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OBJECTIVES Many paediatric antiretroviral therapy (ART) programmes in Southern Africa rely on CD4⁺ to monitor ART. We assessed the benefit of replacing CD4⁺ by viral load monitoring. DESIGN A mathematical modelling study. METHODS A simulation model of HIV progression over 5 years in children on ART, parameterized by data from seven South African cohorts. We simulated treatment programmes with 6-monthly CD4⁺ or 6- or 12-monthly viral load monitoring. We compared mortality, second-line ART use, immunological failure and time spent on failing ART. In further analyses, we varied the rate of virological failure, and assumed that the rate is higher with CD4⁺ than with viral load monitoring. RESULTS About 7% of children were predicted to die within 5 years, independent of the monitoring strategy. Compared with CD4⁺ monitoring, 12-monthly viral load monitoring reduced the 5-year risk of immunological failure from 1.6 to 1.0% and the mean time spent on failing ART from 6.6 to 3.6 months; 1% of children with CD4⁺ compared with 12% with viral load monitoring switched to second-line ART. Differences became larger when assuming higher rates of virological failure. When assuming higher virological failure rates with CD4⁺ than with viral load monitoring, up to 4.2% of children with CD4⁺ compared with 1.5% with viral load monitoring experienced immunological failure; the mean time spent on failing ART was 27.3 months with CD4⁺ monitoring and 6.0 months with viral load monitoring. Conclusion: Viral load monitoring did not affect 5-year mortality, but reduced time on failing ART, improved immunological response and increased switching to second-line ART.
PURPOSE To evaluate and compare the costs of MRI-guided and CT-guided cervical nerve root infiltration for the minimally invasive treatment of radicular neck pain. MATERIALS AND METHODS Between September 2009 and April 2012, 22 patients (9 men, 13 women; mean age: 48.2 years) underwent MRI-guided (1.0 Tesla, Panorama HFO, Philips) single-site periradicular cervical nerve root infiltration with 40 mg triamcinolone acetonide. A further 64 patients (34 men, 30 women; mean age: 50.3 years) were treated under CT fluoroscopic guidance (Somatom Definition 64, Siemens). The mean overall costs were calculated as the sum of the prorated costs of equipment use (purchase, depreciation, maintenance, and energy costs), personnel costs and expenditure for disposables that were identified for MRI- and CT-guided procedures. Additionally, the cost of ultrasound guidance was calculated. RESULTS The mean intervention time was 24.9 min. (range: 12 - 36 min.) for MRI-guided infiltration and 19.7 min. (range: 5 - 54 min.) for CT-guided infiltration. The average total costs per patient were EUR 240 for MRI-guided interventions and EUR 124 for CT-guided interventions. These were (MRI/CT guidance) EUR 150/60 for equipment use, EUR 46/40 for personnel, and EUR 44/25 for disposables. The mean overall cost of ultrasound guidance was EUR 76. CONCLUSION Cervical nerve root infiltration using MRI guidance is still about twice as expensive as infiltration using CT guidance. However, since it does not involve radiation exposure for patients and personnel, MRI-guided nerve root infiltration may become a promising alternative to the CT-guided procedure, especially since a further price decrease is expected for MRI devices and MR-compatible disposables. In contrast, ultrasound remains the less expensive method for nerve root infiltration guidance.
