929 resultados para Technology Concepts And Processes


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Theoretical solutions, finite element models, and experimental techniques are developed for three major sheet metal forming operations: bending (pure bending and cyclic bending), die bending, and deep drawing. These have been applied to two different commercial quality cold-rolled steels, one stainless steel, and one magnesium alloy.


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Objective: Transnational food, beverage and restaurant companies, and their corporate foundations, may be potential collaborators to help address complex public health nutrition challenges. While UN system guidelines are available for private-sector engagement, non-governmental organizations (NGO) have limited guidelines to navigate diverse opportunities and challenges presented by partnering with these companies through public–private partnerships (PPP) to address the global double burden of malnutrition.

Design: We conducted a search of electronic databases, UN system websites and grey literature to identify resources about partnerships used to address the global double burden of malnutrition. A narrative summary provides a synthesis of the interdisciplinary literature identified.

Results: We describe partnership opportunities, benefits and challenges; and tools and approaches to help NGO engage with the private sector to address global public health nutrition challenges. PPP benefits include: raising the visibility of nutrition and health on policy agendas; mobilizing funds and advocating for research; strengthening food-system processes and delivery systems; facilitating technology transfer; and expanding access to medications, vaccines, healthy food and beverage products, and nutrition assistance during humanitarian crises. PPP challenges include: balancing private commercial interests with public health interests; managing conflicts of interest; ensuring that co-branded activities support healthy products and healthy eating environments; complying with ethical codes of conduct; assessing partnership compatibility; and evaluating partnership outcomes.

Conclusions: NGO should adopt a systematic and transparent approach using available tools and processes to maximize benefits and minimize risks of partnering with transnational food, beverage and restaurant companies to effectively target the global double burden of malnutrition.


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In this chapter, issues of equity – including gender, access, and agency – with respect to the learning of mathematics with technology are examined. Research findings are not equivocal. Compared to late developing countries, where issues of access to technology can be complicated by educational and cultural values and beliefs, there seems to be greater access to technology to be used for the learning of mathematics in developed nations. There also appears to be some disparity in findings on the relationship between technology use and gender differences in mathematics achievement; in some countries the gender gap favoring males may be closing, while in other countries, where there have been little or no gender differences in the past, the gap may be widening. Areas in which more research is needed have been identified.


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Models can be excellent tools to help explain abstract scientific concepts and for students to better understand these abstract concepts. A model could be a copy or replica, but it can also be a representation that is not like the real thing but can provide insight about a scientific concept. Models come in a variety of forms, such as three dimensional and concrete, two dimensional and pictorial, and digital forms. The features of models often depend on their purpose: for example, they can be visual, to show what something might look like, dynamic to show how something might work, and or interactive to show how something might respond to changes. One model is often not an accurate representation of a concept, so multiple models may be used.
Students’ modelling ability has been shown to improve through instruction and with practice of mapping the model to the real thing, highlighting the similarities and differences. The characteristics of a model that can be used in this assessment include accuracy and purpose. Models are commonly used by science teachers to describe, and explain scientific concepts, however, pedagogical approaches that include students using models to make predictions and test ideas about scientific concepts encourages students to use models for higher order thinking processes. This approach relates the use of models to the way scientists work, reflecting the nature of science and the development of scientific ideas. This chapter will focus on the way models are used in teaching: identifying pedagogical processes to raise students’ awareness of characteristics of models. In this way, the strengths and limitations of any model are assessed in relation to the real thing so that the accuracy and merit of the model and its explanatory power can be determined.


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This paper discusses how course design may draw upon social media in order to teach students appropriate skills for a network society in the context of team-work based learning. The emphasis is not upon web 2.0 and social media as inherently suited to providing educational solutions, but upon the ways in which they can be adapted by course designers within the framework of explicit learning objectives. More specifically, we provide a case study of how the use of social media in a blended or wholly-online learning environment provides affordances for team-based collaborative learning, especially when incorporated within a course design that encourages independent, self-directed and authentic learning. This paper argues we need to assess the social aspects of social media, rather than upon the technological, that is, avoid the fetishisation of 'apps,' through the creation of assessment that alternately foregrounds a critical appraisal of web 2.0 technologies and places onus upon the students to develop, with guidance, teamwork skills and processes. We provide an example of how it is possible to integrate web 2.0 technologies into their learning processes and assessment, in order to teach about the realities of collaborating with others in small teams in a work environment increasingly mediated by the Internet. In order to achieve these learning outcomes, course design needs to balance scaffolding with the need to place the imperative for learning specific content and skills upon the students, the latter through the provision of assessment outcomes and resources that the students need to work towards together.


