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Three well-dated pollen diagrams from 1985 m, 2050 m, and at the tree line at 2150 m asl show the vegetational succession in the central Altai Mountains since 16 cal ka BP. Pioneer vegetation after deglaciation was recorded first at the lowest site. Subsequently, dense dry steppe vegetation developed coincident with the change from silt to organic sediments at the two lower sites, but silt lasted longer at the highest site, indicating the persistence of bare ground there. Forests of Pinus sibirica, Pinus sylvestris, Picea obovata, Larix sibirica, Abies sibirica, and Betula pendula started to develop about 12 cal ka BP with the change to a warmer and wetter climate at the beginning of the Holocene. Results indicate that the timberline did not rise above the highest site. Mesophilous dark-coniferous forests were fully developed by 9.5 cal ka BP. The role of Abies and Picea decreased by about 7.5 cal ka BP suggesting cooler climate, after which the forests changed little until today. The vegetational development in this portion of the central Altai Mountains is compatible with that described in neighbouring areas of the Altai, southern Siberia, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan.
Major volcanic eruptions generate widespread ocean cooling, which reduces upper ocean stratification. This effect has the potential to increase nutrient delivery into the euphotic zone and boost biological productivity. Using externally forced last millennium simulations of three climate/Earth System models (Model for Interdisciplinary Research On Climate (MIROC), Community Earth System Model (CESM), and LOch-Vecode-Ecbilt-CLio-agIsm Model (LOVECLIM)), we test the hypothesis that large volcanic eruptions intensify nutrient-driven export production. It is found that strong volcanic radiative forcing enhances the likelihood of eastern Pacific El Niño-like warming in CESM and LOVECLIM. This leads to an initial reduction of nutrients and export production in the eastern equatorial Pacific. However, this initial response reverses after about 3 years in association with La Niña cooling. The resulting delayed enhancement of biological production resembles the multiyear response in MIROC. The model simulations show that volcanic impacts on tropical Pacific dynamics and biogeochemistry persist for several years, thus providing a new source for potential multiyear ecosystem predictability.
Eringer cows are often slaughtered due to fertility problems which result from inflammatory and degenerative changes of the uterus or hormonal imbalances. Twenty-one genital tracts from Eringer cows suffering from fertility problems were collected in the abattoir. The purpose of the study was the macroscopic evaluation of the ovaries and the uterus followed by a histological and microbiological analysis of the uterus. Data from inseminations and calvings were provided by the Eringer breeding association and through the internet portal www.agate.ch. Median age of the cows was 6.9 years, number of calves per cow was 2.5 and median period between last calving and slaughter was 1.5 years. In 13 from 21 of the urogenital tracts examined, macroscopic abnormalities of the ovaries and/or histologic or microbiologic findings in the uterus could explain fertility-associated slaughter.
Context. The complex shape of comet 67P and its oblique rotation axis cause pronounced seasonal effects. Irradiation and hence activity vary strongly. Aims. We investigate the insolation of the cometary surface in order to predict the sublimation of water ice. The strongly varying erosion levels are correlated with the topography and morphology of the present cometary surface and its evolution. Methods. The insolation as a function of heliocentric distance and diurnal (spin dependent) variation is calculated using >10(5) facets of a detailed digital terrain model. Shading, but also illumination and thermal radiation by facets in the field of view of a specific facet are iteratively taken into account. We use a two-layer model of a thin porous dust cover above an icy surface to calculate the water sublimation, presuming steady state and a uniform surface. Our second model, which includes the history of warming and cooling due to thermal inertia, is restricted to a much simpler shape model but allows us to test various distributions of active areas. Results. Sublimation from a dirty ice surface yields maximum erosion. A thin dust cover of 50 pm yields similar rates at perihelion. Only about 6% of the surface needs to be active to match the observed water production rates at perihelion. A dust layer of 1 mm thickness suppresses the activity by a factor of 4 to 5. Erosion on the south side can reach more than 10 m per orbit at active spots. The energy input to the concave neck area (Hapi) during northern summer is enhanced by about 50% owing to self-illumination. Here surface temperatures reach maximum values along the foot of the Hathor wall. Integrated over the whole orbit this area receives the least energy input. Based on the detailed shape model, the simulations identify "hot spots" in depressions and larger pits in good correlation with observed dust activity. Three-quarters of the total sublimation is produced while the sub-solar latitude is south, resulting in a distinct dichotomy in activity and morphology. Conclusions. The northern areas display a much rougher morphology than what is seen on Imhotep, an area at the equator that will be fully illuminated when 67P is closer to the Sun. Self-illumination in concave regions enhance the energy input and hence erosion. This explains the early activity observed at Hapi. Cliffs are more prone to erosion than horizontal, often dust covered, areas, which leads to surface planation. Local activity can only persist if the forming cliff walls are eroding. Comet 67P has two lobes and also two distinct sides. Transport of material from the south to the north is probable. The morphology of the Imhotep plain should be typical for the terrains of the yet unseen southern hemisphere.