Purpose: Selective retina therapy (SRT) has shown great promise compared to conventional retinal laser photocoagulation as it avoids collateral damage and selectively targets the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Its use, however, is challenging in terms of therapy monitoring and dosage because an immediate tissue reaction is not biomicroscopically discernibel. To overcome these limitations, real-time optical coherence tomography (OCT) might be useful to monitor retinal tissue during laser application. We have thus evaluated a proprietary OCT system for its capability of mapping optical changes introduced by SRT in retinal tissue. Methods: Freshly enucleated porcine eyes, covered in DMEM upon collection were utilized and a total of 175 scans from ex-vivo porcine eyes were analyzed. The porcine eyes were used as an ex-vivo model and results compared to two time-resolved OCT scans, recorded from a patient undergoing SRT treatment (SRT Vario, Medical Laser Center Lübeck). In addition to OCT, fluorescin angiography and fundus photography were performed on the patient and OCT scans were subsequently investigated for optical tissue changes linked to laser application. Results: Biomicroscopically invisible SRT lesions were detectable in OCT by changes in the RPE / Bruch's complex both in vivo and the porcine ex-vivo model. Laser application produced clearly visible optical effects such as hyperreflectivity and tissue distortion in the treated retina. Tissue effects were even discernible in time-resolved OCT imaging when no hyper-reflectivity persisted after treatment. Data from ex-vivo porcine eyes showed similar to identical optical changes while effects visible in OCT appeared to correlate with applied pulse energy, leading to an additional reflective layer when lesions became visible in indirect ophthalmoscopy. Conclusions: Our results support the hypothesis that real-time high-resolution OCT may be a promising modality to obtain additional information about the extent of tissue damage caused by SRT treatment. Data shows that our exvivo porcine model adequately reproduces the effects occurring in-vivo, and thus can be used to further investigate this promising imaging technique.
Despite increasing life expectancy, the age of onset of natural menopause has not significantly changed in recent decades. Thus, women spend about one-third of their lives in an estrogen-deficient state if untreated. There is a need for appropriate treatment of acute symptoms and prevention of the sequelae of chronic estrogen deficiency. International guidelines call for the use of the lowest effective hormone dosage for vasomotor symptom relief, the major indication for menopausal hormone therapy (MHT). In 2011, an oral continuous combined ultra-low-dose MHT was approved in Switzerland. This publication was elaborated by eight national menopause specialists and intends to review the advantages and disadvantages of ultra-low-dose MHT after the first years of its general use in Switzerland. It concludes that, for many women, ultra-low-dose MHT may be sufficient to decrease vasomotor symptoms, but not necessarily to guarantee fracture prevention.
PURPOSE Vascular disease is the leading cause of death in women. One-third of acute events affect women below age 60, when the prevalence of menopausal symptoms is high. This raises the question if hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may be an appropriate treatment for individual women although vascular disease is generally considered a contraindication. METHODS Selective literature search was used for this study. RESULTS In healthy women, HRT increases risks for venous thromboembolism and ischemic stroke, but for cardiovascular disease apparently only beyond 10 years after menopause or 60 years of age. Limited data in women with cardio or cerebrovascular disease have not demonstrated an increased risk for a vascular recurrent event, but for the first year after initiation. In HRT users affected by a cardiovascular event continuation of HRT has not been found to be associated with adverse outcome. Low dose estradiol--preferentially as transdermal patches, if necessary combined with metabolically neutral progestins--appears to convey lower risk. CONCLUSIONS Safety data on HRT in survivors of cardiovascular events or ischemic stroke are limited, but exceptionally increased risk appears to be excluded. If off-label use of HRT is considered to be initiated or continued in women with cardio- or cerebrovascular disease, extensive counseling on the pros and cons of HRT is mandatory.
BACKGROUND Due to the implementation of the diagnosis-related groups (DRG) system, the competitive pressure on German hospitals increased. In this context it has been shown that acute pain management offers economic benefits for hospitals. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of the competitive situation, the ownership and the economic resources required on structures and processes for acute pain management. MATERIAL AND METHODS A standardized questionnaire on structures and processes of acute pain management was mailed to the 885 directors of German departments of anesthesiology listed as members of the German Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (DGAI, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin). RESULTS For most hospitals a strong regional competition existed; however, this parameter affected neither the implementation of structures nor the recommended treatment processes for pain therapy. In contrast, a clear preference for hospitals in private ownership to use the benchmarking tool QUIPS (quality improvement in postoperative pain therapy) was found. These hospitals also presented information on coping with the management of pain in the corporate clinic mission statement more often and published information about the quality of acute pain management in the quality reports more frequently. No differences were found between hospitals with different forms of ownership in the implementation of acute pain services, quality circles, expert standard pain management and the implementation of recommended processes. Hospitals with a higher case mix index (CMI) had a certified acute pain management more often. The corporate mission statement of these hospitals also contained information on how to cope with pain, presentation of the quality of pain management in the quality report, implementation of quality circles and the implementation of the expert standard pain management more frequently. There were no differences in the frequency of using the benchmarking tool QUIPS or the implementation of recommended treatment processes with respect to the CMI. CONCLUSION In this survey no effect of the competitive situation of hospitals on acute pain management could be demonstrated. Private ownership and a higher CMI were more often associated with structures of acute pain management which were publicly accessible in terms of hospital marketing.
