1000 resultados para Tasa de base


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The use of organoantimonial complexes in the therapeutic of leishmaniasis and schistosomiasis has been limited mainly by the need for daily parenteral administration, their adverse side-effects and the appearance of drug resistance. Liposome encapsulation has been so far the most effective means to improve the efficacy of pentavalent antimonials against visceral leishmaniasis. Pharmacologically- and pharmaceutically-acceptable liposomal compositions are still being investigated through manipulation of preparation method, lipid composition and vesicle size. Recently, the encapsulation of a trivalent antimonial within "stealth" liposomes was found to reduce its acute toxicity and effectively deliver this compound to the parasite in experimental schistosomiasis.


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Fumonisins are mycotoxins occurring worldwide, mainly in maize and maize-based food products, which could affect animal and human health. This paper reviews analytical methodologies for the determination of these fungal toxins in foods. It includes extraction, cleanup, derivatization procedures, detection, quantification, and confirmation procedures. Initial attempts at gas chromatographic methods and thin layer chromatography were supplanted by liquid chromatographic methods, mainly performed with fluorometric detection, or mass spectrometry detection, enabling the analysis of polar and thermolabile chemicals without chemical derivatization, which results in lower limits of detection. Alternative methods, such as enzyme linked immunosorbent assay or zone capillary zone electrophoresis, are also described.


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L'objectiu principal és oferir uns recursos educatius multimèdia (en format HTML i JAVA) utilitzables en línea (Internet) o en suport autònom (CD-ROM) per a l'autoformació i l'autoevaluació ...


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An experiment is proposed that can be included in undergraduate courses of chemistry. The subject is the acidity of organic compounds, which are employed as pH indicators, particularly in acid-base titrations. The indicators used are methyl orange, bromophenol blue and bromocresol green in aqueous medium. The influence of colloidal systems on the equilibrium is evaluated by the pKa. The colloids employed are surfactants like sodium dodecyl sulfate, cetyl-trimethylammonium bromide and a polymeric non-ionic F127 (pluronics). The effect of stabilization promoted by the system on the acidic or basic structureof the indicator establishes the action mechanism of the colloid on the pKa values.