Abstract. We resumed mowing in two plots of ca. 100 m2 in an abandoned meadow dominated by Brachypodium pinnatum on the slope of Monte Generoso (Switzerland). We monitored species composition and hay yield using point quadrats and biomass samples. Species frequencies changed little during 10 yr (1988–1997) while hay yields showed large fluctuations according to mean relative humidity in April-June. We performed a seed-addition experiment to test whether the establishment of meadow species is limited by lack of diaspores or favourable microsites for germination and recruitment from the seed bank. We sowed ca. 12 000 seeds of 12 species originating from a nearby meadow individually in plots of a 4 × 6 unbalanced Latin square with four treatments, burning, mowing, mowing and removal of a layer of decayed organic matter, and a control. We monitored the fate of seedling individuals for 24 months. Seedlings of all species were established and survived for 12 months, 10 species survived during at least 24 months, some reached a reproductive stage. Species responded to different qualities of microsites provided by the different treatments thus required different regeneration niches. Spontaneous long-distance immigration was insignificant. We conclude that the former species composition of abandoned meadows cannot easily be restored by mowing alone because many plant species of meadows do not have persistent seed banks and immigration over distances of more than 25 m and successful establishment is very unlikely.
SeaWiFS (Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor) chlorophyll data revealed strong interannual variability in fall phytoplankton dynamics in the Gulf of Maine, with 3 general features in any one year: (1) rapid chlorophyll increases in response to storm events in fall; (2) gradual chlorophyll increases in response to seasonal wind-and cooling-induced mixing that gradually deepens the mixed layer; and (3) the absence of any observable fall bloom. We applied a mixed-layer box model and a 1-dimensional physical-biological numerical model to examine the influence of physical forcing (surface wind, heat flux, and freshening) on the mixed-layer dynamics and its impact on the entrainment of deep-water nutrients and thus on the appearance of fall bloom. The model results suggest that during early fall, the surface mixed-layer depth is controlled by both wind-and cooling-induced mixing. Strong interannual variability in mixed-layer depth has a direct impact on short-and long-term vertical nutrient fluxes and thus the fall bloom. Phytoplankton concentrations over time are sensitive to initial pre-bloom profiles of nutrients. The strength of the initial stratification can affect the modeled phytoplankton concentration, while the timing of intermittent freshening events is related to the significant interannual variability of fall blooms.
