911 resultados para Surface thermal properties


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• GaN NCs on Si • PA-MBE • Diameters 20 – 60 nm • Lengths 0.6 – 1.2 µm • Unstrained • PL lines correlate to NC coalescence, EXCEPT the 3.45 eV doublet


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Profiting by the increasing availability of laser sources delivering intensities above 10 9 W/cm 2 with pulse energies in the range of several Joules and pulse widths in the range of nanoseconds, laser shock processing (LSP) is being consolidating as an effective technology for the improvement of surface mechanical and corrosion resistance properties of metals and is being developed as a practical process amenable to production engineering. The main acknowledged advantage of the laser shock processing technique consists on its capability of inducing a relatively deep compression residual stresses field into metallic alloy pieces allowing an improved mechanical behaviour, explicitly, the life improvement of the treated specimens against wear, crack growth and stress corrosion cracking. Following a short description of the theoretical/computational and experimental methods developed by the authors for the predictive assessment and experimental implementation of LSP treatments, experimental results on the residual stress profiles and associated surface properties modification successfully reached in typical materials (specifically steels and Al and Ti alloys) under different LSP irradiation conditions are presented


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La temperatura es una preocupación que juega un papel protagonista en el diseño de circuitos integrados modernos. El importante aumento de las densidades de potencia que conllevan las últimas generaciones tecnológicas ha producido la aparición de gradientes térmicos y puntos calientes durante el funcionamiento normal de los chips. La temperatura tiene un impacto negativo en varios parámetros del circuito integrado como el retardo de las puertas, los gastos de disipación de calor, la fiabilidad, el consumo de energía, etc. Con el fin de luchar contra estos efectos nocivos, la técnicas de gestión dinámica de la temperatura (DTM) adaptan el comportamiento del chip en función en la información que proporciona un sistema de monitorización que mide en tiempo de ejecución la información térmica de la superficie del dado. El campo de la monitorización de la temperatura en el chip ha llamado la atención de la comunidad científica en los últimos años y es el objeto de estudio de esta tesis. Esta tesis aborda la temática de control de la temperatura en el chip desde diferentes perspectivas y niveles, ofreciendo soluciones a algunos de los temas más importantes. Los niveles físico y circuital se cubren con el diseño y la caracterización de dos nuevos sensores de temperatura especialmente diseñados para los propósitos de las técnicas DTM. El primer sensor está basado en un mecanismo que obtiene un pulso de anchura variable dependiente de la relación de las corrientes de fuga con la temperatura. De manera resumida, se carga un nodo del circuito y posteriormente se deja flotando de tal manera que se descarga a través de las corrientes de fugas de un transistor; el tiempo de descarga del nodo es la anchura del pulso. Dado que la anchura del pulso muestra una dependencia exponencial con la temperatura, la conversión a una palabra digital se realiza por medio de un contador logarítmico que realiza tanto la conversión tiempo a digital como la linealización de la salida. La estructura resultante de esta combinación de elementos se implementa en una tecnología de 0,35 _m. El sensor ocupa un área muy reducida, 10.250 nm2, y consume muy poca energía, 1.05-65.5nW a 5 muestras/s, estas cifras superaron todos los trabajos previos en el momento en que se publicó por primera vez y en el momento de la publicación de esta tesis, superan a todas las implementaciones anteriores fabricadas en el mismo nodo tecnológico. En cuanto a la precisión, el sensor ofrece una buena linealidad, incluso sin calibrar; se obtiene un error 3_ de 1,97oC, adecuado para tratar con las aplicaciones de DTM. Como se ha explicado, el sensor es completamente compatible con los procesos de fabricación CMOS, este hecho, junto con sus valores reducidos de área y consumo, lo hacen especialmente adecuado para la integración en un sistema de monitorización de DTM con un conjunto de monitores empotrados distribuidos a través del chip. Las crecientes incertidumbres de proceso asociadas a los últimos nodos tecnológicos comprometen las características de linealidad de nuestra primera propuesta de sensor. Con el objetivo de superar estos problemas, proponemos una nueva técnica para obtener la temperatura. La nueva técnica también está basada en las dependencias térmicas de las corrientes de fuga que se utilizan para descargar un nodo flotante. La novedad es que ahora la medida viene dada por el cociente de dos medidas diferentes, en una de las cuales se altera una característica del transistor de descarga |la tensión de puerta. Este cociente resulta ser muy robusto frente a variaciones de proceso y, además, la linealidad obtenida