OBJECTIVES Gender-specific data on the outcome of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) are a subject of controversy. We aimed to compare treatment responses between genders in a setting of equal access to cART over a 14-year period. METHODS Analyses included treatment-naïve participants in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study starting cART between 1998 and 2011 and were restricted to patients infected by heterosexual contacts or injecting drug use, excluding men who have sex with men. RESULTS A total of 3925 patients (1984 men and 1941 women) were included in the analysis. Women were younger and had higher CD4 cell counts and lower HIV RNA at baseline than men. Women were less likely to achieve virological suppression < 50 HIV-1 RNA copies/mL at 1 year (75.2% versus 78.1% of men; P = 0.029) and at 2 years (77.5% versus 81.1%, respectively; P = 0.008), whereas no difference between sexes was observed at 5 years (81.3% versus 80.5%, respectively; P = 0.635). The probability of virological suppression increased in both genders over time (test for trend, P < 0.001). The median increase in CD4 cell count at 1, 2 and 5 years was generally higher in women during the whole study period, but it gradually improved over time in both sexes (P < 0.001). Women also were more likely to switch or stop treatment during the first year of cART, and stops were only partly driven by pregnancy. In multivariate analysis, after adjustment for sociodemographic factors, HIV-related factors, cART and calendar period, female gender was no longer associated with lower odds of virological suppression. CONCLUSIONS Gender inequalities in the response to cART are mainly explained by the different prevalence of socioeconomic characteristics in women compared with men.
OBJECTIVE To systematically review evidence on genetic variants influencing outcomes during warfarin therapy and provide practice recommendations addressing the key questions: (1) Should genetic testing be performed in patients with an indication for warfarin therapy to improve achievement of stable anticoagulation and reduce adverse effects? (2) Are there subgroups of patients who may benefit more from genetic testing compared with others? (3) How should patients with an indication for warfarin therapy be managed based on their genetic test results? METHODS A systematic literature search was performed for VKORC1 and CYP2C9 and their association with warfarin therapy. Evidence was critically appraised, and clinical practice recommendations were developed based on expert group consensus. RESULTS Testing of VKORC1 (-1639G>A), CYP2C9*2, and CYP2C9*3 should be considered for all patients, including pediatric patients, within the first 2 weeks of therapy or after a bleeding event. Testing for CYP2C9*5, *6, *8, or *11 and CYP4F2 (V433M) is currently not recommended. Testing should also be considered for all patients who are at increased risk of bleeding complications, who consistently show out-of-range international normalized ratios, or suffer adverse events while receiving warfarin. Genotyping results should be interpreted using a pharmacogenetic dosing algorithm to estimate the required dose. SIGNIFICANCE This review provides the latest update on genetic markers for warfarin therapy, clinical practice recommendations as a basis for informed decision making regarding the use of genotype-guided dosing in patients with an indication for warfarin therapy, and identifies knowledge gaps to guide future research.
INTRODUCTION The pentasaccharide fondaparinux is widely approved for prophylaxis and treatment of thromboembolic diseases and therapy of acute coronary syndrome. It is also used off-label in patients with acute, suspected or antecedent heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT). The aim of this prospective observational cohort study was to document fondaparinux' prescription practice, tolerance and therapy safety in a representative mixed German single-centre patient cohort. PATIENTS AND METHODS Between 09/2008 - 04/2009, 231 consecutive patients treated with fondaparinux were enrolled. Medical data were obtained from patient's records. The patients were clinically screened for thrombosis (Wells score), sequelae of HIT (4T's score), and bleeding complications (ISTH-criteria) and subjected to further assessment (i.e. sonography, HIT-diagnostics), if necessary. The mortality rate was assessed 30 days after therapy start. RESULTS Overall, 153/231 patients had a prophylactic, 74/231 patients a therapeutic, and 4/231 patients a successive prophylactic/therapeutic indication. In 11/231 patients fondaparinux was used due to suspected/antecedent HIT, in 5/231 patients due to a previous cutaneous delayed-type hypersensitivity to heparins. Other indications were rare. Three new/progressive thromboses were detected. No cases of HIT, major bleedings, or fatalities occurred. CONCLUSIONS Fondaparinux was well tolerated and was safe in prophylaxis and therapy; prescriptions mostly followed the current approval guidelines and were rarely related to HIT-associated indications (<5% of prescriptions), which is in contrast to previous study results in the U.S. (>94% of prescriptions were HIT-associated). A trend towards an individualised fondaparinux use based on the compound's inherent properties and the patients' risk profiles, i.e., antecedent HIT, bone fractures, heparin allergy, was observed.