The main goal of this study was to relate physical changes in image quality measured by Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) to diagnostic accuracy.^ One Hundred and Fifty Kodak Min-R screen/film combination conventional craniocaudal mammograms obtained with the Pfizer Microfocus Mammographic system were selected from the files of the Department of Radiology, at M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute.^ The mammograms included 88 cases with a variety of benign diagnosis and 62 cases with a variety of malignant biopsy diagnosis. The average age of the patient population was 55 years old. 70 cases presented calcifications with 30 cases having calcifications smaller than 0.5mm. 46 cases presented irregular bordered masses larger than 1 cm. 30 cases presented smooth bordered masses with 20 larger than 1 cm.^ Four separated copies of the original images were made each having a different change in the MTF using a defocusing technique whereby copies of the original were obtained by light exposure through different thicknesses (spacing) of transparent film base.^ The mammograms were randomized, and evaluated by three experienced mammographers for the degree of visibility of various anatomical breast structures and pathological lesions (masses and calicifications), subjective image quality, and mammographic interpretation.^ 3,000 separate evaluations were anayzed by several statistical techniques including Receiver Operating Characteristic curve analysis, McNemar test for differences between proportions and the Landis et al. method of agreement weighted kappa for ordinal categorical data.^ Results from the statistical analysis show: (1) There were no statistical significant differences in the diagnostic accuracy of the observers when diagnosing from mammograms with the same MTF. (2) There were no statistically significant differences in diagnostic accuracy for each observer when diagnosing from mammograms with the different MTF's used in the study. (3) There statistical significant differences in detail visibility between the copies and the originals. Detail visibility was better in the originals. (4) Feature interpretations were not significantly different between the originals and the copies. (5) Perception of image quality did not affect image interpretation.^ Continuation and improvement of this research ca be accomplished by: using a case population more sensitive to MTF changes, i.e., asymptomatic women with minimum breast cancer, more observers (including less experienced radiologists and experienced technologists) must collaborate in the study, and using a minimum of 200 benign and 200 malignant cases.^
The ability to respond plastically to the environment has allowed amphibians to evolve a response to spatial and temporal variation in predation threat (Benard 2004). Embroys exposed to egg predation are expected to hatch out earlier than their conspecifics. Larval predation can induce a suite of phenotypic changes including growing a larger tail area. When presented with cues from both egg and larval predators, embryos are expected to respond to the egg predator by hatching out earlier because the egg predator presents an immediate threat. However, hatching early may be costly in the larval environment in terms of development, morphology, and/or behavior. We created a laboratory experiment in which we exposed clutches of spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) eggs to both egg (caddisfly larvae) and larval (A. opacum) predators to test this hypothesis. We recorded hatching time and stage and took developmental and morphological data of the animals a week after hatching. Larvae were entered into lethal predation trials with a larval predatory sunfish (Lepomis sp.) in order to study behavior. We found that animals exposed to the egg predator cues hatched out earlier and at earlier developmental stages than conspecifics regardless of whether there was a larval predator present. Animals exposed to larval predator cues grew relatively larger tails and survived longer in the lethal predation trials. However the group exposed to both predators showed a cost of early hatching in terms of lower tail area and shorter survival time in predation trials. The morphological and developmental effects measured of hatching plasticity were transient as there were no developmental or morphological differences between the treatment groups at metamorphosis. Hatching plasticity may be transient but it is important to the development and survival of many amphibians.