cumple ampliamente los requisitos impuestos por las políticas DTM |error 3_ de 1,17oC considerando variaciones del proceso y calibrando en dos puntos. La implementación de la parte sensora de esta nueva técnica implica varias consideraciones de diseño, tales como la generación de una referencia de tensión independiente de variaciones de proceso, que se analizan en profundidad en la tesis. Para la conversión tiempo-a-digital, se emplea la misma estructura de digitalización que en el primer sensor. Para la implementación física de la parte de digitalización, se ha construido una biblioteca de células estándar completamente nueva orientada a la reducción de área y consumo. El sensor resultante de la unión de todos los bloques se caracteriza por una energía por muestra ultra baja (48-640 pJ) y un área diminuta de 0,0016 mm2, esta cifra mejora todos los trabajos previos. Para probar esta afirmación, se realiza una comparación exhaustiva con más de 40 propuestas de sensores en la literatura científica. Subiendo el nivel de abstracción al sistema, la tercera contribución se centra en el modelado de un sistema de monitorización que consiste de un conjunto de sensores distribuidos por la superficie del chip. Todos los trabajos anteriores de la literatura tienen como objetivo maximizar la precisión del sistema con el mínimo número de monitores. Como novedad, en nuestra propuesta se introducen nuevos parámetros de calidad aparte del número de sensores, también se considera el consumo de energía, la frecuencia de muestreo, los costes de interconexión y la posibilidad de elegir diferentes tipos de monitores. El modelo se introduce en un algoritmo de recocido simulado que recibe la información térmica de un sistema, sus propiedades físicas, limitaciones de área, potencia e interconexión y una colección de tipos de monitor; el algoritmo proporciona el tipo seleccionado de monitor, el número de monitores, su posición y la velocidad de muestreo _optima. Para probar la validez del algoritmo, se presentan varios casos de estudio para el procesador Alpha 21364 considerando distintas restricciones. En comparación con otros trabajos previos en la literatura, el modelo que aquí se presenta es el más completo. Finalmente, la última contribución se dirige al nivel de red, partiendo de un conjunto de monitores de temperatura de posiciones conocidas, nos concentramos en resolver el problema de la conexión de los sensores de una forma eficiente en área y consumo. Nuestra primera propuesta en este campo es la introducción de un nuevo nivel en la jerarquía de interconexión, el nivel de trillado (o threshing en inglés), entre los monitores y los buses tradicionales de periféricos. En este nuevo nivel se aplica selectividad de datos para reducir la cantidad de información que se envía al controlador central. La idea detrás de este nuevo nivel es que en este tipo de redes la mayoría de los datos es inútil, porque desde el punto de vista del controlador sólo una pequeña cantidad de datos |normalmente sólo los valores extremos| es de interés. Para cubrir el nuevo nivel, proponemos una red de monitorización mono-conexión que se basa en un esquema de señalización en el dominio de tiempo. Este esquema reduce significativamente tanto la actividad de conmutación sobre la conexión como el consumo de energía de la red. Otra ventaja de este esquema es que los datos de los monitores llegan directamente ordenados al controlador. Si este tipo de señalización se aplica a sensores que realizan conversión tiempo-a-digital, se puede obtener compartición de recursos de digitalización tanto en tiempo como en espacio, lo que supone un importante ahorro de área y consumo. Finalmente, se presentan dos prototipos de sistemas de monitorización completos que de manera significativa superan la características de trabajos anteriores en términos de área y, especialmente, consumo de energía. Abstract Temperature is a first class design concern in modern integrated circuits. The important increase in power densities associated to recent technology evolutions has lead to the apparition of thermal gradients and hot spots during run time operation. Temperature impacts several circuit parameters such as speed, cooling budgets, reliability, power consumption, etc. In order to fight against these negative effects, dynamic thermal management (DTM) techniques adapt the behavior of the chip relying on the information of a monitoring system that provides run-time thermal information of the die surface. The field of on-chip temperature monitoring has drawn the attention of the scientific community in the recent years and is the object of study of this thesis. This thesis approaches the matter of on-chip temperature monitoring from different perspectives and levels, providing solutions to some of the most important issues. The physical and circuital levels are covered with the design and characterization of two novel temperature sensors specially tailored for DTM purposes. The first sensor is based upon a mechanism that obtains a pulse with a varying width based on the variations of the leakage currents on the temperature. In a nutshell, a circuit node is charged and subsequently left floating so that