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Fysioterapia sisällytettiin terveydenhuoltoon vuonna 1945. Sosiaalipolitiikan linjausten mukaisesti yhteiskunnasta alettiin 1960-luvulta lähtien rakentaa pohjoismaista hyvinvointivaltiota, jossa tavoitteena oli kansalaisten paras ja johtavat arvot olivat universaalisuus, oikeudenmukaisuus ja tasa-arvoisuus. Terveyspolitiikassa oikeudenmukaisuus tarkoittaa, että yhtäläisessä hoidon tarpeessa olevilla on yhtäläinen pääsy tarjolla olevaan hoitoon ja yhtäläinen mahdollisuus käyttää palveluja. Oikeudenmukaisuus johtaa tasa-arvoisuuteen. Terveyspolitiikassa, terveyspalvelujärjestelmissä ja fysioterapiassa tapahtuneet muutokset kytkeytyivät lääketieteen ja fysioterapian menetelmien edistymiseen ja yhteiskunnan kehitykseen. Terveyspalvelujen käytössä ja saatavuudessa on osoitettu olevan sosiaalista valikoitumista. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella fysioterapiapalvelujen oikeudenmukaista käyttöä ja fysioterapian tarpeen tyydyttymistä, eli sitä, miten hyvinvointiyhteiskunnan lupaus on toteutunut fysioterapiassa. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa pohdiskeltiin, miten palvelujärjestelmien muutokset ovat vaikuttaneet palvelujen oikeudenmukaisuuteen. Tutkimus perustui Terveys 2000 -tutkimuksen aineistoon, joka on edustava otos 30 vuotta täyttäneistä suomalaisista. Aineiston naisista (n=3925, 56 %) 15 % oli käyttänyt fysioterapiaa ja 24 % koki sen tarvetta. Aineiston 3162 miehestä 9 % oli käyttänyt fysioterapiaa ja 19 % koki sen tarvetta. Fysioterapian käytön (kyllä/ei) ja sen koetun tarpeen (kyllä/ei) perusteella muodostettiin neljä tarkasteltavaa ryhmää. Vertailuryhmään kuuluvat (n=5008) eivät olleet saaneet fysioterapiaa eivätkä kokeneet sitä tarvitsevansa. Selviytyjiksi nimettyyn ryhmään kuuluvat (n=537) olivat saaneet fysioterapiaa eivätkä enää sitä tarvinneet. Vajaakuntoisiksi nimettyyn ryhmään kuuluvat (n=332) olivat saaneet ja kokivat yhä tarvitsevansa fysioterapiaa. Hoitamattomiksi nimettyyn ryhmään kuuluvat (n=1542) eivät olleet saaneet fysioterapiaa, mutta kokivat tarvitsevansa sitä. Fysioterapian tarvetta arvioitiin suhteessa ilmoitettuihin terveysongelmiin ja toimintakyvyn rajoituksiin. Sosiodemografisina ominaispiirteinä tarkasteltiin sukupuolta, ikää, sosioekonomista asemaa ja asuinaluetta. Fysioterapian käyttö oli merkitsevässä yhteydessä ikään ja sosioekonomiseen asemaan, fysioterapian tarpeen yhteydet tarkasteltuihin muuttujiin olivat kaikilta osin merkitseviä. Ylimmissä tuloluokissa fysioterapian käyttö oli yleisintä ja sen tarve vähäisintä, kun taas alimmissa tuloluokissa käyttö oli vähäisintä ja tarve yleisintä. Vajaakuntoisten ja hoitamattomien ryhmät eivät eronneet tosistaan terveysongelmien tai toimintakyvyn rajoituksien suhteen. Fysioterapian tarve oli yhtäläistä, mutta toiseen ryhmään kuuluvat olivat jääneet hoidotta. Oikeudenmukainen kohtelu ei ollut toteutunut. Hoitamattomien ryhmän naiset olivat muita vanhempia, heillä oli alhaisempi koulutus- ja tulotaso ja he olivat muita useammin eläkkeellä. Miesten ryhmässä sosiodemografiset erot olivat samansuuntaisia, mutta vähäisempiä. Fysioterapian käyttö ja saatavuus kehittyivät tasa-arvoiseen suuntaan 1990-luvun lamaan asti, minkä jälkeen kunnissa alettiin supistaa varsinaiseen sairaanhoitoon kuulumattomia terveyspalveluja. Fysioterapiasta alkoi jälleen tulla hyväosaisten etuoikeus.


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Considering the attraction of the students' attention by the changes in the colors of vegetable crude extracts caused by the variation of the pH of the medium, the use of these different colors in order to demonstrate principles of spectrophotometric acid-base titrations using the crude extracts as indicators is proposed. The experimental setup consisted of a simple spectrophotometer, a homemade flow cell and a pump to propel the fluids along the system. Students should be stimulated to choose the best wavelength to monitor the changes in color during the titration. Since the pH of the equivalence point depends on the system titrated, the wavelength must be properly chosen to follow these changes, demonstrating the importance of the correct choice of the indicator. When compared with the potentiometric results, errors as low as 2% could be found using Rhododendron simsii (azalea) or Tibouchina granulosa (Glory tree, quaresmeira) as sources of the crude extracts.


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Proton binding properties of humic and fulvic acids were studied by potentiometric titration. Carboxylic groups were the predominant ionizable sites in comparison to phenolic and amine groups. Total acidity of fulvic acid was 12 x 10-3 mol g-1, a number significantly higher than that obtained for humic acid (5.2 x 10-3 mol g-1). Copper ion binding was evaluated at pH 4, 5 and 6 by potentiometric titration with an ion selective electrode for Cu(II). Differential stability constants and complexation capacities were systematically higher for humic acid, despite its lower number of ionizable sites in comparison with fulvic acid.


