983 resultados para Tabac-València-Preus-1814
Pretende-se elaborar um modelo de apoio psicossocial dada a necessidade organizacional e da gestão dos recursos humanos afetos a esta resposta, demonstrando preocupação pela qualidade de vida dos indivíduos que lidam com vulnerabilidades indutoras de stress - visto que o presente estudo se desenvolve para a Sociedade Nacional da Cruz Vermelha: organização com cariz iminentemente social, estando na primeira linha da intervenção em incidentes geradores de stress, nas vítimas e nos profissionais que intervêm. Analisar-se-á o estado da arte dos modelos de intervenção psicossocial em incidentes e elaborarse-á proposta de modelo teórico a aplicar na CVP - considerando que a estrutura trabalha com e para pessoas, e que todos podem enfrentar fatores de vulnerabilidade. Recorreu-se à metodologia da entrevista sarni-diretiva da amostra relevante para o estudo; efetuou-se pesquisa bibliográfica exploratória; elaborou-se revisão da literatura multidisciplinar e crítica, viabilizando a construção do modelo de apoio psicossocial que pode aplicar-se à intervenção da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa. ABSTRACT: lntend to elaborate model of psychosocial support given the need for organizational and management of human resources dedicated to this response, showing concern for the quality of life of individuals who deal with vulnerabilities that induce stress - because the present study develops for the National Society of the Red Cross organization eminently social nature, being the first line of intervention in incidents generating stress on the victims and the professionals involved. Analyze will be state of the art models of psychosocial intervention in incidents and draw will be proposed a theoretical model applied in the CVP - considering that the structure works with and for people, and that all may experience vulnerability factors. Resorted to the methodology of semi-directive interview sample relevant to the study, was carried out bibliographical research; elaborated multidisciplinary review of the literature and criticism, making the construction of the model of psychosocial support that may apply to the intervention of Portuguese Red Cross.
Alexandre von Humboldt (1769-1859), dernier savant universel, membre de l’Académie des sciences française et président de la Société de géographie de Paris, est reconnu dans le monde scientifique pour son exploration du continent américain qu’il a amplement décrit dans ses écrits en français et en allemand. Dans ce travail, nous étudions les traductions en espagnol et en anglais de l’ouvrage le plus notoire d’Alexandre von Humboldt, Relation historique du Voyage aux régions équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, (1799-1804). Dans une optique descriptive (Toury, 1995), nous menons une étude socio-culturelle (Lépinette, 1997) des traductions en espagnol et en anglais de la Relation historique. La méthodologie employée est celle développée par D’hulst (2001 et 2014). Dans cette méthode, il propose de répondre, entre autres, aux questions pourquoi, quand, qui, où, quoi traduit-on. Pour ce faire, nous nous penchons sur les paratextes (Genette, 1987) qui accompagnent tant l’original que les traductions. Notre étude a révélé qu’aucune des traductions en espagnol intègrent complètement le contenu de l’original et que les parties sélectionnées l’ont été pour des questions identitaires.
Alexandre von Humboldt (1769-1859), dernier savant universel, membre de l’Académie des sciences française et président de la Société de géographie de Paris, est reconnu dans le monde scientifique pour son exploration du continent américain qu’il a amplement décrit dans ses écrits en français et en allemand. Dans ce travail, nous étudions les traductions en espagnol et en anglais de l’ouvrage le plus notoire d’Alexandre von Humboldt, Relation historique du Voyage aux régions équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, (1799-1804). Dans une optique descriptive (Toury, 1995), nous menons une étude socio-culturelle (Lépinette, 1997) des traductions en espagnol et en anglais de la Relation historique. La méthodologie employée est celle développée par D’hulst (2001 et 2014). Dans cette méthode, il propose de répondre, entre autres, aux questions pourquoi, quand, qui, où, quoi traduit-on. Pour ce faire, nous nous penchons sur les paratextes (Genette, 1987) qui accompagnent tant l’original que les traductions. Notre étude a révélé qu’aucune des traductions en espagnol intègrent complètement le contenu de l’original et que les parties sélectionnées l’ont été pour des questions identitaires.
