1000 resultados para Telangana, India


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This paper uses the history of rubber extraction to explore competing attempts to control the forest environments of Assam and beyond in the second half of the nineteenth century. Forest communities faced rival efforts at environmental control from both European and Indian traders, as well as from various centres of authority within the Raj. Government attempts to regulate rubber collection were undermined by the weak authority of the Raj in these regions, leading to widespread smuggling. Partly in response to the disruptive influence of rubber traders on the frontier, the Raj began to restrict the presence of outsiders in tribal regions, which came to be understood as distinct areas outside British control. When rubber yields from the forests nearest the Brahmaputra fell in the wake of intensive exploitation, India's scientific foresters demanded and from 1870 obtained the ability to regulate the Assamese forests, blaming indigenous rubber tapping strategies for the declining yields and arguing that Indian rubber could be ‘equal [to] if not better' than Amazonian rubber if only tappers would change their practices. The knowledge of the scientific foresters was fundamentally flawed, however, and their efforts to establish a new type of tapping practice failed. By 1880, the government had largely abandoned attempts to regulate wild Indian rubber, though wild sources continued to dominate the supply of global rubber until after 1910.


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This study provides estimates of the macroeconomic impact of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) inChina and India for the period 2012–2030. Our estimates are derived using the World Health Organization’sEPIC model of economic growth, which focuses on the negative effects of NCDs on labor supply andcapital accumulation. We present results for the five main NCDs (cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronicrespiratory disease, diabetes, and mental health). Our undiscounted estimates indicate that the cost ofthe five main NCDs will total USD 23.03 trillion for China and USD 4.58 trillion for India (in 2010 USD).For both countries, the most costly domain is cardiovascular disease. Our analyses also reveal that thecosts are much larger in China than in India mainly because of China’s higher and steeper income trajectory,and to a lesser extent its older population. Rough calculations also indicate that WHO’s best buys foraddressing the challenge of NCDs are highly cost-beneficial


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The world has experienced a public-health miracle in the past half century, as cleaner water, new health technologies, better diet and a host of other improvements have sharply reduced mortality and extended life expectancy in poor countries by as much as 20 years. A substantial portion of those gains has been realized through improvements in infant and child survival. However, the increase in income that was both a cause and effect of this miracle brought with it a new and ironic threat: a steep rise in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like heart ailments and cancer.


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Two hundred seven vitamin A-deficient southern Indian children aged 1-7 y (mean age: 56.9 mo) underwent testing of dark-adapted visual and pupillary thresholds in their village setting according to a previously reported protocol. One hundred thirty (62.8%) of the children also underwent serum retinol testing, and 178 (86.0%) participated in a randomized, placebo-controlled vitamin A dosing trial with pre- and postdose testing of dark-adaptation threshold. Most subjects (184 of 207, 88.9%) were able to complete pupillary testing, an objective sign requiring minimal cooperation, including a high proportion of the youngest children (72.2% of subjects aged 2 y). The proportion of children completing visual threshold testing, which requires greater understanding and cooperation, was significantly smaller than that able to complete pupillary testing (131 of 207, 63.3%; P < 0.0001, chi square). At baseline (predosing), the mean serum retinol concentration declined in linear fashion with a higher pupillary threshold (0.73 mumol/L with a score < or = 4; 0.47 mumol/L with a score > or = 8; P < 0.01). The mean pupillary threshold for these highly vitamin A-deficient Indian children (-0.622 log cd/m2) was significantly higher than that for 136 more moderately deficient Indonesian children (-0.985 log cd/m2; P < 0.001, two-sample t test) and 56 normal American children (-1.335 log cd/m2; P < 0.0001, two-sample t test). The improvement in pupillary dark-adaptation testing was not significant for children receiving vitamin A or placebo, though there was a nonsignificant trend toward greater improvement in children receiving vitamin A (P = 0.2, two-sample t test). Pupillary threshold testing represents a new, noninvasive, practical, and seemingly valid approach to assessing the vitamin A status of a moderately to severely deficient preschool population.


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PURPOSE: To compare initial glaucoma therapy with medications and trabeculectomy in southern India. METHODS: Patients aged ≥ 30 years newly diagnosed with glaucoma were randomized to trabeculectomy with 5-fluorouracil or medical therapy. Subjects with best-corrected vision <6/18 due to cataract underwent phacoemulsification (phaco/intraocular lens, IOL). Intraocular pressure (IOP), vision and visual function were assessed at 12 months. RESULTS: Patients assigned to medications and surgery received the expected therapy in 86% (172/199) and 64% (126/199) of cases, respectively. Forty patients (20%) assigned to surgery refused any treatment and 33 (17%) received medications. Among 199 patients randomized to medications, 52 (26.1%) underwent phaco/IOL, as did 89/199 (43.7%) of patients randomized to trabeculectomy. Baseline parameters of the two groups did not differ, nor did 1-year follow-up rates (medication 65%, trabeculectomy 58%, P = 0.15). Final IOP was lower with randomization to trabeculectomy (16.3 ± 5.1 mmHg) than medication (18.8 ± 6.7 mmHg, P < 0.0001). In regression models, randomization to trabeculectomy (P < 0.0001) was associated with lower IOP, and simultaneous trabeculectomy and cataract surgery was associated with higher IOP (P = 0.008) than trabeculectomy alone. Subjects receiving Phaco/IOL had significantly better final acuity (P < 0.0001) and visual function (P = 0.035), despite concurrent glaucoma treatment. Final visual acuity was worse in those receiving trabeculectomy in addition to cataract surgery, but this was of borderline significance (P = 0.06). CONCLUSIONS: Trabeculectomy lowered IOP significantly more than medical treatment, but with slightly greater loss of visual acuity. Combined phaco/IOL and trabeculectomy improved visual acuity with substantial IOP lowering.


