965 resultados para THORACIC AORTA


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Seaweeds are a major source of biologically active compounds . In the extracellular matrix of these organisms are sulfated polysaccharides that functions as structural components preventing it against dehydration. The fraction 0.9 (FucB) rich in sulfated fucans obtained from brown seaweed Dictyota menstrualis was chemical characterized and evaluated for pharmacological activity by testing anticoagulant activity, stimulatory action on the synthesis of an antithrombotic heparan sulfate, antioxidant activity and its effects in cell proliferation. The main components were FucB carbohydrates (49.80 ± 0.10 %) and sulfate (42.30 ± 0.015 %), with phenolic compounds ( 3.86 ± 0.016 %) and low protein contamination ( 0.58 ± 0.001 % ) . FucB showed polydisperse profile and analysis of signals in the infrared at 1262, 1074 and 930 cm -1 and 840 assigned to S = O bonds sulfate esters , CO bond presence of 3,6- anhydrogalactose , β -D- galactose non- sulfated sulfate and the axial position of fucose C4 , respectively. FucB exhibited moderate anticoagulant activity , the polysaccharides prolonged time (aPTT ) 200 ug ( > 90s ) partial thromboplastin FucB no effect on prothrombin time (PT), which corresponds to the extrinsic pathway of coagulation was observed. This stimulation promoted fraction of about 3.6 times the synthesis of heparan sulfate (HS) by endothelial cells of the rabbit aorta ( RAEC ) in culture compared with cells not treated with FucB . This has also been shown to compete for the binding site with heparin. The rich fraction sulfated fucans exhibited strong antioxidant activity assays on total antioxidant (109.7 and 89.5 % compared with BHT and ascorbic acid standards ) , reducing power ( 71 % compared to ascorbic acid ) and ferric chelation ( 71 , comparing with 5 % ascorbic acid). The fraction of algae showed cytostatic activity on the RAEC cells revealed that the increase of the synthesis of heparan sulfate is not related to proliferation. FucB showed antiproliferative action on cell lines modified as Hela and Hep G2 by MTT assay . These results suggest that FucB Dictyota menstrualis have anticoagulant , antithrombotic , antioxidant potential as well as a possible antitumor action, promoting the stimulation of the synthesis of antithrombotic HS by endothelial cells and is useful in the prevention of thrombosis, also due to its inhibitory action on species reactive oxygen ( ROS ) in some in vitro systems , being involved in promoting a hypercoagulable state


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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An important unsolved problem in medical science concerns the physical origin of the sigmoidal shape of pressure volume curves of healthy (and some unhealthy) lungs. Such difficulties are expected because the lung, which is the most important structure in the respiratory system, is extremely complex. Its rheological properties are unknown and seem to depend on phenomena occurring from the alveolar scale up to the thoracic scale. Conventional wisdom holds that linear response, i.e., Hooke s law, together with alveolar overdistention, play a dominant role in respiration, but such assumptions cannot explainthe crucial empirical sigmoidal shape of the curves. In this doctorate thesis, we propose an alternative theory to solve this problem, based on the alveolar recruitment together with the nonlinear elasticity of the alveoli. This theory suggests that recruitment may be the predominant factor shaping these curves in the entire range of pressures normally employed in experiments. The proposed model correctly predicts the observed sigmoidal pressure volume curves, allowing us to discuss adequately the importance of this result, as well as its implications for medical practice