it discharges away through the subthreshold currents of a transistor; the time the node takes to discharge is the width of the pulse. Since the width of the pulse displays an exponential dependence on the temperature, the conversion into a digital word is realized by means of a logarithmic counter that performs both the timeto- digital conversion and the linearization of the output. The structure resulting from this combination of elements is implemented in a 0.35_m technology and is characterized by very reduced area, 10250 nm2, and power consumption, 1.05-65.5 nW at 5 samples/s, these figures outperformed all previous works by the time it was first published and still, by the time of the publication of this thesis, they outnumber all previous implementations in the same technology node. Concerning the accuracy, the sensor exhibits good linearity, even without calibration it displays a 3_ error of 1.97oC, appropriate to deal with DTM applications. As explained, the sensor is completely compatible with standard CMOS processes, this fact, along with its tiny area and power overhead, makes it specially suitable for the integration in a DTM monitoring system with a collection of on-chip monitors distributed across the chip. The exacerbated process fluctuations carried along with recent technology nodes jeop-ardize the linearity characteristics of the first sensor. In order to overcome these problems, a new temperature inferring technique is proposed. In this case, we also rely on the thermal dependencies of leakage currents that are used to discharge a floating node, but now, the result comes from the ratio of two different measures, in one of which we alter a characteristic of the discharging transistor |the gate voltage. This ratio proves to be very robust against process variations and displays a more than suficient linearity on the temperature |1.17oC 3_ error considering process variations and performing two-point calibration. The implementation of the sensing part based on this new technique implies several issues, such as the generation of process variations independent voltage reference, that are analyzed in depth in the thesis. In order to perform the time-to-digital conversion, we employ the same digitization structure the former sensor used. A completely new standard cell library targeting low area and power overhead is built from scratch to implement the digitization part. Putting all the pieces together, we achieve a complete sensor system that is characterized by ultra low energy per conversion of 48-640pJ and area of 0.0016mm2, this figure outperforms all previous works. To prove this statement, we perform a thorough comparison with over 40 works from the scientific literature. Moving up to the system level, the third contribution is centered on the modeling of a monitoring system consisting of set of thermal sensors distributed across the chip. All previous works from the literature target maximizing the accuracy of the system with the minimum number of monitors. In contrast, we introduce new metrics of quality apart form just the number of sensors; we consider the power consumption, the sampling frequency, the possibility to consider different types of monitors and the interconnection costs. The model is introduced in a simulated annealing algorithm that receives the thermal information of a system, its physical properties, area, power and interconnection constraints and a collection of monitor types; the algorithm yields the selected type of monitor, the number of monitors, their position and the optimum sampling rate. We test the algorithm with the Alpha 21364 processor under several constraint configurations to prove its validity. When compared to other previous works in the literature, the modeling presented here is the most complete. Finally, the last contribution targets the networking level, given an allocated set of temperature monitors, we focused on solving the problem of connecting them in an efficient way from the area and power perspectives. Our first proposal in this area is the introduction of a new interconnection hierarchy level, the threshing level, in between the monitors and the traditional peripheral buses that applies data selectivity to reduce the amount of information that is sent to the central controller. The idea behind this new level is that in this kind of networks most data are useless because from the controller viewpoint just a small amount of data |normally extreme values| is of interest. To cover the new interconnection level, we propose a single-wire monitoring network based on a time-domain signaling scheme that significantly reduces both the switching activity over the wire and the power consumption of the network. This scheme codes the information in the time domain and allows a straightforward obtention of an ordered list of values from the maximum to the minimum. If the scheme is applied to monitors that employ TDC, digitization resource sharing is achieved, producing an important saving in area and power consumption. Two prototypes of complete monitoring systems are presented, they significantly overcome previous works in terms of area and, specially, power consumption.


