903 resultados para Systemic explanation
A reflexão proposta neste estudo está centrada na possibilidade de o Novo Paradigma Sistêmico , tal qual o concebe o físico norte-americano Fritjof Capra, fundamentar um modelo epistemológico, possível de integrar em seu âmbito os pontos de vista divergentes no debate sobre o tratamento científico do fenômeno religioso. A história das ciências da religião está marcada pelo dilema epistemológico: explicar ou compreender a religião? As ciências da natureza contrapuseram-se às ciências do espírito, que diferiam das primeiras pelo objeto, pelo método e pela relação entre o sujeito e o objeto. O debate que esteve presente no cenário dos séculos XIX e XX mostrou-nos a impossibilidade de se definir um modelo de ciência que incorporasse, em seu seio, uma integração dos pontos de vista divergentes, em razão dos princípios que norteavam o paradigma cientificista. No entanto, a emergência do paradigma dos sistemas vivos ou da complexidade , liderado pela física, veio conceber o caráter sistêmico da realidade; que o concreto material é energia sob o aspecto subatômico; que sob o aspecto subatômico, a matéria não existe em lugares definidos com certeza, mas apenas mostram tendências a existir. Estas e outras descobertas possibilitaram aos cientistas afirmar a existência de um Novo Paradigma , em que as categorias análise, regularidade e objetividade, que caracterizavam o antigo, são substituídas por: síntese, irregularidade e conduta epistêmica. O paradigma emergente possibilitou a construção de um modelo epistemológico do conhecimento científico, que apontamos como legitimador das condutas fenomenológicas, tal qual as concebem G. van der Leeuw e F. Heiler, ao mesmo tempo em que possibilita a integração de pontos de vista divergentes, no debate entre as vertentes, explicação/compreensão.(AU)
8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine (80HDG) is a specific marker of oxidative damage to DNA. We have observed that patients with SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus), have undetectable levels of urinary 80HDG by HPLC. Further analysis by GC-MS confirmed that levels of 80HDG in SLE urine were 10(3)-fold lower than in an age- and sex-matched control group. Experiments utilising cultures of SLE and normal lymphocytes exposed to H2O2 confirmed the impaired ability of SLE lymphocytes to repair 80HDG. We subsequently observed in SLE patients that 80HDG had accumulated in low molecular weight DNA associated with circulating immune complexes. We suggest that oxygen radicals may induce pathology in SLE by maintaining the presence of an antigenic form of DNA in the circulation.
PURPOSE. To assess the level of plasma glutathione in patients with untreated primary open-angle glaucoma. METHODS. Twenty-one patients with newly diagnosed primary open-angle glaucoma and 34 age- and gender-matched control subjects were subjected to a blood analysis to detect the level of circulating glutathione in its reduced and oxidized forms. The effect of age, gender, and systemic blood pressure on circulating glutathione levels was also analyzed. RESULTS. Age had a negative effect on the level of both reduced and total glutathione (P = 0.002, r = -0.52 and P = 0.002, r = -0.52, respectively) in control subjects but not in patients with glaucoma (P > 0.05, r = 0.27, and P > 0.05, r = 0.22, respectively). In the control group, men demonstrated higher levels of both reduced and total glutathione than did women (P = 0.024 and P = 0.032, respectively). After correction for age and gender influences on blood glutathione levels, patients with glaucoma exhibited significantly lower levels of reduced and total glutathione than did control subjects (P = 0.010, F = 7.24 and P = 0.006, F = 8.38, respectively). No differences between study groups were observed in either oxidized glutathione levels or redox index (P > 0.05, F = 0.50; and P > 0.05, F = 0.30, respectively). CONCLUSIONS. Patients with glaucoma exhibit low levels of circulating glutathione, suggesting a general compromise of the antioxidative defense. Copyright © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