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Crotalus durissus cascavella is a snake that is usually found in the scrublands of northeast Brazil. The components of its venom may have effects on the vascular and renal systems. Recently, a new bradykinin inhibitory peptide has been identified in the venom of the Crotalinae family. The aim of the present study was to investigate the renal and vascular effects of the natriuretic peptide isolated from the venom of Crotalus durissus cascavella (NP2_Casca). The chromatographic profile showed the fractionation of substances identified as convulxin, gyroxin, crotoxin and crotamine, as well as fractions V and VI. The electrophoretic profile of fraction V consisted of several bands ranging from approximately 6 kDa to 13 kDa, while fraction VI showed only two main electrophoretic bands with molecular weights of approximately 6 and 14 kDa. Reverse-phase chromatography showed that NP2_Casca corresponds to about 18% of fraction VI and that this fraction is the main natriuretic peptide. NP2_Casca was compared to other natriuretic peptides from other sources of snake venom. All amino acid sequences that were compared showed a consensus region of XGCFGX, XLDRIX and XSGLGCX. The group treated with NP2-Casca showed an increase in perfusion pressure, renal vascular resistance, urinary flow and glomerular filtration rate. The percent of total and proximal tubular transport of sodium was reduced significantly after administration of the peptide. The mean arterial pressure showed a dose-dependent decrease after infusion of NP2_Casca, and an increase in nitrite production. In the aortic ring assay, NP2_Casca caused a relaxant effect in endothelium-intact thoracic aortic rings precontracted with phenylephrine in the presence and absence of isatin. NP2_Casca failed to relax the aortic rings precontracted with an isosmotic potassium Krebs-Henseleit solution. In conclusion, the natriuretic peptide isolated from Crotalus durissus cascavella venom produced renal and vascular effects. NP2_Casca reduced total and proximal sodium tubular transport, leading to an increase in sodium excretion, thereby demonstrating a diuretic action. A hypotensive effect was displayed in an arterial pressure assay, with an increase in nitrite production, suggesting a possible vasoactive action. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Analyze, in patients with primary hyperhidrosis (PH) who was undergone to videothoracoscopic sympathicotomy, the degree of vascular denervation after surgical transection of the thoracic sympathetic chain by measuring ultrasonografic parameters in carotid and vertebral arteries. Methods: Twenty-four patients with PH underwent forty-eight endoscopic thoracic sympathicotomy and were evaluated by duplex eco-doppler measuring systolic peak velocity (SPV), diastolic peak velocity (DPV), pulsatility index (PI) and resistivity index (RI) in bilateral common, internal and external carotids, besides bilateral vertebral arteries. The exams were performed before operations and a month later. Wilcoxon test was used to analyse the differences between the variables before and after the sympatholisis. Results: T3 sympathicotomy segment was the most frequent transection done (95,83%), as only ablation (25%) or in association with T4 (62,50%) or with T2 (8,33%). It was observed increase in RI and PI of the common carotid artery ( p<0,05). The DPV of internal carotid artery decreased in both sides (p<0,05). The SPV and the DPV of the right and left vertebral arteries also increased (p<0,05). Asymmetric findings were observed so that, arteries of the right side were the most frequently affected. Conclusions: Hemodynamic changes in vertebral and carotid arteries were observed after sympathicotomy for PH. SPV was the most often altered parameter, mostly in the right side arteries, meaning significant asymmetric changes in carotid and vertebral vessels. Therefore, the research findings deserve further investigations to observe if they have clinical inferences


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O quilotórax corresponde ao acúmulo de fluido linfático em um ou em ambos os espaços pleurais, resultante do extravasamento de linfa do ducto torácico ou de uma de suas divisões principais. Este pode estar associado à ascite quilosa em pacientes com distúrbios linfáticos sistêmicos, como na linfangiectasia, em decorrência de defeitos no transporte linfático-venoso do quilo da cavidade torácica para a circulação sistêmica. A linfangiectasia intestinal é um distúrbio obstrutivo que envolve o sistema linfático do órgão e revela-se como a causa mais comum de enteropatias associadas à má absorção e perda de proteínas em cães. São apresentados no presente relato o controle clínico com o uso de dieta caseira com baixa gordura e a quantificação da função digestiva, por meio da determinação da digestibilidade do alimento, em um cão acometido por quilotórax secundário à linfangiectasia intestinal. A dieta caseira incluiu arroz, peito de frango, cenoura, carbonato de cálcio, levedura de cerveja, suplemento vitamínico e mineral e sal. O ensaio de digestibilidade foi conduzido pelo método de coleta total de fezes. A dieta caseira foi eficaz em interromper o acúmulo de efusão quilosa torácica, restabelecer as concentrações de proteína total e albumina e promover ganho de peso no paciente. Os resultados da digestibilidade demonstraram menor aproveitamento de todos os nutrientes no cão com linfangiectasia em relação ao controle sadio.