Background. Over half of children in the United States under age five spend 32 hours a week in child care, facilities, where they consume approximately 33-50% of their food intake. ^ Objectives. The aim of this research was to identify the effects of state nutrition policies on provision of food in child care centers. ^ Subjects. Eleven directors or their designee from ten randomly selected licensed child care centers in Travis County, Texas were interviewed. Centers included both nonprofit and for-profit centers, with enrollments ranging from 19 to 82. ^ Methods. Centers were selected using a web-based list of licensed child care providers in the Austin area. One-on-one interviews were conducted in person with center directors using a standard set of questions developed from previous pilot work. Interview items included demographic data, questions about state policies regarding provision of foods in centers, effects of policies on child care center budgets and foods offered, and changes in the provision of food. All interviews were audiotaped and transcribed, and themes were identified using standard qualitative techniques. ^ Results. Four of the centers provided both meals and snacks, four provided snacks only, and two did not provide any food. Directors of centers that provided food were more likely to report adherence to the Minimum Standards than directors of centers that did not. In general, center directors reported that the regulations were loosely enforced. In contrast, center directors were more concerned about a local city-county regulation that required food permits and new standards for kitchens. Most of these local regulations were cost prohibitive and, as a result, centers had changed the types of foods provided, which included providing less fresh produce and more prepackaged items. Although implementation of local regulations had reduced provision of fruits and vegetables to children, no adjustments were reported for allocation of resources, tuition costs or care of the children. ^ Conclusions. Qualitative data from a small sample of child care directors indicate that the implementation and accountability of food- and nutrition-related guidelines for centers is sporadic, uncoordinated, and can have unforeseen effects on the provision of food. A quantitative survey and dietary assessment methods should be conducted to verify these findings in a larger and more representative sample.^
Implementing the Global Plan of Action on workers' health: Components to protect health care workers
Health care workers are at risk for percutaneous injuries and infection with blood born pathogens due to needle stick injuries with contaminated needles. The most common pathogens transmitted are hepatitis B, and C and HIV/AIDS. According to the WHO Global Plan of Action (GPA) a large gap exist between and within countries with regards to the health status of workers and their exposure to occupational risk. Less than 15% of the world's work forces have access to occupational health services despite the availability of effective interventions that can prevent occupational hazards, or protect and promote health in the workplace. The 2006 World Health Report declared that there is a global crisis in the health care work force. 1 in 400 of the world's health care workers work in Sub-Saharan Africa. 1 in 3 work in the U.S or Canada. The shortage of health care workers is worst in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. These countries have the highest burden of exposure to contaminated sharps. They rarely, if ever monitor the exposure or health impact of occupational ailments and injuries on workers. Many injuries are unreported. Occupational health services in the developing world are virtually non existent. Many health care workers leave their home countries and go to work in other countries where the working conditions, occupational services included, are better. The inability of countries to provide the necessary numbers of health care workers to provide a high level of health coverage is a threat to national and international public health security. Immunizing health care workers against hepatitis B and providing them PEP, PPE, education and safety training is an essential part of increasing and maintaining the numbers of health care workers in the critical shortage areas. ^
Current measures of the health impact of epidemic influenza are focused on analyses of death certificate data which may underestimate the true health effect. Previous investigations of influenza-related morbidity have either lacked virologic confirmation of influenza activity in the community or were not population-based. Community virologic surveillance in Houston has demonstrated that influenza viruses have produced epidemics each year since 1974. This study examined the relation of hospitalized for Acute Respiratory Disease (ARD) to the occurrence of influenza epidemics. Considering only Harris County residents, a total of 13,297 ARD hospital discharge records from hospitals representing 48.4% of Harris County hospital beds were compiled for the period July 1978 through June 1981. Variables collected from each discharge included: age, sex, race, dates of admission and discharge, length of stay, discharge disposition and a maximum of five diagnoses. This three year period included epidemics caused by Influenza A/Brazil (H1N1), Influenza B/Singapore, Influenza A/England (H1N1) and Influenza A/Bangkok (H3N2).^ Correlations of both ARD and pneumonia or influenza hospitalizations with indices of community morbidity (specifically, the weekly frequency of virologically-confirmed influenza virus infections) are consistently strong and suggest that hospitalization data reflect the pattern of influenza activity derived from virologic surveillance.^ While 65 percent of the epidemic period hospital deaths occurred in patients who were 65 years of age or older, fewer than 25 percent of epidemic period ARD hospitalizations occurred in persons of that age group. Over 97 percent of epidemic period hospital deaths were accompanied by a chronic underlying illness, however, 45 percent of ARD hospitalizations during epidemics had no mention of underlying illness. Over 2500 persons, approximately 35 percent of all persons hospitalized during the three epidemics, would have been excluded in an analysis for high risk candidates for influenza prophylaxis.^ These results suggest that examination of hospitalizations for ARD may better define the population-at-risk for serious morbidity associated with epidemic influenza. ^
