the results in order to find relationships between the values obtained with the theory


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This work includes a study on the stretch zone and the influence of the toughness conditions at fracture in size and appearance. It was done a literature review about material properties, fracture mechanics concepts, definitions and formation of stretch zone, importance of tenacity for structural calculation, methods and standards to measure the toughness of metallic material fracture and presents the method used in microscopy. After the literature review were carried out identification and measurements of stretch zones of proof bodies were made through confocal optical microscopy and then analyzed the results in order to find relationships between the values obtained with the theory


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Introduction: Rodent-borne hantaviruses cause severe human diseases. We completed a serological survey of hantavirus infection in rural inhabitants of Turvo County, in the southern state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, in which seropositivity for hantavirus was correlated to previous disease in the participants. Methods: The levels of IgG antibodies to hantavirus Araraquara in the sera of 257 individuals were determined using an immunoenzymatic assay. Results: IgG antibodies to hantavirus were found in 2.3% of the participants. All seropositive participants reported previous disease with symptoms suggestive of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome. Conclusions: Human infections causing unreported cardiopulmonary syndrome probably occur in the southern state of Santa Catarina.


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No varejo existe uma complexa tarefa na formulação das estratégias de precificação. Enquanto os objetivos de preço fornecem uma direção geral para ação, os métodos de precificação são procedimentos pelos quais as organizações atingem suas decisões de preços. O escopo deste trabalho é explorar os objetivos de preços do varejo juntamente com os métodos que adota para precificar, investigando se os objetivos estão associados aos métodos. A pesquisa mostra que as empresas da amostra estão fundamentalmente perseguindo objetivos quantitativos em vez de qualitativos, com uma forte ênfase na realização de vendas e lucros, seguido pelo desenvolvimento de mercado. Outro ponto relevante na discussão das estratégias de varejo: as empresas da amostra parecem dar menor importância a métodos de orientação ao cliente e empregam com mais frequência o método tradicional de custos.


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A migração de jovens do nordeste brasileiro em busca de emprego na região Sudeste é historicamente recorrente. Este estudo objetivou compreender como jovens trabalhadores foram atraídos para o corte de cana-de-açúcar na região de Ribeirão Preto (SP) e conhecer como percebiam suas condições de trabalho e suas repercussões em sua saúde. Na pesquisa, de abordagem qualitativa, foram entrevistados 14 trabalhadores migrantes do Maranhão, de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 18 e 24 anos, entre julho de 2008 e maio de 2009. Os relatos obtidos indicaram que a migração dos jovens trabalhadores em busca de trabalho não foi uma opção, mas a única alternativa frente à realidade na região de origem. Revelaram sentimento de frustração quando perceberam que o trabalho real era bem diferente do imaginado. Os jovens apresentaram desesperança quanto às suas perspectivas de futuro e demonstraram preocupação com as possíveis consequências para sua saúde. Apesar de explicitar desapontamento com a realidade, manifestaram intenção de retorno para as lavouras da cana em outras safras, mostrando conformismo com sua realidade social. O estudo possibilitou aprofundar conhecimentos acerca da exploração da força de trabalho empregada na cultura da cana-de-açúcar na maior região produtora do país, mostrando que os trabalhadores percebem como precárias e desgastantes as condições a que são submetidos.


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Durante o verão austral, diversas regiões do Brasil são afetadas por precipitação intensa, geralmente associada à Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul (ZCAS). O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi investigar a influência da resolução espacial e temporal dos dados de temperatura da superfície do mar (TSM) na simulação da precipitação associada à ZCAS. Foram realizadas simulações com o modelo BRAMS (Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System) para dois eventos de ZCAS, ocorridos em 1998 (El Niño) e 1999 (La Niña). A quantidade de precipitação acumulada na parte oceânica da ZCAS foi maior nos experimentos com TSM mais quente. Índices estatísticos foram utilizados para verificação do desempenho do modelo na simulação de precipitação nas regiões que compõem a ZCAS (oceânica, costeira e amazônica), com diferentes dados de TSM. A resolução espaço-temporal dos dados de TSM influencia de forma pouco significativa na representação da ZCAS pelo modelo BRAMS. O modelo é mais eficiente em identificar a ocorrência/não ocorrência de chuva do que em localizar núcleos mais intensos e seu desempenho foi superior (inferior) na região amazônica (oceânica) da ZCAS.


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Regiones y Departamentos. Relatos de nuestra identidad es una serie que aborda las características turísticas, culturales e históricas de la provincia de Mendoza. En los 14 programas se han destacado y revalorizado las particularidades de cada uno de los departamentos de esta provincia argentina que se dividen en distintas regiones: Valle de Uco, Gran Mendoza, Zona Sur, Zona Este y Zona Nordeste. ZONA SUR I, es un documental que recorre los departamentos de General Alvear, Malargüe y San Rafael rescatando sus características sociales, culturales y turísticas. El bloque 1destaca la historia de San Rafael, departamento habitado, en principio, por los Puelches, cazadores recolectores nómades, y más tarde son los Pehuenches quienes logran concentrar el poder y hasta adquieren el poder de gobernar, hasta 1805 con la construcción del Fuerte histórico de San Rafael. El aluvión y la llegada del ferrocarril fueron los acontecimientos que hicieron que se traslade a la ciudad. El bloque 2 resalta las características económicas y sociales de los departamentos de General Alvear y Malargüe. El primero con una creciente industria agroindustrial y el segundo apoyándose en las bondades de su naturaleza. En este bloque conocemos también la historia de los hermanos Pincheira, reconocidos bandidos por sus acciones violentas. Finalmente, en el bloque 3 se muestran las posibilidades turísticas de General Alvear y Malargüe, que van desde el turismo religioso, de aventura, rural, cultural , de naturaleza entre otros.


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It is intended to discuss the prospect of collective work in solidarity economy, from experiences with those of the Cooperative Riachao workers, located in a rural community in the municipality of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais / Brazil, this approximately 240 farming families extractive are benefited with the generation of jobs and income through initiatives grounded in associations, cooperatives and collectives. Among the 80 to 90 years, appeared inBrazil experiences of solidarity, resulting economy of the labor market crisis and rising unemployment, and an important response to the workers in relation to changes in the world of work. It is grounded in the organization of groups of workers, by way of solidarity, community, cooperation, and self-management reactions. In this sense, we intend to present the achievements, challenges and dilemmas of workers COOPERIACHAO, around a project that aims at empowerment of social actors and social transformation of the subject