953 resultados para The brain


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In the present study we investigated the effects of central (i.c.v.) and subcutaneous (s.c.) injections of a 2 μg dose of lisinopryl, an inhibitor of angiotensin I(ANGI)-converting enzyme (CE), on water intake. I.c.v. but not s.c. injection of lisinopryl abolished drinking in response to s.c. isoprenaline (100 μg/kg) and significantly reduced drinking in response to 24 h water deprivation or s.c. polyethylene glycol (30% w/v, 10 ml/kg). Lisinopryl had no effect on water intake induced by cellular dehydration (s.c. injection of hypertonic saline (2 M NaCl)). These results are consistent with the hypothesis that lisinopryl acts as a CE blocking agent in the brain. The thirst challenge induced by hypotension using isoprenaline acts primarily by generating ANGII systemically and centrally. The other thirst challenges such as cellular dehydration are independent of the ANGII in the brain. This conclusion was made possible by utilizing a new CE blocking agent at a smaller dose than normally used for other ANG I-CE inhibitors. © 1992.


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Meningoencephalitis by Herpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5) in cattle has some features that are similar to those of herpetic encephalitis in humans and other animal species. Human Herpesvirus 3 (commonly known as Varicella-zoster virus 1), herpes simplex viruses (HSV), and equid Herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) induce an intense inflammatory, vascular and cellular response. In spite of the many reports describing the histological lesions associated with natural and experimental infections, the immunopathological mechanisms for the development of neurological disorder have not been established. A total of twenty calf brains were selected from the Veterinary School, University of São Paulo State, Araçatuba, Brazil, after confirmation of BoHV-5 infection by virus isolation as well as by a molecular approach. The first part of the study characterized the microscopic lesions associated with the brain areas in the central nervous system (CNS) that tested positive in a viral US9 gene hybridization assay. The frontal cortex (Fc), parietal cortex (Pc), thalamus (T) and mesencephalon (M) were studied. Secondly, distinct pathogenesis mechanisms that take place in acute cases were investigated by an immunohistochemistry assay. This study found the frontal cortex to be the main region where intense oxidative stress phenomena (AOP-1) and synaptic protein expression (SNAP-25) were closely related to inflammatory cuffs, satellitosis and gliosis, which represent the most frequently observed neurological lesions. Moreover, MMP-9 expression was shown to be localized in the leptomeninges, in the parenchyma and around mononuclear infiltrates (p < 0.0001). These data open a new perspective in understanding the role of the AOP-1, MMP-9 and SNAP-25 proteins in mediating BoHV-5 pathogenesis and the strategies of host-virus interaction in order to invade the CNS.