Objective. To perform a systematic review of the internet based HIV prevention interventions.^ Data Source. Data resources including Ovid Medline, CINAHL (EBSCOhost and Psycinfo) were searched for the relevant articles. Study Selection: Studies were selected if the entire article was in English, Randomized control trial performed after 1998 till current, internet based aimed towards HIV/AIDS prevention. ^ Data Extraction. Each relevant article was coded using a code sheet which consisted of background information, study characteristics, study population information, program details, intervention and results. Data Synthesis: Total of seven relevant articles were coded and the information obtained was incorporated into the evidence tables for comparison.^ Conclusion. Overall the internet based HIV prevention studies have been very successful in recruiting large number of people but has not been able to show effective results due to high attrition. More research needs to be done in the area.^
Response to pharmacological treatment is variable among individuals. Some patients respond favorably to a drug while others develop adverse reactions. Early investigations showed evidence of variation in genes that code for drug receptors, drug transporters, and drug metabolizing enzymes; and pharmacogenetics appeared as the science that studies the relationship between drug response and genetic variation. Thiazide diuretics are the recommended first-line monotherapy for hypertension (i.e. SBP>140 or DBP>90). Even so, diuretics are associated with adverse metabolic side effects, such as hyperglycemia, which increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Published approaches testing variation in candidate genes (e.g. the renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system (RAAS) and salt–sensitivity genes) have met with only limited success. We conducted the first genome wide association study to identify genes influencing hyperglycemia as an adverse effect of thiazide diuretics in non-Hispanic White hypertensive patients participating in the Genetic Epidemiology of Responses to Antihypertensives (GERA) and Pharmacogenomic Evaluation of Antihypertensive Responses (PEAR) clinical trials. No SNP reached the a priori defined threshold of statistical significance (p<5x10-8). We detected 50 SNPs in 9 genomic regions with suggestive p-values (p<1x10-5). Two of them, rs6870564 (p-value=3.28 X 10-6) and rs7702121 (p-value=5.09 X 10-6), were located close to biologic candidate genes, MYO and MGAT1, and one SNP in a genomic region in chromosome 6, rs7762018 (p-value=4.59 X 10-6) has been previously related to Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM8). I conclude that 1) there are unlikely to be common SNPs with large effects on the adverse metabolic effects to hydrochlorothiazide treatment and 2) larger sample sizes are needed for pharmacogenetic studies of inter-individual variation in response to commonly prescribed medication.
Objectives. To examine the association between prior rifamycin exposure and later development of C. difficile infection (CDI) caused by a rifamycin-resistant strain of C. difficile , and to compare patient characteristics between rifamycin-resistant strains of C. difficile infection and rifamycin-susceptible strains of C. difficile infection. ^ Methods. A case-control study was performed in a large university-affiliated hospital in Houston, Texas. Study subjects were patients with C. difficile infection acquired at the hospital with culture-positive isolates of C. difficile with which in vitro rifaximin and rifampin susceptibility has been tested. Prior use of rifamycin, demographic and clinical characteristics was compared between case and control groups using univariate statistics. ^ Results. A total of 49 C. difficile strains met the study inclusion criteria for rifamycin-resistant case isolates, and a total of 98 rifamycin-susceptible C. difficile strains were matched to case isolates. Of 49 case isolates, 12 (4%) were resistant to rifampin alone, 12 (4%) were resistant to rifaximin alone, and 25 (9%) were resistant to both rifampin and rifaximin. There was no significant association between prior rifamycin use and rifamycin-resistant CDI. Cases and controls did not differ according to demographic characteristics, length of hospital stay, known risk factors of CDI, type of CDI-onset, and pre-infection medical co-morbidities. Our results on 37 rifaximin-resistant isolates (MIC ≥32 &mgr;g/ml) showed more than half of isolates had a rifaximin MIC ≥256 &mgr;g/ml, and out of these isolates, 19 isolates had MICs ≥1024 &mgr;g/ml. ^ Conclusions. Using a large series of rifamycin-non-susceptible isolates, no patient characteristics were independently associated with rifamycin-resistant CDI. This data suggests that factors beyond previous use of rifamycin antibiotics are primary risk factors for rifamycin-resistant C. difficile. ^