987 resultados para Tourism -- Planning -- Catalonia
The Institute has professionals with extensive experience in training, specifically with experience in the field of police and emergencies training. Moreover, it also has very talented people. But above all, our institution has public professionals with a desire to serve, who love security and emergency responders and want to provide them with the best knowledge to make them every day better professionals. In the quest for continuous training improvement, its during 2009 when e-learning begins to have a presence at the Institute. Virtual training methodology becomes a facilitator for the training of various professionals, avoiding geographical displacement and easing the class schedule.
Evidence on trends in prevalence of disease and disability can clarify whether countries are experiencing a compression or expansion of morbidity. An expansion of morbidity as indicated by disease have appeared in Europe and other developed regions. It is likely that better treatment, preventive measures and increases in education levels have contributed to the declines in mortality and increments in life expectancy. This paper examines whether there has been an expansion of morbidity in Catalonia (Spain). It uses trends in mortality and morbidity from major causes of death and links of these with survival to provide estimates of life expectancy with and without diseases and functioning loss. We use a repeated cross-sectional health survey carried out in 1994 and 2011 for measures of morbidity; mortality information comes from the Spanish National Statistics Institute. Our findings show that at age 65 the percentage of life with disease increased from 52% to 70% for men, and from 56% to 72% for women; the expectation of life unable to function increased from 24% to 30% for men and 40% to 47% for women between 1994 and 2011. These changes were attributable to increases in the prevalences of diseases and moderate functional limitation. Overall, we find an expansion of morbidity along the period. Increasing survival among people with diseases can lead to a higher prevalence of diseases in the older population. Higher prevalence of health problems can lead to greater pressure on the health care system and a growing burden of disease for individuals.
Multi-decadal increase in shell removal by tourists, a process that may accelerate degradation of natural habitats, was quantified via two series of monthly surveys, conducted thirty years apart (1978-1981 and 2008-2010) in one small embayment on the Mediterranean coast of Spain. Over the last three decades, the local tourist arrivals have increased almost three-fold (2.74), while the area has remained unaffected by urban encroachment and commercial fisheries. Concomitantly, abundance of mollusk shells along the shoreline decreased almost three-fold (2.62) and displayed a tight inverse correlation with tourist arrivals. A four-fold increase in tourist arrivals observed globally over the last 30 years has likely induced a comparable worldwide acceleration in shell removal from marine shorelines and exerted multiple negative (but currently unquantifiable) habitat changes that may include increased beach erosion, changes in carbon and calcium cycles, and decline in diversity and abundance of organisms dependent on shell availability.
Planning with partial observability can be formulated as a non-deterministic search problem in belief space. The problem is harder than classical planning as keeping track of beliefs is harder than keeping track of states, and searching for action policies is harder than searching for action sequences. In this work, we develop a framework for partial observability that avoids these limitations and leads to a planner that scales up to larger problems. For this, the class of problems is restricted to those in which 1) the non-unary clauses representing the uncertainty about the initial situation are nvariant, and 2) variables that are hidden in the initial situation do not appear in the body of conditional effects, which are all assumed to be deterministic. We show that such problems can be translated in linear time into equivalent fully observable non-deterministic planning problems, and that an slight extension of this translation renders the problem solvable by means of classical planners. The whole approach is sound and complete provided that in addition, the state-space is connected. Experiments are also reported.
Des del 1995 el Consell Europeu ha promogut l’aprenentatge d’una segona llengua a través d’una altra àrea en el que coneixem per CLIL (Contingut i Llengua Integrats en l’Aprenentatge) o en altres paraules: “una activitat en la qual l’aprenentatge d’una llengua estrangera és utilitzada com una eina per l’aprenentatge d’una àrea no linguística en la qual llengua i contingut tenen un mateix paper” (Marsh, 2002). Tot I així, “ensenyar una àrea a través d’una llengua estrangera no és el mateix que la integració de llengua i contingut”. CLIL comporta altres implicacions metodològiques pel que fa a la planificació, estratègies didàctiques i particularment al rol del docent. De fet, són aquests factors els que componen l’èxit o el fracàs en l’implementació de CLIL. i per aquest motiu pretenc analitzar i descriure les diferències entre una sessió de CLIL i una de llengua anglesa. Aquesta investigació és un estudi de cas que vol oferir una mirada a les diferències entre una unitat de CLIL i una de llengua anglesa portades a terme en un grup de 3r de primària a l’escola de Sant Miquel dels Sants (Vic) pel que fa a la planificació, les estratègies i actuacions del docent.
Water planning efforts typically identify problems and needs. But simply calling attention to issues is usually not enough to spur action; the end result of many well-intentioned planning efforts is a report that ends up gathering dust on a shelf. Vague recommendations like “Water conservation measures should be implemented” usually accomplish little by themselves as they don’t assign responsibility to anyone. Success is more likely when an implementation strategy — who can and should do what — is developed as part of the planning process. The more detailed and specific the implementation strategy, the greater the chance that something will actually be done. The question then becomes who has the legal authority or responsibility to do what? Are new laws and programs needed or can existing ones be used to implement the recommendations? ... This document is divided into four main parts. The first, “Carrots and Sticks” looks at two basic approaches — regulatory and non-regulatory — that can be, and are, used to carry out water policy. Both have advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered. The second, “The powers of federal, state and local governments…,” looks at the constitutional powers the federal government and state and local governments have to carry out water policy. An initial look at the U. S. Constitution might suggest the federal government’s regulatory authority over water is limited but, in fact, its powers are very substantial. States have considerable authority to do a number of things but have to be mindful of any federal efforts that might conflict with those state efforts. And local governments can only do those things the state constitution or state legislature says they can do and must conform to any requirements or limitations on those powers that are contained in the enabling acts. Parts three and four examine in more detail the main programs and agencies at the federal level as well as Iowa’s state and local levels and the roles they play in national and state water policy.