The devastating impact of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) -related morbidity and mortality on global healthcare is escalating with higher prevalences of obesity, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyles. Therefore, the clinical need for early diagnosis and prevention in groups of high-risk individuals is necessary. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the use of surrogate markers, namely retinal vascular function, to determine future vascular endothelial dysfunction, atherosclerosis, large vessel disease and cardiovascular risk in certain groups. This namely covered normoglycaemic and normotensive South Asians (SAs), those with Impaired-Glucose Tolerance (IGT) and individuals with a familial history (FH) of T2DM. Additionally the effect of overweight and obesity was studied. The techniques and modified protocols adopted for this thesis involved the investigation of endothelial function by means of vascular reactivity at the ocular and systemic level. Furthermore, the relationships between retinal and systemic function with circulating markers for endothelial cell function and cardiovascular risk markers were explored. The principal studies and findings of the research were: Vascular Function in Normoglycaemic Individuals with and without a FH of T2DM WE FH individuals exhibited higher levels of total cholesterol levels that correlated well with the retinal arterial dilation amplitude to flicker light stimulus. However this did not extend to noticeable differences in markers for endothelial cell damage and impaired retinal and systemic function. Vascular Function in Normoglycaemic South-Asians vs. White-Europeans without a FH and Vascular Disturbances Compared to healthy WEs (normo -glycaemic and -tensive), SA participants exhibited levels of dyslipidaemia and a state of oxidative stress that extended to impaired vascular function as detected by reduced brachial artery flow-mediated dilation, slower retinal arterial vessel dilation reaction times (Appendix 3) and steeper constriction profiles. Furthermore, gender sub-group analysis presented in a sub-chapter shows that SA males demonstrated 24-hour systemic blood pressure (BP) and heart rate variability (HRV) abnormalities and heightened cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. Vascular Function in Individuals Newly Diagnosed with IGT as compared to Normoglycaemic Healthy Controls Newly-diagnosed WE and SA IGT patients showed a greater risk for CVD and T2DM progression by means of 24-hour BP abnormalities, dyslipidaemia, increased carotid artery intimal-media thickness (c-IMT), Framingham scores and cholesterol ratios. Additionally, pre-clinical markers for oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction, as evident by significantly lower levels of plasma glutathione and increased levels of von-Willebrand factor in IGT individuals, extended to impaired vascular systemic and retinal function compared to normal controls. This originally shows retinal, systemic and biochemical disturbances in newly-diagnosed IGT not previously reported before. Vascular Function in Normal, Overweight and Obese Individuals of SA and WE Ethnicity In addition to the intended study chapters, the thesis also investigated the influence of obesity and overweight on vascular function. Most importantly, it was found for the first time that compared to lean individuals it was overweight and not obese individuals that exhibited signs of vascular systemic and ocular dysfunction that was evident alongside markers of atherosclerosis, CVD risk and endothelial damage.
This study examined personal/interpersonal antecedents of leader-member exchange (LMX) and why and how LMX is related to the helping and voice dimensions of citizenship behavior. The results indicate that: (i) proactive personality and supervisor trust in employee were significant antecedents of LMX; (ii) the psychological empowerment dimension of autonomy partially mediated the LMX-helping relationship whereas the LMX-voice relationship was fully mediated the by autonomy and impact dimensions of psychological empowerment; and (iii) organization-based self-esteem more strongly moderated the LMX-helping relationship relative to the LMX-voice relationship.
To investigate the relationship between the occurrence of transient cardiac ischaemic episodes and variations in the ambulatory 24-h blood pressure and heart rate measurements in a group of unselected glaucoma patients.