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Environmentally friendly molybdenum disulfide (INT-MoS2) inorganic nanotubes were introduced into an isotactic polypropylene (iPP) polymer matrix to generate novel nanocomposite materials through an advantageous melt-processing route. The effects of INT-MoS2 content on the thermal, mechanical and tribological properties were investigated. The incorporation of INT-MoS2 generates notable performance enhancements through reinforcement effects, highly efficient nucleation activity and excellent lubricating ability in comparison with other nanoparticle fillers such as nanoclays, carbon nanotubes, silicon nitrides and halloysite nanotubes. It was shown that these INT-MoS2 nanocomposites can provide an effective balance between performance, cost effectiveness and processability, and should be of some interest in the area of multifunctional polymer nanocomposite materials.


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The influence of nanosecond laser pulses applied by laser shock peening without absorbent coating (LSPwC) with a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser operating at a wavelength of λ = 1064 nm on 6082-T651 Al alloy has been investigated. The first portion of the present study assesses laser shock peening effect at two pulse densities on three-dimensional (3D) surface topography characteristics. In the second part of the study, the peening effect on surface texture orientation and micro-structure modification, i.e. the effect of surface craters due to plasma and shock waves, were investigated in both longitudinal (L) and transverse (T) directions of the laser-beam movement. In the final portion of the study, the changes of mechanical properties were evaluated with a residual stress profile and Vickers micro-hardness through depth variation in the near surface layer, whereas factorial design with a response surface methodology (RSM) was applied. The surface topographic and micro-structural effect of laser shock peening were characterised with optical microscopy, InfiniteFocus® microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Residual stress evaluation based on a hole-drilling integral method confirmed higher compression at the near surface layer (33 μm) in the transverse direction (σmin) of laser-beam movement, i.e. − 407 ± 81 MPa and − 346 ± 124 MPa, after 900 and 2500 pulses/cm2, respectively. Moreover, RSM analysis of micro-hardness through depth distribution confirmed an increase at both pulse densities, whereas LSPwC-generated shock waves showed the impact effect of up to 800 μm below the surface. Furthermore, ANOVA results confirmed the insignificant influence of LSPwC treatment direction on micro-hardness distribution indicating essentially homogeneous conditions, in both L and T directions.


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•Introduction •Process Experimental Setup •Experimental Procedure •Experimental Results for Al2024 - T351, Ti6Al4V and AISI 316L - Surface Roughness and Compactation - Residual stresses - Tensile Strength - Fatigue Life •Discussion and Outlook - Prospects for technological applications of LSP


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Outline: • Introduction • Process Experimental Setup • Experimental Procedure • Experimental Results for Al2024-T351 and Ti6Al4V - Residual stresses - Tensile Strength - Fatigue Life • Discussion and Outlook - Prospects for technological applications of LSP