On the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Federation of Benedictine Women’s Monasteries of Catalonia (Spain), the five monasteries represented are discussing the following question: what will monastic life be like in the future? This question is added to the debate about “new forms of monasticism”, “urban monastic life” and, in a more general sense, to the modernisations and “the opening up” of the precepts and practices of monastic life at this time. Faced with the ambitious monastic questioning, the author responds with five deliberately provocative debates developed out of a consideration of various chapters of the Rule of St. Benedict that raise profound questions when it comes to responding to the question presented here. Having described these five debates, by way of a summary, the article presents three ideal types of monastery in relation to the current processes of deinstitutionalisation that represent, in an overall way, three provisional responses and serve as a focus for the question discussed here.
This issue review provides an analysis of the Economic Development Authority Tourism Office advertising funding and expenditures, along with a review of the methodology and results of the economic impact of travel on Iowa counties study.
The article outlines free online legal resources to conduct research on Catalan and Spanish legislation and case-law. Most of these resources are primary sources made public by government bodies. The list shows how the Spanish and Catalan governments, in their attempt to promote equal access to legislation and case-law, cover the different jurisdictions. The text also mentions some resources to conduct historical legal research about legislation and case law, and some free legal private websites.
Este trabajo pretende analizar el modelo turístico de una de las destinaciones más frecuentadas de la Costa Brava: Lloret de Mar. Una destinación madura que requiere del esfuerzo de todos los agentes implicados para cambiar su modelo turístico marcado por la percepción de destinación low cost y turismo de borrachera. También se pone en manifiesto la inefectividad del plan estratégico turístico aprobado en 2010 así como ordenanzas municipales y sancionadoras que no logran limpiar la imagen de esta destinación
El turisme és una de les indústries més importants del país, representant prop de l’11% del PIB espanyol, segons dades de el “Instituto de estudios turísticos” de 2012. Un 86% dels estrangers que visiten el país ho fan per raons vacacionals i són vàries les motivacions que porten a aquests turistes a escollir Espanya i Catalunya per al seu període d’oci: sol i platja, cultura, gastronomia o esports, per exemple. El golf l’inclouríem dintre aquest últim grup. Espanya, té destinacions de turisme de golf que gaudeixen d’una reputació mundial ben merescuda. La Costa el Sol s’emporta un percentatge molt elevat de turisme de golf, seguit per les illes Canàries, les Balears i la Costa Brava. Aquesta última, és una destinació en desenvolupament i que està agafant cada cop més prestigi, tot i que encara està molt allunyada dels números que presenten les altres destinacions que hem comentat, podríem considerar-la ja, com una destinació de golf. En canvi, Barcelona, que segons la Organització Mundial del Turisme és una de les destinacions turístiques més importants del món i que compta amb una molt bona infraestructura de camps de golf, no és reconeguda com una destinació turística de golf i els camps, fins ara, vivien d’esquena al turisme, acomodats en les quotes anuals que els seus socis locals els proporcionaven. Barcelona, a dia d’avui, no figura en cap catàleg de tour operador europeu especialitzat en golf. Per tant, és un repte intentar descobrir si Barcelona pot esdevenir una destinació turística de golf reconeguda i, el que és més important, veure com uns clubs de golf amb una estructura molt arcaica i sense experiència en el sector del turisme, poden encarar aquest nou repte. Resumint, aquest treball ha de respondre a la pregunta; Com es pot crear la marca de golf Barcelona? I també ha de resoldre el: Com s’han d’organitzar els clubs de golf per desenvolupar, tots junts aquest model de negoci? A partir d’aquí vaig començar a estructurar el treball i a intentar respondre aquestes preguntes i d’altres que anaven sortint conforme anava recopilant informació i parlant amb els responsables dels camps de golf
Este trabajo intenta abordar el fenómeno del turismo de cine, fenómeno que ha provocado numerosas investigaciones y trabajos acerca del papel del cine en el ámbito turístico y su capacidad de difundir y consolidar imaginarios. Algunos de estos trabajos no aportan novedad cayendo frecuentemente en repeticiones y en análisis experimentales que sólo reportan datos estadísticos pero no avanzan en la investigación de su naturaleza, más compleja de lo que a simple vista parece. Barcelona, como ciudad icónica que está de moda, está huérfana de estudios acerca del fenómeno del turismo de cine, y de los impactos que recibe procedentes del mismo. El centro de interés y de estudio turístico gira sobre todo en torno al turismo cultural, de negocios y de cruceros, tal vez porque sus impactos son más directos y el turista potencial está más identificado. Se parte de la base que primeramente debemos analizar la situación que vive la producción cinematográfica en la ciudad – fuente indispensable para que los diferentes proyectos cinematográficos puedan realizarse y así permitir la aparición de nuevas películas – que darán lugar a su posterior influencia y beneficios, ya conocidos y esperados. Una vez se tiene la "materia prima", se trata de comprobar si Barcelona la aprovecha – y por lo tanto se realizan las acciones y esfuerzos necesarios para que así suceda – como herramienta de promoción turística por parte de las Administraciones Públicas, en la medida de lo posible atendiendo a los numerosos estudios que tratan el tema