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Large carnivores face serious threats and are experiencing massive declines in their populations and geographic ranges around the world. We highlight how these threats have affected the conservation status and ecological functioning of the 31 largest mammalian carnivores on Earth. Consistent with theory, empirical studies increasingly show that large carnivores have substantial effects on the structure and function of diverse ecosystems. Significant cascading trophic interactions, mediated by their prey or sympatric mesopredators, arise when some of these carnivores are extirpated from or repatriated to ecosystems. Unexpected effects of trophic cascades on various taxa and processes include changes to bird, mammal, invertebrate, and herpetofauna abundance or richness; subsidies to scavengers; altered disease dynamics; carbon sequestration; modified stream morphology; and crop damage. Promoting tolerance and coexistence with large carnivores is a crucial societal challenge that will ultimately determine the fate of Earth’s largest carnivores and all that depends upon them, including humans.


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Ecosystem-level conservation is increasingly important at global, national and local levels. Many jurisdictions have developed and apply their own protocols for assessing the threat status of ecosystems, often independently, leading to inconsistencies between and within countries which are problematic for cross-jurisdictional environmental reporting. Australia is a good example of these historic legacies, with different risk assessment methods applied nationally and in most states. The newly developed criteria for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Ecosystems (RLE) provide a framework to compare and contrast apparently divergent protocols. We critically reviewed the Australian protocols and compared them with the IUCN RLE, based on the following components of a risk assessment protocol: (i) categories of threat; (ii) assessment units; (iii) underlying concepts and definitions; (iv) assessment criteria; (v) uncertainty methods; and (vi) assessment outcomes. Despite some differences in specific objectives, criteria and their expression, the protocols were structurally similar, included broadly similar types of criteria, and produced assessment outcomes that were generally concordant. Alignment with the IUCN RLE would not require extensive changes to existing protocols, but would improve consistency, rigour and robustness in ecosystem risk assessment across jurisdictions. To achieve this, we recommend: (i) more quantitative assessments of functional change; (ii) separation of management and policy considerations from risk assessment; and (iii) cross-referencing of assessment units in different jurisdictions. We argue that the focus on processes and ecological function, rather than only patterns, is key to robust risk assessment. © 2014 The Authors.


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Access to justice extends beyond consideration of the systems and institutions of justice; it includes infrastructure such as transport, health, education and communications. Rural, regional and remote (‘RRR’) communities are more likely to face difficulties in accessing advice and accurate information on laws and processes available for resolution of disputes. Perhaps more fundamentally, they rarely have a voice in effecting reforms in laws and related policies. For several decades, community legal centres, legal aid, courts, and a range of other institutions have used community legal education programs to improve knowledge and access to law and justice systems, services and organisations. The recent Productivity Commission Inquiry into Access to Justice Arrangements notes that, ‘Better coordination and greater quality control in the development and delivery of these [community legal education, legal information] services would improve their value and reach.’ At the same time, research into the professional needs of RRR legal practitioners has found that many of these practitioners face considerable difficulties accessing good quality continuing professional development (‘CPD’) and informal networking/support opportunities.6 Current and emerging internet-based technologies open up opportunities for legal organisations to better meet the educational needs of both rural communities and legal practitioners. Though limitations still exist at multiple levels, relatively low-cost, media-rich, synchronous and tailored education programs can now be delivered effectively in many rural and remote areas. However, complex layers of decisions are required to critically assess, harness and optimise technologies to best suit the needs of users, and to utilise teaching and learning techniques that best match the technologies and participant needs. Getting these elements — needs, technology and learning technique — right, nevertheless offers extraordinary opportunities. Sound decisions and good practices should enable state-wide and specialist law and justice-related services interested in improving their engagement with RRR communities to dramatically improve the reach and quality of outcomes, not only for distant participants but the spectrum of stakeholders.


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As the advance of the Internet of Things (IoT), more M2M sensors and devices are connected to the Internet. These sensors and devices generate sensor-based big data and bring new business opportunities and demands for creating and developing sensor-oriented big data infrastructures, platforms and analytics service applications. Big data sensing is becoming a new concept and next technology trend based on a connected sensor world because of IoT. It brings a strong impact on many sensor-oriented applications, including smart city, disaster control and monitor, healthcare services, and environment protection and climate change study. This paper is written as a tutorial paper by providing the informative concepts and taxonomy on big data sensing and services. The paper not only discusses the motivation, research scope, and features of big data sensing and services, but also exams the required services in big data sensing based on the state-of-the-art research work. Moreover, the paper discusses big data sensing challenges, issues, and needs.