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El presente trabajo consiste en la creación de una base de datos para generar una aplicación que permita la gestión de un regalo grupal.


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The purpose of this work was to determine the safe shelf life of single-base propellants. The kinetic parameters relative to the consumption of the stabilizer diphenylamine (DPA) added to the propellant were determined as a function of the storage and ageing time. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with spectrophotometric detection was used to determine the DPA percentage before and after the artificial ageing at 60, 70 and 80 ºC. The experimental data were very well adjusted to a pseudo-first order kinetic model and the respective kinetic constants are 8.0-10-3 day-1 (60 ºC); 1.9-10-2 day-1 (70 ºC); 1.2-10-1 day-1 (80 ºC). The activation energy was calculated as 130 kJ mol-1 and the half-time for depletion of the DPA at the hypothetical temperature of 40 ºC of storage was estimated as being 6 years.


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The relationship between the magnetic dipole-dipole potential energy function and its quantum analogue is presented in this work. It is assumed the reader is familiar with the classical expression of the dipolar interaction and has basic knowledge of the quantum mechanics of angular momentum. Except for these two points only elementary steps are involved.


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El aprendizaje dialógico y los siete principios que lo componen sientan las bases de las comunidades de aprendizaje como proyecto de transformación global y también las prácticas educativas concretas que se realizan en este marco


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Non-polluting polyurethane aqueous dispersions, with 40% of solids content, were synthesized based on block copolymers of poly(ethylene glycol) and poly(propylene glycol) (PEG-b-PPG), with PEG hydrophilic segments content of 7 and 25%, poly(propylene glycol) (PPG), dimethylolpropionic acid (DMPA), isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI), and hydrazine. Different formulations were synthesized by varying the equivalent-grams ratios between isocyanate and hydroxyl groups (NCO/OH) and PPG and (PEG-b-PPG). The presence of high amounts of PEG in the formulations provoked the formation of gels. Average particle size and viscosity of the dispersions were determined. Mechanical properties and water absorption resistance of cast films were evaluated.


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Materials based on pure iron oxide and impregnated with niobia (Nb2O5) were prepared. Their catalytic activities were tested on the oxidation of compounds present in the wastewater from the processing of coffee berries. Particularly caffeine and catechol were tested. The oxidation reactions were carried out with the following systems (i) UV/H2O2, (ii) photo-Fenton and (iii) heterogeneous Fenton. All materials were characterized with X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer and infrared spectroscopy. Iron was mainly in the forms of goethite and maghemite. The oxidation kinetics were monitored by UV-vis and the oxidation products were monitored by mass spectrometry. The photo-Fenton reaction presented highest oxidation efficiency, removing 98% of all caffeine and catechol contents.


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A composite electrode prepared by mixing a commercial epoxy resin Araldite® and graphite powder is proposed to be used in didactic experiments. The electrode is prepared by the students and applied in simple experiments to demonstrate the effect of the composite composition on the conductivity and the voltammetric response of the resulting electrode, as well as the response in relation to the scan rate dependence on mass transport. The possibility of using the composite electrode in quantitative analysis is also demonstrated.


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Mental models play an important role in the evolution of an individual's so-called knowledge. Using such representations, students can explain, foresee, and attribute causality to observed phenomena. In the case of Chemistry, the ability to work mentally with models assumes great importance, due to the microscopic component that is characteristic of this science. With the objective of exploring students' ability to work with models, 27 students of the Chemistry Institute of UNESP were asked to describe the mechanisms of dissolution, in water, of NaCl, HCl and HCN, as well as the partial dissolution of I2. Due to difficulties of access to complex descriptors of these processes, each student was asked to explain the phenomena using words and drawings. The results of these investigations were analyzed, and enabled construction of a framework representing the Chemistry students' theoretical training, especially with respect to their most important transferred skill: an ability to model the physical world.