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El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es estudiar y explotar estructuras que presentan un gas bidimensional de electrones (2DEG) basadas en compuestos nitruros con alto contenido de indio. Existen muchas preguntas abiertas, relacionadas con el nitruro de indio y sus aleaciones, algunas de las cuales se han abordado en este estudio. En particular, se han investigado temas relacionados con el análisis y la tecnología del material, tanto para el InN y heteroestructuras de InAl(Ga)N/GaN como para sus aplicaciones a dispositivos avanzados. Después de un análisis de la dependencia de las propiedades del InN con respecto a tratamientos de procesado de dispositivos (plasma y térmicos), el problema relacionado con la formación de un contacto rectificador es considerado. Concretamente, su dificultad es debida a la presencia de acumulación de electrones superficiales en la forma de un gas bidimensional de electrones, debido al pinning del nivel de Fermi. El uso de métodos electroquímicos, comparados con técnicas propias de la microelectrónica, ha ayudado para la realización de esta tarea. En particular, se ha conseguido lamodulación de la acumulación de electrones con éxito. En heteroestructuras como InAl(Ga)N/GaN, el gas bidimensional está presente en la intercara entre GaN y InAl(Ga)N, aunque no haya polarización externa (estructuras modo on). La tecnología relacionada con la fabricación de transistores de alta movilidad en modo off (E-mode) es investigada. Se utiliza un método de ataque húmedo mediante una solución de contenido alcalino, estudiando las modificaciones estructurales que sufre la barrera. En este sentido, la necesidad de un control preciso sobre el material atacado es fundamental para obtener una estructura recessed para aplicaciones a transistores, con densidad de defectos e inhomogeneidad mínimos. La dependencia de la velocidad de ataque de las propiedades de las muestras antes del tratamiento es observada y comentada. Se presentan también investigaciones relacionadas con las propiedades básicas del InN. Gracias al uso de una puerta a través de un electrolito, el desplazamiento de los picos obtenidos por espectroscopia Raman es correlacionado con una variación de la densidad de electrones superficiales. En lo que concierne la aplicación a dispositivos, debido al estado de la tecnología actual y a la calidad del material InN, todavía no apto para dispositivos, la tesis se enfoca a la aplicación de heteroestructuras de InAl(Ga)N/GaN. Gracias a las ventajas de una barrera muy fina, comparada con la tecnología de AlGaN/GaN, el uso de esta estructura es adecuado para aplicaciones que requieren una elevada sensibilidad, estando el canal 2DEG más cerca de la superficie. De hecho, la sensibilidad obtenida en sensores de pH es comparable al estado del arte en términos de variaciones de potencial superficial, y, debido al poco espesor de la barrera, la variación de la corriente con el pH puede ser medida sin necesidad de un electrodo de referencia externo. Además, estructuras fotoconductivas basadas en un gas bidimensional presentan alta ganancia debida al elevado campo eléctrico en la intercara, que induce una elevada fuerza de separación entre hueco y electrón generados por absorción de luz. El uso de metalizaciones de tipo Schottky (fotodiodos Schottky y metal-semiconductormetal) reduce la corriente de oscuridad, en comparación con los fotoconductores. Además, la barrera delgada aumenta la eficiencia de extracción de los portadores. En consecuencia, se obtiene ganancia en todos los dispositivos analizados basados en heteroestructuras de InAl(Ga)N/GaN. Aunque presentando fotoconductividad persistente (PPC), los dispositivos resultan más rápidos con respeto a los valores que se dan en la literatura acerca de PPC en sistemas fotoconductivos. ABSTRACT The main objective of the present work is to study and exploit the two-dimensionalelectron- gas (2DEG) structures based on In-related nitride compounds. Many open questions are analyzed. In particular, technology and material-related topics are the focus of interest regarding both InNmaterial and InAl(Ga)N/GaNheterostructures (HSs) as well as their application to advanced devices. After the analysis of the dependence of InN properties on processing treatments (plasma-based and thermal), the problemof electrical blocking behaviour is taken into consideration. In particular its difficulty is due to the presence of a surface electron accumulation (SEA) in the form of a 2DEG, due to Fermi level pinning. The use of electrochemical methods, compared to standard microelectronic techniques, helped in the successful realization of this task. In particular, reversible modulation of SEA is accomplished. In heterostructures such as InAl(Ga)N/GaN, the 2DEGis present at the interface between GaN and InAl(Ga)N even without an external bias (normally-on structures). The technology related to the fabrication of normally off (E-mode) high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) is investigated in heterostructures. An alkali-based wet-etching method is analysed, standing out the structural modifications the barrier underwent. The need of a precise control of the etched material is crucial, in this sense, to obtain a recessed structure for HEMT application with the lowest defect density and inhomogeneity. The dependence of the etch rate on the as-grown properties is observed and commented. Fundamental investigation related to InNis presented, related to the physics of this degeneratematerial. With the help of electrolyte gating (EG), the shift in Raman peaks is correlated to a variation in surface eletron density. As far as the application to device is concerned, due to the actual state of the technology and material quality of InN, not suitable for working devices yet, the focus is directed to the applications of InAl(Ga)N/GaN HSs. Due to the advantages of a very thin barrier layer, compared to standard AlGaN/GaN technology, the use of this structure is suitable for high sensitivity applications being the 2DEG channel closer to the surface. In fact, pH sensitivity obtained is comparable to the state-of-the-art in terms of surface potential variations, and, due to the ultrathin barrier, the current variation with pH can be recorded with no need of the external reference electrode. Moreover, 2DEG photoconductive structures present a high photoconductive gain duemostly to the high electric field at the interface,and hence a high separation strength of photogenerated electron and hole. The use of Schottky metallizations (Schottky photodiode and metal-semiconductor-metal) reduce the dark current, compared to photoconduction, and the thin barrier helps to increase the extraction efficiency. Gain is obtained in all the device structures investigated. The devices, even if they present persistent photoconductivity (PPC), resulted faster than the standard PPC related decay values.