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Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality, with most of these deaths occurring in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) like India. Research from developed countries has consistently demonstrated associations between built environment features and physical activity levels of populations. The development of culturally sensitive and reliable measures of the built environment is a necessary first step for accurate analysis of environmental correlates of physical activity in LMICs. This study systematically adapted the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale (NEWS) for India and evaluated aspects of test-retest reliability of the adapted version among Indian adults. Cultural adaptation of the NEWS was conducted by Indian and international experts. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with local residents and key informants in the city of Chennai, India. At baseline, participants (N = 370; female = 47.2%) from Chennai completed the adapted NEWS-India surveys on perceived residential density, land use mix-diversity, land use mix-access, street connectivity, infrastructure and safety for walking and cycling, aesthetics, traffic safety, and safety from crime. NEWS-India was administered for a second time to consenting participants (N = 62; female = 53.2%) with a gap of 2–3 weeks between successive administrations. Qualitative findings demonstrated that built environment barriers and constraints to active commuting and physical activity behaviors intersected with social ecological systems. The adapted NEWS subscales had moderate to high test-retest reliability (ICC range 0.48–0.99). The NEWS-India demonstrated acceptable measurement properties among Indian adults and may be a useful tool for evaluation of built environment attributes in India. Further adaptation and evaluation in rural and suburban settings in India is essential to create a version that could be used throughout India.


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No cabe duda que, en nuestros días, se han puesto de moda la palabra y las acciones indígenas, tanto por la tenacidad persistente de nuestros pueblos que vienen pugnando desde muy antiguo por sus derechos, como por las cuestiones coyunturales ligadas al V centenario y al año internacional de los pueblos indígenas, decretado por la ONU, o al premio Nobel de la Paz otorgado a una de las más distinguidas luchadoras indígenas de nuestros tiempos: Rigoberta Menchú Tum. Lo que antes era impensable, ahora es bastante común, que los indios seamos foco de atención para dirigentes de para sociedades y de las iglesias, para estudiosos de la realidad, y para luchadores sociales. En todos ellos hay un común denominador que tiene que ver ya no con el antiguo desprecio, conmiseración o curiosidad que antes suscitaba la sola presencia de los pueblos indígenas; sino que existe ahora cierta intuición o convencimiento, no siempre explícito, de que nuestros pueblos poseen una riqueza humana que puede ser una luz para las actuales circunstancias, en que se produce una conciencia de las crisis globales del mundo y una crisis de las conciencias.


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El Episcopado latinoamericano en Santo Domingo puntualiza el tema de la "interculturación de la fé hacia nueva evangelización. En este clima y en el marco de la reflexión sobre los 500 años, representantes ecuménicos de las organizaciones de base de la Pastoral indígena desde México a Chile se han reunido en Quito entre 29 de Agosto y 6 de Septiembre. Presentamos el material recogido por la comisión encargada de la memoria.


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Memorias del Encuentro Taller de Teología India, celebrado en México del 16 al 23 de septiembre de 1990, donde plantea cuestionamientos a las formas tradicionales de entender la fe cristiana.


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ABSTRACT: Background. In India, prevalence rates of dementia and prodromal amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) are 3.1% and 4.3% respectively. Most Indians refer to the full spectrum of cognitive disorders simply as ‘memory loss.’ Barring prevention or cure, these conditions will rise rapidly with population aging. Evidence-based policies and practices can improve the lives of affected individuals and their caregivers, but will require timely and sustained uptake. Objectives. Framed by social cognitive theories of health behavior, this study explores the knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning cognitive impairment and related service use by older adults who screen positive for MCI, their primary caregivers, and health providers. Methods. I used the Montreal Cognitive Assessment to screen for cognitive impairment in memory camps in Mumbai. To achieve sampling diversity, I used maximum variation sampling. Ten adults aged 60+ who had no significant functional impairment but screened positive for MCI and their caregivers participated in separate focus groups. Four other such dyads and six doctors/ traditional healers completed in-depth interviews. Data were translated from Hindi or Marathi to English and analyzed in Atlas.ti using Framework Analysis. Findings. Knowledge and awareness of cognitive impairment and available resources were very low. Physicians attributed the condition to disease-induced pathology while lay persons blamed brain malfunction due to normal aging. Main attitudes were that this condition is not a disease, is not serious and/or is not treatable, and that it evokes stigma toward and among impaired persons, their families and providers. Low knowledge and poor attitudes impeded help-seeking. Conclusions. Cognitive disorders of aging will take a heavy toll on private lives and public resources in developing countries. Early detection, accurate diagnosis, systematic monitoring and quality care are needed to compress the period of morbidity and promote quality of life. Key stakeholders provide essential insights into how scientific and indigenous knowledge and sociocultural attitudes affect use and provision of resources.


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Field lab: Business project