La diarrhée post-sevrage causée par Escherichia coli entérotoxigénique présentant le fimbriae F4 (ETEC F4+) cause actuellement des pertes économiques importantes dans l’industrie porcine canadienne. Afin de mieux contrôler cette maladie, et afin d’offrir une alternative à l’utilisation excessive d’antibiotiques, le projet décrit dans ce mémoire évalue la capacité de la sous-unité majeure du fimbriae F4, FaeG, à protéger les porcelets contre ETEC F4+. Trois phases animales ont été réalisées afin de tester séparément et de façon combinée l’effet de FaeG sous forme d’émulsion orale et sous forme d’injection intramusculaire (IM). Les analyses de dosages d’anticorps spécifiques et de proliférations lymphocytaires effectuées sur les échantillons recueillis à chaque phase animale permirent d’évaluer la réponse immunitaire mucosale et systémique. Les résultats finaux obtenus ont démontré un effet des injections IM sur l’activation de la production d’anticorps sanguins ainsi que sur la prolifération de cellules mononucléées sanguines (CMS). L’évaluation de l’expression de différents gènes dans les ganglions mésentériques et dans la muqueuse iléale a permis d’observer une modulation de l’expression de certains gènes (TLR4, NFκBIA, IFNg, CCL20, CXCL2, IL4 et IL17), mais également l’absence de modulation sur plusieurs gènes attendus. Au final, certains effets secondaires observés lors des immunisations de la dernière phase animale, tels que la diarrhée, la difficulté à respirer et la faiblesse, ont nécessité des analyses supplémentaires. Il a ainsi été déterminé que plusieurs porcelets ont subi une réaction de type anaphylactique aux immunisations reçues à la dernière phase animale, bien que la composante exacte causant cette réaction soit inconnue. En conclusion, bien qu’une réponse immunitaire puisse être déclenchée par FaeG, d’autres études seront nécessaires afin de développer un vaccin oral contre ETEC F4+
Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) are a worldwide problem that have been increasing in frequency and extent over the past several decades. HABs severely damage aquatic ecosystems by destroying benthic habitat, reducing invertebrate and fish populations and affecting larger species such as dugong that rely on seagrasses for food. Few statistical models for predicting HAB occurrences have been developed, and in common with most predictive models in ecology, those that have been developed do not fully account for uncertainties in parameters and model structure. This makes management decisions based on these predictions more risky than might be supposed. We used a probit time series model and Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) to predict occurrences of blooms of Lyngbya majuscula, a toxic cyanophyte, in Deception Bay, Queensland, Australia. We found a suite of useful predictors for HAB occurrence, with Temperature figuring prominently in models with the majority of posterior support, and a model consisting of the single covariate average monthly minimum temperature showed by far the greatest posterior support. A comparison of alternative model averaging strategies was made with one strategy using the full posterior distribution and a simpler approach that utilised the majority of the posterior distribution for predictions but with vastly fewer models. Both BMA approaches showed excellent predictive performance with little difference in their predictive capacity. Applications of BMA are still rare in ecology, particularly in management settings. This study demonstrates the power of BMA as an important management tool that is capable of high predictive performance while fully accounting for both parameter and model uncertainty.