The importance of vascular risk factors in various age-related pathologies has been extensively researched. Nevertheless, the haemodynamic disturbance occurring in various ocular and systemic vascular beds to impact upon ocular function remained largely unknown. The purpose of the following studies was to explore the presence and impact of both ocular and systemic vascular dysregulation as well as biochemical vascular risk factors in healthy elderly individuals and patients with age-related macular degeneration. Furthermore, the possible role was played by circulatory oxidative stress and its relationship with endothelial dysfunction at both ocular and systemic levels has also been investigated. There were four principal sections to the present work: 1. To assess the relationship between ocular and systemic anti-oxidative defence in healthy individuals The principal findings of this work were: -It has been shown that MPOD significantly and positively related with circulatory GSH levels. 2. To investigate macro- and microcirculation and oxidative stress in early AMD patients without overt systemic disease The principal findings of this work were: -AMD patients exhibit abnormal macrocirculation compared to the controls. -Blood GSSG level was significantly higher in early AMD patients than controls. -AMD patients showed abnormal microcirculation at retinal level compared. -In early AMD patients, retinal venous RT positively correlated with blood GSSG levels. 3. To assess the relationship between ocular vascular function and circulatory markers of endothelial dysfunction and CVD risk The principal findings of this work were: -Age had a positive effect on ET-1, vWF and slope of retinal arterial constriction in otherwise healthy individuals. -Even in otherwise healthy individuals, retinal arterial vascular function showed a significant correlation with circulatory markers of endothelial dysfunction and CVD risk. 4. To assess age-related changes in ANS and vascular function, and their relationship to retinal vascular function parameters The principal findings of this work were: -Elderly individuals demonstrated abnormal circadian changes of PSNS activity compared to middle-aged group. -Elderly groups showed higher ET-1 and vWF level as well as C-IMT and AIx, and also impaired retinal vascular function compared to the middle-aged group. -In the elderly group, impaired retinal vascular function significantly correlated with the dysregulation of PSNS activity.
This paper discusses three major areas of knowledge; business process reengineering (BPR), soft systems methodology (SSM) and concurrent engineering (CE) to demonstrate that their philosophies are complementary. An example is given depicting how a manufacturing resource planning system is set up and how improvements can be achieved by applying CE best practice.
If product cycle time reduction is the mission, and the multifunctional team is the means of achieving the mission, what then is the modus operandi by which this means is to accomplish its mission? This paper asserts that a preferred modus operandi for the multifunctional team is to adopt a process-oriented view of the manufacturing enterprise, and for this it needs the medium of a process map [16] The substance of this paper is a methodology which enables the creation of such maps Specific examples of process models drawn from the product develop ment life cycle are presented and described in order to support the methodology's integrity and value The specific deliverables we have so far obtained are a methodology for process capture and analysis, a collection of process models spanning the product development cycle, and, an engineering handbook which hosts these models and presents a computer-based means of navigating through these processes in order to allow users a better understanding of the nature of the business, their role in it, and why the job that they do benefits the work of the company We assert that this kind of thinking is the essence of concurrent engineering implementation, and further that the systemigram process models uniquely stim ulate and organise such thinking.
Community-Based Study of the Association of High Myopia in Children with Ocular and Systemic Disease
Purpose. High myopia in childhood is associated with important ocular and systemic conditions. However in the UK, high myopia in early childhood is not specifically identified in current ophthalmology, optometry, or orthoptic protocols for screening, referral, or investigation. An ongoing study in the West Midlands, UK, is investigating high myopia presenting to community health care clinics with the aim of compiling guidelines for assessment and subsequent referral. Methods. Children with high myopia were identified from community optometric and orthoptic sources and invited for an ophthalmology and optometry examination to ascertain possible ocular or systemic disease. Results. High myopia with no associated ocular or systemic condition was present in 15 (56%) of the children. In seven children (25%), associated ocular problems were found including unrecognized retinal dystrophies and amblyopia. Systemic disorders associated with high myopia were found in five children (19%) and included Sticklers syndrome, Weill-Marchesani syndrome, and homocystinuria. In one child, the diagnosis made before this study was found to be incorrect, and in another child, the results were inconclusive. In two cases, the diagnosis of a systemic condition in the child led to the identification of the disease in at least one relative. Conclusions. There is a high prevalence of ocular and systemic abnormality in young children seen in the community. Optometric and ophthalmologic assessment of children less than 10 years with myopia ≥5 D is likely to identify significant ocular or systemic disease, a proportion of which will respond to medical intervention. Detection and prompt referral of these cases by community health care services may be expected to prolong vision and possibly life expectancy.