Introduction Language is the most important mean of communication and plays a central role in our everyday life. Brain damage (e.g. stroke) can lead to acquired disorders of lan- guage affecting the four linguistic modalities (i.e. reading, writing, speech production and comprehension) in different combinations and levels of severity. Every year, more than 5000 people (Aphasie Suisse) are affected by aphasia in Switzerland alone. Since aphasia is highly individual, the level of difficulty and the content of tasks have to be adapted continuously by the speech therapists. Computer-based assignments allow patients to train independently at home and thus increasing the frequency of ther- apy. Recent developments in tablet computers have opened new opportunities to use these devices for rehabilitation purposes. Especially older people, who have no prior experience with computers, can benefit from the new technologies. Methods The aim of this project was to develop an application that enables patients to train language related tasks autonomously and, on the other hand, allows speech therapists to assign exercises to the patients and to track their results online. Seven categories with various types of assignments were implemented. The application has two parts which are separated by a user management system into a patient interface and a therapist interface. Both interfaces were evaluated using the SUS (Subject Usability Scale). The patient interface was tested by 15 healthy controls and 5 patients. For the patients, we also collected tracking data for further analysis. The therapist interface was evaluated by 5 speech therapists. Results The SUS score are xpatients = 98 and xhealthy = 92.7 (median = 95, SD = 7, 95% CI [88.8, 96.6]) in case of the patient interface and xtherapists = 68 in case of the therapist interface. Conclusion Both, the patients and the healthy subjects, attested high SUS scores to the patient interface. These scores are considered as "best imaginable". The therapist interface got a lower SUS score compared to the patient interface, but is still considered as "good" and "usable". The user tracking system and the interviews revealed that there is room for improvements and inspired new ideas for future versions.
OBJECTIVES To characterize the physical characteristics of a new low abrasive erythritol powder (EPAP) and to evaluate its influence on the clinical and microbiologic parameters over a period of 6 months in patients undergoing supportive periodontal therapy (SPT). METHOD AND MATERIALS Prior to the clinical application, the particle size and abrasion level of EPAP were compared to glycine air-polishing powder (GPAP) ex vivo. Subsequently, 40 chronic periodontitis patients previously enrolled in SPT were randomly assigned into two groups for the treatment with subgingival EPAP or repeated scaling and root planing (SRP). At baseline (BL), bleeding on probing positive (BOP+) sites with probing pocket depth (PPD) of ≥ 4 mm but no detectable calculus were defined as study sites. During SPT, these sites were either treated by EPAP or SRP at BL, 3, and 6 months (3M, 6M). When indicated, additional SRP was provided. Plaque Index, BOP, PPD, clinical attachment level (CAL), and subgingival plaque were evaluated at BL and 6M. RESULTS EPAP yielded lower abrasiveness and smaller particle sizes when compared to GPAP. In 38 patients completing the study, EPAP and SRP resulted in significant reductions of BOP% (EPAP, 40.45%; SRP, 42.53%), PPD (EPAP, -0.67; SRP, -0.68), and increase of CAL (EPAP, 0.48; SRP, 0.61) while at 6M no statistically significant between-group differences were observed (P > .05). Microbiologic evaluation revealed minor shifts in the composition of the subgingival biofilm without influence on periodontopathogenic bacteria. CONCLUSION The subgingival use of EPAP by means of an air-polishing device may be considered safe and may lead to comparable clinical and microbiologic outcomes to those obtained with SRP. CLINICAL RELEVANCE The subgingival use of EPAP appears to represent a promising modality for the removal of subgingival biofilm during SPT.