It is predicted that with increased life expectancy in the developed world, there will be a greater demand for synthetic materials to repair or regenerate lost, injured or diseased bone (Hench & Thompson 2010). There are still few synthetic materials having true bone inductivity, which limits their application for bone regeneration, especially in large-size bone defects. To solve this problem, growth factors, such as bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), have been incorporated into synthetic materials in order to stimulate de novo bone formation in the center of large-size bone defects. The greatest obstacle with this approach is that the rapid diffusion of the protein from the carrier material, leading to a precipitous loss of bioactivity; the result is often insufficient local induction or failure of bone regeneration (Wei et al. 2007). It is critical that the protein is loaded in the carrier material in conditions which maintains its bioactivity (van de Manakker et al. 2009). For this reason, the efficient loading and controlled release of a protein from a synthetic material has remained a significant challenge. The use of microspheres as protein/drug carriers has received considerable attention in recent years (Lee et al. 2010; Pareta & Edirisinghe 2006; Wu & Zreiqat 2010). Compared to macroporous block scaffolds, the chief advantage of microspheres is their superior protein-delivery properties and ability to fill bone defects with irregular and complex shapes and sizes. Upon implantation, the microspheres are easily conformed to the irregular implant site, and the interstices between the particles provide space for both tissue and vascular ingrowth, which are important for effective and functional bone regeneration (Hsu et al. 1999). Alginates are natural polysaccharides and their production does not have the implicit risk of contamination with allo or xeno-proteins or viruses (Xie et al. 2010). Because alginate is generally cytocompatible, it has been used extensively in medicine, including cell therapy and tissue engineering applications (Tampieri et al. 2005; Xie et al. 2010; Xu et al. 2007). Calcium cross-linked alginate hydrogel is considered a promising material as a delivery matrix for drugs and proteins, since its gel microspheres form readily in aqueous solutions at room temperature, eliminating the need for harsh organic solvents, thereby maintaining the bioactivity of proteins in the process of loading into the microspheres (Jay & Saltzman 2009; Kikuchi et al. 1999). In addition, calcium cross-linked alginate hydrogel is degradable under physiological conditions (Kibat PG et al. 1990; Park K et al. 1993), which makes alginate stand out as an attractive candidate material for the protein carrier and bone regeneration (Hosoya et al. 2004; Matsuno et al. 2008; Turco et al. 2009). However, the major disadvantages of alginate microspheres is their low loading efficiency and also rapid release of proteins due to the mesh-like networks of the gel (Halder et al. 2005). Previous studies have shown that a core-shell structure in drug/protein carriers can overcome the issues of limited loading efficiencies and rapid release of drug or protein (Chang et al. 2010; Molvinger et al. 2004; Soppimath et al. 2007). We therefore hypothesized that introducing a core-shell structure into the alginate microspheres could solve the shortcomings of the pure alginate. Calcium silicate (CS) has been tested as a biodegradable biomaterial for bone tissue regeneration. CS is capable of inducing bone-like apatite formation in simulated body fluid (SBF) and its apatite-formation rate in SBF is faster than that of Bioglass® and A-W glass-ceramics (De Aza et al. 2000; Siriphannon et al. 2002). Titanium alloys plasma-spray coated with CS have excellent in vivo bioactivity (Xue et al. 2005) and porous CS scaffolds have enhanced in vivo bone formation ability compared to porous β-tricalcium phosphate ceramics (Xu et al. 2008). In light of the many advantages of this material, we decided to prepare CS/alginate composite microspheres by combining a CS shell with an alginate core to improve their protein delivery and mineralization for potential protein delivery and bone repair applications
Forecasts generated by time series models traditionally place greater weight on more recent observations. This paper develops an alternative semi-parametric method for forecasting that does not rely on this convention and applies it to the problem of forecasting asset return volatility. In this approach, a forecast is a weighted average of historical volatility, with the greatest weight given to periods that exhibit similar market conditions to the time at which the forecast is being formed. Weighting is determined by comparing short-term trends in volatility across time (as a measure of market conditions) by means of a multivariate kernel scheme. It is found that the semi-parametric method produces forecasts that are significantly more accurate than a number of competing approaches at both short and long forecast horizons.
Ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations are performed to explore possible catalytic effects on the dissociative chemisorption of hydrogen on a Mg(0001) surface when carbon is incorporated into Mg materials. The computational results imply that a C atom located initially on a Mg(0001) surface can migrate into the subsurface and occupy an fcc interstitial site, with charge transfer to the C atom from neighboring Mg atoms. The effect of subsurface C on the dissociation of H2 on the Mg(0001) surface is found to be relatively marginal: a perfect sublayer of interstitial C is calculated to lower the barrier by 0.16 eV compared with that on a pure Mg(0001) surface. Further calculations reveal, however, that sublayer C may have a significant effect in enhancing the diffusion of atomic hydrogen into the sublayers through fcc channels. This contributes new physical understanding toward rationalizing the experimentally observed improvement in absorption kinetics of H2 when graphite or single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) are introduced into the Mg powder during ball milling.