Cellular manufacturing is widely acknowledged as one of the key approaches to achieving world-class performance in batch manufacturing operations. The design of cellular manufacturing systems (CMS) is therefore crucial in determining a company's competitiveness. This thesis postulated that, in order to be effective the design of CMS should not only be systematic but also systemic. A systemic design uses the concepts of the body of work known as the 'systems approach' to ensure that a truly effective CMS is defined. The thesis examined the systems approach and created a systemic framework against which existing approaches to the design of CMS were evaluated. The most promising of these, Manufacturing Systems Engineering (MSE), was further investigated using a series of cross-sectional case-studies. Although, in practice, MSE proved to be less than systemic, it appeared to produce significant benefits. This seemed to suggest that CMS design did not need to be systemic to be effective. However, further longitudinal case-studies showed that the benefits claimed were at an operational level not at a business level and also that the performance of the whole system had not been evaluated. The deficiencies identified in the existing approaches to designing CMS were then addressed by the development of a novel CMS design methodology that fully utilised systems concepts. A key aspect of the methodology was the use of the Whole Business Simulator (WBS), a modelling and simulation tool that enabled the evaluation of CMS at operational and business levels. The most contentious aspects of the methodology were tested on a significant and complex case-study. The results of the exercise indicated that the systemic methodology was feasible.
The present thesis investigates targeted (locally and systemically) delivery of a novel group of inhibitors of enzyme transglutaminases (TGs). TGs are a widely distributed group of enzymes that catalyse the formation of isopeptide bonds between the y-carboxamide group of protein-bound glutamines and the a-amino group of protein-bound lysines or polyamines. The first group of the novel inhibitors tested were the tluorescently labelled inhibitors of Factor XIIIa (FXIIIa). These small, non-toxic inhibitors have the potential to prevent stabilisation of thrombi by FXIIIa and consequently increase the natural rate of thrombolysis, in addition it reduces staphylococcal colonisation of catheters by inhibiting their FXIIIa¬mediated cross-linking to blood clot proteins on the central venous catheter (CVCs) surface. The aim of this work was to incorporate the FXIIIa inhibitor either within coating of polyurethane (PU) catheters or to integrate it into silicone catheters, so as to reduce the incidence of thrombotic occlusion and associated bacterial infection in CVCs. The initial work focused on the incorporation of FXIIIa inhibitors within polymeric coatings of PU catheters. After defining the key characteristics desired for an effective polymeric-coating, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) or their combination were studies as polymers of choice for coating of the catheters_ The coating was conducted by dip-coating method in a polymer solution containing the inhibitor. Upon incubation of the inhibitor-and polymer-coated strips in buffer, PVP was dissolved instantly, generating fast and significant drug release, whilst PLGA did not dissolve, yielding a slow and an insufficient amount of drug release. Nevertheless, the drug release profile was enhanced upon employing a blend solution of PVP and PLGA. The second part of the study was to incorporate the FXIIIa inhibitor into a silicone elastomer; results demonstrated that FXIIIa inhibitor can be incorporated and released from silicone by using citric acid (CA) and sodium bicarbonate (SB) as additives and the drug release rate can be controlled by the amount of incorporated additives in the silicone matrix. Furthermore, it was deemed that the inhibitor was still biologically active subsequent to being released from the silicone elastomer strips. Morphological analysis confirmed the formation of channels and cracks inside the specimens upon the addition of CA and SB. Nevertheless, the tensile strength, in addition to Young's modulus of silicone elastomer strips, decreased constantly with an increasing amount of amalgamated CA/ SB in the formulations. According to our results, incorporation of FXIIIa inhibitor into catheters and other medical implant devices could offer new perspectives in preventing bio-material associated infections and thrombosis. The use of tissue transglutaminase (T02) inhibitor for treating of liver fibrosis was also investigated. Liver fibrosis is characterized by increased synthesis and decreased degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Transglutaminase-mediated covalent cross-linking is involved in the stabilization of ECM in human liver fibrosis. Thus, TG2 inhibitors may be used to counteract the decreased degradation of the ECM. The potential of a liposome based drug delivery system for site specific delivery of the fluorescent TG2 inhibitor into the liver was investigated; results indicated that the TG2 inhibitor can be successfully integrated into liposomes and delivered to the liver, therefore demonstrating that liposomes can be employed for site-specific delivery of TG2 inhibitors into the liver and TG2 inhibitor incorporating liposomes could offer a new approach in treating liver fibrosis and its end stage disease cirrhosis.