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Recent reports have suggested that orexins, also known as hypocretins, play an important role in the modulation of respiratory control in mammals, but there are no data available describing the role of the orexinergic system in the peripheral and central chemoreception of non-mammalian vertebrates. Therefore, the present study was designed to examine the localization of orexin-immunoreactive neurons in the brain of toads (Rhinella schneideri) and to investigate the contribution of orexin receptor-1 (OX1R) to the hypoxic and hypercarbic ventilatory responses of these animals during light and dark phases. Our results demonstrated that the orexinergic neurons of R. schneideri are located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the diencephalon. Additionally, the intracerebroventricular injection of SB-334867 (OX1R selective antagonist) attenuated the ventilatory response to hypercarbia during the dark phase by acting on tidal volume and breathing frequency, while during the light phase, SB-334867 attenuated the ventilatory response to hypoxia by acting on tidal volume only. We conclude that in the toad R. schneideri, orexinergic neurons are located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and that OX1R contributes to hypercarbic and hypoxic chemoreflexes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Alzheimer's disease is a neurological disorder that results in cognitive and behavioral impairment. Conventional treatment strategies, such as acetylcholinesterase inhibitor drugs, often fail due to their poor solubility, lower bioavailability, and ineffective ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. Nanotechnological treatment methods, which involve the design, characterization, production, and application of nanoscale drug delivery systems, have been employed to optimize therapeutics. These nanotechnologies include polymeric nanoparticles, solid lipid nanoparticles, nanostructured lipid carriers, microemulsion, nanoemulsion, and liquid crystals. Each of these are promising tools for the delivery of therapeutic devices to the brain via various routes of administration, particularly the intranasal route. The objective of this study is to present a systematic review of nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Blast traumatic brain injury (BTBI) has become an important topic of study because of the increase of such incidents, especially due to the recent growth of improvised explosive devices (IEDs). This thesis discusses a project in which laboratory testing of BTBI was made possible by performing blast loading on experimental models simulating the human head. Three versions of experimental models were prepared – one having a simple geometry and the other two having geometry similar to a human head. For developing the head models, three important parts of the head were considered for material modeling and analysis – the skin, skull and brain. The materials simulating skin, skull and brain went through many testing procedures including dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). For finding a suitable brain simulant, several materials were tested under low and high frequencies. Step response analysis, rheometry and DMA tests were performed on materials such as water based gels, oil based mixtures and silicone gels cured at different temperatures. The gelatins and silicone gels showed promising results toward their use as brain surrogate materials. Temperature degradation tests were performed on gelatins, indicating the fast degradation of gelatins at room temperature. Silicone gels were much more stable compared to the water based gels. Silicone gels were further processed using a thinner-type additive gel to bring the dynamic modulus values closer to those of human brain matter. The obtained values from DMA were compared to the values for human brain as found in literature. Then a silicone rubber brain mold was prepared to give the brain model accurate geometry. All the components were put together to make the entire head model. A steel mount was prepared to attach the head for testing at the end of the shock tube. Instrumentation was implemented in the head model to obtain effective results for understanding more about the possible mechanisms of BTBI. The final head model was named the Realistic Explosive Dummy Head or the “RED Head.” The RED Head offered potential for realistic experimental testing in blast loading conditions by virtue of its material properties and geometrical accuracy.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the accuracy of 1.0T Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to measure the ventricular size in experimental hydrocephalus in pup rats. METHODS: Wistar rats were subjected to hydrocephalus by intracisternal injection of 20% kaolin (n=13). Ten rats remained uninjected to be used as controls. At the endpoint of experiment animals were submitted to MRI of brain and killed. The ventricular size was assessed using three measures: ventricular ratio (VR), the cortical thickness (Cx) and the ventricles area (VA), performed on photographs of anatomical sections and MRI. RESULTS: The images obtained through MR present enough quality to show the lateral ventricular cavities but not to demonstrate the difference between the cortex and the white matter, as well as the details of the deep structures of the brain. There were no statistically differences between the measures on anatomical sections and MRI of VR and Cx (p=0.9946 and p=0.5992, respectively). There was difference between VA measured on anatomical sections and MRI (p<0.0001). CONCLUSION: The parameters obtained through 1.0T MRI were sufficient in quality to individualize the ventricular cavities and the cerebral cortex, and to calculate the ventricular ratio in hydrocephalus rats when compared to their respective anatomic slice.


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The brain's structural and functional systems, protein-protein interaction, and gene networks are examples of biological systems that share some features of complex networks, such as highly connected nodes, modularity, and small-world topology. Recent studies indicate that some pathologies present topological network alterations relative to norms seen in the general population. Therefore, methods to discriminate the processes that generate the different classes of networks (e. g., normal and disease) might be crucial for the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of the disease. It is known that several topological properties of a network (graph) can be described by the distribution of the spectrum of its adjacency matrix. Moreover, large networks generated by the same random process have the same spectrum distribution, allowing us to use it as a "fingerprint". Based on this relationship, we introduce and propose the entropy of a graph spectrum to measure the "uncertainty" of a random graph and the Kullback-Leibler and Jensen-Shannon divergences between graph spectra to compare networks. We also introduce general methods for model selection and network model parameter estimation, as well as a statistical procedure to test the nullity of divergence between two classes of complex networks. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed methods by applying them to (1) protein-protein interaction networks of different species and (2) on networks derived from children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and typically developing children. We conclude that scale-free networks best describe all the protein-protein interactions. Also, we show that our proposed measures succeeded in the identification of topological changes in the network while other commonly used measures (number of edges, clustering coefficient, average path length) failed.


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There is an urgent need for expanding the number of brain banks serving psychiatric research. We describe here the Psychiatric Disorders arm of the Brain Bank of the Brazilian Aging Brain Study Group (Psy-BBBABSG), which is focused in bipolar disorder (BD) and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Our protocol was designed to minimize limitations faced by previous initiatives, and to enable design-based neurostereological analyses. The Psy-BBBABSG first milestone is the collection of 10 brains each of BD and OCD patients, and matched controls. The brains are sourced from a population-based autopsy service. The clinical and psychiatric assessments were done by an expert team including psychiatrists, through an informant. One hemisphere was perfused-fixed to render an optimal fixation for conducting neurostereological studies. The other hemisphere was comprehensively dissected and frozen for molecular studies. In 20 months, we collected 36 brains. A final report was completed for 14 cases: 3 BDs, 4 major depressive disorders, 1 substance use disorder, 1 mood disorder NOS, 3 obsessive compulsive spectrum symptoms, 1 OCD and 1 schizophrenia. The majority were male (64%), and the average age at death was 67.2 +/- 9.0 years. The average postmortem interval was 16 h. Three matched controls were collected. The pilot stage confirmed that the protocols are well fitted to reach our goals. Our unique autopsy source makes possible to collect a fairly number of high quality cases in a short time. Such a collection offers an additional to the international research community to advance the understanding on neuropsychiatric diseases.