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Nos últimos dez anos a gestão do conhecimento tem crescido em importância tanto no meio acadêmico como empresarial. Ainda que alguns permaneçam céticos, sua relevância para a competitividade das organizações tem se tornado cada vez mais um ponto de concordância nos dois ambientes, como uma resposta aos desafios sociais e econômicos impostos. Estes desafios impulsionam a gestão do conhecimento vista como uma disciplina interdisciplinar focada nos agentes e no seu ambiente, e no processo de criação, mapeamento e transferência do conhecimento, com o objetivo final de gerar vantagens competitivas sustentáveis. Apesar de muitos estudos específicos, ainda são poucos os trabalhos que buscam avaliar a adoção da gestão do conhecimento como abordagem ampla, quase como um novo paradigma gerencial adaptado à nova realidade econômica vigente, assim como são poucos os estudos que buscam avaliar o impacto na criação de valor de estratégias focadas no conhecimento. Este trabalho visa preencher essa lacuna, avaliando a adoção de práticas, conceitos e atitudes vinculadas à gestão do conhecimento em empresas de grande e pequeno porte criadoras de valor, através de estudos de caso. Para isso, o trabalho partiu de uma ampla revisão da literatura em torno do tema para definir um conjunto de práticas associadas ao conceito de gestão do conhecimento, dividido em seis dimensões: estratégia, estrutura, tecnologia da informação, cultura e pessoas, sistemas de suporte e processos. A partir deste levantamento, instrumentos distintos – questionário e roteiro de entrevista - foram elaborados para estudar as grandes e pequenas empresas. A pesquisa de campo só foi realizada após a validação do instrumento por especialistas na área, que avaliaram cada item com relação a sua total, parcial ou marginal associação ao conceito de gestão do conhecimento. Os resultados mostram que, independente do tamanho, as empresas criadoras de valor adotam muitas das práticas associadas a gestão do conhecimento em cinco das seis dimensões estudadas. Além destes indícios, o trabalho também contribui ao deixar um rol de mais de duzentos e trinta itens validados com relação ao conceito de gestão do conhecimento, que podem ser testados e aperfeiçoados.


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Esse trabalho investigou empiricamente a influência que a confiança que o cliente deposita no prestador de serviços exerce sobre a efetividade da coprodução do cliente em serviços intensivos em conhecimento baseados em tecnologia. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura de marketing de serviços e de gerenciamento de operações sobre a participação do cliente na produção e entrega de serviços, que é o que caracteriza genericamente a coprodução do cliente. Também foi revisada a literatura sobre serviços intensivos em conhecimento, em busca de entender suas características e especificidades, e sobre confiança, especialmente na área de marketing de relacionamento. Sobre a participação do cliente na produção e entrega de serviços, constatou-se que existe na literatura uma visão consagrada que trata o cliente como “funcionário parcial” da empresa durante os encontros de serviços. Essa visão propõe recorrentemente um modelo conceitual em que a efetividade da coprodução do cliente apresenta três antecedentes fundamentais: clareza de papel, motivação e expertise do cliente. Além disso, foi identificada uma proposição teórica especificamente para o setor de serviços intensivos em conhecimento, nunca testada empiricamente, que sugere que esses três antecedentes da efetividade da coprodução são influenciados por um conjunto de comportamentos colaborativos desejáveis, batizados de responsabilidades do papel do cliente. Dessa forma, este trabalho testou um modelo conceitual que estabeleceu a confiança e as responsabilidades do papel do cliente como antecedentes da clareza de papel, motivação e expertise do cliente no processo de coprodução do cliente. Foi utilizada uma abordagem quantitativa e os dados foram levantados junto a profissionais que já participaram de projetos de software na condição de clientes. A coleta de dados usou um questionário estruturado construído a partir de escalas de mensuração de estudos anteriores. As relações entre os conceitos foram testadas por meio da técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais. Os resultados obtidos apresentaram evidências de que a confiança e as responsabilidades do papel do cliente impactam positivamente a clareza de papel, a motivação ou a expertise do cliente, abrindo espaço para pesquisas futuras que aprofundem o entendimento das relações entre esses conceitos e sua importância para a efetividade da coprodução do cliente.