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Caracterizaram-se, por meio da ultrassonografia, as estruturas flexoras da porção distal dos membros de bovinos utilizando-se peças anatômicas da porção distal dos membros torácicos e pélvicos, provenientes de 20 novilhas mestiças da raça Nelore, com idades entre 24 e 36 meses. Para análise ultrassonográfica, foram estabelecidas cinco zonas de avaliação no plano transversal, denominadas, respectivamente, de zonas A, B, C, D e E, e duas em plano sagital, F-III e F-IV. Na face flexora, foram avaliados os tendões flexores digitais superficial e profundo, o músculo interósseo, o ligamento acessório do tendão flexor digital profundo e a manica flexoria, quanto à forma, limites, posição, ecogenicidade e mensurações das áreas transversais em cm². Sendo os resultados apresentados na forma descritiva e em tabelas, foi possível a caracterização das estruturas flexoras, identificando e determinando planos ultrassonográficos apropriados para a observação de imagens adequadas destes tecidos, além da obtenção de valores e parâmetros que possam ser utilizados como referência para esta espécie.


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Compararam-se as dificuldades transcirúrgicas e as complicações pós-operatórias das técnicas guilhotina (TG) e stripping (TS) para a neurectomia digital em eqüinos. Sob anestesia com halotano, quatro éguas tiveram os nervos digitais de um dos membros torácicos e um dos pélvicos submetidos à TG, enquanto os nervos digitais dos membros colaterais foram submetidos à TS. Os tempos cirúrgicos médios de TG e TS foram semelhantes. O comprimento médio do fragmento do nervo removido foi três vezes maior em TS (P<0,001). Independente da técnica utilizada, houve perda total da sensibilidade nos talões de todos os membros dentro dos quatro primeiros meses da cirurgia. Após 14 meses, houve retorno da sensibilidade em 37% dos membros em TG e 18,8% em TS (P=0,06). Ao exame de palpação para identificação de neuromas dolorosos, houve episódios de sensibilidade discreta em um maior número de cotos nervosos proximais operados com TS, 53,6% contra 6,4% dos operados com TG (P=0,003). Ambas as técnicas foram satisfatórias por não apresentarem maiores complicações durante ou após a cirurgia. Considerou-se que TG apresentou menor potencial para produzir reinervação e neuromas dolorosos.


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Na avaliação da dispneia pós-exercício em uma cadela de 10 meses de idade, não castrada e sem raça definida, foi detectado sopro sistólico leve grau II/VI. A comunicação entre a aorta ascendente e o tronco pulmonar, observada pela presença de fluxo contínuo logo abaixo das valvas semilunares, à ecoDopplercardiografia, foi confirmada pela cirurgia. Após o procedimento cirúrgico, a cadela apresentou boa condição clínica e ausência de dispneia mesmo ao exercício. Ressalta-se a importância do diagnóstico precoce e preciso para o sucesso terapêutico. Este é o primeiro relato brasileiro dessa rara doença e a única cirurgia, bem sucedida, descrita na literatura veterinária consultada.


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Doria, R.G.S.; Canola, P.A.; Freitas, S.H. & Canola, J.C. [Equine chronic proliferative synovitis (villonodular synovitis): clinical, radiographic and ultrasonographic aspects: Relate of case.] Sinovite proliferativa cronica (sinovite vilonodular) em equino: aspectos clinicos, radiograficos e ultra-sonograficos: Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinciria 30(3):157-161, 2008. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade de Cuiaba, UNIC, Av. Antartica 788, Casa 26, Residencial Villas Boas, Ribeirao da Ponte, Cuiaba, MT 78040-500. Brasil. E-mail: redoria@uol.com.brThe development of intracapsullar masses at the dorsal aspect of the metacarpofalangeal joint for a period of several months is commonly secondary to the chronic synovitis. Although it is known as villonodular synovitis in horses probably is better to refer it as chronic proliferative synovitis. The most common causes are the non-treated osteocondral fractures of the dorsal portion of the proximal phalanx. In addition, the development of villonodular masses follows the degenerative process in the joint. A case of a lame animal is reported at the present study. The correct diagnosis and the adequate therapeutic propositions were given based on the clinical examination, therapeutic local-anesthetic test and radioghaphic and ultrasonographic imaging exams. The development of a criterious identification of this disease must be based on clinical findings, radiographic and ultrasonographic exams which assume fundamental importance to the treatment and prognostic. The aim of this study is to describe the clinical, radiographic and ultrasonographic findings' allowing the identification and diagnosis of chronic proliferative synovitis at the thoracic metacarpofalangeal joint in the horse.