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It has been shown that ouabain (OUA) can activate the Na,K-ATPase complex and mediate intracellular signaling in the central nervous system (CNS). Inflammatory stimulus increases glutamatergic transmission, especially at N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, which are usually coupled to the activation of nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) activation modulates the expression of genes involved in development, plasticity, and inflammation. The present work investigated the effects of OUA on NF-kappa B binding activity in rat hippocampus and the influence of this OUA-Na,K-ATPase signaling cascade in NMDA-mediated NF-kappa B activation. The findings presented here are the first report indicating that intrahippocampal administration of OUA, in a concentration that did not alter Na,K-ATPase or NOS activity, induced an activation of NF-kappa B, leading to increases in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf), inducible NOS (iNos), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (Tnf-alpha), and B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 2 (Bcl2) mRNA levels. This response was not linked to any significant signs of neurodegeneration as showed via Fluoro-Jade B and Nissl stain. Intrahippocampal administration of NMDA induced NF alpha B activation and increased NOS and alpha 2/3-Na,K-ATPase activities. NMDA treatment further increased OUA-induced NF-kappa B activation, which was partially blocked by MK-801, an antagonist of NMDA receptor. These results suggest that OUA-induced NF-kappa B activation is at least in part dependent on Na,K-ATPase modulatory action of NMDA receptor in hippocampus. The interaction of these signaling pathways could be associated with biological mechanisms that may underlie the basal homeostatic state linked to the inflammatory signaling cascade in the brain. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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BACKGROUND: The fiber dissection technique provides unique 3-dimensional anatomic knowledge of the white matter. OBJECTIVE: To examine the optic radiation anatomy and its important relationship with the temporal stem and to discuss its findings in relation to the approaches to temporal lobe lesions. METHODS: We studied 40 cerebral hemispheres of 20 brains that had been fixed in formalin solution for 40 days. After removal of the arachnoid membrane, the hemispheres were frozen, and the Klingler technique was used for dissection under magnification. Stereoscopic 3-dimensional images of the dissection were obtained for illustration. RESULTS: The optic radiations are located deep within the superior and middle temporal gyri, always above the inferior temporal sulcus. The mean distance between the cortical surface and the lateral edge of the optic radiation was 21 mm. Its fibers are divided into 3 bundles after their origin. The mean distance between the anterior tip of the temporal horn and the Meyer loop was 4.5 mm, between the temporal pole and the anterior border of the Meyer loop was 28.4 mm, and between the limen insulae and the Meyer loop was 10.7 mm. The mean distance between the lateral geniculate body and the lateral margin of the central bundle of the optic radiation was 17.4 mm. CONCLUSION: The white matter fiber dissection reveals the tridimensional intrinsic architecture of the brain, and its knowledge regarding the temporal lobe is particularly important for the neurosurgeon, mostly because of the complexity of the optic radiation and related fibers.


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Objective Epidermoid cysts of the cerebellopontine angle (CPA) can be a surgical challenge for the pediatric neurosurgeon. Ideally, total removal must be achieved; however, occasional adhesions of these tumors to vital neurovascular structures and extension far beyond the midline may preclude their total removal. The aims of this article are to present an alternative surgical approach to these lesions and to provide the rationale for this technique. Material and methods A 16-year-old boy was admitted to our pediatric neurosurgery department with a 1-year history of nonspecific headaches. His neurological examination showed right-sided dysmetria and gait ataxia. Magnetic resonance scans showed a space-occupying lesion on the right CPA with low intensity on T-1-weighted images and high intensity on T-2-weighted images. Results Craniotomy for tumor excision via pre- and subtemporal transtentorial approach was performed disclosing a 3.5 x 3 x 2.8-cm(3) well-encapsulated tumor, which was confirmed to be an epidermoid cyst. The postoperative course was uneventful. Conclusions A combined pre- and subtemporal approach utilizes a wide opening of the tentorium and the option of supratentorial retraction of the cerebellum to provide an excellent angle of approach to CPA lesions involving the anterolateral aspect of the brain stem in children.


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The development of the cartilaginous and bony elements that form the skull and axial and appendicular skeleton is described in detail for the post-ovipositional embryonic development of the fossorial gymnophthalmid species Calyptommatus sinebrachiatus and Nothobachia ablephara. Both species have a snake-like morphology, showing an elongated body and reduced or absent limbs, as well as modifications in skull bones for burrowing, such as complex articulation surfaces and development of bony extensions that enclose and protect the brain. Similar morphological changes have originated independently in several squamate groups, including the one that led to the snake radiation. This study characterizes the patterns of chondrogenesis and osteogenesis, with special emphasis on the features associated with the burrowing habit, and may be used for future comparative analyses of the developmental patterns involved in the origin of the convergent serpentiform morphologies. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.