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O mercado de telecomunicações mundial, em geral e brasileiro em particular, passou por mudanças significativas ao longo dos últimos dez anos, tanto em âmbito concorrencial, como regulatório. O modelo de serviço único prestado por empresas distintas foi transformado pela convergência de indústrias, com a criação de novas ofertas e proposições de valor a partir de um portfólio diversificado e complementar de serviços aos consumidores. Estes fatos criaram para as empresas que operam no setor a necessidade de revisão de suas cadeias de valor para adequarem-se à nova dinâmica da indústria. Ainda que esse processo venha ocorrendo ao longo dos últimos anos, há poucos estudos que procurem endereçar os impactos para a realidade brasileira. O propósito desse trabalho é o de avaliar os efeitos para a configuração da cadeia de valor que a convergência de indústrias no setor de telecomunicações brasileiro trouxe para o estudo de caso. Para endereçar a resposta à pergunta de pesquisa, primeiro é conduzida uma revisão teórica sobre a definição do setor de TICs (FRANSMAN, 2010), a relação com a indústria de telecomunicações e os aspectos que marcam o caso brasileiro. Em segundo, é feita a revisão teórica para as definições constitutivas relacionadas à convergência de indústrias (HACKLIN, F. et al., 2009), cadeia de valor (PORTER, 1985) e rede de valor (PIL e HOLWEG, 2006; MÖLLER e RAJALA, 2007; PARTANEN e MÖLLER, 2012). A partir da constituição teórica e a análise dos dados qualitativos pretende-se aplicar os conceitos ao estudo de caso brasileiro e verificar se há alguma configuração da cadeia de valor que seja referência para melhor lidar com os efeitos da convergência de indústrias. Como ferramenta de coleta de dados serão feitas entrevistas para constituir os aspectos mais relevantes das mudanças causadas pela convergência de indústrias e entender as transformações consequentes para as cadeias de valor.


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In many creative and technical areas, professionals make use of paper sketches for developing and expressing concepts and models. Paper offers an almost constraint free environment where they have as much freedom to express themselves as they need. However, paper does have some disadvantages, such as size and not being able to manipulate the content (other than remove it or scratch it), which can be overcome by creating systems that can offer the same freedom people have from paper but none of the disadvantages and limitations. Only in recent years has the technology become massively available that allows doing precisely that, with the development in touch‐sensitive screens that also have the ability to interact with a stylus. In this project a prototype was created with the objective of finding a set of the most useful and usable interactions, which are composed of combinations of multi‐touch and pen. The project selected Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools as its application domain, because it addresses a solid and well‐defined discipline with still sufficient room for new developments. This was the result from the area research conducted to find an application domain, which involved analyzing sketching tools from several possible areas and domains. User studies were conducted using Model Driven Inquiry (MDI) to have a better understanding of the human sketch creation activities and concepts devised. Then the prototype was implemented, through which it was possible to execute user evaluations of the interaction concepts created. Results validated most interactions, in the face of limited testing only being possible at the time. Users had more problems using the pen, however handwriting and ink recognition were very effective, and users quickly learned the manipulations and gestures from the Natural User Interface (NUI).


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Background: Current classifications of Mental Disorders are centered on Westernized concepts and constructs. Cross-cultural sensitivity emphasizes culturally-appropriate translations of symptoms and questions, assuming that concepts and constructs are applicable.Methods: Groups and individual psychiatrists from various cultures from Asia, Latin America, North Africa and Eastern Europe prepared descriptions of main symptoms and complaints of treatment-seeking women in their cultures, which are interpreted by clinicians as a manifestation of a clinically-relevant dysphoric disorder. They also transliterated the expressions of DSM IV criteria of main dysphoric disorders in their cultures.Results: In many non-western cultures the symptoms and constructs that are interpreted and treated as dysphoric disorders are mostly somatic and are different from the Western-centered DSM or ICD systems. In many cases the DSM and ICD criteria of depression and anxieties are not even acknowledged by patients.Limitations: the descriptive approach reported here is a preliminary step which involved local but Westernized clinicians-investigators following a biomedical thinking. It should be followed by a more systematic-comprehensive surveys in each culture.Conclusions: Westernized concepts and constructs of mental order and disorders are not necessarily universally applicable. Culturallysensitive phenomena, treatments and treatment responses may be diversified. Attempts at their cross-cultural harmonization should take into consideration complex interactional multi-dimensional processes. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Este trabalho analisa a correlação entre a gestão da tecnologia de produtos e processos e a gestão ambiental em empresas de manufatura. Partindo de um modelo conceitual simplificado e desdobramentos das dimensões gestão da tecnologia e gestão ambiental, foi possível analisar em pesquisa de campo vários conceitos disponíveis na literatura para esses dois campos, envolvendo 78 empresas do setor de manufaturados, através de projeto de pesquisa survey e projeto de pesquisa qualitativa. Visando avaliar a capabilidade tecnológica das organizações, foram usados os conceitos de microtecnologia e macrotecnologia relatados em Silva (2003). Concluiu-se que, dentro do campo pesquisado de empresas, existe correlação positiva entre os níveis de capabilidade tecnológica e os níveis de capabilidade ambiental.