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Estudou-se o efeito de aplicações intratendíneas do polissulfato de glicosaminoglicanas (PSGAG) no tratamento de tendinite induzida pela colagenase. Dois grupos (GI e GII) de cinco eqüinos da raça Puro-Sangue Árabe, machos e fêmeas, com idades entre dois e seis anos, foram submetidos à tendinite do tendão flexor digital superficial do membro torácico esquerdo por aplicação intratendínea de 1,0ml de colagenase (2,5mg/ml). Decorridos sete dias da indução da lesão, os eqüinos do GI receberam cinco aplicações intralesionais de 1,0ml (125mg) de PSGAG, a intervalos de quatro dias, enquanto que os do GII receberam aplicações de solução fisiológica em igual volume e freqüência. Efetuaram-se avaliações clínicas e ultra-sonográficas, periodicamente, durante 150 dias. Todos os animais apresentaram claudicação e aumento local de sensibilidade, de temperatura e de volume 24 horas após a indução da lesão. Com exceção do aumento de volume, que permaneceu visível até o final do experimento, observou-se regressão de todos os sinais em todos os animais. A avaliação ultra-sonográfica evidenciou lesões de tamanho, forma e posição variados, de maior severidade entre o sétimo e 23º dia. Ao término do experimento, o grau de ecogenicidade encontrava-se entre 1 e 2, e o grau de paralelismo entre 0 e 2. A análise histopatológica evidenciou áreas cicatriciais com intensa fibroplasia e neovascularização, fibras colágenas pouco organizadas e endotendão hipercelular e espessado. Não se observou diferenças significativas entre os grupos quanto ao processo de reparação das lesões, concluindo-se que a aplicação intralesional de PSGAG não produziu efeito benéfico para tratar tendinite induzida por colagenase.


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Background: Pythiosis in horses is a proliferative and ulcerative disease that primarily affects the skin and subcutaneous tissue of limbs, thoracic-abdominal region and head. This disease sometimes can also affect limb bones or cause tumoral masses in abdomen. Usually, the cutaneous cases are confused with habronemiasis. The disease is more common in marshy areas, places with formation of slow drainage ponds and aquatic vegetation under high temperatures. The aim of this study was to describe the development of facial lesions in a horse caused by pythiosis in Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, and, additionally to discuss relevant issues regarding the diagnosis, clinical course and response to immunotherapy treatment.Case: One five years old mare of unknown breed, created in property located in the Cerrado region, had a wound on its face difficult to be healed and non-responsive to several treatments based on ivermectin and organophosphate administrated by either topical or systemic via. The animal was assisted on the farm of origin by the veterinary team of the Clinical Medicine sector, of the Veterinary Hospital, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (HOVET-UFMT). on the occasion of the visit, which occurred 60 days after onset of signs, the animal showed a circular single large lesion, ulcerative with serous discharge on the right part of its face, between the eyes and nostrils. There were some necrotic foci with sinus, from which kunkers were extracted; a condition compatible with pythiosis. The diagnosis was confirmed by histology, ELISA and PCR.Discussion: Assuming pythiosis from data obtained from the survey and profile of the lesion (secretory aspect, emaciation and presence of sinus and kunkers), immunotherapy treatment was immediately applied. The advanced clinical aspects and the fact that early diagnosis and treatment are essentials to satisfactory therapeutic response were also taken into consideration for starting the treatment. The remission of signs was achieved after five subcutaneous applications with 14 days between each application. From the second application, it was observed clinical improvement and after 60 days of treatment there was almost complete remission of signs. The signs for a satisfactory response in the injury site followed the order of decreasing secretory aspect, decreasing borders, decrease the itching and bringing the edges together with the formation of a thin layer of crust on the surface. Pythiosis cases with lesions on the face and lower abdomen are commonly confused with habronemiasis by macroscopic and widespread similarity between technicians and attendants, and essential support to the diagnosis through laboratory tests, which in turn are still underutilized. In this case, the authors demonstrated the therapeutic efficacy of immunotherapy as an advantage, considering the possibility of applying it in cases of lesions in areas of difficult surgical access, treatment conditions in the field, with low cost and ease of application. Further studies approaching this alternative therapy are necessary, since side effects have been observed in some cases.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)