The combined use of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) and image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) can improve overall survival in aggressive, localized prostate cancer. However, owing to the adverse effects of prolonged ADT, it is imperative to identify the patients who would benefit from this combined-modality therapy relative to the use of IGRT alone. Opportunities exist for more personalized approaches in treating aggressive, locally advanced prostate cancer. Biomarkers--such as disseminated tumour cells, circulating tumour cells, genomic signatures and molecular imaging techniques--could identify the patients who are at greatest risk for systemic metastases and who would benefit from the addition of systemic ADT. By contrast, when biomarkers of systemic disease are not present, treatment could proceed using local IGRT alone. The choice of drug, treatment duration and timing of ADT relative to IGRT could be predicated on these personalized approaches to prostate cancer medicine. These novel treatment intensification and reduction strategies could result in improved prostate-cancer-specific survival and overall survival, without incurring the added expense of metabolic syndrome and other adverse effects of ADT in all patients.
Catheter ablation of complex fractionated atrial electrograms (CFAE), also known as defragmentation ablation, may be considered for the treatment of persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) beyond pulmonary vein isolation (PVI). Concomitant antiarrhythmic drug (AAD) therapy is common, but the relevance of AAD administration and its optimal timing during ablation remain unclear. Therefore, we investigated the use and timing of AADs during defragmentation ablation and their possible implications for AF termination and ablation success in a large cohort of patients. Retrospectively, we included 200 consecutive patients (age: 61 ± 12 years, LA diameter: 47 ± 8 mm) with persistent AF (episode duration 47 ± 72 weeks) who underwent de novo ablation including CFAE ablation. In all patients, PVI was performed prior to CFAE ablation. The use and timing of AADs were registered. The follow-ups consisted of Holter ECGs and clinical visits. Termination of AF was achieved in 132 patients (66 %). Intraprocedural AADs were administered in 168/200 patients (84 %) 45 ± 27 min after completion of PVI. Amiodarone was used in the majority of the patients (160/168). The timing of AAD administration was predicted by the atrial fibrillation cycle length (AFCL). At follow-up, 88 patients (46 %) were free from atrial arrhythmia. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that administration of AAD early after PVI, LA size, duration of AF history, sex and AFCL were predictors of AF termination. The administration of AAD and its timing were not predictive of outcome, and age was the sole independent predictor of AF recurrence. The administration of AAD during ablation was common in this large cohort of persistent AF patients. The choice to administer AAD therapy and the timing of the administration during ablation were influenced by AFCL, and these factors did not significantly influence the moderate single procedure success rate in this retrospective analysis.
Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (PDT) has attracted much attention for the treatment of pathogenic biofilm associated with peridontitis and peri-implantitis. However, data from randomized controlled clinical studies (RCTs) are limited and, to some extent, controversial, making it difficult to provide appropriate recommendations. Therefore, the aims of the present study were (a) to provide an overview on the current evidence from RCTs evaluating the potential clinical benefit for the additional use of PDT to subgingival mechanical debridement (ie, scaling and root planing) alone in nonsurgical periodontal therapy; and (b) to provide clinical recommendations for the use of PDT in periodontal practice.
In 2011, the first consensus conference on guidelines for the use of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) was convened by the Swiss Society of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (SGDMFR). This conference covered topics of oral and maxillofacial surgery, temporomandibular joint dysfunctions and disorders, and orthodontics. In 2014, a second consensus conference was convened on guidelines for the use of CBCT in endodontics, periodontology, reconstructive dentistry and pediatric dentistry. The guidelines are intended for all dentists in order to facilitate the decision as to when the use of CBCT is justified. As a rule, the use of CBCT is considered restrictive, since radiation protection reasons do not allow its routine use. CBCT should therefore be reserved for complex cases where its application can be expected to provide further information that is relevant to the choice of therapy. In periodontology, sufficient information is usually available from clinical examination and periapical radiographs; in endodontics alternative methods can often be used instead of CBCT; and for implant patients undergoing reconstructive dentistry, CT is of interest for the workflow from implant planning to the superstructure. For pediatric dentistry no application of CBCT is seen for caries diagnosis.