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Laser shock processing (LSP) is increasingly applied as an effective technology for the improvement of metallic materials mechanical properties in different types of components as a means of enhancement of their fatigue life behavior. As reported in previous contributions by the authors, a main effect resulting from the application of the LSP technique consists on the generation of relatively deep compression residual stresses fields into metallic components allowing an improved mechanical behaviour, explicitly the life improvement of the treated specimens against wear, crack growth and stress corrosion cracking. Additional results accomplished by the authors in the line of practical development of the LSP technique at an experimental level (aiming its integral assessment from an interrelated theoretical and experimental point of view) are presented in this paper. Concretely, experimental results on the residual stress profiles and associated mechanical properties modification successfully reached in typical materials under different LSP irradiation conditions are presented. In this case, the specific behavior of a widely used material in high reliability components (especially in nuclear and biomedical applications) as AISI 316L is analyzed, the effect of possible “in-service” thermal conditions on the relaxation of the LSP effects being specifically characterized. I.


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ZnCdO nanowires with up to 45% Cd are demonstrated showing room temperature photoluminescence (PL) down to 2.02 eV and a radiative efficiency similar to that of ZnO nanowires. Analysis of the microstructure in individual nanowires confirms the presence of a single wurtzite phase even at the highest Cd contents, with a homogeneous distribution of Cd both in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Thermal annealing at 550 °C yields an overall improvement of the PL, which is blue-shifted as a result of the homogeneous decrease of Cd throughout the nanowire, but the single wurtzite structure is fully maintained.


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This work presents the main experimental results obtained from the study of plaster test pieces and boards with addition of various volumetric rubber fractions from mechanical grinding of end-of-life tires (ELTs), in three different particle size gradations. It includes a description of the materials employed, and their proportions. The physical and mechanical properties, as well as the thermal conductivity and acoustic insulation properties are analyzed. Experimental results obtained for specimens with addition of recycled rubber are compared with similar ones, carried out on specimens of plaster of identical features without any addition, evaluating the influence of the particle size and mixture proportions. An improvement in thermal and acoustic performance has been obtained as well as a reduction in density, and as a result, some constructive applications for paving and slabs in rehabilitation works are proposed.


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This paper reports on a case study of the impact of fabrication steps on InN material properties. We discuss the influence of annealing time and sequence of device processing steps. Photoluminescence (PL), surface morphology and electrical transport (electrical resistivity and low frequency noise) properties have been studied as responses to the adopted fabrication steps. Surface morphology has a strong correlation with annealing times, while sequences of fabrication steps do not appear to be influential. In contrast, the optical and electrical properties demonstrate correlation with both etching and thermal annealing. For all the studied samples PL peaks were in the vicinity of 0.7 eV, but the intensity and full width at half maximum (FWHM) demonstrate a dependence on the technological steps followed. Sheet resistance and electrical resistivity seem to be lower in the case of high defect introduction due to both etching and thermal treatments. The same effect is revealed through 1/f noise level measurements. A reduction of electrical resistivity is connected to an increase in 1/f noise level.


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Laser shock processing (LSP) is increasingly applied as an effective technology for the improvement of metallic materials mechanical properties in different types of components as a means of enhancement of their fatigue life behavior. As reported in previous contributions by the authors, a main effect resulting from the application of the LSP technique consists on the generation of relatively deep compression residual stresses fields into metallic components allowing an improved mechanical behaviour, explicitly the life improvement of the treated specimens against wear, crack growth and stress corrosion cracking. Additional results accomplished by the authors in the line of practical development of the LSP technique at an experimental level (aiming its integral assessment from an interrelated theoretical and experimental point of view)are presented in this paper. Concretely, experimental results on the residual stress profiles and associated mechanical properties modification successfully reached in typical materials under different LSP irradiation conditions are presented. In this case, the specific behavior of a widely used material in high reliability components (especially in nuclear and biomedical applications) as AISI 316L is analyzed, the effect of possible “in-service” thermal conditions on the relaxation of the LSP effects being specifically characterized.


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Biodegradable polymers have experienced increased attention in recent years because of their wide range of applications in biomedical, packaging and agriculture fields. PLA, poly(lactic acid), is a linear aliphatic biodegradable thermoplastic polyester, with good mechanical properties, thermal stability, processability and low environmental impact, widely used as an alternative to conventional polymers. PLA products can be recycled after use either by remelting and reprocessing the material, or by hydrolysis to basic lactic acid [1]. The object of this communication is the study of the possible variation in physical properties induced by sub sequent reprocessing cycles of PLA.